[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
UIImage *image = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];// 用户选择的图片
CropImageViewController *cropViewController = [[CropImageViewController alloc] initWithImage:image andImageScale:1.25];
cropViewController.delegate = self;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:cropViewController animated:NO];
Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for
原因是dismissViewController还没有执行完,就开始执行pushViewController,动画有冲突,解决的办法是,把push写到dismiss的completion block里
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
UIImage *image = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];// 用户选择的图片
CropImageViewController *cropViewController = [[CropImageViewController alloc] initWithImage:image andImageScale:1.25];
cropViewController.delegate = self;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:cropViewController animated:NO];
to generate unbalanced targets with good prefixes but bad suffixes, and thus performance suffers when dealing with long sequences. We propose a simple yet effective approach to overcome this ...
installation and tap settling for voltage regulators to provide a smooth voltage profile along network .the effectiveness of method is done on 19 bus and 25 bus unbalanced radial distribution system.
presents a novel adaptive neuro-fuzzy control approach for the renewable interfacing inverter. The main objective is to achieve smooth bidirectional power flow and nonlinear unbalanced load ...
To understand a scene in depth not only involves locating/recognizing individual objects, but also requires to infer the relationships and interactions among them. However, sincethedistributionofreal-...
健身房不平衡磁盘安装python -m ...基本用途import gym, gym_unbalanced_disk, timeenv = gym.make('unbalanced-disk-v0')obs = env.reset()for i in range(200): obs, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_spac
Instantaneous Active and Reactive Current Component Method for Active Filters under Balanced & Unbalanced mains Voltage Conditions for 3-ph 3-wire System
audioset unbalanced 训练数据集,包括527种声音
包unbalanced为不平衡分类任务实现了一些众所周知的技术,并提供了一种竞赛策略,以自适应地为给定的数据集、分类算法和采用的准确度度量选择最佳方法。 安装 您可以在以下位置安装稳定版本: install.packages('...
This book equips readers to handle complex multi-view data representation, centered around several major visual applications, sharing many tips and insights through a unified learning framework....
标题“new_unbalanced_PMSG_Windload”暗示我们即将探讨的是与电力系统中PMSG(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator,永磁同步发电机)相关的不平衡负载问题,特别是与风力发电相关的技术。PMSG在风能转换系统中...
标题中的"new_unbalanced_PMSG_Windload_loadpmsg_windpmsg_unbalancedload_源码"似乎是一个关于电力系统或风电领域的程序代码库,主要关注的是处理不平衡负载的问题。PMSG(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator...
compensate the local unbalanced and nonlinear load. The control algorithms are developed based on instantaneous symmetrical component theory (ISCT) to operate DVSI in grid sharing and grid injecting ...
"Backward Forward Power Flow for Balanced/Unbalanced Networks" 是一个针对配电系统规划和管理的 Matlab 开发项目,特别针对了三相平衡和不平衡的情况。这种计算方法基于经典的电路理论,利用基尔霍夫电流定律 ...
标题中的“sm2258xt 闪迪颗粒 开卡工具”指的是针对使用SM2258XT主控芯片的闪迪(SanDisk)存储设备的专业开卡软件。这种工具通常用于格式化、初始化或者修复特定品牌的存储卡,确保它们能够被系统正确识别并正常...