-l Enables monitoring of loopback interfaces for which statistics are available. By default, ifstat monitors all non-loopback interfaces that are up.
-a Enables monitoring of all interfaces found for which statistics are available.
-z Hides interface which counters are null, eg interfaces that are up but not used.
-i Specifies the list of interfaces to monitor, separated by commas (if an interface name has a comma, it can be escaped with '\'). Multiple instances
of the options are added together.
-s Equivalent to -d snmp:[comm@][#]host[/nn]] to poll a remote host through SNMP. See below for details.
-h Displays a short help message.
-n Turns off displaying the header periodically.
-t Adds a timestamp at the beginning of each line.
-T Reports total bandwith for all monitored interfaces.
-A Disables use of interface indexes: by default, when polling mechanism is index based (snmp, ifmib), ifstat remembers indexes of monitored inter-
faces to poll only them. However, if interfaces indexes change often (new interfaces added, etc), you might loose some stats, hence this flag. Note
that if you ask ifstat to monitor a non existent interface, it will poll all interfaces until it finds the requested one (regardless of this flag)
so you can poll for an interface that goes up and down.
-w Uses fixed width columns, instead of enlarging them if needed for interfaces names to fit.
-W Wrap lines that are larger than the terminal width (implies -w). Wrapped lines are prefixed with a cycling letter to ease reading.
-S Keep stats updated on the same line if possible (no scrolling nor wrapping).
-b Reports bandwith in kbits/sec instead of kbytes/sec.
-q Quiet mode, warnings are not printed.
-v Displays version and the compiled-in drivers.
ifstat -TS
Linux流量监控脚本 上下行流量监控shell脚本
- 重启系统后,你可以在浏览器中访问 `` 来查看生成的网络流量监控图表。 然而,遇到的一个问题是在设置中文显示时可能出现乱码。这可能是因为MRTG不直接支持中文字符集,或者网页编码...
本脚本"linux主机流量实时监控脚本"专注于提供对以太网接口(如eth0-9)的流量监控功能,但不包含对虚拟化网卡的支持。如果需要监控虚拟化环境下的网络流量,用户需要自行对脚本进行相应的修改。 首先,让我们深入...
MRTG(Multi Router Traffic Grapher)是一款免费的网络流量监控工具,它利用SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)协议从网络设备收集数据,并生成图形化的流量报告,便于网络管理员实时监控网络状态。...
《Linux系统下的网络流量监控——MRTG详解》 在当今信息化社会,网络流量监控对于企业和个人用户都至关重要。它能帮助我们了解网络资源的使用情况,预防网络拥塞,及时发现并解决问题。Linux系统中,MRTG(Multi ...
在IT领域,网络流量监控是一项至关重要的任务,它可以帮助我们了解网络的运行状态,及时发现并解决问题。"一个简单的网络流量监控软件源码"提供了一个基础的解决方案,让我们深入探讨这个话题。 首先,网络流量监控...
nload是一款轻量级的网络流量监控工具,它能够直观地展示出总体流量的情况。通过简单的命令行界面,用户可以轻松地查看到各个网络接口的实时流量信息。 - **安装**: - 使用yum安装nload:`$ yum -y install nload`...
### Cacti在校园网络流量监控中的应用:深入解析与实践 #### 一、Cacti概述 Cacti是一款基于Web的网络监控系统,它采用PHP编程语言编写,能够实时收集并展示网络设备的数据,如流量、CPU使用率、内存使用情况等,...
在Delphi中实现网络流量监控可以帮助用户了解网络数据的传输情况,优化网络性能,甚至用于网络安全分析。本篇文章将详细探讨Delphi网络流量监控的实现原理、核心知识点以及源代码解析。 1. 网络流量监控基础 - ...
### Linux网络日志分析与流量监控 #### 一、引言 随着信息技术的快速发展,网络安全已成为企业和组织关注的重点。为了确保网络安全稳定运行,对网络日志进行有效的分析和监控至关重要。《UNIX+Linux网络日志分析与...
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