
MongoDB Hello World 例子(译)






MongoDB Hello World Example


A quick guide to show you how to do basic operations like create, update, find, delete record and indexing in MongoDB. This example is using MongoDB 2.0.7, running on Mac OS X 10.8, both MongoDB client and server console are run on localhost, same machine.

译:一个快速指南,告诉你如何在MongoDB中做基本的操作如创建,更新,删除记录和索引。这个例子是使用MongoDB 2.0. 7,在MAC OS X 10.8的运行,无论是MongoDB的客户端和服务器控制台上运行的本地主机,同一台机器。

1. Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB on Windows(译), Ubuntu(待译) or Mac OS X(待译). The installation is easy, basically just download the MongoDB zip file, extra and run the command – $MongoDB-folder/bin/mongod.

译:在Windows,Ubuntu或MAC OS X 上安装MongoDB非常容易,基本上只是下载MongoDB ZIP文件,额外的运行命令 – $MongoDB-folder / bin / mongod。


Uses mongod to start MongoDB.

译:使用 mongod 命令启用MongoDB。



Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : 
pid=72280 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db/ 64-bit host=Yongs-MacBook-Air.local
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] db version v2.0.7, pdfile version 4.5
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] options: {}
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] journal dir=/data/db/journal
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] recover : no journal files present, no recovery needed
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [websvr] admin web console waiting for connections on port 28017
Tue Sep 11 21:55:36 [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017


2. Connect MongoDB

To connect MongoDB, uses $MongoDB-folder/bin/mongo

译:使用 $MongoDB-folder / bin / mongo 命令来连接MongoDB。


$ ./mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.7
connecting to: test


3. Create a database or table (collection)


In MongoDB, both database and table are created automatically when the first time data is inserted. Uses use database-name, to switch to your database (even this is not created yet).

译:在MongoDB中,第一次插入数据时数据库和表自动创建。使用 use database - name 命令,切换到您的数据库(即使这个仍未被创建)。


In below example, after you inserted a single record, database “mkyong”, and table “users” are created on the fly.

译:在下面的例子中,当你插入一个记录后,数据库 "mkyong" 和表 "users" 是动态创建的。


$ ./mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.7
connecting to: test
> use mkyong
switched to db mkyong
> db.users.insert({username:"mkyong",password:"123456"})
> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f45cd17f6c778042c3c07"), "username" : "mkyong", "password" : "123456" }



Three database commands you should know.


  1. show dbs – List all databases.译:显示所有数据库列表
  2. use db_name – Switches to db_name.译:打开db_name数据库。
  3. show collections – List all tables in the current selected database.译:当前选定的数据库中所有表的集合(列表)。

In MongoDB, collection means table in SQL.

译:在MongoDB中,collection 相当于SQL中的 table。

4. Insert A Record

To insert a record, uses db.tablename.insert({data}) or db.tablename.save({data}), both works, no idea why MongoDB created both.

译:使用 db.tablename.insert({data}) 或 db.tablename.save({data})都可以在MongoDB中插入一条新的记录。


> db.users.save({username:"google",password:"google123"})
> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f45cd17f6c778042c3c07"), "username" : "mkyong", "password" : "123456" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f48ea17f6c778042c3c0a"), "username" : "google", "password" : "google123" }


5. Update A Record

To update a record, uses db.tablename.update({criteria},{$set: {new value}}). In below example, the password of username : “mkyong” is updated.

译:使用 db.tablename.update({criteria},{$set:{new value}})命令更新一条记录。下面的例子中,将用户名为“mkyong”的密码更新。


> db.users.update({username:"mkyong"},{$set:{password:"hello123"}})
> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f48ea17f6c778042c3c0a"), "username" : "google", "password" : "google123" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f45cd17f6c778042c3c07"), "password" : "hello123", "username" : "mkyong" }


6. Find Records

To find or query records, uses db.tablename.find({criteria}).

译:使用 db.tablename.find({criteria}) 命令寻找或查询记录。


6.1 List all records from table “users”.译:从表"users"中获取用户列表。


> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f48ea17f6c778042c3c0a"), "username" : "google", "password" : "google123" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f45cd17f6c778042c3c07"), "password" : "hello123", "username" : "mkyong" }

6.2 Find records where username is “google”.译:查询username是"google"的记录。 



> db.users.find({username:"google"})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f48ea17f6c778042c3c0a"), "username" : "google", "password" : "google123" }

6.3 Find records where username’s length is less than or equal to 2.译: 查询username长度小于或等于2的记录。




6.4 Find records where username field is existed. 译:查询不存在username字段的记录。



db.users.find({username:{$exists : true}})


7. Delete Record


To delete a record, uses db.tablename.remove({criteria}). In below example, the record of username “google” is deleted.

译:使用 db.tablename.remove({criteria}) 命令删除记录。在下面例子中告诉你如何删除username是"google"的记录。


> db.users.remove({username:"google"})
> db.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("504f45cd17f6c778042c3c07"), "password" : "hello123", "username" : "mkyong" }



To delete all records from a table, uses db.tablename.remove().
To drop the table, uses db.tablename.drop().

译1:使用 db.tablename.remove() 命令删除表中所有记录。

译2:使用 db.tablename.drop() 命令删除表。

8. Indexing

Index may help you increase the speed of querying data.



8.1 List all indexes of table “users”, by default the column “_id” is always the primary key and created automatically.

译:"users"表的所有索引列表,默认情况下 "_id" 字段是自动创建主键的。


> db.users.getIndexes()
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"_id" : 1
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "_id_"

8.2 To create an index, uses db.tablename.ensureIndex(column). In below example, an index is created on column “username”. 


译:使用 db.tablename.ensureIndex(column) 命令创建一个索引。在下面例子中,在"username"字段上创建一个索引。


> db.users.ensureIndex({username:1})
> db.users.getIndexes()
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"_id" : 1
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "_id_"
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"username" : 1
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "username_1"

8.3 To drop an index, uses db.tablename.dropIndex(column). In below example, the index on column “username” is deleted or dropped. 


译:使用 db.tablename.dropIndex(column) 命令删除一个索引。 在下面例子中,删除 "username" 字段上的索引。


> db.users.dropIndex({username:1})
{ "nIndexesWas" : 2, "ok" : 1 }
> db.users.getIndexes()
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"_id" : 1
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "_id_"

8.4 To create an unique index, uses db.tablename.ensureIndex({column},{unique:true}). In below example, an unique index is created on column “username”. 


译:使用 db.tablename.ensureIndex({column},{unique:true}) 命令创建唯一索引。 在下面例子中,为"username"字段创建一个唯一索引。

> db.users.ensureIndex({username:1},{unique:true});
> db.users.getIndexes()
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"_id" : 1
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "_id_"
		"v" : 1,
		"key" : {
			"username" : 1
		"unique" : true,
		"ns" : "mkyong.users",
		"name" : "username_1"

10. Help

At last, uses help() to guide you how to do things in MongoDB.

译:最后,使用 help() 命令来获取帮助信息。


10.1 help – All available commands.译:所有可用的命令信息。

> help
	db.help()                    help on db methods
	db.mycoll.help()             help on collection methods
	rs.help()                    help on replica set methods
	help admin                   administrative help
	help connect                 connecting to a db help
	help keys                    key shortcuts  

10.2 db.help() – Shows help on db.译:显示db级别的帮助信息。 

> db.help()
DB methods:
	db.addUser(username, password[, readOnly=false])
	db.auth(username, password)
	db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command
	db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)

10.3 db.collection.help() – Shows help on collection (table).译:显示集合级别的帮助信息。 

> db.users.help()
DBCollection help
	db.users.find().help() - show DBCursor help
	db.users.distinct( key ) - eg. db.users.distinct( 'x' )
	db.users.drop() drop the collection

10.4 db.collection.function.help() – Shows help on function.译:显示函数级别的帮助信息。  

> db.users.find().help()
find() modifiers
	.sort( {...} )
	.limit( n )
	.skip( n )
	.count() - total # of objects matching query, ignores skip,limit
	.size() - total # of objects cursor would return, honors skip,limit

Done. Hope this summary of MongoDB commands could help others. 



  1. Official MongoDB tutorials
  2. MongoDB Indexes





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