




<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/FlexPaper/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/FlexPaper/js/flexpaper.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/FlexPaper/js/flexpaper_handlers.js"></script>
<div id="documentViewer" class="flexpaper_viewer"
<script type="text/javascript">
    function getContentPath() {
        var pathName = document.location.pathname;
        var index = pathName.substr(1).indexOf("/");
        var path = pathName.substr(0, index + 1);
        return path;
    var fp = $('#documentViewer').FlexPaperViewer(
            {config: {
                SwfFile: getContentPath() + '/readme.swf',
                Scale: 0.6,
                ZoomTransition: 'easeOut',
                ZoomTime: 0.5,
                ZoomInterval: 0.2,
                FitPageOnLoad: true,
                FitWidthOnLoad: true,
                FullScreenAsMaxWindow: true,
                ProgressiveLoading: true,
                MinZoomSize: 0.2,
                MaxZoomSize: 5,
                SearchMatchAll: false,
                InitViewMode: 'Portrait',
                ViewModeToolsVisible: true,
                ZoomToolsVisible: true,
                NavToolsVisible: true,
                CursorToolsVisible: true,
                SearchToolsVisible: true,
                localeChain: 'zh_CN',
                jsDirectory: getContentPath() + "/FlexPaper/js/", /*设置FlexPaper的js文件目录,包含FlexPaperVier.swf文件,否则默认在flex目录下.*/
                cssDirectory: getContentPath() + "/FlexPaper/css/"



The following parameters can be used in FlexPaper

SwfFile(String) The flash document FlexPaper should open
JSONFile(String) The json document FlexPaper should open. Mark the page number with {page} if you are loading FlexPaper in split mode (e.g. Paper.pdf_{page}.js).This only applies to FlexPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
IMGFiles(String) The pages as images FlexPaper should open. Mark page number with {page} (e.g. Paper.pdf_{page}.png}).This only applies to FlexPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
Scale(Number) The initial zoom factor that should be used. Should be a number above 0 (1=100%)
ZoomTransition(String) The zoom transition that should be used when zooming in FlexPaper. It uses the same Transition modes as the Tweener. The default value is easeOut. Some examples: easenone, easeout, linear, easeoutquad
ZoomTime(Number) The time it should take for the zoom to reach the new zoom factor. Should be 0 or greater.
ZoomInterval(Number) The interval which the zoom slider should be using. Basically how big the "step" should be between each zoom factor. The default value is 0.1. Should be a positive number.
FitPageOnLoad(Boolean) Fits the page on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-page button in the toolbar.
FitWidthOnLoad(Boolean) Fits the width on initial load. Same effect as using the fit-width button in the toolbar.
localeChain(String) Sets the locale (language) to use. The following languages are currently supported:

en_US (English)
fr_FR (French)
zh_CN (Chinese, Simple)
es_ES (Spanish)
pt_BR (Brazilian Portugese)
ru_RU (Russian)
fi_FN (Finnish)
de_DE (German)
nl_NL (Netherlands)
tr_TR (Turkish)
se_SE (Swedish)
pt_PT (Portugese)
el_EL (Greek)
dn_DN (Danish)
cz_CS (Czech)
it_IT (Italian)
pl_PL (Polish)
pv_FN (Finnish)
hu_HU (Hungarian)
FullScreenAsMaxWindow(Boolean) With this set to true, clicking on fullscreen will open a new browser window with FlexPaper maximized instead of using true fullscreen. This is a preferred setting when using FlexPaper as flash standalone as the security limitations of the Flash player disables (for security reasons) most of the input controls in true fullscreen.
ProgressiveLoading(Boolean) Will load and display the document progressively when set to true as opposed to downloading the complete document before displaying the pages. Documents need to be converted to at least Flash version 9 for this to work (-T 9 flag using PDF2SWF).Please observe that this parameter has no effect in FlexPaper Zine. Please use split page loading for large documents in FlexPaper Zine.
MaxZoomSize(Number) Sets the maximum allowed zoom level
MinZoomSize(Number) Sets the minimum allowed zoom level
SearchMatchAll(Boolean) When set to true, the viewer highlights all matches when performing searches in a document.
InitViewMode(String) Sets the start-up view mode. For example "Portrait" or "TwoPage".
PrintPaperAsBitmap(Boolean) When set to true, the viewer will print the document as a bitmap as opposed to vectorized
StartAtPage(Number) Instructs the viewer to start at a specific page
ViewModeToolsVisible(Boolean) Shows or hides view modes from the tool bar
ZoomToolsVisible(Boolean) Shows or hides zoom tools from the tool bar
NavToolsVisible(Boolean) Shows or hides nav tools from the tool bar
CursorToolsVisible(Boolean) Shows or hides cursor tools from the tool bar
SearchToolsVisible(Boolean) Shows or hides search tools from the tool bar
jsDirectory(String) Sets the javascript directory to supplied location.This only applies to FlexPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
cssDirectory(String) Sets the css directory to supplied location.This only applies to FlexPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.
localeDirectory(String) Sets the locale directory to supplied location.This only applies to FlexPaper with AdaptiveUI enabled.

The parameters are passed using flashvars or by setting properties on the flexpaper component inside flex, depending on your choice of usage. The code block below shows an example of how the parameters can be passed using the pre-compiled flash version

{ config : {
SwfFile : "Paper.swf",
IMGFiles : "Paper.pdf_{page}.png",
JSONFile : "Paper.pdf.js",
PDFFile : "Paper.pdf",
Scale : 0.6,
ZoomTransition : "easeOut",
ZoomTime : 0.5,
ZoomInterval : 0.1,
FitPageOnLoad : false,
FitWidthOnLoad : false,
FullScreenAsMaxWindow : true,
ProgressiveLoading : true,
MinZoomSize : 0.2,
MaxZoomSize : 5,
SearchMatchAll : false,
InitViewMode : 'Portrait',

ViewModeToolsVisible : true,
ZoomToolsVisible : true,
NavToolsVisible : true,
CursorToolsVisible : true,
SearchToolsVisible : true,

: "en_US"





    4. **pdf2swf_cmd.txt**:这个文件很可能包含了一些使用pdf2swf命令行工具的示例或者参数设置,帮助用户了解如何正确转换PDF到SWF。 5. **FlexPaper1.4**和**flexpaper1.3**:这些可能是Flexpaper的不同版本,可能...


    运行这段JavaScript后,FlexPaper将在指定的容器中加载并显示SWF文件,实现在线浏览PDF的功能。 需要注意的是,由于Flash技术逐渐被淘汰,现代浏览器对Flash的支持越来越有限。因此,虽然FlexPaper仍然是一个可行的...

    FlexPaper Demo 二次开发 去除打印、关于、logo、能转swf

    在FlexPaper的配置中,可以设置不允许打印的参数,以确保用户无法通过内置的打印菜单打印文档。这对于版权保护或者限制敏感信息的传播很有用。 "去除logo"则是指移除FlexPaper默认显示的软件标识或公司标识。这可能...


    - 此Flex代码展示了如何在FlexPaper Viewer中加载并显示转换好的SWF文件。 #### 三、注意事项与优化建议 1. **确保SwfTools正确安装** - 确认SwfTools已正确安装且版本为0.9。 - 检查环境变量是否配置正确,...


    最后,将SWF文件上传到服务器,并配置FlexPaper的设置,使其指向这些SWF文件,从而实现在线浏览。 在实际应用中,这个过程可能会涉及到文件上传、错误处理、文件存储路径管理等多个环节。此外,为了提升用户体验,...

    FlexPaper 实现百度文库效果

    `FlexPaperViewer.swf`是FlexPaper的核心组件,它是Flash Player可以识别并执行的SWF文件,负责渲染和控制文档的展示。`README`文件通常包含关于如何使用和配置FlexPaper的说明,而`LICENSE.txt`、`LICENSE-...




    3. **README文件**: 通常包含关于如何安装、配置和使用FlexPaper的基本指南,包括必要的API调用、参数设置和注意事项。 4. **Changelog.txt**: 提供了自上一版本以来FlexPaper的更改和更新记录。在2.3.6版本中,...


    至于提供的`jqueryeasyui.chm`文件,这是一个帮助文档,可能包含了jQuery EasyUI的详细使用指南,包括组件的API、示例和样式定制等内容。如果你在使用EasyUI时遇到问题,可以查阅这个CHM文件获取帮助。记住,持续...

    flexpaper example





    - `Paper.swf`:这是FlexPaper的主要Flash应用程序,它实现了PDF文档的显示和交互功能,如翻页、缩放、搜索等。 - `FlexPaperViewer.swf`:可能是一个辅助的Flash组件,提供额外的功能或者用于特定的查看模式。 -...


    在压缩包`Test_FlashPaper`中,可能包含了示例的FlexPaper配置文件、转换后的文档以及必要的库文件。你可以根据这些资源进行实践,理解并掌握在JSP中集成FlexPaper的技术。 总的来说,将FlexPaper与JSP结合使用,...


    学习如何使用SWFTools生成SWF文件及其参数设置是开发过程中的重要步骤。 **4. Flexpaper简单使用** 4.1 第一个Flexpaper例子 通过编写简单的配置和调用,你可以创建第一个使用Flexpaper展示文档的示例。 4.2 ...


    FlexPaper是一款功能强大的在线文档查看和转换工具,主要用于展示PDF、图像和其他格式的文档为SWF(ShockWave Flash)文件,以实现网页上的互动浏览。标题"FlexPaper_1.4.7_flash.zip"暗示了这是一个包含FlexPaper的...


    然后,利用JavaScript API加载文档,设置参数如初始页码、显示模式等。例如,可以使用`FlexPaper.loadDocument()`方法加载PDF文件,使用`FlexPaper.gotoPage()`跳转到指定页面。 此外,FlexPaper还支持一些高级功能...





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