When Import Maven project:
"Java Build Path" > "Libraries" 中的 component 显示的是引用 jar, 而不是引用本 workspace. 此时就要勾选 "Resolve Workspace projects".
Resolve Workspace projects:
Dependencies opened as workspace projects will be resolved without having to install them to your local Maven repository first. This way, any changes made to one of these dependencies will have an immediate effect on other projects consuming it (compilation, refactoring, etc.).
When Resolve Workspace projects is disabled, dependencies existing in the workspace must be installed to your local Maven repository after any change (by running mvn install), in order to see effects in projects consuming them.
Window->Show view->Other...->Mave Repositories
Right-click "Workspace projects", and select "Rebuild index", and then "clean all projects", and Maven "update project" again. then problem solved. actually not sure whether solved by this.
1. 打开Eclipse,选择`File` > `Import` > `General` > `Existing Projects into Workspace`。 2. 在导入向导中,选择"Browse",找到你的Ant项目目录,通常包含`build.xml`的根目录。 3. 在"Project structure"选项...
- 导入项目:通过“File” > “Import” > “Versioned” > “Existing Projects into Workspace”,选择从版本库导入项目。 - 提交与更新:使用Eclipse的右键菜单,可以选择“Team” > “Commit”来提交代码更改...
选择`File` > `Import...` > `General` > `Existing Projects into Workspace`。 3. 点击`Select root directory`,选择之前创建的工作空间文件夹。 4. 选择`Projects from the following software configuration...
(4) 通过“File” -> “Import” -> “General” -> “Existing Projects into Workspace”,选择Browse,定位到你的工作空间目录,并确保不勾选“Copy projects into workspace”。这一步是为了重新导入你的项目,...