INPUT: (A,B) (A,C) (B,G) (C,H) (E,F) (B,D) (C,E)
OUTPUT: (A(B(D)(G))(C(E(F))(H)))
Error Code Type of error
E1 More than 2 children
E2 Duplicate Edges - (A,B) (A,B)
E3 Cycle present
E4 Multiple roots
E5 Any other error
public class GraphEdgeTree { public static class Edge { char from, to; public Edge(String exp) { String[] nodes = exp.replaceAll("[\\(\\)\\s]", "").split(","); from = nodes[0].charAt(0); to = nodes[1].charAt(0); } } private Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Character, Set<Character>> childMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>(); public GraphEdgeTree(String exp) { String[] arr = exp.split("\\s"); for(String str:arr) { Edge edge = new Edge(str); edges.add(edge); map.put(edge.from, edge.from); map.put(,; Set<Character> children = childMap.get(edge.from); if(children == null) { children = new HashSet<Character>(); } children.add(; childMap.put(edge.from, children); } } public Character find(char x) { Character parent = map.get(x); if(parent == null || parent == x) { return parent; } return find(parent); } public void union(char x, char y) { Character xp = find(x); Character yp = find(y); map.put(xp, yp); } public boolean isEdgeExisted(Edge edge) { Character p = map.get(; return p != null && p == edge.from; } public String buildTree() { for(Character key:childMap.keySet()) { Set<Character> set = childMap.get(key); if(set != null && set.size()>2) { return "E1"; } } for(Edge edge:edges) { if(isEdgeExisted(edge)) { return "E2"; } char xp = find(edge.from); char yp = find(; if(xp == yp) { return "E3"; } union(, edge.from); } if(rootNum() > 1) { return "E4"; } return null; } private int rootNum() { int cnt = 0; for(char key:map.keySet()) { if(find(key) == key) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } public String treeString(char root) { Set<Character> children = childMap.get(root); if(children == null || children.size() == 0) { return "("+root+")"; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("("+root); for(char child:children) { result.append(",").append(treeString(child)); } result.append(")"); return result.toString(); } public char getRoot() { return find(edges.get(0).from); } public static void main(String[] args) { String input = "(A,B) (A,C) (B,G) (C,H) (E,F) (B,D) (C,E)"; GraphEdgeTree gt = new GraphEdgeTree(input); String error = gt.buildTree(); if(error != null) { System.out.println(error); } else { String result = gt.treeString(gt.getRoot()); System.out.println(result); } } }
"Determine if a Directory Exists"这个主题就涉及到了如何检查计算机系统中是否存在特定的目录。这是一个基础但至关重要的功能,因为它广泛应用于文件管理、数据备份、安装程序验证等多个场景。 在Windows操作系统...
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The FTP protocol is specified in RFC 959. The library has been tested on linux, OpenVMS and Windows NT. It should also work without major modification on other POSIX systems. All programs using the ...
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determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space? 解决思路 声明一个慢指针和一个快指针 慢指针一次后移一个节点,快指针一次后移两个节点 不断后移至指针指空,或两指针...
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4、 - a small include file written by Brad Stowers used to determine the Delphi or BCB version you are trying to compile with With these four files it is extremely easy to install the trees. ...
Delphi's THandle type when a HWND is passed to a function. E.g.: if (DragDetectPlus(THandle(MyControl->Handle), Point(X, Y))) { ... } * Virtual File Stream formats can only be pasted from the ...
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在C++编程中,"determine" 这个任务通常涉及到对文件内容的读取以及字符串处理。在这个场景中,我们需要实现一个功能:检查文件中的字符串是否包含特定的符号,并根据找到的符号输出对应的值(正1或负1)。下面我们...
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