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Hybrid(1)ionic Cordova meteor
After reading a lot of documents, cordova is similar to phoneGap. ionic is focus on mobile UI and based on cordova/phoneGap. Meteor seems provide both browser and hybrid. Let try that first.
1. Meteor Installation
Just a simple command to install that on MAC
> curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
Try to create the first project
> meteor create easymeteor
That will generate all the html, css and JS files there.
> meteor
Visit the http://localhost:3000/ to see the first page.
2. Try TODO Example
the HTML file easymeteor.html file will be
<title>Todo List</title>
<div class="container">
<h1>Todo List</h1>
{{#each tasks}}
{{> task}}
<template name="task">
The JS file easymeteor.js will be as follow:
// simple-todos.js
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
tasks: [
{ text: "This is task 1" },
{ text: "This is task 2" },
{ text: "This is task 3" }
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor parses all the HTML files in app folder and identifies three top-level tags: <head>, <body> and <template>
template can be used in HTML as {{> templateName }} or in JavaScript as Template.templateName.
We can pass the data from JS to HTML template via helpers and {{}} mark.
Adding CSS in easymeteor.css
Storing tasks in a collection
collection in meteor can be access from both server and the client.
Create the collection and client will connect to that server to get the tasks.
// simple-todos.js
Tasks = new Mongo.Collection("tasks");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
tasks: function () {
return Tasks.find({});
Inserting the tasks from the console
Connect to the database
> meteor mongo
> db.tasks.find();
> db.tasks.insert({ text: "CREATE the JIRA ticket for Hybrid", createAt: new Date() });
Forms and Events
The HTML form will be easy
<!-- add a form below the h1 -->
<form class="new-task">
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Type to add new tasks" />
handle the event and store our data into mongo
"submit .new-task": function (event) {
// This function is called when the new task form is submitted
var text = event.target.text.value;
text: text,
createdAt: new Date() // current time
// Clear form
event.target.text.value = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false;
Update and Remove Operation
Add the operation label to the html
<template name="task">
<li class="{{#if checked}}checked{{/if}}">
<button class="delete">×</button>
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{checked}}" class="toggle-checked" />
<span class="text">{{text}}</span>
Event Operation on JS, update the checked property or delete the data
// In the client code, below everything else
"click .toggle-checked": function () {
// Set the checked property to the opposite of its current value
Tasks.update(this._id, {$set: {checked: ! this.checked}});
"click .delete": function () {
3. Deploy the App
> meteor deploy sillycat.meteor.com
Then after that, I can visit this URL
one example
After reading a lot of documents, cordova is similar to phoneGap. ionic is focus on mobile UI and based on cordova/phoneGap. Meteor seems provide both browser and hybrid. Let try that first.
1. Meteor Installation
Just a simple command to install that on MAC
> curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
Try to create the first project
> meteor create easymeteor
That will generate all the html, css and JS files there.
> meteor
Visit the http://localhost:3000/ to see the first page.
2. Try TODO Example
the HTML file easymeteor.html file will be
<title>Todo List</title>
<div class="container">
<h1>Todo List</h1>
{{#each tasks}}
{{> task}}
<template name="task">
The JS file easymeteor.js will be as follow:
// simple-todos.js
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
tasks: [
{ text: "This is task 1" },
{ text: "This is task 2" },
{ text: "This is task 3" }
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor parses all the HTML files in app folder and identifies three top-level tags: <head>, <body> and <template>
template can be used in HTML as {{> templateName }} or in JavaScript as Template.templateName.
We can pass the data from JS to HTML template via helpers and {{}} mark.
Adding CSS in easymeteor.css
Storing tasks in a collection
collection in meteor can be access from both server and the client.
Create the collection and client will connect to that server to get the tasks.
// simple-todos.js
Tasks = new Mongo.Collection("tasks");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
tasks: function () {
return Tasks.find({});
Inserting the tasks from the console
Connect to the database
> meteor mongo
> db.tasks.find();
> db.tasks.insert({ text: "CREATE the JIRA ticket for Hybrid", createAt: new Date() });
Forms and Events
The HTML form will be easy
<!-- add a form below the h1 -->
<form class="new-task">
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Type to add new tasks" />
handle the event and store our data into mongo
"submit .new-task": function (event) {
// This function is called when the new task form is submitted
var text = event.target.text.value;
text: text,
createdAt: new Date() // current time
// Clear form
event.target.text.value = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false;
Update and Remove Operation
Add the operation label to the html
<template name="task">
<li class="{{#if checked}}checked{{/if}}">
<button class="delete">×</button>
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{checked}}" class="toggle-checked" />
<span class="text">{{text}}</span>
Event Operation on JS, update the checked property or delete the data
// In the client code, below everything else
"click .toggle-checked": function () {
// Set the checked property to the opposite of its current value
Tasks.update(this._id, {$set: {checked: ! this.checked}});
"click .delete": function () {
3. Deploy the App
> meteor deploy sillycat.meteor.com
Then after that, I can visit this URL
one example
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APP ionic cordova 生物识别指纹识别面部识别登录
该项目为基于Ionic Cordova框架开发的LogisticService后勤服务系统源码,包含268个文件,涵盖67个PNG图片、46个JavaScript、41个SCSS样式表、30个HTML页面、24个JPG图片、17个JSON数据文件等多种类型。主要采用...
《ionic+Angular+Cordova初学者文档》是一套全面的移动端开发教程,专为初学者设计。这个压缩包包含了22个PDF文档,每个都详细介绍了关键概念和技术,旨在帮助新手快速掌握混合移动应用开发的核心技能。 首先,让...
Ionic+Cordova 环境搭建知识点大全 Ionic+Cordova 环境搭建是移动应用开发的必经之路,对于初学者来说,环境搭建的过程往往是一个痛苦的过程。本文将详细介绍 Ionic+Cordova 环境搭建的过程,包括 JDK 环境配置、...
本文讨论了如何使用Ionic和Cordova(PhoneGap)开发跨平台移动Hybrid App。Ionic是一个专注于使用Web开发技术,基于HTML5创建类似于手机平台原生应用的开发框架。Cordova提供了丰富的原生接口,解决了移动端原生功能...
1. 初始化插件目录结构:使用 `cordova plugin create` 命令创建插件项目。 ```bash cordova plugin create my-plugin --id com.example.myplugin ``` 2. 编写 `plugin.xml` 文件:这是插件的核心配置文件,用于...
【Cordova和Ionic框架详解】 Cordova和Ionic是两个在移动应用开发领域广泛使用的开源框架,它们结合使用可以创建跨平台的原生移动应用程序。Cordova主要负责将Web应用程序打包成原生应用,而Ionic则提供了丰富的UI...
1. **安装插件**:通过`cordova plugin add <your-plugin-path>`命令将本地的插件添加到`Ionic 3`项目中,或者如果是从npm获取的,使用`npm install --save <your-plugin-name>`。 2. **导入和使用插件**:在`Ionic...
离子广播样本使用在ionic 5中使用样本用法当前该项目支持Cordova平台浏览器, Android , IOS要求我用过节点物品版本笔记节点12.16.1 npm 6.13.4科尔多瓦物品版本笔记科尔多瓦区9.0.0 本地项目科尔多瓦android引擎...
1. `config.xml` - Cordova项目的配置文件,定义了应用的基本信息,如名称、ID、图标和权限。 2. `platforms` - 存放针对不同移动操作系统的原生项目代码,如Android和iOS。 3. `plugins` - 存放项目使用的Cordova...
特征: 检查指纹扫描仪是否可用 指纹认证 离子原生支持 后备选项 人脸识别支持 该插件的 4.0 版本是对以前版本的重大升级。以前的版本只允许视觉指纹提示。4.0 版允许在生物识别提示后面保存加密的秘密,以实现真正...
【标题】"01 Ionic Angular Cordova介绍以及Ionic环境搭建-avi.rar"涉及的主要知识点是移动应用开发框架 Ionic、Angular 和 Cordova 的基础知识及其环境配置。这篇文章将详细讲解这三个技术的核心概念、相互关系以及...
### 初学者 nodejs+ionic+cordova 详细安装教程 #### 一、Node.js 安装及概述 **Node.js简介** Node.js 是一个开放源代码、跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许开发者使用JavaScript编写服务器端的应用程序。...
You will start the journey by learning to configure, customize, and migrate Ionic 1x to 3x. Then, you will move on to Ionic 3 components and see how you can customize them according to your ...
3.在命令台输入【ionic cordova platform add android】,添加android平台 4.在命令台输入【ionic cordova build android】,打android包 5.在命令台输入【cordova run android】,运行到真机或模拟机(只能连接一个...
- **打包与发布**:完成开发后,使用`ionic cordova build android --prod`或`ionic cordova build ios --prod`创建生产版本的APK/IPA,然后通过各自平台的发布流程进行分发。 ### 5. 文件放置 如果由于网络问题...
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