CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CURSPKG AS TYPE refCursorType IS REF CURSOR; procedure sp_Page(p_PageSize int, --每页记录数 p_PageNo int, --当前页码,从 1 开始 p_SqlSelect varchar2, --查询语句,含排序部分 p_SqlCount varchar2, --获取记录总数的查询语句 p_OutRecordCount out int, --返回总记录数 test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); --4.1客户信息校验接口 procedure YG001_Login(CustomerinId in varchar, p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); procedure YG002_GetSecCustInfo(CustomerinId in varchar, p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); procedure YG003_GetCustInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); procedure YG101_GetProductInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); ---4.5企业产品分类日终同步接口D00100 procedure YG100_GetCategoryInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) ; procedure YG404_InsertPayInfo(SecCustomerId in varchar, SecCustomerName in varchar, PaymentId in varchar, PaymentDate in varchar, PayMethod in varchar, PayAmount in varchar, Bank in varchar, AccountNo in varchar, Remark in varchar, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, icbcSecCustomerId out varchar, icbcPaymentId out varchar); procedure YG301_InsertOnlineOrder(partPopedom_xml in clob,test out varchar,res out int); procedure YG302_GetOrderInfo(OrderId in varchar, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); procedure YG501_GetCustomerBalance(customerid in varchar, startdate in varchar, enddate in varchar, test out clob, p_OutCursor out refCursorType); end;
create or replace package body CURSPKG is procedure sp_Page(p_PageSize int, --每页记录数 p_PageNo int, --当前页码,从 1 开始 p_SqlSelect varchar2, --查询语句,含排序部分 p_SqlCount varchar2, --获取记录总数的查询语句 p_OutRecordCount out int, --返回总记录数 test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; v_heiRownum int; v_lowRownum int; begin ----取记录总数 execute immediate p_SqlCount into v_count; p_OutRecordCount := v_count; ----执行分页查询 v_heiRownum := p_PageNo * p_PageSize; v_lowRownum := v_heiRownum - p_PageSize + 1; v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT A.*, rownum rn FROM (' || p_SqlSelect || ') A WHERE rownum <= ' || to_char(v_heiRownum) || ') B WHERE rn >= ' || to_char(v_lowRownum); --注意对rownum别名的使用,第一次直接用rownum,第二次一定要用别名rn OPEN p_OutCursor FOR v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end sp_Page; --4.1客户信息校验接口 procedure YG001_Login(CustomerinId in varchar, p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType)is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select distinct nvl(a.fnumber,'''') CustomerId,nvl(a.fname_l2,'''') CustomerName,nvl(c.FContactPerson,'''') ContactName,nvl(c.FMobile,'''') CustomerTel from t_bd_customer a left join t_bd_customersaleinfo b on a.fid = b.fcustomerid left join T_BD_CustomerLinkMan c on b.fid = c.FCustomerSaleID where a.fparentid is null and a.fnumber=''' || CustomerinId || '''' ; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => p_PageNo, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG001_Login; procedure YG002_GetSecCustInfo(CustomerinId in varchar, p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select distinct nvl(a.fnumber,'''') CustomerId,0 CustomerDebt , nvl(sec.fnumber,'''') SecCustomerId,nvl(sec.fname_l2,'''') SecCustomerName, nvl(c.FContactPerson,'''') SecContactName,nvl(c.FMobile,'''') SecCustomerTel , 0 SecCustomerDebt ,nvl(e.fname_l2,'''') Province,nvl(f.fname_l2,'''') Area from t_bd_customer a left join t_bd_customer sec on sec.fparentid = a.fid left join t_bd_customersaleinfo b on sec.fid = b.fcustomerid left join T_BD_CustomerLinkMan c on b.fid = c.FCustomerSaleID left join T_BD_Province e on sec.FProvince = e.fid left join T_BD_Region f on sec.FRegionID = f.fid where a.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') and b.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') and a.fnumber=''' || CustomerinId || '''' ; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => p_PageNo, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG002_GetSecCustInfo; procedure YG003_GetCustInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(6000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select distinct nvl(a.fnumber,'''') CustomerId,nvl(a.fname_l2,'''') CustomerName , nvl(e.fname_l2,'''') Province,nvl(f.fname_l2,'''') Area , nvl(sec.fnumber,'''') ParentId,nvl(sec.fname_l2,'''') ParentName, nvl(c.FContactPerson,'''') ContactName,nvl(c.FMobile,'''') CustomerTel, nvl(e.fname_l2,'''') fProvince,nvl(f.fname_l2,'''') fArea from t_bd_customer a left join t_bd_customer sec on a.fparentid = sec.fid left join t_bd_customersaleinfo b on a.fid = b.fcustomerid left join T_BD_CustomerLinkMan c on b.fid = c.FCustomerSaleID left join T_BD_Province e on a.FProvince = e.fid left join T_BD_Region f on a.FRegionID = f.fid where a.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') and b.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') ' ; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => p_PageNo, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG003_GetCustInfo; procedure YG101_GetProductInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select nvl(a.fnumber,'''') ProductId,nvl(a.fname_l2,'''') ProductName,nvl(FModel,'''') Specification,a.falias falias, nvl(unit1.fname_l2,'''') Unit,unit2.fname_l2 baseUnit,a.FHelpCode StandardLen ,nvl(mgroup.fnumber,'''') CategoryId, nvl(a.fname_l2,'''') Brand from t_bd_material a left join T_BD_MeasureUnit unit1 on a.FAssistUnit = unit1.fid left join T_BD_MeasureUnit unit2 on a.FBaseUnit = unit2.fid left join T_BD_MaterialGroup mgroup on a.FMaterialGroupID = mgroup.fid left join T_BD_MaterialGroupStandard c on mgroup.FGroupStandard = c.fid and c.FStandardType=1 left join T_BD_MaterialSales d on d.FMaterialID = a.fid where a.FStatus = 1 and a.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') and d.fcontrolunitid = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' '; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => p_PageNo, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG101_GetProductInfo; ---4.5企业产品分类日终同步接口D00100 procedure YG100_GetCategoryInfo(p_PageNo in int, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select distinct nvl(a.fnumber,'''') CategoryId,nvl(a.fname_l2,'''') CategoryName,nvl(a.FLevel,'''') fLevel, case when b.fid is null then 1 else 0 end HasChild from T_BD_MaterialGroup a left join T_BD_MaterialGroup b on b.FParentID = a.fid and b.FDeletedStatus =1 left join T_BD_MaterialGroupStandard c on a.FGroupStandard = c.fid and c.FStandardType=1 where a.FDeletedStatus =1 and a.fcontrolunitid in (''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'',''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'') ' ; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => p_PageNo, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG100_GetCategoryInfo; --工行提交订单接口D00301 /*procedure YG301_InsertOnlineOrder_old(OrderId in varchar, CustomerId in varchar, SecCustomerId in varchar, SecCustomerName in varchar, CreateTime in varchar, Address in varchar, ShipMethod in varchar, Contact in varchar, ContactNum in varchar, ToDate in varchar, Remark in varchar, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, OrderEntry in varchar, ProductId in varchar, ProductName in varchar, Specification in varchar, Unit in varchar, StandardLen in varchar, icbcCount in varchar, res out int)is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select 1 from dual ' ; \* IF OrderEntry=1 THEN ; ELSE ; END IF;*\ end YG301_InsertOnlineOrder_old; */ procedure YG302_GetOrderInfo(OrderId in varchar, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, test out varchar, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select a.cforderid OrderId,a.cfbillstate billstatus, c.fnumber OrderCode, c.FBaseStatus OrderStatus, c.FCreateTime CreateTime, c.FBizDate BusinessDate, h.fnumber SecCustomerId, h.fname_l2 SecCustomerName, i.fnumber CompanyId, i.fname_l2 CompanyName, c.FTotalAmount SumTotal, c.FLinkMan Contact, c.FCustomerPhone ContactNum, c.fdescription Remark, f.fnumber DeliveryOrderId, d.fseq OrderEntry, j.fnumber ProductId, j.fname_l2 ProductName, j.FModel Specification, k.fname_l2 Unit, j.FHelpCode StandardLen, d.FQty fCount, d.FPlanDeliveryQty ArrangedQty, d.FTotalIssueBaseQty OutedQty from CT_CUS_ICBC_SALEORDER a left outer join T_BOT_Relation b on a.fid = b.fsrcobjectid left outer join T_SD_SaleOrder c on b.fdestobjectid = c.fid left outer join t_sd_saleorderentry d on c.fid = d.fparentid left outer join T_BOT_Relation e on c.fid = e.fsrcobjectid left outer join T_DT_CarryBill f on e.fdestobjectid = f.fid left outer join T_BD_Customer h on c.FOrderCustomerID = h.fid left outer join T_ORG_Sale i on c.fsaleorgunitid = i.fid left outer join t_bd_material j on j.fid = d.fmaterialid left outer join T_BD_MeasureUnit k on j.FAssistUnit = k.fid left outer join T_BD_MeasureUnit l on j.FBaseUnit = l.fid where a.cforderid=''' || OrderId || ''' order by c.fnumber,d.fseq ' ; sp_page(p_pagesize => 100, p_pageno => 1, p_sqlselect => v_sql, p_sqlcount => 'select 1 from dual ', p_outrecordcount => v_count, test => test, p_outcursor => p_OutCursor); test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG302_GetOrderInfo; procedure YG404_InsertPayInfo(SecCustomerId in varchar, SecCustomerName in varchar, PaymentId in varchar, PaymentDate in varchar, PayMethod in varchar, PayAmount in varchar, Bank in varchar, AccountNo in varchar, Remark in varchar, Rd1 in varchar, Rd2 in varchar, icbcSecCustomerId out varchar, icbcPaymentId out varchar)is v_sql varchar2(3000); v_count int; exist int; begin select count(fid) into exist from CT_CUS_Icbc_payment where cfpaymentid = paymentid ; if exist is not null and exist > 0 then icbcSecCustomerId := 'error.billno exist'; else insert into CT_CUS_Icbc_payment(fid,CFSecCustomerId,cfPaymentId, cfPaymentDate,cfPayMethod,cfPayAmount,cfBank,cfAccountNo,cfRemark,cfRd1,cfRd2, FCREATORID,FCREATETIME,FLASTUPDATEUSERID,FLASTUPDATETIME,FCONTROLUNITID) values(newbosid('B33B6367'), ''||SecCustomerId||'', ''||PaymentId||'', ''||PaymentDate||'', ''||PayMethod||'', ''||PayAmount||'', ''||Bank||'', ''||AccountNo||'', ''||Remark||'', ''||Rd1||'', ''||Rd2||'', '256c221a-0106-1000-e000-10d7c0a813f413B7DE7F', sysdate,'256c221a-0106-1000-e000-10d7c0a813f413B7DE7F', sysdate,'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'); commit; icbcSecCustomerId := SecCustomerId; icbcPaymentId := PaymentId; end if; Exception When others then Dbms_output.put_line(sqlcode||sqlerrm(sqlcode)); icbcPaymentId := SQLERRM; end YG404_InsertPayInfo; procedure YG301_InsertOnlineOrder(partPopedom_xml in clob,test out varchar,res out int) as OrderId varchar2(100); CustomerId varchar2(100); SecCustomerId varchar2(100); SecCustomerName varchar2(100); CreateTime varchar2(100); Address varchar2(100); ShipMethod varchar2(100); Contact varchar2(100); ContactNum varchar2(100); ToDate varchar2(100); Remark varchar2(100); Rd1 varchar2(100); Rd2 varchar2(100); OrderEntry varchar2(100); ProductId varchar2(100); ProductName varchar2(100); Specification varchar2(100); Unit varchar2(100); StandardLen varchar2(100); icbcCount varchar2(100); materialid varchar2(100); PARENTID varchar2(100); exist int; fcustmoerid varchar2(100); --XML解析器 xmlPar XMLPARSER.parser := XMLPARSER.NEWPARSER; --//DOM文档对象 doc xmldom.DOMDocument; len Integer; personNodes xmldom.DOMNodeList; chilNodes xmldom.DOMNodeList; tempNode xmldom.DOMNode; tempArrMap xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap; --================================ --以下变量用于获取XML节点的值 /* partNum varchar2(50); --角色编号 menuNum varchar2(50); --菜单编号 operateNum varchar2(50); --操作编号*/ tmp Integer; rootnode dbms_xmldom.domnode; --================ BEGIN xmlPar := xmlparser.newParser; xmlparser.parseClob(xmlPar,partPopedom_xml); doc := xmlparser.getDocument(xmlPar); -- 释放解析器实例 xmlparser.freeParser(xmlPar); personNodes := xmldom.getElementsByTagName(doc, 'ProductInfo'); len := xmldom.getLength( personNodes ); SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/OrderId'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/CustomerId'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/SecCustomerId'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/SecCustomerName'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/CreateTime'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/Address'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/ShipMethod'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/Contact'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/ContactNum'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/ToDate'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/Remark'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/Rd1'), EXTRACTVALUE(VALUE(t),'/in/Rd2') INTO OrderId, CustomerId, SecCustomerId, SecCustomerName, CreateTime, Address, ShipMethod, Contact, ContactNum, ToDate, Remark, Rd1, Rd2 FROM TABLE(XMLSEQUENCE(EXTRACT(XMLTYPE(partPopedom_xml), '/in'))) t; select count(fid) into exist from CT_CUS_ICBC_SALEORDER where CFORDERID = OrderId ; select fid into fcustmoerid from T_BD_Customer where fnumber=SecCustomerId and fcontrolunitid in ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4','sREAAAAAB9LM567U'); if exist is not null and exist > 0 then test := 'error.billno exist'; else PARENTID := newbosid('D1F43888'); --insert maintable data insert into CT_CUS_ICBC_SALEORDER(fid,CFORDERID,CFICBCCUSTOMERID, CFSECCUSTOMERID,CFICBCCREATETIME,CFADDRESS,CFSHIPMETHOD,CFCONTACT, CFCONTACTNUM,CFTODATE,CFREMARK,CFRD1,CFRD2,FBIZDATE,CFREQDATE, CFCUSTOMERID, FCREATORID,FCREATETIME,FLASTUPDATEUSERID,FLASTUPDATETIME,FCONTROLUNITID) values(PARENTID, ''||OrderId||'', ''||CustomerId||'', ''||SecCustomerId||'', ''||CreateTime||'', ''||Address||'', ''||ShipMethod||'', ''||Contact||'', ''||ContactNum||'', ''||ToDate||'', ''||Remark||'', ''||Rd1||'', ''||Rd2||'', sysdate, to_timestamp(ToDate,'''yyyyMMdd'''), ''||fcustmoerid||'', '256c221a-0106-1000-e000-10d7c0a813f413B7DE7F', sysdate,'256c221a-0106-1000-e000-10d7c0a813f413B7DE7F', sysdate,'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4'); --遍历所有PERSON元素 FOR i in 0..len-1 LOOP --获取第i个 tempNode := xmldom.item(personNodes, i); --所有属性 tempArrMap := xmldom.getAttributes(tempNode); --获取PERSONID的值 --pid := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getNamedItem(tempArrMap,'POPEDOM')); --获取子元素的值 chilNodes := xmldom.getChildNodes(tempNode); tmp := xmldom.GETLENGTH(chilNodes); OrderEntry := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 0))); ProductId := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 1))); ProductName := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 2))); Specification := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 3))); Unit := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 4))); StandardLen := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 5))); icbcCount := xmldom.getNodeValue(xmldom.getFirstChild(xmldom.item(chilNodes, 6))); --translate number to id select fid into materialid from t_bd_material where fnumber=ProductId and fcontrolunitid in ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4','sREAAAAAB9LM567U'); --插入数据 insert into CT_CUS_ICBC_SALEORDERENTRY(fid,FPARENTID,FSEQ,CFORDERENTRY,CFPRODUCTID,CFSTANDARDLEN,CFUNIT,CFCOUNT,Cfnum,CFMATERIALID) values(newbosid('C201F4CA'), ''||PARENTID||'', i+1, ''||OrderEntry||'', ''||ProductId||'', ''||StandardLen||'', ''||Unit||'', icbcCount, icbcCount, ''||materialid||''); END LOOP; COMMIT; end if ; -- 释放文档对象 xmldom.freeDocument(doc); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; END YG301_InsertOnlineOrder; procedure YG501_GetCustomerBalance(customerid in varchar, startdate in varchar, enddate in varchar, test out clob, p_OutCursor out refCursorType) is v_sql clob; v_count int; begin v_sql := 'select fcussnum,fcussname,sum(FStartBalanceAmt) FStartBalanceAmt, sum(FDebitAmt) FDebitAmt, sum(FCreditAmt) FCreditAmt, sum(FBalanceAmt) FBalanceAmt from ( select t4.FName_l2 FCurrency, t2.FId FCussTypeId, t2.FName_l2 FCussType , t3.FNumber FCussNum, t3.FName_l2 FCussName, t3.FId FCussAcctId, t1.FCurrencyId FCurrencyId , sum(t1.FBeginBalanceFor) FStartBalanceAmt, 0 FDebitAmt, 0 FCreditAmt, 0 FBalanceAmt from t_ar_arBalance t1 left join t_bd_AsstActType t2 on t2.FId = t1.FAsstActTypeId inner join t_bd_customer t3 on t3.FId = t1.FAsstActId left join t_bd_currency t4 on t4.FId = t1.FCurrencyId where 1 = 1 and FBalType IN (70,100) and (t1.FAsstActTypeId = ''YW3xsAEJEADgAAUWwKgTB0c4VZA='') and t1.FCompanyid = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FPeriodId = ''sREAAAAmbTOCOIxM'' group by t2.FId, t2.FName_l2 , t3.FNumber, t3.FName_l2 , t1.FAsstActId, t4.FName_l2 , t1.FCurrencyId, t3.FId union all select t4.FName_l2 FCurrency, t2.FId FCussTypeId, t2.FName_l2 FCussType , t3.FNumber FCussNum, t3.FName_l2 FCussName, t3.FId FCussAcctId, t1.FCurrencyId FCurrencyId , -1 * sum(t1.FBeginBalanceFor) FStartBalanceAmt, 0 FDebitAmt, 0 FCreditAmt, 0 FBalanceAmt from t_ap_apBalance t1 left join t_bd_AsstActType t2 on t2.FId = t1.FAsstActTypeId inner join t_bd_customer t3 on t3.FId = t1.FAsstActId left join t_bd_currency t4 on t4.FId = t1.FCurrencyId where 1 = 1 and FBalType IN (70,100) and (t1.FAsstActTypeId = ''YW3xsAEJEADgAAUWwKgTB0c4VZA='') and t1.FCompanyid = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FPeriodId = ''sREAAAAmbTOCOIxM'' group by t2.FId, t2.FName_l2 , t3.FNumber, t3.FName_l2 , t1.FAsstActId, t4.FName_l2 , t1.FCurrencyId, t3.FId union all select t4.FName_l2 FCurrency, t2.FId FCussTypeId, t2.FName_l2 FCussType , t3.FNumber FCussNum, t3.FName_l2 FCussName, t3.FId FCussAcctId, t1.FCurrencyId FCurrencyId , sum(t1.FAmounts) FStartBalanceAmt, 0 FDebitAmt, 0 FCreditAmt, 0 FBalanceAmt from T_AR_InitBadAccount t1 left join t_bd_AsstActType t2 on t2.FId = t1.FAsstActTypeID left join t_bd_customer t3 on t3.FId = t1.FAcctCussentID left join t_bd_currency t4 on t4.FId = t1.FCurrencyId where 1= 1 and t1.FAcctCussentID in (select FId from t_bd_customer) and (t1.FAsstActTypeID = ''YW3xsAEJEADgAAUWwKgTB0c4VZA='') and t1.FCompanyid = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' group by t2.FId, t2.FName_l2 , t3.FNumber, t3.FName_l2 , t3.FId, t4.FName_l2 , t1.FCurrencyId union all select t4.FName_l2 FCurrency, t2.FId FCussTypeId , t2.FName_l2 FCussType, t3.FNumber FCussNum, t3.FName_l2 FCussName, t3.FId FCussAcctId , t4.FId FCurrencyId, 0 FStartBalanceAmt, sum(t1.FReceiving) FDebitAmt, sum(t1.FActual) FCreditAmt, 0 FBalanceAmt from (select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAsstActID FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, t1.FBillDate FBILLDATE , t1.FAmount FRECEIVING, 0 FActual , t1.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, t1.FAsstActTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_OTHERBILL t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAsstActID where 1= 1 and t1.FBillStatus = 3 AND t1.FIsBizBill = 0 and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBillDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FPayerID FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FRECEIVING, t1.FAmount FActual , t1.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, t1.FPayerTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_ReceivingBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FPayerID where 1= 1 and t1.FBillStatus >= 14 and t1.FSourceType = 100 and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Main FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Main FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FRECEIVING, t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Main FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Main FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Main where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 101 or t1.FVerificationType = 107 or t1.FVerificationType = 103 or t1.FVerificationType = 109) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FRECEIVING, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 101 or t1.FVerificationType = 107 ) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Main FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Main FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Main FRECEIVING, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Main FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Main where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 104 or t1.FVerificationType = 110 or t1.FVerificationType = 113 or t1.FVerificationType = 114) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FRECEIVING, t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 203 or t1.FVerificationType = 209 ) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FCUSTOMERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FRECEIVING, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 204 or t1.FVerificationType = 210 or t1.FVerificationType = 211 or t1.FVerificationType = 212) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FAsstActId FCUSTOMERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBillDate FBILLDATE, 0 FRECEIVING, A.FAmount FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FAsstActTypeId FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_OTHERBILL A INNER JOIN T_AR_OTHERBILL B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FAsstActId where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBillDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and B.FBillStatus = 3 and (A.FIsReverseBill = 0 and A.FIsTransBill = 1 and A.FBillStatus = 3 ) union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FPayerID FCUSTOMERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBizDate FBILLDATE, A.FAmount FRECEIVING, 0 FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FPayerTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_ReceivingBill A INNER JOIN T_CAS_ReceivingBill B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FPayerID where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and B.FSourceType= 100 and B.FBillStatus>= 14 AND A.FSourceType= 100 and A.FBillStatus>= 14 and A.FIsTransBill = 1 union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FAsstActID FCUSTOMERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBizDate FBILLDATE, 0 AS FRECEIVING, A.FAmount As FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FAsstActTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_PaymentBill A INNER JOIN T_AR_OtherBill B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FAsstActID where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FSourceType= 101 and A.FBillStatus>= 15 AND B.FBillStatus= 3 and A.FIsTransOtherBill = 1 ) t1 left join t_bd_AsstActType t2 on t2.FId = t1.FAsstActTypeId left join t_bd_customer t3 on t3.FId = t1.FCustomerId left join t_bd_currency t4 on t4.FId = t1.FCurrencyId group by t2.FId, t2.FName_l2 , t3.FNumber, t3.FName_l2 , t3.FId, t4.FName_l2 , t4.FId union all select t4.FName_l2 FCurrency, t2.FId FCussTypeId , t2.FName_l2 FCussType, t3.FNumber FCussNum, t3.FName_l2 FCussName, t3.FId FCussAcctId , t4.FId FCurrencyId, 0 FStartBalanceAmt, sum(t1.FActual) FDebitAmt, sum(t1.FPayment) FCreditAmt, 0 FBalanceAmt from (select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAsstActID FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID FCURRENCYID, t1.FBillDate FBILLDATE , t1.FAmount FPayment, 0 FActual , t1.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, t1.FAsstActTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_OTHERBILL t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAsstActID where 1= 1 and t1.FBillStatus = 3 AND t1.FIsBizBill = 0 and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBillDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FPayeeID FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FPAYMENT, t1.FAmount FActual , t1.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, t1.FPayeeTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_PaymentBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FPayeeID where 1= 1 and t1.FBillStatus >= 15 and t1.FSourceType = 101 and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Main FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Main FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FPayment, t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Main FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Main FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Main where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 201 or t1.FVerificationType = 207 or t1.FVerificationType = 203 or t1.FVerificationType = 209) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FPayment, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 201 or t1.FVerificationType = 207 ) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Main FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Main FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Main FPayment, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Main FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Main where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 204 or t1.FVerificationType = 210 or t1.FVerificationType = 211 or t1.FVerificationType = 212) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , 0 FPayment, t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 103 or t1.FVerificationType = 109 ) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select t1.FCompanyId FCompanyId, t1.FAcctCussID_Second FSUPPLIERID, t1.FCurrencyID_Second FCURRENCYID, t1.FBizDate FBILLDATE , t1.FThisVerificateAmt_Second FPayment, 0 FActual , ''1'' FAUDITORID, t1.FAcctCussTypeId_Second FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AR_VerificationBill t1 inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = t1.FAcctCussID_Second where 1= 1 and ((t1.FVerificationType = 104 or t1.FVerificationType = 110 or t1.FVerificationType = 113 or t1.FVerificationType = 114) and ((t1.FIsSameCode = 1 AND t1.FIsSameCurrency = 0) or t1.FIsSameCode = 0)) and t1.FCOMPANYID = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and t1.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and t1.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FAsstActId FSUPPLIERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBillDate FBILLDATE, 0 FPayment, A.FAmount FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FAsstActTypeId FASSTACTTYPEID from T_AP_OTHERBILL A INNER JOIN T_AP_OTHERBILL B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FAsstActId where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBillDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and B.FBillStatus = 3 and (A.FIsReverseBill = 0 and A.FIsTransBill = 1 and A.FBillStatus = 3 ) union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FPayeeID FSUPPLIERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBizDate FBILLDATE, A.FAmount FPayment, 0 FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FPayeeTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_PaymentBill A INNER JOIN T_CAS_PaymentBill B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FPayeeID where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and B.FSourceType= 101 and B.FBillStatus>= 15 AND A.FSourceType= 101 and A.FBillStatus>= 15 and A.FIsTransBill = 1 union all select A.FCompanyId FCompanyId, B.FAsstActID FSUPPLIERID, A.FCurrencyId FCURRENCYID, A.FBizDate FBILLDATE, 0 AS FPayment, A.FAmount As FActual , A.FAuditorID FAUDITORID, B.FAsstActTypeID FASSTACTTYPEID from T_CAS_ReceivingBill A INNER JOIN T_AP_OtherBill B ON A.FSourceBillID = B.FID and A.FCompanyId = B.FCompanyId inner join t_bd_customer tCus on tCus.FId = B.FAsstActID where 1=1 and A.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and A.FBizDate >= to_date(''' || startdate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FBizDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FCurrencyId = B.FCurrencyId and B.FCompanyId = ''sREAAAAAx2PM567U'' and B.FBillDate < to_date(''' || enddate || ''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and A.FSourceType= 100 and A.FBillStatus>= 14 AND B.FBillStatus= 3 and A.FIsTransOtherBill = 1 ) t1 left join t_bd_AsstActType t2 on t2.FId = t1.FAsstActTypeId left join t_bd_customer t3 on t3.FId = t1.FSupplierId left join t_bd_currency t4 on t4.FId = t1.FCurrencyId group by t2.FId, t2.FName_l2 , t3.FNumber, t3.FName_l2 , t3.FId, t4.FName_l2 , t4.FId ) where fcussnum = '''|| customerid || ''' group by fcussnum,fcussname ' ; OPEN p_OutCursor FOR v_sql; test := v_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_output.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); test:=SQLERRM; end YG501_GetCustomerBalance; end;
SAP HANA是一个高性能的内存数据库系统,它提供了一系列功能强大的工具来进行数据分析、应用开发、存储过程编写等操作。其中,对于存储过程的调试是开发者日常开发工作中的一个重要环节,SAP HANA为存储过程提供了...
SqlServer存储过程及调试指南的知识点如下: 1. 存储过程概念:存储过程是一组为完成特定功能的SQL语句集,这些语句经过编译后存储在数据库中,供用户通过指定存储过程名和参数(如有)来执行。存储过程被称作...
在IT行业中,数据库操作是日常开发中的重要环节,而存储过程是数据库中一种高效、封装性强的预编译语句集合。本问题涉及到的是在PowerBuilder(简称Pb)环境中如何调用Oracle或SQL Server等数据库中的存储过程。以下...
SQL Server存储过程是一种预编译的SQL代码集合,它们允许数据库开发者封装复杂的业务逻辑和数据操作,提高数据库应用的性能和可维护性。然而,由于存储过程的源代码通常是不可见的,对于需要查看或修改这些过程的...
PL/SQL Developer 调试存储过程及调试包中创建的存储过程 PL/SQL Developer 调试存储过程是指使用 PL/SQL Developer 工具来调试 Oracle 数据库中的存储过程。调试存储过程可以帮助开发者快速地定位和解决存储过程...
数据库查询的存储过程 数据库查询的存储过程是数据库管理系统中一种非常重要的概念。它可以将多个SQL语句组合成一个单元,提高数据库的查询效率和性能。 存储过程的优点: 1. 可以在单个存储过程中执行一系列SQL...
### 存储过程的优点 #### 一、提升执行效率 1. **编译优势**:存储过程在创建时仅编译一次,之后每次执行时都无需再次编译。相比之下,一般的SQL语句每次执行都需要重新编译。这种差异使得存储过程能够显著提高...
ORACLE 存储过程的异步调用 本文讨论了 ORACLE 存储过程的异步调用方法,旨在解决客户端长时间等待存储过程执行的问题。主要思路是使用 DBMS_JOB 包将主处理存储过程作为任务提交到任务队列中,并通过 DBMS_PIPE 包...
本文将从 Oracle 存储过程的基础知识开始,逐步深入到 Oracle 存储过程的高级应用,包括 Hibernate 调用 Oracle 存储过程和 Java 调用 Oracle 存储过程的方法。 Oracle 存储过程基础知识 Oracle 存储过程是 Oracle...
内容概要:简单的C# winform调用存储过程实例,创建存储过程入参,通过SqlConnection对象和SqlCommand对象调用存储过程,获取存储过程的出参并显示出来,详细代码注释,希望对用到C#调用存储过程的小伙伴有帮助 ...
《用友R9知识存储过程详解》 在IT行业中,特别是在企业级财务系统中,数据库的高效管理和数据处理是至关重要的。用友R9作为一款先进的财务管理系统,它利用存储过程这一强大的数据库功能来优化账务处理,提高系统...
### Oracle存储过程、函数与DBLink详解 #### 一、Oracle存储过程简介 在Oracle数据库中,存储过程是一种预编译好的SQL代码集合,它可以接受输入参数、返回单个值或多个值,并能够执行复杂的数据库操作。存储过程...
### ASP与SQL存储过程详解 #### 一、存储过程简介 存储过程(Stored Procedures)是一种在数据库中预先定义并编译好的SQL语句集合。它能够实现特定功能,并且可以在多处被调用,以此来简化复杂的数据库操作,提高...
资源名称:SQL_Server存储过程调试指南内容简介: 存储过程( Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的 SQL 语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中。用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来...
存储过程文档--MySQL 存储过程是 MySQL 中的一个强大功能,它允许用户预先将常用的或复杂的工作写入 SQL 语句,并将其存储起来,以便在以后的数据库操作中可以快速调用和执行。存储过程可以提高数据库的执行速度,...