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1. 信息收集
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
echo %username%
net users
net user username
ipconfig /all
route print
arp -A
netstat -ano
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
# This will display verbose output for all scheduled tasks, below you can see sample output for a single task.
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
# The following command links running processes to started services.
C:\Windows\system32> tasklist /SVC
net start
# This can be useful sometimes as some 3rd party drivers, even by reputable companies, contain more holes than Swiss cheese. This is only possible because ring0 exploitation lies outside most peoples expertise.
C:\Windows\system32> DRIVERQUERY
3. configuration file
4. GPP
5. strange registry setting
The next thing we will look for is a strange registry setting "AlwaysInstallElevated", if this setting is enabled it allows users of any privilege level to install *.msi files as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. It seems like a strange idea to me that you would create low privilege users (to restrict their use of the OS) but give them the ability to install programs as SYSTEM. For more background reading on this issue you can have a look here at an article by Parvez from GreyHatHacker who originally reported this as a security concern.
6. service and accesschk.exe
7. files/folder permission
1. 信息收集
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
echo %username%
net users
net user username
ipconfig /all
route print
arp -A
netstat -ano
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config
# This will display verbose output for all scheduled tasks, below you can see sample output for a single task.
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
# The following command links running processes to started services.
C:\Windows\system32> tasklist /SVC
net start
# This can be useful sometimes as some 3rd party drivers, even by reputable companies, contain more holes than Swiss cheese. This is only possible because ring0 exploitation lies outside most peoples expertise.
C:\Windows\system32> DRIVERQUERY
The first and most obvious thing we need to look at is the patchlevel. There is no need to worry ourself further if we see that the host is badly patched. My WMIC script will already list all the installed patches but you can see the sample command line output below.
C:\Windows\system32> wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
C:\Windows\system32> wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn | findstr /C:"KB.." /C:"KB.."
C:\Windows\system32> wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
C:\Windows\system32> wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn | findstr /C:"KB.." /C:"KB.."
3. configuration file
4. GPP
5. strange registry setting
The next thing we will look for is a strange registry setting "AlwaysInstallElevated", if this setting is enabled it allows users of any privilege level to install *.msi files as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. It seems like a strange idea to me that you would create low privilege users (to restrict their use of the OS) but give them the ability to install programs as SYSTEM. For more background reading on this issue you can have a look here at an article by Parvez from GreyHatHacker who originally reported this as a security concern.
6. service and accesschk.exe
7. files/folder permission
[图] windows 10
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根据提供的文档内容,本文将深入解析“Window提权”这一主题。主要分为两大部分:第一部分探讨提权的基础知识;第二部分则通过多个实例详细分析实际中的提权过程和技术细节。 ### 第一部分:提权基础知识 #### ...
以下为安装步骤: 离线安装说明 1,把下载的windowbuilder.zip,解压出repository.zip,放在任意文件夹,如:F:/temp/repository.zip 2,打开eclipse》》 Install New Software >> Add 》》 3,在Add Repository 中...
"mysql在window环境下安装步骤" MySQL是目前最流行的开源关系数据库管理系统之一,在Windows环境下安装MySQL的步骤可以分为七个部分:安装前的准备、解压安装包、创建数据目录和配置文件、配置文件参数、安装MySQL...
可以给window 软件 以System 权限运行 例如ce 等
首先,了解WindowBuilder的基本概念。WindowBuilder允许开发者通过直观的拖放方式创建和编辑Swing、SWT、JFace以及RCP(Rich Client Platform)等不同类型的用户界面。它极大地减少了编写布局代码的工作量,使开发者...
- `window.alert()`、`window.confirm()`和`window.prompt()`:提供基本的用户交互,如显示警告、确认对话框和输入框。 - `window.setTimeout()`和`window.clearTimeout()`:用于在指定延迟后执行函数,或取消已安排...
### window.showModalDialog 的基本用法 `window.showModalDialog` 是一个早期的浏览器功能,主要在 Internet Explorer(IE)4.0 及以上版本中支持。它用于打开一个新的模态对话框窗口,并且该窗口将阻止用户与主...
具体步骤包括向本地终端输入`%xhost+hostname`,其中`hostname`表示远程机器的名称,以此开启网络连接的安全通道,允许远程应用程序的输出在本地显示。 X Window系统的上述特性共同铸就了其在网络时代中的独特地位...
要在Eclipse中安装WindowBuilder 1.9.3,你需要按照以下步骤操作: 1. 首先,确保你正在使用支持插件安装的Eclipse版本。 2. 解压缩`windowbuilder1.9.3.zip`到一个临时目录。 3. 打开Eclipse,进入“Help”菜单,...
以下是WindowBuilder Pro在Eclipse环境下的安装步骤: 1. 首先,访问官方网站下载页面(http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php)。在这个页面上,你需要根据你的Eclipse版本选择合适的插件包。例如,...
`IFrame`的基本使用方法如下: ```html <iframe src="http://example.com" width="600" height="400"></iframe> ``` 其中,`src`属性定义了要加载的URL,`width`和`height`定义了`IFrame`的尺寸。 接下来,我们谈谈...
《Xwindow程序设计入门》是一本面向初学者的教程,旨在帮助读者理解并掌握X Window System(简称X11或X Window)的基本概念和编程技巧。X Window是Unix和类Unix系统上广泛使用的图形用户界面(GUI)系统,它提供了一...