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storm的序列化问题及与spring的结合方式 -
能抗能打 写道哥们儿,你好!能共享下那个storm与sprin ...
storm的序列化问题及与spring的结合方式 -
storm的ack和fail -
先点个赞,写的非常好!有个问题请教下,如果我再bolt里不用e ...
storm的ack和fail -
1.这个是交叉表的应用, 用于统计分析报表
2.这个是一个存储函数, 比较简单, 主要是oracle中connect by prior start with的用法
5.这个也是union加聚合函数sum的使用, 用来将两类数据分组为两大类, 然后每一类是一列
select entity_.*, entity_.field3 + entity_.field4 + entity_.field5 + entity_.field6 + entity_.field7 + entity_.field8 + entity_.field9 as sum_maintain, entity_.field1 + entity_.field2 + entity_.field3 + entity_.field4 + entity_.field5 + entity_.field6 + entity_.field7 + entity_.field8 + entity_.field9 + entity_.field10 as sum_all from (select result_.id, result_.name, sum(case result_.type_id when 1 then -- 固定费用(一级) amount when 5 then -- 复印打印(二级) amount when 6 then -- 办公用品(二级) amount when 7 then -- 运费(二级) amount when 8 then -- 汇款手续费(二级) amount when 9 then -- 邮寄费(二级) amount else 0 end) field1, -- 固定费用, sum(case result_.type_id when 2 then -- 差旅费(一级) amount when 10 then -- 通讯费(二级) amount when 11 then -- 业务招待费(二级) amount when 12 then -- 车辆使用费(二级) amount when 13 then -- 房租(二级) amount when 14 then -- 差旅车票(二级) amount when 15 then -- 住宿费(二级) amount else 0 end) field2, -- 差旅费, sum(case result_.type_id when 16 then amount else 0 end) field3, -- 临聘人员奖励提成费, sum(case result_.type_id when 17 then amount else 0 end) field4, -- 促销礼品费, sum(case result_.type_id when 18 then amount else 0 end) field5, -- 展示特陈费, sum(case result_.type_id when 19 then amount else 0 end) field6, -- 茶友会活动费, sum(case result_.type_id when 20 then amount else 0 end) field7, -- 新品进场费, sum(case result_.type_id when 21 then amount else 0 end) field8, -- 店员奖励, sum(case result_.type_id when 22 then amount else 0 end) field9, -- 终端客情费 sum(case result_.type_id when 4 then amount else 0 end) field10 --奖金 from (select detail_.*, s.groupname as name from (select d.type_id, d.amount, get_salagroup_id(:salegroupid, d.employee_id) as id from ch_process_form pf, ch_process_form_item_detail d where d.form_id = pf.id and (pf.process_type = :processType1 -- 拨付申请 or pf.process_type = :processType2) -- 报销申请 and pf.process_state != 4 -- 去掉被取消的 and (pf.process_state = :state or :state = -1) and to_char(pf.create_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') >= :start_ and to_char(pf.create_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') <= :end_) detail_, zx_dm_salegroup s where detail_.id = s.salegroupid and detail_.id != 0) result_ -- 0表示统计的detail的使用employee不在当前的区域 group by result_.id, result_.name) entity_
2.这个是一个存储函数, 比较简单, 主要是oracle中connect by prior start with的用法
create or replace function GET_SALAGROUP_ID1(topgroupid in number, accountid in number) -- 根据给定的账户id找到对应的最上级辖区id, 且该辖区id必须小于给定的topgroupid return number is Result number; cursor c1 is select min(s.salegroupid) from zx_dm_salegroup s connect by prior s.managegroupid = s.salegroupid -- 由子找父 and s.salegroupid != topgroupid -- 给定向上找的限定条件 start with s.salegroupid = (select es.salegroupid from zx_dm_employee_sale es, ch_account_employee ae, ch_account a where es.employeeid = ae.employee_id and ae.main_id = a.main_id and a.id = accountid); -- 取得对应帐号的辖区id begin open c1; fetch c1 into result; close c1; return(Result); end GET_SALAGROUP_ID1;
select remain_.code_id, --费用帐号 remain_.type_id, remain_.type_name, current_.amount, -- 当前申请核销金额 proposal_.amount as proposal_amount, --当前申请拨付金额 payment_.amount + nvl(current_.amount, 0) as enable_amount, -- 可用核销余额 remain_.remain + nvl(proposal_.amount, 0) as enable_remain, -- 可用费用余额 remain_.remain as sum_amount -- 费用总额 from (select ct.id as type_id, ct.type_name, max_.id, max_.code_id, cd.remain - nvl(freeze_.amount, 0) as remain from ch_code_deal cd, ch_charge_type ct, ch_code c, (select max(cd.id) as id, c.id as code_id from ch_code c, ch_code_deal cd where c.account_id = (select a2.id from ch_account a1, ch_account a2 where a1.id = :accountId and a2.main_id = a1.main_id and a2.account_type = 1) and cd.code_id = c.id group by c.id) max_, -- 从最后一条交易记录中取出帐号的费用余额 (select cf.code_id, sum(cf.amount) as amount from ch_code_freeze cf where cf.freeze_flag = 1 group by cf.code_id) freeze_ -- 处理中(被冻结)的费用 where cd.id = max_.id and cd.code_id = c.id and c.type_id = ct.id and cd.code_id = freeze_.code_id(+)) remain_, -- 取出账户的费用余额 (select i.type_id, i.amount - nvl(certi_.amount, 0) as amount from ch_process_form_item i, (select i.type_id, sum(i.amount) amount from ch_process_form_item i, ch_process_form f where f.parent_id = :parentFormId and i.form_id = f.id and f.process_type = :processTypeId and f.process_state != 4 --去掉被取消的 group by i.type_id) certi_ -- 已经核销的部分 where i.form_id = :parentFormId and i.type_id = certi_.type_id(+)) payment_, -- 可用核销金额 (select type_id, code_id, amount from ch_process_form_item where form_id = :proposalFormId) proposal_, -- 当前拨付申请 (select type_id, code_id, amount from ch_process_form_item where form_id = :formId) current_ -- 当前核销申请 where remain_.type_id = current_.type_id(+) and remain_.type_id = payment_.type_id(+) and remain_.type_id = proposal_.type_id(+) and payment_.amount + nvl(current_.amount, 0) > 0
select form_.account_id, form_.account_name, ct.id type_id, ct.type_name, sum(expense_remain) expense_remain, sum(expense_freeze_amount) expense_freeze_amount, sum(expense_enable_amount) expense_enable_amount, sum(fund_remain) fund_remain, sum(fund_freeze_amount) fund_freeze_amount, sum(fund_enable_amount) fund_enable_amount from (select a.id as account_id, a.name as account_name, ae.employee_id, t.id type_id, remain_.remain as expense_remain, freeze_.amount as expense_freeze_amount, remain_.remain - nvl(freeze_.amount, 0) expense_enable_amount, null fund_remain, null fund_freeze_amount, null fund_enable_amount from ch_code c, ch_account a, ch_account_employee ae, ch_charge_type t, (select d.code_id, d.remain from ch_code_deal d, (select d.code_id, max(d.id) as id from ch_code_deal d group by d.code_id) last_ where d.id = last_.id) remain_, --余额 (select f.code_id, sum(f.amount) as amount from ch_code_freeze f, ch_account a where f.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 1 and f.freeze_flag = 1 -- 费用冻结 group by f.code_id) freeze_ -- 费用账户金额 where c.id = remain_.code_id(+) and c.id = freeze_.code_id(+) and c.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 1 and a.main_id = ae.main_id and c.type_id = t.id and remain_.remain is not null union select a.id as account_id, a.name as account_name, ae.employee_id, t.id type_id, null expense_remain, null expense_freeze_amount, null expense_enable_amount, remain_.remain fund_remain, freeze_.amount fund_freeze_amount, remain_.remain - nvl(freeze_.amount, 0) fund_enable_amount from ch_code c, ch_account a, ch_account_employee ae, ch_charge_type t, (select d.code_id, d.remain from ch_code_deal d, (select d.code_id, max(d.id) as id from ch_code_deal d group by d.code_id) last_ where d.id = last_.id) remain_, (select f.code_id, sum(f.amount) as amount from ch_code_freeze f, ch_account a where f.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 2 and f.freeze_flag = 3 -- 核销冻结 group by f.code_id) freeze_ -- 资金账户金额 where c.id = remain_.code_id(+) and c.id = freeze_.code_id(+) and c.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 2 and a.main_id = ae.main_id and c.type_id = t.id and remain_.remain is not null) form_, ch_charge_type ct where ct.id = form_.type_id and form_.account_name like :accountName
select source_.*, target_.target_enable_remain, target_.target_sum_amount from (select last_.code_id, last_.type_id, last_.type_name, current_.amount as amount, -- 申请金额 auditing_.amount as auditing_amount, -- 在批金额 nvl(last_.remain, 0) - nvl(paying_.amount, 0) as enable_remain -- 可用余额 from (select cd.code_id, cd.remain, c.type_id, c.type_name from ch_code_deal cd, (select c.id, t.id type_id, t.type_name from ch_code c, ch_account a, ch_charge_type t where a.id = :sourceAccountId and c.account_id = a.id and c.enable_flag = 1 and c.type_id = t.id and t.enable_flag = 1) c, (select max(cd.id) as id from ch_code_deal cd group by cd.code_id) max_ -- 支出方费用帐号余额 where cd.id = max_.id and cd.code_id = c.id) last_, (select cf.code_id, sum(cf.amount) amount from ch_code_freeze cf where cf.account_id = :sourceAccountId and cf.process_type = :processType and cf.form_id != :formId group by cf.code_id) auditing_, --在批金额 (select cf.code_id, sum(cf.amount) amount from ch_code_freeze cf where cf.account_id = :sourceAccountId and cf.freeze_flag = 1 -- 在拨申请中 group by cf.code_id) paying_, --拨付申请金额 (select i.code_id, i.amount from ch_process_form_item i where form_id = :formId) current_ where last_.code_id = auditing_.code_id(+) and last_.code_id = paying_.code_id(+) and last_.code_id = current_.code_id(+)) source_, --支出帐号信息 (select last_.code_id, last_.type_id, nvl(last_.remain, 0) - nvl(paying_.amount, 0) as target_enable_remain, -- 可用余额 nvl(last_.remain, 0) as target_sum_amount -- 费用总额 from (select c.id code_id, c.type_id, cd.remain from ch_code_deal cd, (select c.id, t.id type_id from ch_code c, ch_account a, ch_charge_type t where a.id = :targetAccountId and c.account_id = a.id and c.enable_flag = 1 and c.type_id = t.id and t.enable_flag = 1) c, (select max(cd.id) as id from ch_code_deal cd group by cd.code_id) max_ where cd.id = max_.id(+) and cd.code_id(+) = c.id) last_, (select cf.code_id, sum(cf.amount) amount from ch_code_freeze cf where cf.account_id = :targetAccountId and cf.freeze_flag = 1 -- 拨付申请中 group by cf.code_id) paying_ -- 拨付申请金额 where last_.code_id = paying_.code_id(+)) target_ -- 接收帐号信息 where source_.type_id = target_.type_id
5.这个也是union加聚合函数sum的使用, 用来将两类数据分组为两大类, 然后每一类是一列
select form_.main_id, e_.employeeid, e_.employeename, form_.type_id, ct.type_name, sum(expense_remain) expense_remain, -- 这里必须使用sum来聚合一下, 否则费用和资金的金额将不会合并, 记录集会增加一倍 sum(expense_freeze_amount) expense_freeze_amount, sum(expense_enable_remain) expense_enable_remain, sum(fund_remain) fund_remain, sum(fund_freeze_amount) fund_freeze_amount, sum(fund_enable_remain) fund_enable_remain from (select ae.main_id, ae.employee_id, remain_.type_id, remain_.remain as expense_remain, freeze_.amount as expense_freeze_amount, remain_.remain - nvl(freeze_.amount, 0) expense_enable_remain, null fund_remain, null fund_freeze_amount, null fund_enable_remain from ch_account_employee ae, (select d.code_id, c.type_id, a.main_id, d.remain, max(d.id) from ch_code_deal d, ch_account a, ch_code c where d.code_id = c.id and c.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 1 group by d.code_id, c.type_id, a.main_id, d.remain) remain_, --余额 (select f.code_id, sum(f.amount) as amount from ch_code_freeze f, ch_account a where f.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 1 and f.freeze_flag = 1 group by f.code_id) freeze_ -- 待拨费用 where remain_.code_id = freeze_.code_id(+) and remain_.main_id = ae.main_id union select ae.main_id, ae.employee_id, remain_.type_id, null expense_remain, null expense_freeze_amount, null expense_enable_remain, remain_.remain fund_remain, freeze_.amount fund_freeze_amount, remain_.remain - nvl(freeze_.amount, 0) fund_enable_remain from ch_account_employee ae, (select d.code_id, c.type_id, a.main_id, d.remain, max(d.id) from ch_code_deal d, ch_account a, ch_code c where d.code_id = c.id and c.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 2 group by d.code_id, c.type_id, a.main_id, d.remain) remain_, (select f.code_id, sum(f.amount) as amount from ch_code_freeze f, ch_account a where f.account_id = a.id and a.account_type = 2 and f.freeze_flag = 3 -- 核销冻结 group by f.code_id) freeze_ -- 资金账户金额 where remain_.code_id = freeze_.code_id(+) and remain_.main_id = ae.main_id) form_, ch_charge_type ct, zx_dm_employee e_ where ct.id = form_.type_id and e_.employeeid = form_.employee_id and e_.employeename like ? group by form_.main_id, e_.employeeid, e_.employeename, form_.type_id, ct.type_name
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在这个"C#+SQL Server项目开发实践"中,我们可以学习到以下几个关键知识点: 1. C#基础:包括变量、数据类型、控制结构(如条件语句、循环)、函数、类和对象等。这些都是编写任何C#程序的基础。 2. .NET ...
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在本Java+SQL实训项目中,我们关注的核心是利用JSP(Java Server Pages)技术和SQL数据库来构建一个机票购买系统。这个系统旨在提供一个安全、稳定的服务,让用户能够方便地在线购买机票。以下是对该项目各个方面的...
在提供的压缩包文件"WINCC读写SQL数据库的示例"中,你将找到一个完整的WinCC项目,其中包含了上述概念的实际应用。通过研究这个项目,你可以更直观地学习如何在WinCC中编写和运行VBScript,以及如何与SQL Server...
在"C# + SQL Server项目开发实践"中,我们探讨了如何使用C#编程语言与Microsoft SQL Server数据库系统相结合,来构建高效、稳定的业务应用程序。这个主题涵盖了教务管理系统和人力资源管理系统等多个实际应用场景,...
在你的"项目sql及文件"压缩包中,显然包含了一个名为"DORMMS"的子文件夹,这可能是代表“Database ORM Management System”(数据库对象关系映射管理系统)或者某种特定项目的代码库。ORM(Object-Relational ...
首先,要实现C#执行SQL文件,我们需要了解几个关键的概念和技术: 1. **ADO.NET**: .NET Framework中的数据访问组件,它为开发者提供了与数据库交互的接口,如SqlConnection、SqlCommand等类。 2. **SqlConnection...
解决这个问题的方法分为几个步骤: 1. **确认数据库编码**:确保你知道SQL Server数据库的字符集,例如,确认它是GBK编码。 2. **检查PHP脚本编码**:了解你的PHP脚本文件的编码,例如,确认它们是UTF-8编码。 3. *...
本篇将详细介绍如何利用日志来调试Ibatis中的复杂SQL动态拼接。 首先,了解Ibatis的日志系统是关键。Ibatis默认集成了几种常见的日志实现,如Log4j、Logback和Java内置的日志框架。在项目中,我们需要配置相应的...
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│ │ 5.1.1 SET IDENTITY_INSERT 中的几个问题.sql │ │ 5.1.1 修改标识值的示例.sql │ │ 5.1.1 标识列与普通列互相转换的示例.sql │ │ 5.2.1 查表法按日期生成流水号的示例.sql │ │ 5.2.1 查表法生成流水号...
具体包括以下几个核心知识点: 1. **ASP.NET 2.0控件**:了解各种服务器控件,如Label、TextBox、Button等,以及如何使用它们来构建交互式表单。 2. **数据绑定**:掌握DataSource控件的使用,包括SqlDataSource、...
总结,Spring Boot整合Mybatis连接SQL Server进行跨库批量插入,主要涉及以下几个步骤: 1. 添加相关依赖。 2. 配置数据库连接信息。 3. 创建Mapper接口和XML文件,定义跨库插入的SQL语句。 4. 在Service层调用...
在学习这个项目时,你需要关注以下几个重点: 1. 系统架构设计:了解netctoss如何组织模块,各模块间的交互方式。 2. 数据库设计:分析SQL脚本,理解电信业务的关键数据模型。 3. 业务逻辑:通过源码阅读理解核心...