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6502 .. 实际上这样称呼 NES/FC 的CPU是不对的 ... 这个汇编模拟的NES CPU经验证 ... 是可以正常运行的 ... 写的时间很短 》。。 很长时间都是浪费在BUG查找上 》。。为此。。用DirectX写了一个 PPU验证我结果的正确性 ..

; ========================== ; zero page get address ; ========================== __zrp_get: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] mov byt[__addr8_r], al add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; zero page x get address ; ========================== __zrpx_get: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__x] mov byt[__addr8_r], al add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; zero page y get address ; ========================== __zrpy_get: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__y] mov byt[__addr8_r], al add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; abs get address ; ========================== __abs_get: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] mov wot[__addr16_r], ax add wot[__pc], 2 ret ; ========================== ; abs x get address ; ========================== __absx_get: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] movzx ecx, byt[__x] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add ecx, eax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx add wot[__pc], 2 ret ; ========================== ; abs y get address ; ========================== __absy_get: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] movzx ecx, byt[__y] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add ecx, eax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx add wot[__pc], 2 ret ; ========================== ; x indirect get address ; ========================== __xid_get: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__x] movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] mov wot[__addr16_r], ax add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; indirect y get address ; ========================== __idy_get: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] movzx ecx, byt[__y] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add ecx, eax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; immed read ; ========================== __imm_r: mov al, byt[ebx+1] mov byt[__val8_t], al add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; zero page read ; ========================== __zrp_r: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] mov byt[__addr8_r], al mov al, byt[ram+eax] mov byt[__val8_t], al add wot[__pc], 1 ret ; ========================== ; zero page x read ; ========================== __zrpx_r: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__x] mov byt[__addr8_r], al mov al, byt[ram+eax] add wot[__pc], 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; zero page y read ; ========================== __zrpy_r: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__y] mov byt[__addr8_r], al mov al, byt[ram+eax] add wot[__pc], 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; abs read ; ========================== __abs_r: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] mov wot[__addr16_r], ax push eax call readmem@4 add wot[__pc], 2 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; abs x read ; ========================== __absx_r: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] movzx ecx, byt[__x] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add cx, ax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx push ecx call readmem@4 add wot[__pc], 2 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; abs y read ; ========================== __absy_r: movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] movzx ecx, byt[__y] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add cx, ax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx push ecx call readmem@4 add wot[__pc], 2 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; x indirect read ; ========================== __xid_r: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] add al, byt[__x] movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] mov wot[__addr16_r], ax push eax call readmem@4 add wot[__pc], 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; indirect y read ; ========================== __idy_r: movzx eax, byt[ebx+1] movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] movzx ecx, byt[__y] mov wot[__addr16_t], ax add cx, ax mov wot[__addr16_r], cx push ecx add wot[__pc], 1 call readmem@4 mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; ========================== ; addr 8 write ; ========================== __zrp_w: __zrpx_w: __zrpy_w: movzx eax, byt[__addr8_r] mov cl, byt[__val8_t] mov byt[ram+eax], cl ret ; ========================== ; addr 16 write ; ========================== __abs_w: __absx_w: __absy_w: __xid_w: __idy_w: movzx eax, wot[__addr16_r] movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] push ecx push eax call writemem@8 ret __chk_cross_page: mov al, byt[__addr16_r+1] mov cl, byt[__addr16_t+1] ; get high 8 bit ... cmp al, cl je __no_cross inc wot[curCnt] ret __no_cross: ret
; =================== ; ADC ; =================== IF 0 __adc: movzx eax, byt[__a] ; load reg_a movzx ebx, byt[__p] ; load psw movzx edx, byt[__val8_t] ; load val mov esi, ebx ; save C flag ... and esi, 1 ; only C flag mov di, dx add di, ax mov cx, di add cx, si ; with C flag ; ax <- reg_a ; dx <- val ; cx <- temp16 mov byt[__a], cl ; write __a xor dl, al ; arg1 xor al, cl ; arg2 xor dl, 080h and al, dl and al, 080h shr al, 1 or bl, al movzx eax, cl cmp cx, 0FFh ja __set_c_flag or ebx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl ret __set_c_flag: or ebx, 1 or ebx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl ret ELSE __adc: movzx eax, byt[__a] ; load reg_a movzx ebx, byt[__p] ; load psw movzx edx, byt[__val8_t] ; load val and ebx, 00111101b ; save c flag ... shr ebx, 1 ; C into x86's cpu psw adc al, dl seto dl ; set over flag rcl bl, 1 shl dl, 6 or bl, dl or ebx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl mov byt[__a], al ret ENDIF ; =================== ; SBC ; =================== __sbc: movzx eax, byt[__a] ; load reg_a movzx ebx, byt[__p] ; load psw movzx edx, byt[__val8_t] ; load val mov esi, ebx ; save C flag ... and ebx, 00111100b and esi, 1 ; only C flag xor esi, 1 movzx edi, al ; save reg_a sub edi, esi ; with C flag ... sub di, dx ; di <- temp16 xor dl, al ; val ^= reg_a xor ax, di ; and dl, al ; and dl, 080h shr dl, 1 or bl, dl ; reset v flag mov ax, di mov byt[__a], al cmp di, 0FFh ja __no_set_c or ebx, 1 or ebx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl ret __no_set_c: or ebx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl ret ; =================== ; ORA ; =================== __ora: movzx eax, byt[__a] mov cl, byt[__p] mov dl, byt[__val8_t] and ecx, 01111101b or al, dl ; ORA opr or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__a], al mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; AND ; =================== __and: movzx eax, byt[__a] mov cl, byt[__p] mov dl, byt[__val8_t] and ecx, 01111101b and al, dl ; AND opr or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__a], al mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; EOR ; =================== __eor: movzx eax, byt[__a] mov cl, byt[__p] mov dl, byt[__val8_t] and ecx, 01111101b xor al, dl ; EOR opr or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__a], al mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; STA ; =================== __sta: mov al, byt[__a] mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; =================== ; LDA ; =================== __lda: movzx eax, byt[__p] and eax, 01111101b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__p], al mov byt[__a], cl ret ; =================== ; STX ; =================== __stx: mov al, byt[__x] mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; =================== ; LDX ; =================== __ldx: movzx eax, byt[__p] and eax, 01111101b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__p], al mov byt[__x], cl ret ; =================== ; STY ; =================== __sty: mov al, byt[__y] mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; =================== ; LDY ; =================== __ldy: movzx eax, byt[__p] and eax, 01111101b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__p], al mov byt[__y], cl ret ; =================== ; CMP ; =================== __cmp: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx edx, byt[__a] and eax, 01111100b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] sub dx, cx movzx ebx, dl and dx, 08000h shr dx, 15 xor dx, 1 or eax, edx ; reset C flag ... or eax, dwot[zn_t+ebx*4] mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; CPX ; =================== __cpx: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx edx, byt[__x] and eax, 01111100b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] sub dx, cx movzx ebx, dl and dx, 08000h shr dx, 15 xor dx, 1 or eax, edx ; reset C flag ... or eax, dwot[zn_t+ebx*4] mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; CPY ; =================== __cpy: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx edx, byt[__y] and eax, 01111100b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] sub dx, cx movzx ebx, dl and dx, 08000h shr dx, 15 xor dx, 1 or eax, edx ; reset C flag ... or eax, dwot[zn_t+ebx*4] mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; DEC ; =================== __dec: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] and eax, 07Dh dec cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__val8_t], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; DEX ; =================== __dex: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__x] and eax, 07Dh dec cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__x], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; DEY ; =================== __dey: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__y] and eax, 07Dh dec cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__y], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; INC ; =================== __inc: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] and eax, 07Dh inc cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__val8_t], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; INX ; =================== __inx: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__x] and eax, 07Dh inc cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__x], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; INY ; =================== __iny: movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__y] and eax, 07Dh inc cl or eax, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] mov byt[__y], cl mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; BIT ; =================== __bit: movzx eax, byt[__p] and eax, 00111101b movzx ecx, byt[__val8_t] mov edx, ecx and ecx, 0C0h or eax, ecx ; reset n-v flag and dl, byt[__a] sete cl lea eax, [eax+ecx*2] ; reset z flag mov byt[__p], al ret ; =================== ; ASL_A ; =================== __asl_a: movzx eax, byt[__a] movzx ecx, byt[__p] and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 080h je __no_c_flag or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 mov byt[__a], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret __no_c_flag: shl al, 1 mov byt[__a], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; ASL ; =================== __asl: movzx eax, byt[__val8_t] movzx ecx, byt[__p] and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 080h je __no_c_flag_s or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret __no_c_flag_s: shl al, 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; LSR_A ; =================== __lsr_a: movzx eax, byt[__a] movzx ecx, byt[__p] and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 01h je ___no_c_flag or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 mov byt[__a], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ___no_c_flag: shr al, 1 mov byt[__a], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; LSR ; =================== __lsr: movzx eax, byt[__val8_t] movzx ecx, byt[__p] and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 01h je ___no_c_flag_s or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ___no_c_flag_s: shr al, 1 mov byt[__val8_t], al or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl ret ; =================== ; ROL_A ; =================== __rol_a: movzx eax, byt[__a] movzx ecx, byt[__p] mov edx, ecx and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 080h ; jne __vcpt test edx, 01h je __vnpn shl al, 1 or al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a __vnpn: shl al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a __vcpt: test edx, 01h je __vcpn or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 or al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a __vcpn: or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a __shift_final_a: or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl mov byt[__a], al ret __shift_final: or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl mov byt[__val8_t], al ret ; =================== ; ROL ; =================== __rol: movzx eax, byt[__val8_t] movzx ecx, byt[__p] mov edx, ecx and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 080h ; jne __vcpt_s test edx, 01h je __vnpn_s shl al, 1 or al, 1 jmp __shift_final __vnpn_s: shl al, 1 jmp __shift_final __vcpt_s: test edx, 01h je __vcpn_s or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 or al, 1 jmp __shift_final __vcpn_s: or ecx, 1 shl al, 1 jmp __shift_final ; =================== ; ROR_A ; =================== __ror_a: movzx eax, byt[__a] movzx ecx, byt[__p] mov edx, ecx and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 01h ; jne ___vcpt test edx, 01h je ___vnpn shr al, 1 or al, 080h jmp __shift_final_a ___vnpn: shr al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a ___vcpt: test edx, 01h je ___vcpn or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 or al, 080h jmp __shift_final_a ___vcpn: or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 jmp __shift_final_a ; =================== ; ROR ; =================== __ror: movzx eax, byt[__val8_t] movzx ecx, byt[__p] mov edx, ecx and ecx, 01111100b test eax, 01h ; jne ___vcpt_s test edx, 01h je ___vnpn_s shr al, 1 or al, 080h jmp __shift_final ___vnpn_s: shr al, 1 jmp __shift_final ___vcpt_s: test edx, 01h je ___vcpn_s or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 or al, 080h jmp __shift_final ___vcpn_s: or ecx, 1 shr al, 1 jmp __shift_final ; =================== ; JMP ; =================== OP4C: ; jmp abs movzx eax, wot[ebx+1] mov wot[__pc], ax jmp peek_int OP6C: ; inDirect JMP expection crossing page boundaries in 6C ; NES JMP(only 6C)'s BUG: if addr is 0x--FF(Crossing Page) IP's High Bit Will Not Add ; ; $2500: 33 ; $25FF: 76 ; $2600: 89 ; $7574: 6C FF 25 ; IP <- $7574 ; ; Step1-> Get IP's Low Bit FF ; Step2-> Get IP's High Bit 25 ; $(25FF-2600) will crossing page so low bit is $25FF High Bit is $2500 ; jmp to $3376 ... movzx ebx, wot[ebx+1] ; get addr cmp bl, 0FFh ; crossing page ? jne ncropage push ebx call readmem@4 sub ebx, 0FFh push ebx mov bl, al call readmem@4 mov bh, al mov wot[__pc], bx jmp peek_int align 16 ncropage: push ebx call readmemw add esp, 4 mov wot[__pc], ax jmp peek_int ; =================== ; JSR ; =================== OP20: ; JSR mov dx, wot[ebx+1] mov cx, wot[__pc] movzx eax, byt[__s] inc cx mov wot[ram+0100h+eax-1], cx sub eax, 2 mov byt[__s], al mov wot[__pc], dx jmp peek_int ; =================== ; RTI ; =================== OP40: ; RTI movzx eax, byt[__s] add eax, 3 mov bl, byt[eax+ram+0100h-2] ; flag mov cx, wot[eax+ram+0100h-1] ; pc or bl, R_FLAG mov wot[__pc], cx mov byt[__s], al mov byt[__p], bl jmp peek_int ; =================== ; RTS ; =================== OP60: ; RTS movzx eax, byt[__s] add eax, 2 mov bx, wot[eax+ram+0100h-1] inc bx mov wot[__pc], bx mov byt[__s], al jmp peek_int ; =================== ; JCC ; =================== ; d7 - d0: N V R B D I Z C OP90: ; BCC test byt[__p], 00000001b je fhit jmp fnhit OPD0: ; BNE test byt[__p], 00000010b je fhit jmp fnhit OP10: ; BPL test byt[__p], 10000000b je fhit jmp fnhit OP50: ; BVC test byt[__p], 01000000b je fhit jmp fnhit OPB0: ; BCS test byt[__p], 00000001b jne fhit jmp fnhit OPF0: ; BEQ test byt[__p], 00000010b jne fhit jmp fnhit OP30: ; BMI test byt[__p], 10000000b jne fhit jmp fnhit OP70: ; BVS test byt[__p], 01000000b jne fhit jmp fnhit align 16 fhit: movzx eax, wot[__pc] inc ax movsx ecx, byt[ebx+1] add ax, cx mov wot[__pc], ax add dwot[curCnt], 1 ; hit 3 cycles ... jmp peek_int align 16 fnhit: inc wot[__pc] ; add dwot[curCnt], 2 ; nohit 2 cycles ... jmp peek_int ; =================== ; REG to REG ; =================== OPAA: ; X = A movzx eax, byt [__a] mov byt[__x], al jmp regt_main OP8A: ; A = X movzx eax, byt [__x] mov byt[__a], al jmp regt_main OPA8: ; Y = A movzx eax, byt [__a] mov byt[__y], al jmp regt_main OP98: ; A = Y movzx eax, byt [__y] mov byt[__a], al jmp regt_main OPBA: ; X = S movzx eax, byt [__s] mov byt[__x], al jmp regt_main OP9A: ; S = X mov al, byt [__x] mov byt[__s], al jmp peek_int align 16 regt_main: mov cl, byt[__p] and cl, 07Dh ; clr z-n or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], cl jmp peek_int ; d7 - d0: N V R B D I Z C IF 1 OP18: ; CLC 0001 index:0 and byt[__p], 11111110b jmp fret OPD8: ; CLD 1101 index:6 and byt[__p], 11110111b jmp fret OP58: ; CLI 1001 index:4 and byt[__p], 11111011b jmp fret OPB8: ; CLV 1011 index:5 and byt[__p], 10111111b jmp fret OP38: ; SEC 0011 index:1 or byt[__p], 00000001b jmp fret OPF8: ; SED 1111 index:7 or byt[__p], 00001000b jmp fret OP78: ; SEI 0111 index:3 or byt[__p], 00000100b fret: ; sub dwot[surv_c], 2 jmp peek_int ELSE OP18: ; CLC 0001 index:0 OPD8: ; CLD 1101 index:6 OP58: ; CLI 1001 index:4 OPB8: ; CLV 1011 index:5 OP38: ; SEC 0011 index:1 OPF8: ; SED 1111 index:7 OP78: ; SEI 0111 index:3 mov cl, byt[__p] shr al, 5 mov dl, byt[psw_t+eax] mov bl, byt[psw_t+eax+8] and cl, dl xor cl, bl mov byt[__p], cl ; sub dwot[surv_c], 2 jmp peek_int psw_t db 0FEh, 0FEh, 078h, 0FBh db 0FBh, 0BFh, 0F7h, 0F7h db 000h, 001h, 087h, 004h dd 000h, 000h, 000h, 008h ENDIF OP00: ; BRK OPEA: ; nop jmp peek_int ; PHA/PHP/PLA/PLP OP48: ; PHA movzx eax, byt[__a] movzx ecx, byt[__s] mov byt[ram+0100h+ecx], al ; ram+0100h <- A dec cl ; ram+0100hptr-- mov byt[__s], cl ; write back staclkptr jmp peek_int OP68: ; PLA movzx ecx, byt[__s] movzx ebx, byt [__p] inc cl and ebx, 07Dh movzx eax, byt [ecx+ram+0100h] mov byt[__a], al or ebx , dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov byt[__p], bl mov byt[__s], cl jmp peek_int OP08: ; PHP movzx eax, byt[__p] movzx ecx, byt[__s] or eax, B_FLAG nop mov byt[ram+0100h+ecx], al dec ecx mov byt[__s], cl jmp peek_int OP28: ; PLP movzx ecx, byt[__s] inc cl movzx eax, byt [ecx+ram+0100h] or eax, R_FLAG mov byt[__p], al mov byt[__s], cl jmp peek_int
.686 ; create 32 bit code .mmx .xmm .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive ; **************** nes cpu by XXXX ******************* ; - ml -c 2a03core.asm ; ******************* NES Interrupt *********************** NMI_VECTOR equ FFFAh ; nmi RES_VECTOR equ FFFCh ; reset IRQ_VECTOR equ FFFEh ; irq ; ******************* NES Interrupt Flags *********************** NMI_FLAG equ 1 ; nmi interrupt pending flag IRQ_FLAG equ 2 ; irq interrupt pending flag ; ******************** CPU Register Flags *********************** C_FLAG equ 01h ; 1: carry? Z_FLAG equ 02h ; 1: zero I_FLAG equ 04h ; 1: intterrupt enable D_FLAG equ 08h ; 1: dec mode nes did not use this mode B_FLAG equ 10h ; 1: software intterrupt flag R_FLAG equ 20h ; 1: this flag is reserved V_FLAG equ 40h ; 1: overflow flag N_FLAG equ 80h ; 1: negative flag INT_C equ 7 byt equ byte ptr wot equ word ptr dwot equ dword ptr ALIGNXMM equ align 16 ; ********************* extern symbols ************************** ; reg group extrn __a:far extrn __x:far extrn __y:far extrn __s:far extrn __p:far extrn __pc:far ; mem extrn ram:far ; extrn ram+0100h:far extrn cpuBanks:far ; cycles cnt extrn dma_c:far extrn rva_c:far extrn surv_c:far extrn line_c:far ; extra extrn optab:far extrn zn_t:far ; fun extrn readmem@4:proc extrn readmemw:proc extrn writemem@8:proc extrn updateREG@0:proc ; int pending extrn int_pending:far .data? curCnt dd ? curOus dd ? .data __addr8_r db 0 __addr16_t dw 0 __addr16_r dw 0 __val8_t db 0 .code _DoIRQ proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none movzx eax, byt[__s] ; load s movzx ecx, byt[__p] ; load flag movzx edx, wot[__pc]; load pc mov wot[eax+ram+0100h-1], dx ; push pc into ram+0100h and ecx, 0EFh ; clr B flag mov byt[eax+ram+0100h-2], cl ; push psw into ram+0100h or ecx, I_FLAG ; set int disabled flag mov eax, dword ptr[surv_c] mov byt[__p], cl sub eax, INT_C mov ecx, dword ptr[cpuBanks+28] mov cx, wot[ecx+01FFEh] ; set irq addr mov wot[__pc], cx mov dword ptr[surv_c], eax ret _DoIRQ endp _DoNMI proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none movzx eax, byt[__s] ; load s movzx ecx, byt[__p] ; load flag movzx edx, wot[__pc]; load pc mov wot[eax+ram+0100h-1], dx ; push pc into ram+0100h and ecx, 0EFh ; clr B flag mov byt[eax+ram+0100h-2], cl ; push psw into ram+0100h sub eax, 3 or ecx, I_FLAG ; set int disabled flag mov byt[__s], al mov eax, dword ptr[surv_c] mov byt __p, cl add dwot[curCnt], INT_C mov ecx, dwot[cpuBanks+28] mov cx, wot[ecx+01FFAh] ; set nmi addr mov wot[__pc], cx ret _DoNMI endp exec2a03 proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none mov eax, dwot[esp+4] ; Load Remain Cycles mov dwot[curCnt], 0 ; clr cycles cnt ... push esi ; save old frame push edi ; save old frame push ebx ; save old frame main_loop: mov ecx, dwot[curCnt] mov eax, dwot[esp+16] cmp eax, ecx ; remain cmp curCnt ja _continue _ret: pop ebx pop edi pop esi mov eax, dwot[curCnt] ret ; DMA test _continue: mov edx, dwot[esp+16] ; load Remain Cycles again cmp dwot[dma_c], 0 ja dma_test jmp dec_begin dma_test: sub edx, ecx ; rva remain cycles cmp edx, dwot[dma_c] ; cmp rva - dma_c ja dma_burn_out sub dwot[dma_c], edx mov edx, dwot[esp+16] mov dwot[curCnt], edx jmp _ret dma_burn_out: mov dwot[dma_c], 0 mov eax, dwot[dma_c] add dwot[curCnt], eax dec_begin: cmp wot[__pc], 0ffffh jne _noHit int 3 _noHit: movzx eax, wot[__pc] movzx esi, ax and eax, 1FFFh shr esi, 13 mov edx, dwot[cpuBanks+esi*4] lea ebx, [edx+eax] ; save pc ... inc wot[__pc] movzx esi, byt[ebx] ; load now PC ... mov dwot[curOus], esi jmp dwot[OPTAB+esi*4] getmem_ptr: mov eax, dwot[esp+4] cmp ax, 07FFh ja prg_l and eax, 07FFh lea eax, [ram+eax] ret prg_l: movzx ecx, ax and eax, 1FFFh shr ecx, 13 mov ecx, dwot[cpuBanks+ecx*4] lea eax, [eax+ecx] ret include opr.asm include mmu.asm include $$$none.asm ; AND OP29: ; #$ call __imm_r call __and jmp peek_int OP25: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __and jmp peek_int OP35: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __and jmp peek_int OP2D: ; abs call __abs_r call __and jmp peek_int OP3D: ; abs x call __absx_r call __and call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP39: ; abs y call __absy_r call __and call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP21: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __and jmp peek_int OP31: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __and call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; ORA OP09: ; #$ call __imm_r call __ora jmp peek_int OP05: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __ora jmp peek_int OP15: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __ora jmp peek_int OP0D: ; abs call __abs_r call __ora jmp peek_int OP1D: ; abs x call __absx_r call __ora call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP19: ; abs y call __absy_r call __ora call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP01: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __ora jmp peek_int OP11: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __ora call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; EOR OP49: ; #$ call __imm_r call __eor jmp peek_int OP45: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __eor jmp peek_int OP55: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __eor jmp peek_int OP4D: ; abs call __abs_r call __eor jmp peek_int OP5D: ; abs x call __absx_r call __eor call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP59: ; abs y call __absy_r call __eor call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP41: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __eor jmp peek_int OP51: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __eor call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; ADC OP69: ; #$ call __imm_r call __adc jmp peek_int OP65: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __adc jmp peek_int OP75: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __adc jmp peek_int OP6D: ; abs call __abs_r call __adc jmp peek_int OP7D: ; abs x call __absx_r call __adc call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP79: ; abs y call __absy_r call __adc call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OP61: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __adc jmp peek_int OP71: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __adc jmp peek_int ; SBC ;OPEB: OPE9: ; #$ call __imm_r call __sbc jmp peek_int OPE5: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __sbc jmp peek_int OPF5: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __sbc jmp peek_int OPED: ; abs call __abs_r call __sbc jmp peek_int OPFD: ; abs x call __absx_r call __sbc call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPF9: ; abs y call __absy_r call __sbc call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPE1: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __sbc jmp peek_int OPF1: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __sbc jmp peek_int ; DEC OPC6: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __dec call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OPD6: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __dec call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OPCE: ; abs call __abs_r call __dec call __abs_w jmp peek_int OPDE: ; abs x call __absx_r call __dec call __absx_w jmp peek_int OPCA: ; dex call __dex jmp peek_int OP88: ; dey call __dey jmp peek_int ; INC OPE6: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __inc call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OPF6: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __inc call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OPEE: ; abs call __abs_r call __inc call __abs_w jmp peek_int OPFE: ; abs x call __absx_r call __inc call __absx_w jmp peek_int OPE8: ; inx call __inx jmp peek_int OPC8: ; iny call __iny jmp peek_int ; BIT OP24: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __bit jmp peek_int OP2C: ; abs call __abs_r call __bit jmp peek_int ; ASL OP0A: ; ASL_A call __asl_a jmp peek_int OP06: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __asl call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP16: ; zero page call __zrpx_r call __asl call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP0E: ; abs call __abs_r call __asl call __abs_w jmp peek_int OP1E: ; abs x call __abs_r call __asl call __abs_w jmp peek_int ; LSR OP4A: ; LSR_A call __lsr_a jmp peek_int OP46: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __lsr call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP56: ; zero page call __zrpx_r call __lsr call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP4E: ; abs call __abs_r call __lsr call __abs_w jmp peek_int OP5E: ; abs x call __abs_r call __lsr call __abs_w jmp peek_int ; ROL OP2A: ; rol a call __rol_a jmp peek_int OP26: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __rol call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP36: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __rol call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP2E: ; abs call __abs_r call __rol call __abs_w jmp peek_int OP3E: ; abs x call __absx_r call __rol call __absx_w jmp peek_int ; ROR OP6A: ; ror a call __ror_a jmp peek_int OP66: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __ror call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP76: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __ror call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP6E: ; abs call __abs_r call __ror call __abs_w jmp peek_int OP7E: ; abs x call __absx_r call __ror call __absx_w jmp peek_int ; LDA OPA9: ; #$ call __imm_r call __lda jmp peek_int OPA5: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __lda jmp peek_int OPB5: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __lda jmp peek_int OPAD: ; abs call __abs_r call __lda jmp peek_int OPBD: ; abs x call __absx_r call __lda call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPB9: ; abs y call __absy_r call __lda call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPA1: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __lda jmp peek_int OPB1: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __lda call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; X OPA2: ; #$ call __imm_r call __ldx jmp peek_int OPA6: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __ldx jmp peek_int OPB6: ; zero page y call __zrpy_r call __ldx jmp peek_int OPAE: ; abs call __abs_r call __ldx jmp peek_int OPBE: ; abs y call __absy_r call __ldx call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; Y OPA0: ; #$ call __imm_r call __ldy jmp peek_int OPA4: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __ldy jmp peek_int OPB4: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __ldy jmp peek_int OPAC: ; abs call __abs_r call __ldy jmp peek_int OPBC: ; abs x call __absx_r call __ldy call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; STA OP85: ; zero page call __zrp_get call __sta call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP95: ; zero page x call __zrpx_get call __sta call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP8D: ; abs call __abs_get call __sta call __abs_w jmp peek_int OP9D: ; abs x call __absx_get call __sta call __absx_w jmp peek_int OP99: ; abs y call __absy_get call __sta call __absy_w jmp peek_int OP81: ; x indirect call __xid_get call __sta call __xid_w jmp peek_int OP91: ; indirect y call __idy_get call __sta call __idy_w jmp peek_int ; X OP86: ; zero page call __zrp_get call __stx call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP96: ; zero pgae y call __zrpy_get call __stx call __zrpy_w jmp peek_int OP8E: ; abs call __abs_get call __stx call __abs_w jmp peek_int ; Y OP84: ; zero page call __zrp_get call __sty call __zrp_w jmp peek_int OP94: ; zero pgae x call __zrpx_get call __sty call __zrpx_w jmp peek_int OP8C: ; abs call __abs_get call __sty call __abs_w jmp peek_int ; CMP OPC9: ; #$ call __imm_r call __cmp jmp peek_int OPC5: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __cmp jmp peek_int OPD5: ; zero page x call __zrpx_r call __cmp jmp peek_int OPCD: ; abs call __abs_r call __cmp jmp peek_int OPDD: ; abs x call __absx_r call __cmp call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPD9: ; abs y call __absy_r call __cmp call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int OPC1: ; x indirect call __xid_r call __cmp jmp peek_int OPD1: ; indirect y call __idy_r call __cmp call __chk_cross_page jmp peek_int ; X OPE0: ; #$ call __imm_r call __cpx jmp peek_int OPE4: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __cpx jmp peek_int OPEC: ; abs call __abs_r call __cpx jmp peek_int ; Y OPC0: ; #$ call __imm_r call __cpy jmp peek_int OPC4: ; zero page call __zrp_r call __cpy jmp peek_int OPCC: ; abs call __abs_r call __cpy jmp peek_int align 16 peek_int: movzx ecx, byt[curOus] movd xmm5, ecx movzx eax, wot[__pc] movd xmm6, eax mov edx, dwot[optab+ecx*4] add dwot[curCnt], edx mov eax, dwot[int_pending] jmp [eax*4+INTAB] __no: jmp main_loop __irq: and dwot[int_pending], 2 ; clr pending flag ... call _DoIRQ ; do IRQ jmp main_loop __nmi: __both: and dwot[int_pending], 1 call _DoNMI ; do NMI jmp main_loop INTAB dd __no, __irq, __nmi, __both exec2a03 endp end
FastCall2A03.asm .686 ; create 32 bit code .mmx .xmm .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive ; =========================================================================== ; ; ; ; 2A03 Instruction comment from nesdev.com (nesdev_weekly\www\6502.txt) ; ; ; ; =========================================================================== ;======================= ; Interrupt ;======================= NMI_VECTOR equ FFFAh ; nmi RES_VECTOR equ FFFCh ; reset IRQ_VECTOR equ FFFEh ; irq NMI_FLAG equ 2 ; nmi interrupt pending flag IRQ_FLAG equ 1 ; irq interrupt pending flag ;======================= ; Pro Status ;======================= C_FLAG equ 01h ; 1: carry? Z_FLAG equ 02h ; 1: zero I_FLAG equ 04h ; 1: intterrupt enable D_FLAG equ 08h ; 1: dec mode nes did not use this mode B_FLAG equ 10h ; 1: software intterrupt flag R_FLAG equ 20h ; 1: this flag is reserved V_FLAG equ 40h ; 1: overflow flag N_FLAG equ 80h ; 1: negative flag INT_C equ 7 DEBUG2A03 equ 0 byt equ byte ptr wot equ word ptr dwot equ dword ptr $a equ dword ptr[ebx] ; 0 $x equ dword ptr[ebx+4] ; 1 $y equ dword ptr[ebx+8] ; 2 $s equ dword ptr[ebx+12] ; 3 $p equ dword ptr[ebx+16] ; 4 $pc equ dword ptr[ebx+20] ; 5 $ct equ dword ptr[ebx+24] ; 6 $t1 equ dword ptr[ebx+28] ; 7 $t2 equ dword ptr[ebx+32] ; 8 $t3 equ dword ptr[ebx+36] ; 9 ALIGNXMM equ align 16 ;======================= ; extern symbols ;======================= extrn GetCPUPtr@4:proc extrn CpuAMread@4:proc extrn CpuAMwrite@8:proc extrn CpuAMreadW@4:proc extrn CopyREGForDebug@4:proc extrn SaveStackFrame@0:proc extrn CheckStackFrame@0:proc extrn ram:far extrn regs:far extrn zn_t:far extrn dma_c:far extrn cpuBanks:far extrn int_pending:far ;=================== ; Function ;=================== .code FastCall2A03 proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none push ebx ; - U save old frame push esi ; - V save old frame push edi ; - U save old frame lea ebx, regs ; - V save old frame mov eax, dwot[esp+16] ; - U load dispatch cycles->arg1 mov $ct, 0 ; - V/N reset counter ALIGNXMM main_loop: mov eax, dwot[esp+16] ; - U dis c mov edx, $ct ; - V load cycles mov ecx, dwot[dma_c]; -V/N cmp eax, edx ; - U dis c/ct nop jg to_dma_test mov eax, $ct trap_exit: pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret ; proc ret ... ALIGNXMM to_dma_test: cmp ecx, 0 jle dec_begin xor edi, edi sub eax, edx ; rva cycles cmp ecx, eax jge remain_out add $ct, ecx ; dma buring out mov dwot[dma_c], edi jmp dec_begin ALIGNXMM remain_out: sub ecx, eax ; remain cycles buring out mov eax, dwot[esp+16] mov dwot[dma_c], ecx jmp trap_exit ALIGNXMM dec_begin: mov ecx, $pc nop mov edi, ecx lea edx, [ecx+1] mov $pc, edx and ecx, 0FFFFh shr ecx, 13 and edi, 01FFFh mov esi, dwot[cpuBanks+ecx*4] nop movzx eax, byt[esi+edi] ;- N add edi, esi jmp [OPTAB+eax*4] ; instr decode begin ... include ARITH.asm include ATOM.asm include CMP.asm include JCC.asm include LOGIC.asm include PROC.asm include PSW.asm include READ.asm include REMAIN.asm include RTOR.asm include SHIFT.asm include SOFT-INT.asm include STACK.asm include TEST.asm include WRITE.asm ALIGNXMM PollInt: mov eax, dwot[int_pending] and eax, 3 jmp dwot[INT_TAB+eax*4] ALIGNXMM IRQ_PROC: and eax, 2 ; clr IRQ flag ... mov ecx, $s mov dwot[int_pending], eax xor edx, edx mov eax, $p mov edx, $pc mov wot[ecx+ram+0100h-1], dx and ax, 0EFh ; clr B flag ... mov byt[ecx+ram+0100h-2], al sub cl, 3 or eax, I_FLAG mov edx, $ct mov $s, ecx mov $p, eax add edx, INT_C mov eax, dwot[cpuBanks+28] mov cx, wot[eax+01FFEh] ; set IRQ addr nop mov $ct, edx mov $pc, ecx jmp main_loop ALIGNXMM NMI_PROC: and eax, 1 ; clr NMI flag ... mov ecx, $s mov dwot[int_pending], eax xor edx, edx mov eax, $p mov edx, $pc mov wot[ecx+ram+0100h-1], dx and ax, 0EFh ; clr B flag ... mov byt[ecx+ram+0100h-2], al sub cl, 3 or eax, I_FLAG mov edx, $ct mov $s, ecx mov $p, eax add edx, INT_C mov eax, dwot[cpuBanks+28] mov cx, wot[eax+01FFAh] ; set NMI addr nop mov $ct, edx mov $pc, ecx jmp main_loop ALIGNXMM NO_DEAL: jmp main_loop INT_TAB dd NO_DEAL, IRQ_PROC, NMI_PROC, NMI_PROC FastCall2A03 endp setNMI proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none or dwot[int_pending], NMI_FLAG ret setNMI endp setIRQ proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none or dwot[int_pending], IRQ_FLAG ret setIRQ endp fastNMI proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none fastNMI endp fastIRQ proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none fastIRQ endp cpuReset proc C option prologue:none, epilogue:none push ebx lea ebx, regs xor ecx, ecx or $p, 022h mov $a, ecx mov $x, ecx mov $y, ecx mov $s, 0FFh mov eax, dwot[cpuBanks+28] mov ecx, dwot[eax+01FFCh] ; set RESET addr mov $pc, ecx pop ebx ret cpuReset endp end ARITH.asm ;*** ; ADC ; 69: #$ 2 cycles ; 65: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 75: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; 6D: ABS 4 cycles ; 7D: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 79: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 61: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; 71: INDIRECT Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; Algorithm: ; ; unsigned int temp = src + AC + (IF_CARRY() ? 1 : 0); ; SET_ZERO(temp & 0xff); /* This is not valid in decimal mode */ ; if (IF_DECIMAL()) { ; if (((AC & 0xf) + (src & 0xf) + (IF_CARRY() ? 1 : 0)) > 9) { ; temp += 6; ; } ; SET_SIGN(temp); ; SET_OVERFLOW(!((AC ^ src) & 0x80) && ((AC ^ temp) & 0x80)); ; if (temp > 0x99) { ; temp += 96; ; } ; SET_CARRY(temp > 0x99); ; } else { ; SET_SIGN(temp); ; SET_OVERFLOW(!((AC ^ src) & 0x80) && ((AC ^ temp) & 0x80)); ; SET_CARRY(temp > 0xff); ; } ; AC = ((BYTE) temp); ;************************************************* OP69: ; ADC #$ 2 cycles mov al, byt[edi+1] ; - U eax <- val nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V 2 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP65: ; ADC ZERO PAGE 3 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] ; - N load val mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 3 ; - V 3 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP75: ; ADC ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles mov al, byt[edi+1] ; - U load zero page inx nop ; - V spare add eax, $x ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov al, byt[ram+eax] ; - U nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP6D: ; ADC ABS 4 cycles mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index nop ; - V spare push eax ; - U push stack to to call mem read (__stdcall call) nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP7D: ; ADC ABS X 4 cycles (corssing page) mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index mov cx, wot[ebx+4] ; - V load x and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; - U goal inx nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U cmp test C nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP79: ; ADC ABS Y 4 cycles (corssing page) mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index mov cx, wot[ebx+8] ; - V load y and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; - U goal inx nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U cmp test C nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP61: ; ADC X INDIRECT 6 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load val and clr bit add al, byt[ebx+4] ; - U zero page with x nop ; - V movzx ecx, wot[ram+eax] ; - N push ecx nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 6 ; - V 6 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OP71: ; ADC INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero inx mov ax, wot[eax+ram] ; - U load zero page inx's val mov cx, wot[ebx+8] ; - load y and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; with y nop ; - V spare push ecx ; push stack nop ; - V spare cmp ah ,ch ; test cross page ? nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare adc cl, al ; - U ADC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt ;*** ; SBC ; EB: #$ 2 cycles (unofficial) ; E9: #$ 2 cycles ; E5: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; F5: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; ED: ABS 4 cycles ; FD: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; F9: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; E1: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; F1: INDIRECT Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; Algorithm: ; ; unsigned int temp = AC - src - (IF_CARRY() ? 0 : 1); ; SET_SIGN(temp); ; SET_ZERO(temp & 0xff); /* Sign and Zero are invalid in decimal mode */ ; SET_OVERFLOW(((AC ^ temp) & 0x80) && ((AC ^ src) & 0x80)); ; if (IF_DECIMAL()) { ; if ( ((AC & 0xf) - (IF_CARRY() ? 0 : 1)) < (src & 0xf)) /* EP */ { ; temp -= 6; ; } ; if (temp > 0x99) { ; temp -= 0x60; ; } ; } ; SET_CARRY(temp < 0x100); ; AC = (temp & 0xff); ;************************************************* OPE9: ; SBC #$ 2 cycles mov al, byt[edi+1] ; - U eax <- val nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V 2 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPE5: ; SBC ZERO PAGE 3 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] ; - N load val ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 3 ; - V 3 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPF5: ; SBC ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles mov al, byt[edi+1] ; - U load zero page inx nop ; - V spare add eax, $x ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov al, byt[ram+eax] ; - U nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPED: ; SBC ABS 4 cycles mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index nop ; - V spare push eax ; - U push stack to to call mem read (__stdcall call) nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPFD: ; SBC ABS X 4 cycles (corssing page) mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index mov cx, wot[ebx+4] ; - V load x and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; - U goal inx nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U cmp test C nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPF9: ; SBC ABS Y 4 cycles (corssing page) mov ax, wot[edi+1] ; - U load abs index mov cx, wot[ebx+8] ; - V load y and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; - U goal inx nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U cmp test C nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 2 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPE1: ; SBC X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load val and clr bit add al, byt[ebx+4] ; - U zero page with x nop ; - V movzx ecx, wot[ram+eax] ; - N push ecx nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 6 ; - V 6 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt OPF1: ; SBC INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero inx mov ax, wot[eax+ram] ; - U load zero page inx's val mov cx, wot[ebx+8] ; - load y and ecx, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare add ecx, eax ; with y nop ; - V spare push ecx ; push stack nop ; - V spare cmp ah ,ch ; test cross page ? nop ; - V spare adc $ct, 0 nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare ; SBC - MAIN mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $a ; - V load acc and edx, 00111101b ; - U clr N-V-Z flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte xor edx, 1 ; - U neg C flag ... nop ; - V spare shr edx, 1 ; - U with C nop ; - V spare sbb cl, al ; - U SBC opr (eax free) nop ; - V spare seto al ; - N SETcc set O flag rcl edx, 1 ; - U save C flag ... mov esi, $pc ; - V load PC xor edx, 1 ; - NEG C nop ; - V spare shl eax, 6 ; - U fit pos with O flag add esi, 1 ; - V opcode num ++ or edx, eax ; - U reset O flag (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt or edx, dwot[zn_t+ecx*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 4 ; - V 4 cycles mov $ct, eax ; - U write back cycle cnt (eax) mov $a, ecx ; - V write back acc (ecx) mov $pc, esi ; - U write PC (esi) mov $p, edx ; - V write flag (edx) jmp PollInt ; deal over begin poll intterupt ATOM.asm ;*** ; DEC ; C6: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; D6: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; CE: ABS 6 cycles ; DE: ABS X 7 cycles ; X CA: REG 2 cycles ; Y 88: REG 2 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; src = (src - 1) & 0xff; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE(address, (src)); ;************************************************* OPC6: ; DEC ZERO PAGE 5 Cycles movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page addr movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load addr's val mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 1 ; - V opcode nums mov byt[ram+esi], al ; - U write back mem (eax free) nop ; - V spare mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add eax, 5 ; - U 5 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) jmp PollInt OPD6: ; DEC ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page addr add esi, $x ; - U with x nop ; - V spare and esi, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load addr's val mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 1 ; - V opcode nums mov byt[ram+esi], al ; - U write back mem (eax free) nop ; - V spare mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add eax, 6 ; - U 6 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) jmp PollInt OPCE: ; DEC ABS 6 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N get abs addr push eax ; - U push stack mov esi, eax ; - V save old frame call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 2 ; - V opcode nums mov edi, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add edi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, edi ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OPDE: ; DEC ABS X 7 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N get abs addr movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add ax, cx nop push eax ; - U push stack mov esi, eax ; - V save old frame call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 2 ; - V opcode nums mov edi, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add edi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, edi ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OPCA: ; DEX 2 cycles mov eax, $x ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEX opr or dl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag mov byt[ebx+4], al ; - V write back mem (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $p, edx ; - V write back flag (edx) add eax, 2 ; - U 2 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OP88: ; DEY mov eax, $y ; - U load y mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag sub al, 1 ; - V DEY opr or dl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag mov byt[ebx+8], al ; - V write back mem (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $p, edx ; - V write back flag (edx) add eax, 2 ; - U 2 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt ;*** ; INC ; E6: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; F6: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; EE: ABS 6 cycles ; FE: ABS X 7 cycles ; X E8: REG 2 cycles ; Y C8: REG 2 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; src = (src + 1) & 0xff; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE(address, (src)); ;************************************************* OPE6: ; INC ZERO PAGE 5 cycles movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page addr movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load addr's val mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 1 ; - V opcode nums mov byt[ram+esi], al ; - U write back mem (eax free) nop ; - V spare mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add eax, 5 ; - U 5 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) jmp PollInt OPF6: ; INC ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page addr add esi, $x ; - U with x nop ; - V spare and esi, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load addr's val mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 1 ; - V opcode nums mov byt[ram+esi], al ; - U write back mem (eax free) nop ; - V spare mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add eax, 6 ; - U 6 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) jmp PollInt OPEE: ; INC ABS 6 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N get abs addr push eax ; - U push stack mov esi, eax ; - V save old frame call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 2 ; - V opcode nums mov edi, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add edi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, edi ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OPFE: ; INC ABS X 7 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N get abs addr movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add ax, cx nop push eax ; - U push stack mov esi, eax ; - V save old frame call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov edx, $p ; - U load flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INC opr or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag add ecx, 2 ; - V opcode nums mov edi, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx) add edi, 7 ; - U 7 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, edi ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OPE8: ; INX mov eax, $x ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INX opr or dl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag mov byt[ebx+4], al ; - V write back mem (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $p, edx ; - V write back flag (edx) add eax, 2 ; - U 2 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPC8: ; INY mov eax, $y ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and dl, 07Dh ; - U clr N-Z flag add al, 1 ; - V INY opr or dl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flag mov byt[ebx+8], al ; - V write back mem (eax free) mov eax, $ct ; - U load cycles cnt mov $p, edx ; - V write back flag (edx) add eax, 2 ; - U 2 cycles nop ; - V spare mov $ct, eax ; - V write back cycles cnt (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt CMP.asm ;*** ; CMP ; C9: #$ 2 cycles ; C5: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; D5: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; CD: ABS 4 cycles ; DD: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; D9: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; C1: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; D1: INDIRECT Y 5 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; X E0: #$ 2 cycles ; X E4: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; X EC: ABS 4 cycles ; Y C0: #$ 2 cycles ; Y C4: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; Y CC: ABS 4 cycles ; ; Algorithm: ; ; src = AC - src; ; SET_CARRY(src < 0x100); ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src &= 0xff); ;************************************************* OPC9: ; CMP #$ 2 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load val mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 2 ; - U 2 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPC5: ; CMP ZERO PAGE 3 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load addr movzx eax, byt[eax+ram] ; - N load val mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 3 ; - U 3 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPD5: ; CMP ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load addr add al, byt[ebx+4] ; - U with x nop ; - V spare movzx eax, byt[eax+ram] ; - N load val mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPCD: ; CMP ABS 4 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr push eax ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPDD: ; CMP ABS X (test cross page) movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] ; - N load x add ecx, eax ; - U with x nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U nop ; - V spare add $ct, 0 ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPD9: ; CMP ABS Y (test cross page) movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] ; - N load y add ecx, eax ; - U with y nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U nop ; - V spare add $ct, 0 ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPC1: ; CMP X INDIRECT 6 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load addr add al, byt[ebx+4] ; - U with x nop ; - V spare mov cx, wot[eax+ram] ; - U load addr nop ; - V spare push ecx nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPD1: ; CMP INDIRECT Y (test cross page) movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] ; - N ram liwst movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] ; - N load y add ecx, eax ; - U with y nop ; - V spare push ecx ; - U nop ; - V spare cmp ah, ch ; - U nop ; - V spare add $ct, 0 ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $a ; - U load acc mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CMP opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPE0: ; CPX #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load val mov ecx, $x ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPX opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 2 ; - U 2 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPE4: ; CPX ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load addr movzx eax, byt[eax+ram] ; - N load val mov ecx, $x ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPX opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 3 ; - U 3 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPEC: ; CPX ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr push eax ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $x ; - U load x mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPX opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPC0: ; CPY #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load val mov ecx, $y ; - U load y mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPY opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 2 ; - U 2 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPC4: ; CPY ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N load addr movzx eax, byt[eax+ram] ; - N load val mov ecx, $y ; - U load y mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPY opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 3 ; - U 3 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 1 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt OPCC: ; CPY ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs addr push eax ; - U nop ; - V spare call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b ; - U limit byte nop ; - V spare mov ecx, $y ; - U load y mov edx, $p ; - V load flag and edx, 01111100b ; - U clr n-z-c flag and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit other bit sub ecx, eax ; - U CPY opr mov esi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt setnc al ; - N SETcc or edx, eax ; - U reset C flag (eax free) mov eax, $pc ; - V load PC add esi, 4 ; - U 4 cycles and ecx, 11111111b ; - V limit byte or edx, dwot[ecx*4+zn_t] ; - U reset Z-N flag add eax, 2 ; - V opcode num mov $p, edx ; - U write back flag (edx) mov $ct, esi ; - V write back cycles cnt (esi) mov $pc, eax ; - U write back PC (eax) nop ; - V spare jmp PollInt FastMMU.c #include "..\NES\nestype.h" extern NESB ram[0x800]; extern PNESB cpuBanks[8]; NESB NESSTDCALL CpuAMread (NESD ar32) { NESW ar = toNESW(ar32); switch (ar >> 13) { case 0x00: return ram[ar & 0x7FF]; case 0x01: return ppuIOread(ar & 7); case 0x02: if (ar < 0x4100) return apuIOread(ar32); else return 0; case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07: return cpuBanks[ar >> 13][ar & 0x1FFF]; } } NESVOID NESSTDCALL CpuAMwrite (NESD ar32, NESD val32) { NESW ar = toNESW(ar32); NESB val = toNESB(val32); switch (ar >> 13) { case 0x00: ram[ar & 0x7FF] = val; return; case 0x01: ppuIOwrite(ar & 7, val); return; case 0x02: if (ar < 0x4020) { apuIOwrite(ar, val); return; } else { return; } case 0x03: case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x06: case 0x07: cpuBanks[ar >> 13][ar & 0x1FFF] = val; } } NESNAKED NESW NESSTDCALL CpuAMreadW (NESD addr) { __asm { movzx eax, word ptr[esp+4] cmp eax, 0x2000 jb __RAM_LOAD mov ecx, eax and eax, 0x1FFF shr ecx, 13 mov edx, dword ptr[cpuBanks+ecx*4] movzx eax, word ptr[edx+eax] ret 4 align 16 __RAM_LOAD: and eax, 0x7FF movzx eax, word ptr[eax+ram] ret 4 } } NESNAKED PNESD NESSTDCALL GetCPUPtr (NESD addr) { __asm { movzx eax, word ptr[esp+4] cmp eax, 0x2000 jb __RAM_LOAD mov ecx, eax and eax, 0x1FFF shr ecx, 13 mov edx, dword ptr[cpuBanks+ecx*4] lea eax, [edx+eax] ret 4 align 16 __RAM_LOAD: and eax, 0x7FF lea eax, [eax+ram] ret 4 } } global.c __declspec(align(16)) int zn_t[256] = { 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 }; // from virtuanes ... __declspec(align(16)) int regs[20]; JCC.asm ; d7 - d0: N V R B D I Z C OP90: ; BCC C Bit Clear JMP test $p, 00000001b je Fhit jmp Fnhit OPD0: ; BNE Z Bit Clear JMP test $p, 00000010b je Fhit jmp Fnhit OP10: ; BPL N Bit Clear JMP test $p, 10000000b je Fhit jmp Fnhit OP50: ; BVC V Bit Clear JMP test $p, 01000000b je Fhit jmp Fnhit OPB0: ; BCS C Bit Set JMP test $p, 00000001b jne Fhit jmp Fnhit OPF0: ; BEQ Z Bit Set JMP test $p, 00000010b jne Fhit jmp Fnhit OP30: ; BMI N Bit Set JMP test $p, 10000000b jne Fhit jmp Fnhit OP70: ; BVS V Bit Set JMP test $p, 01000000b jne Fhit jmp Fnhit ALIGNXMM Fhit: mov eax, $pc mov edx, $ct and eax, 0FFFFh add edx, 3 ; hit 3 cycles inc ax movsx ecx, byt[edi+1] add ax, cx mov $pc, eax mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt ALIGNXMM Fnhit: mov eax, $pc ; no hit 2 cycles mov ecx, $ct add ecx, 2 add eax, 1 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt LOGIC.asm ;*** ; ORA ; 09: #$ 2 cycles ; 05: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 15: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; 0D: ABS 4 cycles ; 1D: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 19: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 01: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; 11: INDIRECT Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; Algorithm: ; ; src |= AC; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; AC = src; ;************************************************* OP09: ; ORA #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 2 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP05: ; ORA ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 3 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP15: ; ORA ZERO PAGE X movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP0D: ; ORA ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP1D: ; ORA ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP19: ; ORA ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP01: ; ORA X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N add al, byt[ebx+4] nop movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 0FFh nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP11: ; ORA INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a or al, dl ; - U ORA opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... ;*** ; EOR ; 49: #$ 2 cycles ; 45: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 55: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; 4D: ABS 4 cycles ; 5D: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 59: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 41: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; 51: INDIRECT Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; Algorithm: ; ; src ^= AC; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; AC = src; ;************************************************* OP49: ; EOR #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 2 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP45: ; EOR ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 3 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP55: ; EOR ZERO PAGE X movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP4D: ; EOR ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP5D: ; EOR ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP59: ; EOR ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP41: ; EOR X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N add al, byt[ebx+4] nop movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 0FFh nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP51: ; EOR INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a xor al, dl ; - U EOR opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... ;*** ; AND ; 29: #$ 2 cycles ; 25: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 35: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; 2D: ABS 4 cycles ; 3D: ABS X 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 39: ABS Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; 21: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; 31: INDIRECT Y 4 cycles (crossing page ++ cycles) ; Algorithm: ; ; src &= AC; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; AC = src; ;************************************************* OP29: ; AND #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 2 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP25: ; AND ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 3 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP35: ; AND ZERO PAGE X movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP2D: ; AND ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP3D: ; AND ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP39: ; AND ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; - N movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] ; - N add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 4 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP21: ; AND X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N add al, byt[ebx+4] nop movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 0FFh nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... OP31: ; AND INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] ; - N movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] movzx ecx, byt[ebx+8] add ecx, eax nop push ecx nop cmp ah, ch nop adc $ct, 0 nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov ecx, $p mov edx, $a and al, dl ; - U AND opr and cl, 07Dh mov esi, $ct mov edx, $pc or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 1 ; - V opcode nums add esi, 5 ; - U cycles nop mov $pc, edx mov $a, eax mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt ; begin deal int ... PROC.asm ;*** ; JMP ; 4C: ABS 3 cycles ; 6C: inDirect 5 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; PC = (src); ; ;************************************************* OP4C: ; JMP ABS mov ax, wot[edi+1] nop mov ecx, $ct mov $pc , eax add ecx, 3 nop mov $ct, ecx nop jmp PollInt OP6C: ; in-direct JMP expection crossing page boundaries in 6C ; NES JMP(only 6C)'s BUG: if addr is 0x--FF(Crossing Page) IP's High Bit Will Not Add ; ; $2500: 33 ; $25FF: 76 ; $2600: 89 ; $7574: 6C FF 25 ; PC <- $7574 ; ; Step1-> Get PC's Low Bit FF ; Step2-> Get PC's High Bit 25 ; $(25FF-2600) will crossing page so low bit is $25FF high Bit is $2500 ; jmp to $3376 ... movzx eax, wot[edi+1] ; load indirect addr ... push eax add $ct, 5 cmp al, 0FFh ; low addr is FF ? jne noCrossPage mov $t1, eax call CpuAMread@4 mov $t2, eax ; low bit mov eax, $t1 sub eax, 0FFh nop push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 mov ecx, $t2 ; low bit mov ah, cl ror ax, 8 mov $pc, eax jmp PollInt ALIGNXMM noCrossPage: call CpuAMreadW@4 mov $pc, eax jmp PollInt ;*** ; JSR 20: ABS 6 cycles ; ; ; Algorithm: ; ; PC--; ; PUSH((PC >> 8) & 0xff); /* Push return address onto the stack. */ ; PUSH(PC & 0xff); ; PC = (src); ; ;************************************************* OP20: ; JSR movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $s mov esi, $ct and ecx, 255 mov edx, $pc add dx, 1 nop add esi, 6 mov $pc, eax mov wot[ram+0100h+ecx-1], dx nop sub cl, 2 nop mov $s, ecx mov $ct, esi jmp PollInt ;*** ; RTI 40 ; ; ; Algorithm: ; ; src = PULL(); ; SET_SR(src); ; src = PULL(); ; src |= (PULL() << 8); /* Load return address from stack. */ ; PC = (src); ; ;************************************************* OP40: ; RTI mov ecx, $s mov esi, $ct and ecx, 255 add esi, 6 add cl, 3 nop mov al, byt[ram+0100h+ecx-2] nop mov dx, wot[ram+0100h+ecx-1] nop mov $s, ecx mov $p, eax mov $ct, esi mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt ;*** ; RTS 60 ; ; ; Algorithm: ; ; src = PULL(); ; src += ((PULL()) << 8) + 1; /* Load return address from stack and add 1. */ ; PC = (src); ; ;************************************************* OP60: ; RTS mov ecx, $s mov esi, $ct and ecx, 255 add esi, 6 add cl, 2 nop mov dx, wot[ram+0100h+ecx-1] nop add dx, 1 nop mov $s, ecx nop mov $ct, esi mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt PSW.asm ; d7 - d0: N V R B D I Z C OP18: ; CLC 0001 index:0 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct and eax, 11111110b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OPD8: ; CLD 1101 index:6 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct and eax, 11110111b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP58: ; CLI 1001 index:4 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct and eax, 11111011b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OPB8: ; CLV 1011 index:5 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct and eax, 10111111b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP38: ; SEC 0011 index:1 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct or eax, 00000001b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OPF8: ; SED 1111 index:7 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct or eax, 00001000b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP78: ; SEI 0111 index:3 mov eax, $p mov ecx, $ct or eax, 00000100b add ecx, 2 mov $p, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt READ.asm ;*** ; LDA ; A9: ACC 2 cycles ; A5: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; B5: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; AD: ABS 4 cycles ; BD: ABS X 4 cycles (test cross page) ; B9: ABS Y 4 cycles (test cross page) ; A1: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; B1: INDIRECT Y 5 cycles (test cross page) ; X A5: X REG 2 cycles ; X A6: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; X B6: ZERO PAGE Y 4 cycles ; X AE: ABS 4 cycles ; X BE: ABS Y 4 cycles (test cross page) ; Y A0: Y REG 2 cycles ; Y A4: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; Y B4: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; Y AC: ABS 4 cycles ; Y BC: ABS X 4 cycles (test cross page) ; ; Algorithm: ; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; AC = (src); ; ;************************************************* OPA9: ; LDA #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 2 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA5: ; LDA ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 3 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPB5: ; LDA ZERO PAGE X mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPAD: ; LDA ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push eax call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPBD: ; LDA ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $x and ecx, 0FFh add cx, ax cmp ah, ch adc $ct, 0 push ecx call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPB9: ; LDA ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $y and ecx, 0FFh add cx, ax cmp ah, ch adc $ct, 0 push ecx call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA1: ; LDA X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 add cl , al movzx eax, wot[ram+ecx] push eax call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 6 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPB1: ; LDA ($??),Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, wot[ram+eax] mov ecx, $y and ecx, 0FFh add cx, ax cmp ah, ch adc $ct, 0 push ecx call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $a, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 5 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA2: ; LDX #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov $x, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 2 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA6: ; LDX ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $x, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 3 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPB6: ; LDX ZERO PAGE Y mov ecx, $y and ecx, 255 movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $x, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPAE: ; LDX ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push eax call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $x, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPBE: ; LDX ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $y and ecx, 0FFh add cx, ax cmp ah, ch adc $ct, 0 push ecx call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $x, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA0: ; LDY #$ movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov $y, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 2 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPA4: ; LDY ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $y, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 3 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPB4: ; LDY ZERO PAGE X mov ecx, $x and ecx, 255 movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add al, cl movzx eax, byt[ram+eax] mov $y, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 1 and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPAC: ; LDY ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push eax call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $y, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt OPBC: ; LDY ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $x and ecx, 0FFh add cx, ax cmp ah, ch adc $ct, 0 push ecx call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 mov $y, eax mov edx, $pc mov esi, $ct mov ecx, $p add edx, 2 ; opcode nums and ecx, 07Dh add esi, 4 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, esi mov $p, ecx mov $pc, edx nop jmp PollInt RTOR.asm ; trans REG to REG ; tXN ; X source REG ; N target REG ; TXS not set Z-N flag (only this.. other must set Z-N flag)... ; cycles all 2 cycles ... OPAA: ; TAX mov eax, $a mov ecx, $p and ecx, 07Dh mov $x, eax and eax, 255 mov edx, $ct or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt OP8A: ; TXA mov eax, $x mov ecx, $p and ecx, 07Dh mov $a, eax and eax, 255 mov edx, $ct or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt OPA8: ; TAY mov eax, $a mov ecx, $p and ecx, 07Dh mov $y, eax and eax, 255 mov edx, $ct or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt OP98: ; TYA mov eax, $y mov ecx, $p and ecx, 07Dh mov $a, eax and eax, 255 mov edx, $ct or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt OPBA: ; TSX mov eax, $s mov ecx, $p and ecx, 07Dh mov $x, eax and eax, 255 mov edx, $ct or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add edx, 2 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt OP9A: ; TXS (RTOR only this not set flag) mov eax, $x mov edx, $ct mov $s, eax add edx, 2 nop mov $ct, edx jmp PollInt SHIFT.asm ;*** ; ASL ; 0A: ACC 2 cycles ; 06: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; 16: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; 0E: ABS 6 cycles ; 1E: ABS X 7 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; SET_CARRY(src & 0x80); ; src <<= 1; ; src &= 0xff; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE src in memory or accumulator depending on addressing mode. ; ;************************************************* OP0A: ; ASL A mov eax, $a ; - U load acc mov ecx, $p ; - V load flag and eax, 11111111b ; - U clear other bit and ecx, 01111100b ; - V clear N-Z-C flag shl al, 1 ; - U ASL opr nop ; - V spare adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov edx, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt mov $a, eax ; - U write back acc (eax free) add edx, 2 ; - V 2 cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - U reset Z-N flags mov $ct, edx ; - V write back cycles cnt (edx free) mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) jmp PollInt OP06: ; ASL ZERO PAGE movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load val mov ecx, $p ; - U load flag mov edx, $pc ; - V load PC and ecx, 01111100b ; - U clear N-Z-C flag inc edx ; - V ++ PC shl al, 1 ; - U ASL opr nop ; - V spare adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov edi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt mov byt[esi+ram], al ; - U write back acc (free eax) or cl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - V reset N-Z flag mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) add edi, 5 ; - V 5 cycles mov $ct, edi mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt OP16: ; ASL ZERO PAGE X movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx add esi, $x nop and esi, 11111111b nop movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load val mov ecx, $p ; - U load flag mov edx, $pc ; - V load PC and ecx, 01111100b ; - U clear N-Z-C flag inc edx ; - V ++ PC shl al, 1 ; - U ASL opr nop ; - V spare adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov edi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt mov byt[esi+ram], al ; - U write back acc (free eax) or cl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - V reset N-Z flag mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) add edi, 6 ; - V 6 cycles mov $ct, edi ; mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt OP0E: ; ASL ABS movzx esi, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs inx push esi ; - U mov edi, $ct ; - V call CpuAMread@4 mov edx, $p ; - U load val and eax, 11111111b ; - V add edi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles and edx, 01111100b ; - V clear Z-N-C flag shl al, 1 ; - U ASL opr nop ; - V spare adc edx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add ecx, 2 ; - V ++ PC mov $ct, edi ; - U write back cycles cnt (edi free) mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx free) push eax push esi mov $p, edx ; - U nop call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OP1E: ; ASL ABS X movzx esi, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs inx movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add si, cx nop push esi ; - U mov edi, $ct ; - V call CpuAMread@4 mov edx, $p ; - U load val and eax, 11111111b ; - V add edi, 7 ; - U 7 cycles and edx, 01111100b ; - V clear Z-N-C flag shl al, 1 ; - U ASL opr nop ; - V spare adc edx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add ecx, 2 ; - V ++ PC mov $ct, edi ; - U write back cycles cnt (edi free) mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx free) push eax push esi mov $p, edx ; - U nop call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt ;*** ; LSR ; 4A: ACC 2 cycles ; 46: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; 56: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; 4E: ABS 6 cycles ; 5E: ABS X 7 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; SET_CARRY(src & 0x01); ; src >>= 1; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE src in memory or accumulator depending on addressing mode. ; ;************************************************* OP4A: ; LSR A mov eax, $a ; - U load acc mov ecx, $p ; - V load flag and eax, 11111111b ; - U clear other bit and ecx, 01111100b ; - V clear N-Z-C flag shr eax, 1 ; - U LSR opr mov edx, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag add edx, 2 ; - V 2 cycles mov $a, eax ; - U write back acc (eax free) or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] ; - V reset Z-N flags mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) mov $ct, edx ; - V write back cycles cnt (edx free) jmp PollInt OP46: ; LSR ZERO PAGE movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load val mov ecx, $p ; - U load flag mov edx, $pc ; - V load PC and ecx, 01111100b ; - U clear N-Z-C flag inc edx ; - V ++ PC shr eax, 1 ; - U LSR opr nop ; - V spare adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov edi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt mov byt[esi+ram], al ; - U write back acc (free eax) or cl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - V reset N-Z flag mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) add edi, 5 ; - V 5 cycles mov $ct, edi mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt OP56: ; LSR ZERO PAGE X movzx esi, byt[edi+1] ; - N load zero page inx add esi, $x nop and esi, 11111111b nop movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] ; - N load val mov ecx, $p ; - U load flag mov edx, $pc ; - V load PC and ecx, 01111100b ; - U clear N-Z-C flag inc edx ; - V ++ PC shr eax, 1 ; - U LSR opr nop ; - V spare adc ecx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov edi, $ct ; - V load cycles cnt mov byt[esi+ram], al ; - U write back acc (free eax) or cl, byt[zn_t+eax*4] ; - V reset N-Z flag mov $p, ecx ; - U write back flag (ecx free) add edi, 6 ; - V 6 cycles mov $ct, edi ; mov $pc, edx jmp PollInt OP4E: ; LSR ABS movzx esi, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs inx push esi ; - U mov edi, $ct ; - V call CpuAMread@4 mov edx, $p ; - U load val and eax, 11111111b ; - V add edi, 6 ; - U 6 cycles and edx, 01111100b ; - V clear Z-N-C flag shr eax, 1 ; - U LSR opr nop ; - V spare adc edx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add ecx, 2 ; - V ++ PC mov $ct, edi ; - U write back cycles cnt (edi free) mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx free) push eax push esi mov $p, edx ; - U nop call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OP5E: ; LSR ABS X movzx esi, wot[edi+1] ; - N load abs inx movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add si, cx nop push esi ; - U mov edi, $ct ; - V call CpuAMread@4 mov edx, $p ; - U load val and eax, 11111111b ; - V add edi, 7 ; - U 7 cycles and edx, 01111100b ; - V clear Z-N-C flag shr eax, 1 ; - U LSR opr nop ; - V spare adc edx, 0 ; - U reset C flag mov ecx, $pc ; - V load PC or edx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add ecx, 2 ; - V ++ PC mov $ct, edi ; - U write back cycles cnt (edi free) mov $pc, ecx ; - V write back PC (ecx free) push eax push esi mov $p, edx ; - U nop call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt ;*** ; ROL ; 2A: ACC 2 cycles ; 26: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; 36: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; 2E: ABS 6 cycles ; 3E: ABS X 7 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; src <<= 1; ; if (IF_CARRY()) { ; src |= 0x1; ; } ; SET_CARRY(src > 0xff); ; src &= 0xff; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE src in memory or accumulator depending on addressing mode. ; ;************************************************* OP2A: ; ROL A mov eax, $a mov ecx, $p and eax, 11111111b and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcl al, 1 ; 2a03 rol opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 nop mov edx, $ct nop mov $a, eax add edx, 2 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP26: ; ROL ZERO PAGE movzx esi, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] mov ecx, $p nop mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcl al, 1 ; 2a03 rol opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 1 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct mov byt[esi+ram], al add edx, 5 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP36: ; ROL ZERO PAGE X movzx esi, byt[edi+1] add esi, $x and esi, 11111111b movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] mov ecx, $p nop mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcl al, 1 ; 2a03 rol opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 1 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct mov byt[esi+ram], al add edx, 6 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP2E: ; ROL ABS movzx esi, wot[edi+1] push esi nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b mov ecx, $p mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcl al, 1 ; 2a03 rol opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 2 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct add edx, 6 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OP3E: ; ROL ABS X movzx esi, wot[edi+1] movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add esi, ecx push esi nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b mov ecx, $p mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcl al, 1 ; 2a03 rol opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 2 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct add edx, 7 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt ;*** ; ROR ; 6A: ACC 2 cycles ; 66: ZERO PAGE 5 cycles ; 76: ZERO PAGE X 6 cycles ; 6E: ABS 6 cycles ; 7E: ABS X 7 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; if (IF_CARRY()) { ; src |= 0x100; ; } ; SET_CARRY(src & 0x01); ; src >>= 1; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_ZERO(src); ; STORE src in memory or accumulator depending on addressing mode. ; ;************************************************* OP6A: ; ROR A mov eax, $a mov ecx, $p and eax, 11111111b and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcr al, 1 ; 2a03 ror opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 nop mov edx, $ct nop mov $a, eax add edx, 2 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP66: ; ROR ZERO PAGE movzx esi, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] mov ecx, $p nop mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcr al, 1 ; 2a03 ror opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 1 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct mov byt[esi+ram], al add edx, 5 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP76: ; ROR ZERO PAGE X movzx esi, byt[edi+1] add esi, $x and esi, 11111111b movzx eax, byt[ram+esi] mov ecx, $p nop mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcr al, 1 ; 2a03 ror opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 1 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct mov byt[esi+ram], al add edx, 6 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx jmp PollInt OP6E: ; ROR ABS movzx esi, wot[edi+1] push esi nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b mov ecx, $p mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcr al, 1 ; 2a03 ror opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 2 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct add edx, 6 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt OP7E: ; ROR ABS X movzx esi, wot[edi+1] movzx ecx, byt[ebx+4] add esi, ecx push esi nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 11111111b mov ecx, $p mov edx, $pc and ecx, 01111101b ; save C flag shr cl, 1 ; into x86's C flag rcr al, 1 ; 2a03 ror opr ... with old c rcl cl, 1 add edx, 2 mov $pc, edx mov edx, $ct add edx, 7 ; cycles or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] mov $ct, edx mov $p, ecx push eax push esi call CpuAMwrite@8 jmp PollInt BRK.asm OP00: OPEA: ; When the MOS 6502 processor was modified into the Ricoh 2A03 chip for the NES,\ ; the BRK (Force Break) opcode was eliminated. ; Thus, the BRK command doesn't actually do anything on the NES and is effectively identical to NOP. ; Because of this, when you see a BRK in decompiled NES code,\ ; you can be fairly certain that the #00 value is either game data or unused. ; Having a BRK execute on the NES won't harm anything, it will only eat up a clock cycle to process. ; You can take advantage of this feature when making game cheats. ; For example, if you want to change an opcode that takes a two-byte operand into an opcode that uses a one-byte operand,\ ; you can ignore the second byte of the operand if it is a #00 because the NES will simply treat it as a BRK, which is ignored. ; On an original MOS 6502 processor,\ ; BRK would set the Interrupt Flag to prevent further interrupts and then move the Program Counter Register to the new location. ; Addressing Modes ; ================================================================== ; Addressing Mode Assembly Language Form Opcode # Bytes # Cycles ; =============== ====================== ====== ====== ===== ; Implied BRK 00 1 2 ; ======================================================================== ; ref link: www.thealmightyguru.com/Games/Hacking/Wiki/index.php?title=BRK ; ======================================================================== add $ct, 2 jmp PollInt STACK.asm OP48: ; PHA mov eax, $a mov edx, $s and edx, 255 mov ecx, $ct mov byt[ram+0100h+edx], al sub dl, 1 add ecx, 3 nop mov $ct, ecx mov $s, edx jmp PollInt OP08: ; PHP mov eax, $p mov edx, $s and edx, 255 mov ecx, $ct or eax, B_FLAG nop mov byt[ram+0100h+edx], al sub dl, 1 add ecx, 3 nop mov $ct, ecx mov $s, edx jmp PollInt OP68: ; PLA mov ecx, $p mov edx, $s and ecx, 07Dh ; clr z-n flag and edx, 255 mov al, byt[ram+0101h+edx] add dl, 1 and eax, 255 mov $s, edx mov esi, $ct mov $a, eax or ecx, dwot[zn_t+eax*4] add esi, 4 mov $p, ecx mov $ct, esi jmp PollInt OP28: ; PLP mov edx, $s nop and edx, 255 nop mov al, byt[ram+0101h+edx] add dl, 1 mov $s, edx mov esi, $ct add esi, 4 mov $p, eax nop mov $ct, esi jmp PollInt TEST.asm ;*** ; BIT ; 24: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 2C: ABS 4 cycles ; Algorithm: ; ; SET_SIGN(src); ; SET_OVERFLOW(0x40 & src); ; SET_ZERO(src & AC); ;************************************************* OP24: ; BIT ZERO PAGE 3 cycles movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov al, byt[ram+eax] nop mov esi, $ct mov edx, $p and edx, 00111101b mov ecx, eax and eax, 0C0h add esi, 3 or edx, eax mov eax, $a and al, cl setz cl lea edx, [edx+ecx*2] mov eax, $pc mov $ct, esi add eax, 1 mov $p, edx mov $pc, eax jmp PollInt OP2C: ; BIT ABS 4 cycles movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push eax nop call CpuAMread@4 and eax, 255 nop mov esi, $ct mov edx, $p and edx, 00111101b mov ecx, eax and eax, 0C0h add esi, 4 or edx, eax mov eax, $a and al, cl setz cl lea edx, [edx+ecx*2] mov eax, $pc mov $ct, esi add eax, 2 mov $p, edx mov $pc, eax jmp PollInt WRITE.asm ;*** ; STA ; 85: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; 95: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; 80: ABS 4 cycles ; 90: ABS X 5 cycles ; 99: ABS Y 5 cycles ; 81: X INDIRECT 6 cycles ; 91: INDIRECT Y 6 cycles (no test cross page) ; X 86: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; X 96: ZERO PAGE Y 4 cycles ; X 8E: ABS 4 cycles ; Y 84: ZERO PAGE 3 cycles ; Y 94: ZERO PAGE X 4 cycles ; Y 8C: ABS 4 cycles ; ; Algorithm: ; ; STORE(address, A); ; ;************************************************* OP85: ; STA ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov ecx, $ct mov edx, $a mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 3 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP95: ; STA ZERO PAGE X movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add eax, $x mov ecx, $ct and eax, 255 mov edx, $a mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP8D: ; STA ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push $a push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 2 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP9D: ; STA ABS X movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $x and ecx, 0FFh nop add eax, ecx nop push $a push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 2 add ecx, 5 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP99: ; STA ABS Y movzx eax, wot[edi+1] mov ecx, $y and ecx, 0FFh nop add eax, ecx nop push $a push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 2 add ecx, 5 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP81: ; STA X INDIRECT movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov ecx, $x add al, cl nop mov ax, wot[eax+ram] nop push $a push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 6 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP91: ; STA INDIRECT Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] movzx eax, wot[eax+ram] mov ecx, $y and ecx, 0FFh add ax, cx nop push $a push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 6 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP86: ; STX ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov ecx, $ct mov edx, $x mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 3 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP96: ; STX ZERO PAGE Y movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add eax, $y mov ecx, $ct and eax, 255 mov edx, $x mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP8E: ; STX ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push $x push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 2 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP84: ; STY ZERO PAGE movzx eax, byt[edi+1] mov ecx, $ct mov edx, $y mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 3 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP94: ; STY ZERO PAGE X movzx eax, byt[edi+1] add eax, $x mov ecx, $ct and eax, 255 mov edx, $y mov byt[ram+eax], dl mov eax, $pc add eax, 1 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt OP8C: ; STY ABS movzx eax, wot[edi+1] push $y push eax call CpuAMwrite@8 mov ecx, $ct mov eax, $pc add eax, 2 add ecx, 4 mov $pc, eax mov $ct, ecx jmp PollInt REMAIN.asm OP02: OP03: OP04: OP07: OP0B: OP0C: OP0F: OP12: OP13: OP14: OP17: OP1A: OP1B: OP1C: OP1F: OP22: OP23: OP27: OP2B: OP2F: OP32: OP33: OP34: OP37: OP3A: OP3B: OP3C: OP3F: OP42: OP43: OP44: OP47: OP4B: OP4F: OP52: OP53: OP54: OP57: OP5A: OP5B: OP5C: OP5F: OP62: OP63: OP64: OP67: OP6B: OP6F: OP72: OP73: OP74: OP77: OP7A: OP7B: OP7C: OP7F: OP80: OP82: OP83: OP87: OP89: OP8B: OP8F: OP92: OP93: OP97: OP9B: OP9C: OP9E: OP9F: OPA3: OPA7: OPAB: OPAF: OPB2: OPB3: OPB7: OPBB: OPBF: OPC2: OPC3: OPC7: OPCB: OPCF: OPD2: OPD3: OPD4: OPD7: OPDA: OPDB: OPDC: OPDF: OPE2: OPE3: OPE7: OPEB: OPEF: OPF2: OPF3: OPF4: OPF7: OPFA: OPFB: OPFC: OPFF: int 3 ALIGNXMM OPTAB dd OP00, OP01, OP02, OP03, OP04, OP05, OP06, OP07, OP08, OP09, OP0A, OP0B, OP0C, OP0D, OP0E, OP0F dd OP10, OP11, OP12, OP13, OP14, OP15, OP16, OP17, OP18, OP19, OP1A, OP1B, OP1C, OP1D, OP1E, OP1F dd OP20, OP21, OP22, OP23, OP24, OP25, OP26, OP27, OP28, OP29, OP2A, OP2B, OP2C, OP2D, OP2E, OP2F dd OP30, OP31, OP32, OP33, OP34, OP35, OP36, OP37, OP38, OP39, OP3A, OP3B, OP3C, OP3D, OP3E, OP3F dd OP40, OP41, OP42, OP43, OP44, OP45, OP46, OP47, OP48, OP49, OP4A, OP4B, OP4C, OP4D, OP4E, OP4F dd OP50, OP51, OP52, OP53, OP54, OP55, OP56, OP57, OP58, OP59, OP5A, OP5B, OP5C, OP5D, OP5E, OP5F dd OP60, OP61, OP62, OP63, OP64, OP65, OP66, OP67, OP68, OP69, OP6A, OP6B, OP6C, OP6D, OP6E, OP6F dd OP70, OP71, OP72, OP73, OP74, OP75, OP76, OP77, OP78, OP79, OP7A, OP7B, OP7C, OP7D, OP7E, OP7F dd OP80, OP81, OP82, OP83, OP84, OP85, OP86, OP87, OP88, OP89, OP8A, OP8B, OP8C, OP8D, OP8E, OP8F dd OP90, OP91, OP92, OP93, OP94, OP95, OP96, OP97, OP98, OP99, OP9A, OP9B, OP9C, OP9D, OP9E, OP9F dd OPA0, OPA1, OPA2, OPA3, OPA4, OPA5, OPA6, OPA7, OPA8, OPA9, OPAA, OPAB, OPAC, OPAD, OPAE, OPAF dd OPB0, OPB1, OPB2, OPB3, OPB4, OPB5, OPB6, OPB7, OPB8, OPB9, OPBA, OPBB, OPBC, OPBD, OPBE, OPBF dd OPC0, OPC1, OPC2, OPC3, OPC4, OPC5, OPC6, OPC7, OPC8, OPC9, OPCA, OPCB, OPCC, OPCD, OPCE, OPCF dd OPD0, OPD1, OPD2, OPD3, OPD4, OPD5, OPD6, OPD7, OPD8, OPD9, OPDA, OPDB, OPDC, OPDD, OPDE, OPDF dd OPE0, OPE1, OPE2, OPE3, OPE4, OPE5, OPE6, OPE7, OPE8, OPE9, OPEA, OPEB, OPEC, OPED, OPEE, OPEF dd OPF0, OPF1, OPF2, OPF3, OPF4, OPF5, OPF6, OPF7, OPF8, OPF9, OPFA, OPFB, OPFC, OPFD, OPFE, OPFF
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