Find the longest continuous subsequence of 1's in binary representation of an integer.
Solution 1:
public int countConsecutive1s(int n) { if(n == 0) return 0; int max = 0; int len = 0; for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { int v = (n >>> i) & 1; if(v == 1) { len++; max = Math.max(len, max); } else { len = 0; } } return max; }
Solution 2:
To determine the length of the longest sequence of consecutive 1's, this is more efficient:
def longest_one_chain(n) c = 0 while n != 0 n &= n >> 1 c += 1 end c end
The method simply counts how many times you can "bitwise AND" the number with itself shifted 1 bit to the right until it is zero.
______ <-- longest chain
01011011100001111110011110101010 c=0
AND 0101101110000111111001111010101
1001100000111110001110000000 c=1, 1’s deleted
AND 100110000011111000111000000
100000011110000110000000 c=2, 11’s deleted
AND 10000001111000011000000
1110000010000000 c=3, 111’s deleted
AND 111000001000000
110000000000000 c=4, 1111’s deleted
AND 11000000000000
10000000000000 c=5, 11111’s deleted
AND 1000000000000
0 c=6, 111111’s deleted
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s[i,j] (s[i-1,j], s[i,j-1], s[i-1,j-1]+1) else s[i,j] (s[i-1,j], s[i,j-1]) ``` - 其中,\( s[i,j] \)表示字符串\( v \)的前\( i \)个字符与字符串\( w \)的前\( j \)个字符的最长公共子序列的长度。 - \...
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