
apache httpd 和nginx的正则表达式


apache的说明 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/intro.html

nginx的说明 http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html

PCRE,为perl兼容的正则表达式库,全称PCRE(Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)

PCRE的说明文档 http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html



$ man pcretest 

       If  pcretest  is  given  two  filename  arguments, it reads from the first and writes to the second. If it is given only one filename argument, it reads from that file and writes to stdout. Otherwise, it reads from stdin and
       writes to stdout, and prompts for each line of input, using "re>" to prompt for regular expressions, and "data>" to prompt for data lines.

       When pcretest is built, a configuration option can specify that it should be linked with the libreadline library. When this is done, if the input is from a terminal, it is read using the readline()  function.  This  provides
       line-editing and history facilities. The output from the -help option states whether or not readline() will be used.

       The program handles any number of sets of input on a single input file. Each set starts with a regular expression, and continues with any number of data lines to be matched against that pattern.

       Each data line is matched separately and independently. If you want to do multi-line matches, you have to use the \n escape sequence (or \r or \r\n, etc., depending on the newline setting) in a single line of input to encode
       the newline sequences. There is no limit on the length of data lines; the input buffer is automatically extended if it is too small.

       An empty line signals the end of the data lines, at which point a new regular expression is read. The regular expressions are given enclosed in any non-alphanumeric delimiters other than backslash, for example:


       White space before the initial delimiter is ignored. A regular expression may be continued over several input lines, in which case the newline characters are included within it. It is possible to include the delimiter within
       the pattern by escaping it, for example


       If you do so, the escape and the delimiter form part of the pattern, but since delimiters are always non-alphanumeric, this does not affect its interpretation.  If the terminating delimiter is immediately followed by a back‐
       slash, for example,


       then a backslash is added to the end of the pattern. This is done to provide a way of testing the error condition that arises if a pattern finishes with a backslash, because


       is interpreted as the first line of a pattern that starts with "abc/", causing pcretest to read the next line as a continuation of the regular expression.

$ pcretest
PCRE version 8.36 2014-09-26
  re> /^(index\.php|images|js|robots|css|js\.txt|hm\.php)/
data> index.php
 0: index.php
 1: index.php
data> a/index.php
No match
  re> /\d+/
data> 100
 0: 100
data> 1.0
 0: 1
data> 12asd
 0: 12




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