

select t.position ID,
                    ELEMENTTYPE appType,
                    NULL PID
               from maxmenu t, maxmodules mod
              where t.keyvalue = mod.module
                and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                and t.elementtype = 'MODULE'
                and t.visible = 1
                and t.moduleapp in
                    (select m.moduleapp
                       from maxmenu m
                      where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and m.elementtype = 'APP'
                        and m.keyvalue in
                            (select distinct a.app
                               from applicationauth a
                              where a.groupname in
                                    (select g.groupname
                                       from groupuser g
                                      where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                and a.optionname = 'READ')) ORDER BY position

(select t.position ID,
                    ELEMENTTYPE appType,
                    t.headerdescription description,
                    '' apptable,
                    m.position PID
               from maxmenu t,
                    (select t.position, mod.module
                       from maxmenu t, maxmodules mod
                      where t.keyvalue = mod.module
                        and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and t.elementtype = 'MODULE'
                        and t.visible = 1
                        and t.moduleapp in
                            (select m.moduleapp
                               from maxmenu m
                              where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                                and m.elementtype = 'APP'
                                and m.keyvalue in
                                    (select distinct a.app
                                       from applicationauth a
                                      where a.groupname in
                                            (select g.groupname
                                               from groupuser g
                                              where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                        and a.optionname = 'READ'))) m,                                       
                          (select POSITION,MODULEAPP,COUNT(1) CONUNTNUM from maxmenu m2,maxapps app where m2.keyvalue=app.app and m2.Elementtype='APP'
                          and M2.keyvalue in
                          (select m.keyvalue
                             from maxmenu m
                            where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                              and m.keyvalue in
                                  (select distinct a.app
                                     from applicationauth a
                                    where a.groupname in
                                          (select g.groupname
                                             from groupuser g
                                            where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                      and a.optionname = 'READ'))
                           GROUP BY POSITION,MODULEAPP HAVING COUNT(1)>0) CON
              where t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                and t.elementtype = 'HEADER'
                and t.moduleapp = m.module
                AND t.position=CON.POSITION
                AND T.moduleapp=CON.moduleapp
                and t.visible = 1
                and m.position='300000'
                and t.moduleapp in
                    (select m.moduleapp
                       from maxmenu m
                      where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and m.keyvalue in
                            (select distinct a.app
                               from applicationauth a
                              where a.groupname in
                                    (select g.groupname
                                       from groupuser g
                                      where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                and a.optionname = 'READ')))

            union all
            (select t.position ID,
                    ELEMENTTYPE appType,
                    t.headerdescription description,
                    p.maintbname apptable,
                    m.position PID
               from maxmenu t,
                    maxapps p,
                    (select t.position, mod.module
                       from maxmenu t, maxmodules mod
                      where t.keyvalue = mod.module
                        and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and t.elementtype = 'MODULE'
                        and t.visible = 1
                        and t.moduleapp in
                            (select m.moduleapp
                               from maxmenu m
                              where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                                and m.elementtype = 'APP'
                                and m.keyvalue in
                                    (select distinct a.app
                                       from applicationauth a
                                      where a.groupname in
                                            (select g.groupname
                                               from groupuser g
                                              where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                        and a.optionname = 'READ'))) m
              where t.keyvalue = p.app
                and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                and t.elementtype = 'APP'
                and t.moduleapp = m.module
                and t.subposition = 0
                and t.visible = 1
                and m.position='200000'
                and t.moduleapp in
                    (select m.moduleapp
                       from maxmenu m
                      where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and m.keyvalue in
                            (select distinct a.app
                               from applicationauth a
                              where a.groupname in
                                    (select g.groupname
                                       from groupuser g
                                      where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                and a.optionname = 'READ'))))
                                ORDER BY ID

select t.position ID,
                    ELEMENTTYPE appType,
                    p.description description,
                    p.maintbname apptable,
                    pa.position PID
               from maxmenu t,
                    maxapps p,
                    (select t.position, M.module
                       from maxmenu t,
                            (select t.position, mod.module
                               from maxmenu t, maxmodules mod
                              where t.keyvalue = mod.module
                                and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                                and t.elementtype = 'MODULE'
                                and t.visible = 1
                                and t.moduleapp in
                                    (select m.moduleapp
                                       from maxmenu m
                                      where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                                        and m.elementtype = 'APP'
                                        and m.keyvalue in
                                            (select distinct a.app
                                               from applicationauth a
                                              where a.groupname in
                                                    (select g.groupname
                                                       from groupuser g
                                                      where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                                and a.optionname = 'READ'))) m
                      where t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and t.elementtype = 'HEADER'
                        and t.moduleapp = m.module
                        and t.visible = 1
                        and t.moduleapp in
                            (select m.moduleapp
                               from maxmenu m
                              where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                                and m.keyvalue in
                                    (select distinct a.app
                                       from applicationauth a
                                      where a.groupname in
                                            (select g.groupname
                                               from groupuser g
                                              where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                        and a.optionname = 'READ'))) PA
              where t.keyvalue = p.app
                and t.menutype = 'MODULE'
                and t.elementtype = 'APP'
                and t.moduleapp = PA.module
                AND T.position = PA.position
                and t.visible = 1
                and PA.position='304000'
                and t.keyvalue in
                    (select m.keyvalue
                       from maxmenu m
                      where m.menutype = 'MODULE'
                        and m.keyvalue in
                            (select distinct a.app
                               from applicationauth a
                              where a.groupname in
                                    (select g.groupname
                                       from groupuser g
                                      where g.userid = 'ADMIN')
                                and a.optionname = 'READ'))



    黄彩荣在分析研究中指出,由于现有的Web报表是通过BIRT(Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools)工具开发并部署在Tomcat服务器上,因此,没有内置的权限控制系统使得所有用户都能访问到所有报表,这显然对企业...

    超全的MAXIMO 用户手册

    11. **系统配置与优化**:讨论如何根据企业需求调整MAXIMO的配置参数,提高系统性能,并提供最佳实践建议。 12. **故障排查与支持**:提供常见问题的解决步骤,以及如何获取IBM MAXIMO的技术支持和服务。 13. **...


    在“安全”> “角色和资源”中,检查用户的权限配置,确保他们有权访问并操作“附件”相关菜单和功能。 4. **前端界面配置** - 在Maximo的UI界面,你需要确保附件上传按钮和链接可见且可操作。这通常涉及到定制...


    在上述内容中,提到了Maximo的一些常见问题及其解决方法,主要涉及了过滤器、只读属性、工作流设计器、错误处理以及关键代码示例。下面将详细解释这些知识点: 1. **过滤器问题**:当在Maximo应用程序列表中遇到...




    学习如何自定义主菜单,可以根据不同角色和权限分配不同的菜单项,提高用户体验。 - **自定义菜单**:通过创建自定义菜单,可以为特定用户组或角色提供个性化的功能入口,方便管理和操作。 4. **启动中心的使用** ...

    maximo开发指南 maximo maximo开发

    根据给定的文件信息,我们可以提炼出关于Maximo 6.20开发的重要知识点,尤其聚焦于其系统架构、开发环境配置以及应用部署等方面。 ### Maximo 6.20开发指南 #### 1. 目标范围与定义 Maximo 6.20是一款由MRO公司...


    对于需要移除特定应用程序如600WM手册的情况,魏慧列出了一系列SQL命令,通过这些命令可以在数据库中安全地删除与该应用程序相关的所有记录,包括应用本身、呈现方式、信号选项、权限、标签和菜单项。 ### 工作流...

    MAXIMO 7.5 中文标准说明文档

    8. **MAXIMO 7.5 中文标准文档** (未列出具体文件): 完整的标准文档集提供了全面的产品信息,包括功能概述、操作指南、故障排查和常见问题解答,帮助用户深入了解并有效利用MAXIMO 7.5的所有功能。 总之,这些文档...


    在“maximo相关重要类源码”这个主题中,我们可以深入探讨Maximo系统中的核心概念和技术,包括自动取数、对象类方法操作、对话框操作、打印操作、查询操作、字段类操作以及密码解密等关键领域。 1. **自动取数**:...

    MAXIMO 7.1的培训PPT

    3. **用户界面**:熟悉MAXIMO 7.1的用户界面,包括工作台、菜单选项、定制化工具,以及如何自定义视图以满足不同角色的需求。 4. **资产管理**:理解如何使用系统进行资产登记、分类、追踪和报告,包括资产的采购、...


    - `queryByExample(object)`: 根据示例对象进行查询。 - `queryWithFilter(queryObject, filterCriteria)`: 使用过滤器执行复杂查询。 7. **事件与通知(Event and Notifications)** - `subscribeToEvent(event...


    在“权限组”应用程序中,管理员可通过标签页查看不同类型的权限组,并执行搜索、复制、删除等操作。此外,Maximo支持权限组的组合和合并,允许管理员灵活调整权限分配策略。 ### 地点管理 地点管理是Maximo的一项...



    Maximo - LDAP 配置

    - **功能**: 存储用户凭证,并根据LDAP协议提供对这些信息的访问。 **目录结构** - **概念**: 目录结构是一种层次化的树状结构,每个节点都有一个唯一的名称(DN,Distinguished Name)来标识。 - **组成**: - DN...


    报表设计器支持SQL查询编写,你可以根据业务逻辑定制数据源,从Maximo数据库中提取所需信息。同时,报表可以设置不同的筛选条件和排序方式,以适应不同场景下的数据分析。 报表开发涉及多个层面,包括报表模板设计...


    `确保了`maximo`用户对`maxdata`表空间有无限的配额,并获得了数据库管理员级别的权限。 ### 二、实践意义与注意事项 - **国际化支持**:创建多语言数据库是Maximo在全球范围内广泛应用的关键。 - **合理的存储...


    ### Maximo 的 JMS 配置详解 #### 一、概述 Maximo 是一款功能强大的资产管理软件,广泛应用于企业级的设备维护与管理领域。为了实现与其他系统的无缝对接,Maximo 支持多种消息传递机制,其中 Java 消息服务(JMS...

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