Everybody on earth dies and goes to heaven.
God comes and says "I want the men to make two lines.
One line for the men that dominated their women on earth
and the other line for the men that were whipped by their women.
Also, I want all the women to go with St Peter."
Said and done, and there are two lines.
The line of the men that were whipped was 100 miles long,
and the line of men that dominated women, there was only one man.
God got mad and said. "You men should be ashamed of yourselves.
I created you in my image and you were all whipped by your mates.
Look at the only one of my sons that stood up and made me proud.
Learn from him! Tell them, my son,how did you manage to be the only one on that line?"
The man said, "I don't know, my wife told me to stand here."
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