
About GE memory cache


when trying to cache map in Google earth, be aware of your memory cache setting..  the number of your memory cache depends upon the capacity of total memory.. Some recommended settings are following:


RAM 1.3G or below: memory cache 256 MB or 384 MB

RAM 1.3G to 2G: memory cache 512 MB

RAM 2G or above: memory cache 768 MB


i personally recommend the computer should have at least 2G MB memory if you want to do caching job.


I ran several caching experiments in these few days.. incorrect memory cache setting incurs varied errors frequently.





    01-what-every-programmer-should-know about-memory.pdf

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    What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory

    What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory ,经典著作

    About memory Jacob

    很好的学习memory技术发展的材料,堪称经典作品 值得大家好好看看

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