英语对我们搞IT的人来说实在太重要了,你还在为记不住英语单词而苦恼吗?还在为看不懂thinking in java而伤神吗?看看我最近的研究,也许对你有些启发呢!基于英国国家语料库中最常见的18299个英语单词进行分析,如 b - p rule 表示“将单词中的b字母转化为p字母”,后面的total number是表示转化之后的单词有多少个是在这18299个词范围内,可以点击单词链接在爱词霸中查看详细含义。通过这种方式,可以找到读音相近、外形相似、含义相关的英语单词,从而非常有利于我们深入地记忆理解这些单词。
单词的发展是一个历史的递进的过程,从无到有,从有到多,字母之间的转化是有一定规律的,如元音字母(a e i o u)之间相互转化,发音相近的辅音(如双唇音唇齿音的清辅音和浊辅音等等)之间的转化,发音相同的字母和字母组合之间的转化(如ph和f),长相相近的字母之间的转化(因为字母看上去长得像,古时候手写容易错,如V和U,M和N,等等,在长期的发展过程中,不小心写错的词由于作者的影响力大或者其他因素也会演化出新的单词,并具有相关的含义)。
b - p rule total number: 91
1、amb -> amp
2、amble -> ample
3、back -> pack
4、backed -> packed
5、backing -> packing
6、backs -> packs
7、bad -> pad
8、bal -> pal
9、ball -> pall
10、ban -> pan
11、bar -> par
12、bark -> park
13、barked -> parked
14、barking -> parking
15、bars -> pars
16、bass -> pass
17、bat -> pat
18、batch -> patch
19、bath -> path
20、batho -> patho
21、baths -> paths
22、bay -> pay
23、bays -> pays
24、beach -> peach
25、beak -> peak
26、beat -> peat
27、bed -> ped
28、beer -> peer
29、beers -> peers
30、beg -> peg
31、bell -> pell
32、ben -> pen
33、bend -> pend
34、bending -> pending
35、best -> pest
36、bet -> pet
37、bets -> pets
38、big -> pig
39、bike -> pike
40、bile -> pile
41、bill -> pill
42、bills -> pills
43、bin -> pin
44、bins -> pins
45、bit -> pit
46、bitch -> pitch
47、bits -> pits
48、blank -> plank
49、blast -> plast
50、bob -> pop
51、bomb -> pomp
52、bon -> pon
53、bond -> pond
54、bonds -> ponds
55、bony -> pony
56、bore -> pore
57、bound -> pound
58、bounds -> pounds
59、breach -> preach
60、brick -> prick
61、bride -> pride
62、budding -> pudding
63、bug -> pug
64、bulb -> pulp
65、bull -> pull
66、bulls -> pulls
67、bump -> pump
68、bumped -> pumped
69、bunch -> punch
70、bunk -> punk
71、bush -> push
72、bushes -> pushes
73、but -> put
74、butt -> putt
75、cab -> cap
76、crab -> crap
77、cub -> cup
78、dumb -> dump
79、lab -> lap
80、labs -> laps
81、lamb -> lamp
82、lambs -> lamps
83、prob -> prop
84、probe -> prope
85、rabid -> rapid
86、rebel -> repel
87、robe -> rope
88、robes -> ropes
89、slab -> slap
90、stable -> staple
91、tab -> tap
b - m rule total number: 70
1、Kb -> Km
2、abused -> amused
3、bad -> mad
4、bail -> mail
5、bake -> make
6、baking -> making
7、bal -> mal
8、ball -> mall
9、ban -> man
10、banner -> manner
11、banners -> manners
12、bare -> mare
13、bark -> mark
14、barked -> marked
15、barking -> marking
16、bass -> mass
17、bat -> mat
18、batch -> match
19、baths -> maths
20、battered -> mattered
21、bay -> may
22、be -> me
23、bean -> mean
24、beans -> means
25、beat -> meat
26、belt -> melt
27、ben -> men
28、bet -> met
29、bid -> mid
30、bile -> mile
31、bill -> mill
32、billion -> million
33、billions -> millions
34、bills -> mills
35、bin -> min
36、bind -> mind
37、binds -> minds
38、bins -> mins
39、bit -> mit
40、bob -> mom
41、bold -> mold
42、bon -> mon
43、boon -> moon
44、bore -> more
45、boss -> moss
46、both -> moth
47、bother -> mother
48、bound -> mound
49、buck -> muck
50、bud -> mud
51、bug -> mug
52、bugs -> mugs
53、bum -> mum
54、bus -> mus
55、bust -> must
56、but -> mut
57、by -> my
58、deb -> dem
59、fab -> fam
60、grab -> gram
61、hab -> ham
62、hub -> hum
63、mob -> mom
64、rib -> rim
65、rub -> rum
66、slab -> slam
67、sub -> sum
68、submit -> summit
69、subs -> sums
70、tub -> tum
b - f rule total number: 70
1、bail -> fail
2、bake -> fake
3、ball -> fall
4、balls -> falls
5、ban -> fan
6、bar -> far
7、bare -> fare
8、bat -> fat
9、bats -> fats
10、bear -> fear
11、bearing -> fearing
12、bears -> fears
13、beast -> feast
14、beat -> feat
15、bed -> fed
16、bee -> fee
17、bees -> fees
18、bell -> fell
19、belt -> felt
20、bend -> fend
21、berries -> ferries
22、bid -> fid
23、bile -> file
24、bill -> fill
25、bills -> fills
26、bin -> fin
27、bind -> find
28、binding -> finding
29、binds -> finds
30、bins -> fins
31、bit -> fit
32、bits -> fits
33、blame -> flame
34、blames -> flames
35、blank -> flank
36、blew -> flew
37、block -> flock
38、blocks -> flocks
39、blood -> flood
40、blow -> flow
41、blowing -> flowing
42、blown -> flown
43、blows -> flows
44、blushed -> flushed
45、bog -> fog
46、boil -> foil
47、bold -> fold
48、bond -> fond
49、boot -> foot
50、bore -> fore
51、bought -> fought
52、bound -> found
53、bounded -> founded
54、box -> fox
55、boxes -> foxes
56、breed -> freed
57、breeze -> freeze
58、bridge -> fridge
59、bright -> fright
60、brown -> frown
61、buck -> fuck
62、bug -> fug
63、bull -> full
64、bunny -> funny
65、bury -> fury
66、bus -> fus
67、rabble -> raffle
68、rubble -> ruffle
69、stabbed -> staffed
70、turb -> turf
b - v rule total number: 28
1、bad -> vad
2、bal -> val
3、ban -> van
4、banished -> vanished
5、base -> vase
6、bases -> vases
7、bat -> vat
8、ben -> ven
9、bend -> vend
10、bent -> vent
11、best -> vest
12、bet -> vet
13、bibere -> vivere
14、bid -> vid
15、big -> vig
16、bile -> vile
17、bow -> vow
18、bowed -> vowed
19、bowel -> vowel
20、box -> vox
21、globe -> glove
22、grab -> grav
23、lab -> lav
24、liber -> liver
25、mob -> mov
26、probe -> prove
27、probes -> proves
28、probing -> proving
p - m rule total number: 120
1、cape -> came
2、clap -> clam
3、computers -> commuters
4、cope -> come
5、coping -> coming
6、cramped -> crammed
7、dip -> dim
8、drop -> drom
9、flap -> flam
10、gap -> gam
11、grip -> grim
12、harp -> harm
13、hip -> him
14、hope -> home
15、hopeless -> homeless
16、hopes -> homes
17、map -> mam
18、pa -> ma
19、pace -> mace
20、pad -> mad
21、paid -> maid
22、pain -> main
23、pains -> mains
24、pal -> mal
25、pale -> male
26、pall -> mall
27、pan -> man
28、panic -> manic
29、pans -> mans
30、papa -> mama
31、parch -> march
32、park -> mark
33、parked -> marked
34、parking -> marking
35、parks -> marks
36、partial -> martial
37、pass -> mass
38、passage -> massage
39、passes -> masses
40、passive -> massive
41、past -> mast
42、pat -> mat
43、patch -> match
44、patches -> matches
45、pater -> mater
46、paternal -> maternal
47、paths -> maths
48、patr -> matr
49、patriarch -> matriarch
50、patron -> matron
51、pax -> max
52、pay -> may
53、peat -> meat
54、pedal -> medal
55、pen -> men
56、pens -> mens
57、pet -> met
58、petals -> metals
59、pile -> mile
60、piles -> miles
61、pill -> mill
62、pills -> mills
63、pin -> min
64、pine -> mine
65、pink -> mink
66、pins -> mins
67、pint -> mint
68、pipe -> mime
69、pit -> mit
70、pod -> mod
71、polar -> molar
72、pole -> mole
73、poles -> moles
74、pon -> mon
75、ponere -> monere
76、ponies -> monies
77、poor -> moor
78、pop -> mom
79、pore -> more
80、pores -> mores
81、port -> mort
82、portal -> mortal
83、pos -> mos
84、post -> most
85、pot -> mot
86、pound -> mound
87、pov -> mov
88、pp. -> mm.
89、pug -> mug
90、puppy -> mummy
91、pur -> mur
92、put -> mut
93、putare -> mutare
94、putatum -> mutatum
95、rap -> ram
96、shape -> shame
97、slap -> slam
98、slapped -> slammed
99、slip -> slim
100、spear -> smear
101、spell -> smell
102、spelling -> smelling
103、spells -> smells
104、spelt -> smelt
105、spoke -> smoke
106、step -> stem
107、stepped -> stemmed
108、steps -> stems
109、supper -> summer
110、supponere -> summonere
111、swap -> swam
112、tape -> tame
113、tepere -> temere
114、tip -> tim
115、top -> tom
116、trap -> tram
117、traps -> trams
118、trip -> trim
119、up -> um
120、warp -> warm
p - f rule total number: 72
1、cape -> cafe
2、depend -> defend
3、dependants -> defendants
4、depended -> defended
5、depending -> defending
6、leap -> leaf
7、pac -> fac
8、pace -> face
9、paces -> faces
10、pacing -> facing
11、pact -> fact
12、paint -> faint
13、pair -> fair
14、pairs -> fairs
15、pall -> fall
16、pallere -> fallere
17、pan -> fan
18、pans -> fans
19、par -> far
20、past -> fast
21、pat -> fat
22、pax -> fax
23、peat -> feat
24、ped -> fed
25、peel -> feel
26、pell -> fell
27、pence -> fence
28、pend -> fend
29、pendere -> fendere
30、per -> fer
31、pict -> fict
32、pictum -> fictum
33、pile -> file
34、piled -> filed
35、piles -> files
36、piling -> filing
37、pill -> fill
38、pills -> fills
39、pin -> fin
40、pine -> fine
41、pins -> fins
42、pit -> fit
43、pits -> fits
44、plank -> flank
45、planks -> flanks
46、plex -> flex
47、plexum -> flexum
48、plight -> flight
49、plu -> flu
50、pond -> fond
51、pool -> fool
52、pools -> fools
53、pore -> fore
54、pork -> fork
55、port -> fort
56、poster -> foster
57、pound -> found
58、pounding -> founding
59、pour -> four
60、prag -> frag
61、pro -> fro
62、pug -> fug
63、pull -> full
64、pun -> fun
65、punctum -> functum
66、pung -> fung
67、pur -> fur
68、rapt -> raft
69、ripe -> rife
70、supper -> suffer
71、triple -> trifle
72、wipe -> wife
p - v rule total number: 35
1、apert -> avert
2、cape -> cave
3、cope -> cove
4、grape -> grave
5、grapes -> graves
6、lap -> lav
7、leaping -> leaving
8、open -> oven
9、oper -> over
10、pad -> vad
11、pain -> vain
12、pal -> val
13、pale -> vale
14、palor -> valor
15、pan -> van
16、pans -> vans
17、past -> vast
18、pat -> vat
19、pen -> ven
20、penal -> venal
21、pend -> vend
22、pendere -> vendere
23、per -> ver
24、pest -> vest
25、pet -> vet
26、pict -> vict
27、pictum -> victum
28、pig -> vig
29、pile -> vile
30、pine -> vine
31、polo -> volo
32、pot -> vot
33、rape -> rave
34、sapor -> savor
35、shape -> shave
m - f rule total number: 63
1、calm -> calf
2、came -> cafe
3、lime -> life
4、mace -> face
5、made -> fade
6、mail -> fail
7、mailing -> failing
8、make -> fake
9、mall -> fall
10、man -> fan
11、mans -> fans
12、manus -> fanus
13、mare -> fare
14、mast -> fast
15、master -> faster
16、mat -> fat
17、mate -> fate
18、max -> fax
19、meat -> feat
20、meet -> feet
21、melt -> felt
22、merry -> ferry
23、metal -> fetal
24、mid -> fid
25、might -> fight
26、mile -> file
27、miles -> files
28、mill -> fill
29、mills -> fills
30、min -> fin
31、mind -> find
32、minds -> finds
33、mine -> fine
34、miner -> finer
35、mines -> fines
36、mins -> fins
37、miss -> fiss
38、mist -> fist
39、mit -> fit
40、mix -> fix
41、mixed -> fixed
42、mixing -> fixing
43、mixture -> fixture
44、mixtures -> fixtures
45、mold -> fold
46、mont -> font
47、mood -> food
48、moods -> foods
49、mor -> for
50、mord -> ford
51、more -> fore
52、mort -> fort
53、mound -> found
54、mountain -> fountain
55、muck -> fuck
56、mug -> fug
57、mur -> fur
58、mus -> fus
59、room -> roof
60、rooms -> roofs
61、same -> safe
62、soma -> sofa
63、summer -> suffer
m - v rule total number: 36
1、came -> cave
2、come -> cove
3、demise -> devise
4、game -> gave
5、gram -> grav
6、lime -> live
7、mad -> vad
8、main -> vain
9、mal -> val
10、male -> vale
11、man -> van
12、mans -> vans
13、manus -> vanus
14、mast -> vast
15、mat -> vat
16、men -> ven
17、menu -> venu
18、merge -> verge
19、mergere -> vergere
20、met -> vet
21、mice -> vice
22、mid -> vid
23、mile -> vile
24、mim -> viv
25、mine -> vine
26、mines -> vines
27、mis -> vis
28、mot -> vot
29、motive -> votive
30、name -> nave
31、nom -> nov
32、primacy -> privacy
33、same -> save
34、semen -> seven
35、shame -> shave
36、women -> woven
f - v rule total number: 29
1、cafe -> cave
2、cafes -> caves
3、defiance -> deviance
4、defiant -> deviant
5、fan -> van
6、fans -> vans
7、fanus -> vanus
8、fast -> vast
9、fat -> vat
10、fault -> vault
11、faults -> vaults
12、fend -> vend
13、fendere -> vendere
14、fer -> ver
15、fic -> vic
16、fict -> vict
17、fictum -> victum
18、fid -> vid
19、fidere -> videre
20、file -> vile
21、fine -> vine
22、fines -> vines
23、focal -> vocal
24、fox -> vox
25、grief -> griev
26、life -> live
27、refere -> revere
28、reference -> reverence
29、safe -> save
d - t rule total number: 141
1、ad -> at
2、and -> ant
3、ascend -> ascent
4、bad -> bat
5、beads -> beats
6、bed -> bet
7、bedding -> betting
8、beds -> bets
9、bend -> bent
10、bid -> bit
11、bidder -> bitter
12、bids -> bits
13、bold -> bolt
14、bud -> but
15、build -> built
16、cad -> cat
17、cand -> cant
18、card -> cart
19、cards -> carts
20、cid -> cit
21、cide -> cite
22、cod -> cot
23、condemn -> contemn
24、contend -> content
25、cred -> cret
26、dale -> tale
27、dales -> tales
28、dame -> tame
29、dear -> tear
30、den -> ten
31、dens -> tens
32、dense -> tense
33、dent -> tent
34、derm -> term
35、dic -> tic
36、die -> tie
37、dies -> ties
38、dim -> tim
39、dip -> tip
40、do -> to
41、does -> toes
42、doll -> toll
43、dome -> tome
44、don -> ton
45、done -> tone
46、dough -> tough
47、down -> town
48、downs -> towns
49、dox -> tox
50、dra -> tra
51、drain -> train
52、draining -> training
53、drains -> trains
54、dread -> treat
55、drop -> trop
56、drunk -> trunk
57、dry -> try
58、drying -> trying
59、dub -> tub
60、dug -> tug
61、dunes -> tunes
62、dying -> tying
63、extend -> extent
64、faced -> facet
65、fade -> fate
66、feed -> feet
67、fid -> fit
68、fond -> font
69、food -> foot
70、ford -> fort
71、forged -> forget
72、god -> got
73、grad -> grat
74、grand -> grant
75、greed -> greet
76、grid -> grit
77、guild -> guilt
78、had -> hat
79、head -> heat
80、header -> heater
81、heading -> heating
82、heard -> heart
83、hid -> hit
84、hind -> hint
85、id -> it
86、intend -> intent
87、kid -> kit
88、kids -> kits
89、ladder -> latter
90、led -> let
91、lend -> lent
92、lid -> lit
93、lud -> lut
94、mad -> mat
95、made -> mate
96、marked -> market
97、medal -> metal
98、medals -> metals
99、mid -> mit
100、mind -> mint
101、mod -> mot
102、mord -> mort
103、mound -> mount
104、mud -> mut
105、nod -> not
106、node -> note
107、nodes -> notes
108、packed -> packet
109、pad -> pat
110、ped -> pet
111、placid -> placit
112、pod -> pot
113、pudding -> putting
114、radio -> ratio
115、radios -> ratios
116、rebuild -> rebuilt
117、rend -> rent
118、ride -> rite
119、rides -> rites
120、rocked -> rocket
121、rod -> rot
122、sad -> sat
123、scand -> scant
124、sed -> set
125、send -> sent
126、sid -> sit
127、side -> site
128、sides -> sites
129、slid -> slit
130、spade -> spate
131、spend -> spent
132、tend -> tent
133、tends -> tents
134、thread -> threat
135、threads -> threats
136、tread -> treat
137、undo -> unto
138、vad -> vat
139、vend -> vent
140、walled -> wallet
141、wicked -> wicket
d - s rule total number: 346
1、Sudan -> Susan
2、abused -> abuses
3、accompanied -> accompanies
4、achieved -> achieves
5、acquired -> acquires
6、ad -> as
7、add -> ass
8、ads -> ass
9、aged -> ages
10、agreed -> agrees
11、allied -> allies
12、analysed -> analyses
13、announced -> announces
14、applied -> applies
15、approached -> approaches
16、arched -> arches
17、argued -> argues
18、arrived -> arrives
19、associated -> associates
20、assumed -> assumes
21、attached -> attaches
22、attributed -> attributes
23、averaged -> averages
24、balanced -> balances
25、based -> bases
26、beard -> bears
27、behaved -> behaves
28、believed -> believes
29、bind -> bins
30、blamed -> blames
31、breached -> breaches
32、bruised -> bruises
33、brushed -> brushes
34、bud -> bus
35、cad -> cas
36、cand -> cans
37、card -> cars
38、cared -> cares
39、carried -> carries
40、cauda -> causa
41、caused -> causes
42、ceased -> ceases
43、celebrated -> celebrates
44、centred -> centres
45、challenged -> challenges
46、changed -> changes
47、charged -> charges
48、cid -> cis
49、circled -> circles
50、cited -> cites
51、classed -> classes
52、closed -> closes
53、clothed -> clothes
54、cod -> cos
55、combined -> combines
56、compared -> compares
57、completed -> completes
58、comprised -> comprises
59、compromised -> compromises
60、concentrated -> concentrates
61、condensus -> consensus
62、confined -> confines
63、constituted -> constitutes
64、continued -> continues
65、contributed -> contributes
66、copied -> copies
67、coupled -> couples
68、created -> creates
69、cried -> cries
70、crossed -> crosses
71、cultured -> cultures
72、curved -> curves
73、dale -> sale
74、dales -> sales
75、dame -> same
76、day -> say
77、days -> says
78、dead -> seas
79、deal -> seal
80、deals -> seals
81、deed -> sees
82、den -> sen
83、dens -> sens
84、dense -> sense
85、dent -> sent
86、dick -> sick
87、dign -> sign
88、dignify -> signify
89、dip -> sip
90、do -> so
91、docks -> socks
92、dol -> sol
93、dole -> sole
94、dome -> some
95、don -> son
96、donare -> sonare
97、down -> sown
98、dub -> sub
99、due -> sue
100、dwell -> swell
101、dwelling -> swelling
102、echoed -> echoes
103、emerged -> emerges
104、emphasized -> emphasizes
105、enabled -> enables
106、encouraged -> encourages
107、endure -> ensure
108、enduring -> ensuring
109、enhanced -> enhances
110、ensured -> ensures
111、established -> establishes
112、estimated -> estimates
113、evoked -> evokes
114、examined -> examines
115、exchanged -> exchanges
116、exercised -> exercises
117、exiled -> exiles
118、experienced -> experiences
119、explored -> explores
120、expressed -> expresses
121、eyed -> eyes
122、faced -> faces
123、featured -> features
124、feed -> fees
125、figured -> figures
126、filed -> files
127、financed -> finances
128、find -> fins
129、fined -> fines
130、finished -> finishes
131、fired -> fires
132、flashed -> flashes
133、focused -> focuses
134、forced -> forces
135、framed -> frames
136、fraud -> fraus
137、generated -> generates
138、gestured -> gestures
139、glanced -> glances
140、gravid -> gravis
141、guaranteed -> guarantees
142、guide -> guise
143、had -> has
144、halved -> halves
145、hated -> hates
146、heard -> hears
147、herd -> hers
148、hered -> heres
149、hid -> his
150、hoped -> hopes
151、housed -> houses
152、hybrid -> hybris
153、id -> is
154、idle -> isle
155、ignored -> ignores
156、illustrated -> illustrates
157、implied -> implies
158、imposed -> imposes
159、improved -> improves
160、incorporated -> incorporates
161、increased -> increases
162、influenced -> influences
163、instituted -> institutes
164、investigated -> investigates
165、invited -> invites
166、involved -> involves
167、irid -> iris
168、issued -> issues
169、joked -> jokes
170、justified -> justifies
171、kids -> kiss
172、kissed -> kisses
173、lads -> lass
174、launched -> launches
175、leading -> leasing
176、lend -> lens
177、lied -> lies
178、liked -> likes
179、lined -> lines
180、lived -> lives
181、loved -> loves
182、lud -> lus
183、managed -> manages
184、marched -> marches
185、matched -> matches
186、measured -> measures
187、mid -> mis
188、mind -> mins
189、missed -> misses
190、mod -> mos
191、mord -> mors
192、moved -> moves
193、mud -> mus
194、named -> names
195、node -> nose
196、nodes -> noses
197、noted -> notes
198、noticed -> notices
199、observed -> observes
200、occupied -> occupies
201、od -> os
202、odd -> oss
203、operated -> operates
204、outlined -> outlines
205、owed -> owes
206、pad -> pas
207、padded -> passes
208、pads -> pass
209、paid -> pais
210、passed -> passes
211、ped -> pes
212、pend -> pens
213、phased -> phases
214、phoned -> phones
215、pictured -> pictures
216、piled -> piles
217、pitched -> pitches
218、placed -> places
219、plaud -> plaus
220、plead -> pleas
221、pleading -> pleasing
222、pod -> pos
223、posed -> poses
224、possessed -> possesses
225、prehend -> prehens
226、prepared -> prepares
227、pressed -> presses
228、priced -> prices
229、pride -> prise
230、privileged -> privileges
231、processed -> processes
232、programmed -> programmes
233、progressed -> progresses
234、promised -> promises
235、promoted -> promotes
236、proposed -> proposes
237、proved -> proves
238、published -> publishes
239、purchased -> purchases
240、pushed -> pushes
241、putrid -> putris
242、queried -> queries
243、quoted -> quotes
244、raced -> races
245、raised -> raises
246、random -> ransom
247、ranged -> ranges
248、rated -> rates
249、reached -> reaches
250、realized -> realizes
251、received -> receives
252、recognized -> recognizes
253、refused -> refuses
254、reinforced -> reinforces
255、related -> relates
256、released -> releases
257、relied -> relies
258、removed -> removes
259、replaced -> replaces
260、replied -> replies
261、required -> requires
262、resembled -> resembles
263、reserved -> reserves
264、responded -> responses
265、rid -> ris
266、ride -> rise
267、rides -> rises
268、riding -> rising
269、rode -> rose
270、ruled -> rules
271、sacrificed -> sacrifices
272、satisfied -> satisfies
273、saved -> saves
274、scored -> scores
275、searched -> searches
276、seed -> sees
277、send -> sens
278、sending -> sensing
279、sensed -> senses
280、sentenced -> sentences
281、separated -> separates
282、served -> serves
283、serviced -> services
284、settled -> settles
285、shaped -> shapes
286、shared -> shares
287、singled -> singles
288、sited -> sites
289、sized -> sizes
290、sliced -> slices
291、smiled -> smiles
292、spaced -> spaces
293、specialized -> specializes
294、specified -> specifies
295、squared -> squares
296、staged -> stages
297、stated -> states
298、stored -> stores
299、stressed -> stresses
300、stretched -> stretches
301、striped -> stripes
302、stroked -> strokes
303、structured -> structures
304、struggled -> struggles
305、substituted -> substitutes
306、supplied -> supplies
307、surfaced -> surfaces
308、surprised -> surprises
309、survived -> survives
310、switched -> switches
311、tasted -> tastes
312、taxed -> taxes
313、telephoned -> telephones
314、tend -> tens
315、terraced -> terraces
316、tied -> ties
317、tiled -> tiles
318、timed -> times
319、titled -> titles
320、touched -> touches
321、traced -> traces
322、tried -> tries
323、troubled -> troubles
324、trud -> trus
325、tuned -> tunes
326、typed -> types
327、urged -> urges
328、used -> uses
329、valued -> values
330、varied -> varies
331、ventured -> ventures
332、vid -> vis
333、voiced -> voices
334、voted -> votes
335、ward -> wars
336、wasted -> wastes
337、watched -> watches
338、waved -> waves
339、welcomed -> welcomes
340、wide -> wise
341、widely -> wisely
342、wider -> wiser
343、wind -> wins
344、wished -> wishes
345、witnessed -> witnesses
346、worried -> worries
d - c rule total number: 59
1、ad -> ac
2、crude -> cruce
3、dame -> came
4、damp -> camp
5、dancer -> cancer
6、dancers -> cancers
7、dare -> care
8、daring -> caring
9、dart -> cart
10、dash -> cash
11、dens -> cens
12、dip -> cip
13、dock -> cock
14、dog -> cog
15、dollar -> collar
16、dome -> come
17、don -> con
18、done -> cone
19、dot -> cot
20、dough -> cough
21、drab -> crab
22、draft -> craft
23、drafts -> crafts
24、drag -> crag
25、dream -> cream
26、drew -> crew
27、drop -> crop
28、drops -> crops
29、drown -> crown
30、dry -> cry
31、drying -> crying
32、dub -> cub
33、due -> cue
34、dues -> cues
35、dumb -> cumb
36、dur -> cur
37、fade -> face
38、fading -> facing
39、fid -> fic
40、grade -> grace
41、laid -> laic
42、lud -> luc
43、ludere -> lucere
44、made -> mace
45、nod -> noc
46、pad -> pac
47、pride -> price
48、radial -> racial
49、ride -> rice
50、sed -> sec
51、slide -> slice
52、slides -> slices
53、spade -> space
54、sped -> spec
55、trade -> trace
56、trades -> traces
57、trading -> tracing
58、trud -> truc
59、vid -> vic
d - z rule total number: 11
1、blade -> blaze
2、deal -> zeal
3、dip -> zip
4、do -> zo
5、done -> zone
6、grading -> grazing
7、lady -> lazy
8、made -> maze
9、pride -> prize
10、side -> size
11、sides -> sizes
d - th rule total number: 33
1、bad -> bath
2、bird -> birth
3、birds -> births
4、bread -> breath
5、dem -> them
6、den -> then
7、derm -> therm
8、dick -> thick
9、dinner -> thinner
10、dirty -> thirty
11、dose -> those
12、dough -> though
13、drew -> threw
14、drill -> thrill
15、drilling -> thrilling
16、drive -> thrive
17、driving -> thriving
18、drown -> thrown
19、dumb -> thumb
20、ford -> forth
21、had -> hath
22、head -> heath
23、header -> heather
24、heard -> hearth
25、leader -> leather
26、lid -> lith
27、loading -> loathing
28、mod -> moth
29、pad -> path
30、pads -> paths
31、tend -> tenth
32、trud -> truth
33、word -> worth
t - s rule total number: 154
1、allot -> allos
2、alto -> also
3、art -> ars
4、assets -> assess
5、at -> as
6、bats -> bass
7、burnt -> burns
8、but -> bus
9、cant -> cans
10、capt -> caps
11、cart -> cars
12、cat -> cas
13、chest -> chess
14、cit -> cis
15、cot -> cos
16、covert -> covers
17、crat -> cras
18、dealt -> deals
19、dent -> dens
20、diet -> dies
21、divert -> divers
22、duet -> dues
23、eating -> easing
24、excite -> excise
25、exigent -> exigens
26、facet -> faces
27、feet -> fees
28、fist -> fiss
29、fits -> fiss
30、gates -> gases
31、guest -> guess
32、hat -> has
33、heart -> hears
34、hit -> his
35、incite -> incise
36、it -> is
37、joint -> joins
38、kits -> kiss
39、last -> lass
40、later -> laser
41、learnt -> learns
42、lent -> lens
43、lest -> less
44、lets -> less
45、letter -> lesser
46、locut -> locus
47、lost -> loss
48、lots -> loss
49、lut -> lus
50、mast -> mass
51、meant -> means
52、mint -> mins
53、mist -> miss
54、mit -> mis
55、mitt -> miss
56、mont -> mons
57、mort -> mors
58、most -> moss
59、mot -> mos
60、mut -> mus
61、muted -> mused
62、nat -> nas
63、note -> nose
64、notes -> noses
65、overt -> overs
66、paint -> pains
67、pant -> pans
68、parent -> parens
69、part -> pars
70、past -> pass
71、pat -> pas
72、patted -> passed
73、peat -> peas
74、pet -> pes
75、phot -> phos
76、pint -> pins
77、planet -> planes
78、plant -> plans
79、plut -> plus
80、polit -> polis
81、pot -> pos
82、pretence -> presence
83、provident -> providens
84、quiet -> quies
85、quit -> quis
86、refute -> refuse
87、rite -> rise
88、rites -> rises
89、route -> rouse
90、salut -> salus
91、seat -> seas
92、sect -> secs
93、sent -> sens
94、sets -> sess
95、sort -> sors
96、tack -> sack
97、tail -> sail
98、tailor -> sailor
99、tails -> sails
100、take -> sake
101、tale -> sale
102、tales -> sales
103、tally -> sally
104、tame -> same
105、tang -> sang
106、tank -> sank
107、tea -> sea
108、team -> seam
109、teams -> seams
110、tect -> secs
111、tee -> see
112、tell -> sell
113、telling -> selling
114、tells -> sells
115、ten -> sen
116、tend -> send
117、tending -> sending
118、tends -> sends
119、tens -> sens
120、tense -> sense
121、tensum -> sensum
122、tent -> sens
123、tentum -> sensum
124、test -> sess
125、the -> she
126、thrill -> shrill
127、thy -> shy
128、tide -> side
129、tides -> sides
130、tin -> sin
131、ting -> sing
132、tins -> sins
133、tip -> sip
134、tipped -> sipped
135、to -> so
136、told -> sold
137、tome -> some
138、ton -> son
139、tons -> sons
140、tore -> sore
141、tort -> sors
142、tour -> sour
143、town -> sown
144、tub -> sub
145、tucked -> sucked
146、tum -> sum
147、turf -> surf
148、uter -> user
149、vehement -> vehemens
150、vert -> vers
151、vita -> visa
152、weight -> weighs
153、with -> wish
154、yet -> yes
t - c rule total number: 116
1、art -> arc
2、at -> ac
3、ate -> ace
4、birth -> birch
5、breath -> breach
6、breathed -> breached
7、commented -> commenced
8、commenting -> commencing
9、crest -> cresc
10、dot -> doc
11、fat -> fac
12、fate -> face
13、fit -> fic
14、forte -> force
15、grateful -> graceful
16、late -> lace
17、lotus -> locus
18、lut -> luc
19、mate -> mace
20、mater -> macer
21、mist -> misc
22、net -> nec
23、not -> noc
24、nut -> nuc
25、pat -> pac
26、peat -> peac
27、plate -> place
28、plates -> places
29、polite -> police
30、polity -> policy
31、rate -> race
32、rated -> raced
33、rates -> races
34、rating -> racing
35、rite -> rice
36、set -> sec
37、sets -> secs
38、spate -> space
39、spit -> spic
40、stale -> scale
41、stand -> scand
42、star -> scar
43、stare -> scare
44、stared -> scared
45、stars -> scars
46、stop -> scop
47、store -> score
48、stored -> scored
49、stores -> scores
50、storing -> scoring
51、strap -> scrap
52、strapped -> scrapped
53、straps -> scraps
54、stream -> scream
55、streaming -> screaming
56、streams -> screams
57、stroll -> scroll
58、strolled -> scrolled
59、tab -> cab
60、table -> cable
61、tables -> cables
62、take -> cake
63、takes -> cakes
64、tall -> call
65、taller -> caller
66、tame -> came
67、tan -> can
68、tap -> cap
69、tape -> cape
70、tapped -> capped
71、taps -> caps
72、teased -> ceased
73、tell -> cell
74、tells -> cells
75、tens -> cens
76、thief -> chief
77、thin -> chin
78、those -> chose
79、tide -> cide
80、tip -> cip
81、told -> cold
82、tomb -> comb
83、tome -> come
84、ton -> con
85、tone -> cone
86、tones -> cones
87、tons -> cons
88、took -> cook
89、tool -> cool
90、top -> cop
91、tops -> cops
92、tore -> core
93、torn -> corn
94、torp -> corp
95、torpor -> corpor
96、touch -> couch
97、tough -> cough
98、tour -> cour
99、tow -> cow
100、track -> crack
101、tracks -> cracks
102、trap -> crap
103、tried -> cried
104、tries -> cries
105、trim -> crim
106、trop -> crop
107、truc -> cruc
108、truce -> cruce
109、trux -> crux
110、try -> cry
111、trying -> crying
112、tub -> cub
113、tube -> cube
114、tubes -> cubes
115、turb -> curb
116、vot -> voc
t - z rule total number: 13
1、butt -> buzz
2、gate -> gaze
3、hate -> haze
4、mate -> maze
5、quit -> quiz
6、site -> size
7、sited -> sized
8、sites -> sizes
9、tip -> zip
10、to -> zo
11、tone -> zone
12、tones -> zones
13、too -> zoo
t - th rule total number: 26
1、bat -> bath
2、bats -> baths
3、eight -> eighth
4、fort -> forth
5、hat -> hath
6、heart -> hearth
7、heat -> heath
8、heater -> heather
9、lit -> lith
10、mont -> month
11、mot -> moth
12、noting -> nothing
13、pat -> path
14、tan -> than
15、tank -> thank
16、tanks -> thanks
17、tee -> thee
18、ten -> then
19、term -> therm
20、tin -> thin
21、ting -> thing
22、tough -> though
23、tread -> thread
24、tree -> three
25、trough -> through
26、wit -> with
s - c rule total number: 88
1、advise -> advice
2、ars -> arc
3、as -> ac
4、ascent -> accent
5、assent -> accent
6、brisk -> brick
7、civis -> civic
8、contrast -> contract
9、contrasted -> contracted
10、contrasting -> contracting
11、desk -> deck
12、devise -> device
13、disk -> dick
14、dusk -> duck
15、dust -> duct
16、dynamis -> dynamic
17、fast -> fact
18、fist -> fict
19、jest -> ject
20、lest -> lect
21、license -> licence
22、list -> lict
23、lus -> luc
24、marsh -> march
25、nouns -> nounc
26、nuns -> nunc
27、offense -> offence
28、panegyris -> panegyric
29、pas -> pac
30、past -> pact
31、peas -> peac
32、practise -> practice
33、prise -> price
34、protest -> protect
35、protested -> protected
36、protesting -> protecting
37、rest -> rect
38、rise -> rice
39、sad -> cad
40、safe -> cafe
41、sage -> cage
42、sake -> cake
43、sal -> cal
44、same -> came
45、sand -> cand
46、sandy -> candy
47、sane -> cane
48、sapere -> capere
49、sat -> cat
50、save -> cave
51、sed -> ced
52、sedere -> cedere
53、seed -> ceed
54、sell -> cell
55、sept -> cept
56、sheep -> cheep
57、sheer -> cheer
58、sherry -> cherry
59、ship -> chip
60、shop -> chop
61、sid -> cid
62、side -> cide
63、sidere -> cidere
64、sip -> cip
65、sit -> cit
66、site -> cite
67、sited -> cited
68、slam -> clam
69、slap -> clap
70、slapped -> clapped
71、slip -> clip
72、soda -> coda
73、soil -> coil
74、solare -> colare
75、sold -> cold
76、some -> come
77、son -> con
78、sore -> core
79、soup -> coup
80、sour -> cour
81、sub -> cub
82、sue -> cue
83、sult -> cult
84、sure -> cure
85、task -> tack
86、test -> tect
87、trus -> truc
88、vis -> vic
s - z rule total number: 5
1、prise -> prize
2、quis -> quiz
3、seal -> zeal
4、sip -> zip
5、so -> zo
s - th rule total number: 25
1、closed -> clothed
2、closing -> clothing
3、ears -> earth
4、fours -> fourth
5、grows -> growth
6、has -> hath
7、hears -> hearth
8、mons -> month
9、mos -> moth
10、ornis -> ornith
11、pas -> path
12、sank -> thank
13、sat -> that
14、see -> thee
15、sen -> then
16、sick -> thick
17、sigh -> thigh
18、sin -> thin
19、sing -> thing
20、sink -> think
21、sinking -> thinking
22、sought -> thought
23、tens -> tenth
24、trus -> truth
25、twenties -> twentieth
c - z rule total number: 6
1、cip -> zip
2、cone -> zone
3、cones -> zones
4、mace -> maze
5、price -> prize
6、prices -> prizes
c - th rule total number: 11
1、can -> than
2、cat -> that
3、cis -> this
4、cough -> though
5、crew -> threw
6、crown -> thrown
7、crush -> thrush
8、crust -> thrust
9、cumb -> thumb
10、pac -> path
11、truc -> truth
z - th rule total number: 0
g - k rule total number: 22
1、angle -> ankle
2、angles -> ankles
3、bang -> bank
4、bring -> brink
5、cage -> cake
6、cages -> cakes
7、frang -> frank
8、gin -> kin
9、jung -> junk
10、pung -> punk
11、rang -> rank
12、ranged -> ranked
13、sage -> sake
14、sang -> sank
15、sing -> sink
16、stage -> stake
17、stages -> stakes
18、sung -> sunk
19、tang -> tank
20、thing -> think
21、things -> thinks
22、wage -> wake
g - c rule total number: 58
1、ag -> ac
2、age -> ace
3、agr -> acr
4、agro -> acro
5、augtum -> auctum
6、change -> chance
7、changes -> chances
8、cough -> couch
9、danger -> dancer
10、dangers -> dancers
11、degree -> decree
12、degrees -> decrees
13、dig -> dic
14、dog -> doc
15、dug -> duc
16、forged -> forced
17、gall -> call
18、game -> came
19、gap -> cap
20、gaps -> caps
21、gas -> cas
22、gases -> cases
23、gave -> cave
24、glad -> clad
25、glass -> class
26、glasses -> classes
27、glue -> clue
28、goal -> coal
29、goat -> coat
30、goats -> coats
31、god -> cod
32、gold -> cold
33、gon -> con
34、gone -> cone
35、got -> cot
36、grab -> crab
37、grat -> crat
38、greed -> creed
39、grew -> crew
40、grim -> crim
41、grit -> crit
42、gross -> cross
43、grossly -> crossly
44、grown -> crown
45、gut -> cut
46、guts -> cuts
47、gutter -> cutter
48、lug -> luc
49、lugere -> lucere
50、page -> pace
51、pages -> paces
52、pung -> punc
53、rage -> race
54、raged -> raced
55、rang -> ranc
56、tag -> tac
57、tough -> touch
58、vig -> vic
g - h rule total number: 20
1、ag -> ah
2、gall -> hall
3、gam -> ham
4、gas -> has
5、gate -> hate
6、gates -> hates
7、gave -> have
8、gay -> hay
9、gaze -> haze
10、ge -> he
11、gear -> hear
12、gears -> hears
13、gem -> hem
14、gen -> hen
15、gold -> hold
16、good -> hood
17、got -> hot
18、gum -> hum
19、gut -> hut
20、guts -> huts
k - c rule total number: 25
1、akme -> acme
2、ark -> arc
3、brake -> brace
4、disk -> disc
5、disks -> discs
6、elektron -> electron
7、fake -> face
8、ink -> inc
9、kept -> cept
10、kid -> cid
11、kine -> cine
12、kit -> cit
13、kite -> cite
14、lake -> lace
15、make -> mace
16、maker -> macer
17、peak -> peac
18、punk -> punc
19、rank -> ranc
20、skeptical -> sceptical
21、ski -> sci
22、spike -> spice
23、spikes -> spices
24、vok -> voc
25、winked -> winced
k - h rule total number: 20
1、ask -> ash
2、attack -> attach
3、attacked -> attached
4、attacking -> attaching
5、disk -> dish
6、flask -> flash
7、key -> hey
8、kid -> hid
9、kill -> hill
10、kills -> hills
11、kind -> hind
12、kissed -> hissed
13、kit -> hit
14、kits -> hits
15、lock -> loch
16、muck -> much
17、skip -> ship
18、skirt -> shirt
19、skirts -> shirts
20、sky -> shy
c - h rule total number: 64
1、ac -> ah
2、cab -> hab
3、cad -> had
4、calf -> half
5、call -> hall
6、calls -> halls
7、calves -> halves
8、cand -> hand
9、candle -> handle
10、candles -> handles
11、candy -> handy
12、card -> hard
13、care -> hare
14、carp -> harp
15、cas -> has
16、cat -> hat
17、cats -> hats
18、cave -> have
19、cell -> hell
20、cens -> hens
21、ci -> hi
22、cid -> hid
23、cide -> hide
24、cip -> hip
25、cis -> his
26、cit -> hit
27、coarse -> hoarse
28、cold -> hold
29、colder -> holder
30、come -> home
31、comes -> homes
32、cook -> hook
33、cooked -> hooked
34、cooker -> hooker
35、cooks -> hooks
36、cop -> hop
37、cope -> hope
38、coping -> hoping
39、cops -> hops
40、corn -> horn
41、cost -> host
42、costs -> hosts
43、cot -> hot
44、cour -> hour
45、covered -> hovered
46、covering -> hovering
47、cow -> how
48、cub -> hub
49、curled -> hurled
50、curry -> hurry
51、cut -> hut
52、cuts -> huts
53、disc -> dish
54、scare -> share
55、scared -> shared
56、scattered -> shattered
57、scire -> shire
58、scop -> shop
59、score -> shore
60、scores -> shores
61、scot -> shot
62、scout -> shout
63、scouts -> shouts
64、scrub -> shrub
r - l rule total number: 162
1、anger -> angel
2、appear -> appeal
3、appeared -> appealed
4、appearing -> appealing
5、appears -> appeals
6、are -> ale
7、arrow -> allow
8、arrows -> allows
9、art -> alt
10、bar -> bal
11、brand -> bland
12、breach -> bleach
13、break -> bleak
14、breeding -> bleeding
15、brew -> blew
16、broke -> bloke
17、broom -> bloom
18、brow -> blow
19、brown -> blown
20、brows -> blows
21、brushed -> blushed
22、cancer -> cancel
23、car -> cal
24、cord -> cold
25、coroner -> colonel
26、correct -> collect
27、corrected -> collected
28、correcting -> collecting
29、correction -> collection
30、crap -> clap
31、crash -> clash
32、crown -> clown
33、dairy -> daily
34、dare -> dale
35、dear -> deal
36、erect -> elect
37、erected -> elected
38、erection -> election
39、fair -> fail
40、fairs -> fails
41、familiar -> familial
42、fire -> file
43、fired -> filed
44、fires -> files
45、firing -> filing
46、firm -> film
47、firms -> films
48、ford -> fold
49、fork -> folk
50、four -> foul
51、frag -> flag
52、frame -> flame
53、frames -> flames
54、frank -> flank
55、free -> flee
56、freeing -> fleeing
57、fresh -> flesh
58、fright -> flight
59、frown -> flown
60、fry -> fly
61、frying -> flying
62、grad -> glad
63、grand -> gland
64、grass -> glass
65、grasses -> glasses
66、grazing -> glazing
67、groom -> gloom
68、gross -> gloss
69、grove -> glove
70、grow -> glow
71、growing -> glowing
72、hear -> heal
73、hearing -> healing
74、hearth -> health
75、herd -> held
76、lever -> level
77、levers -> levels
78、liber -> libel
79、livery -> lively
80、mare -> male
81、mord -> mold
82、more -> mole
83、mores -> moles
84、par -> pal
85、pars -> pals
86、peer -> peel
87、poor -> pool
88、pore -> pole
89、pores -> poles
90、pray -> play
91、prayed -> played
92、praying -> playing
93、purse -> pulse
94、race -> lace
95、rack -> lack
96、rag -> lag
97、raid -> laid
98、rain -> lain
99、ramp -> lamp
100、rap -> lap
101、rate -> late
102、ratum -> latum
103、ratus -> latus
104、raw -> law
105、ray -> lay
106、rays -> lays
107、read -> lead
108、reading -> leading
109、reads -> leads
110、rect -> lect
111、rectum -> lectum
112、red -> led
113、reg -> leg
114、regal -> legal
115、region -> legion
116、regis -> legis
117、rend -> lend
118、rent -> lent
119、rest -> lest
120、rex -> lex
121、rid -> lid
122、rife -> life
123、rift -> lift
124、right -> light
125、rightly -> lightly
126、rights -> lights
127、road -> load
128、roads -> loads
129、rock -> lock
130、rocked -> locked
131、rocking -> locking
132、rocks -> locks
133、rog -> log
134、rogue -> logue
135、rose -> lose
136、roses -> loses
137、rot -> lot
138、row -> low
139、royal -> loyal
140、royalties -> loyalties
141、royalty -> loyalty
142、rug -> lug
143、rum -> lum
144、rump -> lump
145、rung -> lung
146、rus -> lus
147、rush -> lush
148、rust -> lust
149、scare -> scale
150、seminar -> seminal
151、sir -> sil
152、sore -> sole
153、sour -> soul
154、stare -> stale
155、steer -> steel
156、store -> stole
157、ter -> tel
158、terr -> tell
159、tired -> tiled
160、torr -> toll
161、tower -> towel
162、towers -> towels
r - n rule total number: 132
1、Tory -> Tony
2、advert -> advent
3、art -> ant
4、arts -> ants
5、assert -> assent
6、bar -> ban
7、bark -> bank
8、barking -> banking
9、barred -> banned
10、bear -> bean
11、bears -> beans
12、beer -> been
13、bird -> bind
14、birds -> binds
15、bitter -> bitten
16、bore -> bone
17、car -> can
18、card -> cand
19、care -> cane
20、cars -> cans
21、cart -> cant
22、chair -> chain
23、chairs -> chains
24、charge -> change
25、charged -> changed
26、charges -> changes
27、charging -> changing
28、chart -> chant
29、chir -> chin
30、clear -> clean
31、cleared -> cleaned
32、clearing -> cleaning
33、color -> colon
34、commerce -> commence
35、convert -> convent
36、cor -> con
37、core -> cone
38、correct -> connect
39、corrected -> connected
40、correcting -> connecting
41、correction -> connection
42、court -> count
43、courts -> counts
44、dispersed -> dispensed
45、ever -> even
46、far -> fan
47、fire -> fine
48、fired -> fined
49、fires -> fines
50、ford -> fond
51、fort -> font
52、fur -> fun
53、hard -> hand
54、hardy -> handy
55、her -> hen
56、hers -> hens
57、hurt -> hunt
58、hurting -> hunting
59、inverted -> invented
60、lesser -> lessen
61、liner -> linen
62、moor -> moon
63、mor -> mon
64、mors -> mons
65、mort -> mont
66、oper -> open
67、or -> on
68、ore -> one
69、over -> oven
70、pair -> pain
71、pairs -> pains
72、par -> pan
73、pars -> pans
74、part -> pant
75、parting -> panting
76、parts -> pants
77、per -> pen
78、pur -> pun
79、queer -> queen
80、rail -> nail
81、rails -> nails
82、ran -> nan
83、rat -> nat
84、ration -> nation
85、rational -> national
86、rationality -> nationality
87、rationally -> nationally
88、rave -> nave
89、reed -> need
90、rest -> nest
91、rests -> nests
92、rice -> nice
93、right -> night
94、rights -> nights
95、rod -> nod
96、rode -> node
97、rose -> nose
98、roses -> noses
99、rot -> not
100、rotation -> notation
101、row -> now
102、rude -> nude
103、run -> nun
104、runs -> nuns
105、rur -> nun
106、salire -> saline
107、scar -> scan
108、shire -> shine
109、shore -> shone
110、sir -> sin
111、softer -> soften
112、sors -> sons
113、spir -> spin
114、spiral -> spinal
115、spur -> spun
116、stair -> stain
117、stairs -> stains
118、store -> stone
119、stores -> stones
120、story -> stony
121、ter -> ten
122、terse -> tense
123、tighter -> tighten
124、tore -> tone
125、ver -> ven
126、vert -> vent
127、war -> wan
128、weaker -> weaken
129、wider -> widen
130、wire -> wine
131、wires -> wines
132、yer -> yen
l - n rule total number: 100
1、al -> an
2、alt -> ant
3、bal -> ban
4、bald -> band
5、barrel -> barren
6、bel -> ben
7、belt -> bent
8、bold -> bond
9、bulk -> bunk
10、cal -> can
11、calere -> canere
12、coil -> coin
13、coils -> coins
14、collect -> connect
15、collected -> connected
16、collecting -> connecting
17、collection -> connection
18、collections -> connections
19、collects -> connects
20、detail -> detain
21、detailed -> detained
22、dol -> don
23、dole -> done
24、file -> fine
25、filed -> fined
26、files -> fines
27、fold -> fond
28、fully -> funny
29、gel -> gen
30、ill -> inn
31、ills -> inns
32、lame -> name
33、legare -> negare
34、lest -> nest
35、let -> net
36、lets -> nets
37、letting -> netting
38、lever -> never
39、light -> night
40、lights -> nights
41、line -> nine
42、lone -> none
43、lose -> nose
44、loses -> noses
45、lot -> not
46、low -> now
47、luc -> nuc
48、lut -> nut
49、mail -> main
50、mal -> man
51、malus -> manus
52、meal -> mean
53、meals -> means
54、mild -> mind
55、mile -> mine
56、miles -> mines
57、milk -> mink
58、mould -> mound
59、nul -> nun
60、owl -> own
61、owls -> owns
62、pal -> pan
63、pals -> pans
64、patrol -> patron
65、patrols -> patrons
66、pelsum -> pensum
67、pile -> pine
68、radial -> radian
69、rail -> rain
70、rails -> rains
71、retail -> retain
72、retailing -> retaining
73、sale -> sane
74、salus -> sanus
75、sil -> sin
76、silk -> sink
77、slap -> snap
78、slapped -> snapped
79、slow -> snow
80、sol -> son
81、solare -> sonare
82、solus -> sonus
83、spelt -> spent
84、spilling -> spinning
85、stole -> stone
86、tail -> tain
87、talk -> tank
88、talks -> tanks
89、tel -> ten
90、trail -> train
91、trailed -> trained
92、trailer -> trainer
93、trailing -> training
94、trails -> trains
95、val -> van
96、veil -> vein
97、vile -> vine
98、wild -> wind
99、willing -> winning
100、would -> wound
m - n rule total number: 62
1、am -> an
2、beam -> bean
3、beams -> beans
4、boom -> boon
5、came -> cane
6、clam -> clan
7、come -> cone
8、comes -> cones
9、dem -> den
10、dome -> done
11、fam -> fan
12、fumus -> funus
13、gem -> gen
14、gram -> gran
15、grim -> grin
16、gum -> gun
17、gym -> gyn
18、hem -> hen
19、lame -> lane
20、lime -> line
21、mail -> nail
22、mam -> nan
23、man -> nan
24、marrow -> narrow
25、mat -> nat
26、mature -> nature
27、meat -> neat
28、met -> net
29、mice -> nice
30、might -> night
31、mime -> nine
32、mine -> nine
33、mobility -> nobility
34、mod -> nod
35、mode -> node
36、modes -> nodes
37、moon -> noon
38、mor -> nor
39、mot -> not
40、motion -> notion
41、motions -> notions
42、mov -> nov
43、mum -> nun
44、mums -> nuns
45、mut -> nut
46、ram -> ran
47、rum -> run
48、same -> sane
49、seem -> seen
50、sum -> sun
51、swam -> swan
52、temere -> tenere
53、them -> then
54、tim -> tin
55、tom -> ton
56、tome -> tone
57、tomos -> tonos
58、vasum -> vasun
59、warm -> warn
60、warmed -> warned
61、warming -> warning
62、worm -> worn
a - e rule total number: 167
1、Anna -> Anne
2、Julia -> Julie
3、Lea -> Lee
4、affect -> effect
5、affected -> effected
6、affects -> effects
7、affluent -> effluent
8、ago -> ego
9、ah -> eh
10、amend -> emend
11、and -> end
12、apt -> ept
13、aver -> ever
14、aye -> eye
15、bad -> bed
16、bag -> beg
17、bal -> bel
18、ball -> bell
19、balls -> bells
20、ban -> ben
21、band -> bend
22、bat -> bet
23、bats -> bets
24、batting -> betting
25、beach -> beech
26、bean -> been
27、bear -> beer
28、bears -> beers
29、bland -> blend
30、bread -> breed
31、businessman -> businessmen
32、cad -> ced
33、cadere -> cedere
34、call -> cell
35、calls -> cells
36、cans -> cens
37、capt -> cept
38、carn -> cern
39、cart -> cert
40、cheap -> cheep
41、coda -> code
42、crat -> cret
43、cura -> cure
44、dam -> dem
45、dead -> deed
46、dear -> deer
47、draw -> drew
48、expanse -> expense
49、extant -> extent
50、faint -> feint
51、fall -> fell
52、far -> fer
53、feat -> feet
54、fisherman -> fishermen
55、flash -> flesh
56、flaw -> flew
57、fortuna -> fortune
58、fundare -> fundere
59、gam -> gem
60、gentleman -> gentlemen
61、grass -> gress
62、great -> greet
63、ha -> he
64、hair -> heir
65、hairs -> heirs
66、hall -> hell
67、ham -> hem
68、hard -> herd
69、hare -> here
70、has -> hes
71、hay -> hey
72、heal -> heel
73、hypocrita -> hypocrite
74、jaws -> jews
75、lad -> led
76、lag -> leg
77、land -> lend
78、landing -> lending
79、lands -> lends
80、lass -> less
81、last -> lest
82、latter -> letter
83、lav -> lev
84、lax -> lex
85、legare -> legere
86、ma -> me
87、malt -> melt
88、man -> men
89、mans -> mens
90、manus -> menus
91、mare -> mere
92、marry -> merry
93、mass -> mess
94、mat -> met
95、mater -> meter
96、matron -> metron
97、meat -> meet
98、modal -> model
99、nat -> net
100、pad -> ped
101、pall -> pell
102、pallere -> pellere
103、pan -> pen
104、pans -> pens
105、par -> per
106、pas -> pes
107、past -> pest
108、pat -> pet
109、patr -> petr
110、patrol -> petrol
111、plan -> plen
112、planus -> plenus
113、plethora -> plethore
114、policeman -> policemen
115、pray -> prey
116、prosa -> prose
117、quota -> quote
118、quotas -> quotes
119、rag -> reg
120、rains -> reins
121、read -> reed
122、recant -> recent
123、sacr -> secr
124、sad -> sed
125、sand -> send
126、sands -> sends
127、sat -> set
128、scant -> scent
129、sea -> see
130、seam -> seem
131、seams -> seems
132、seas -> sees
133、shall -> shell
134、shear -> sheer
135、small -> smell
136、soma -> some
137、spokesman -> spokesmen
138、sta -> ste
139、stat -> stet
140、steal -> steel
141、sua -> sue
142、sweat -> sweet
143、tact -> tect
144、tactum -> tectum
145、tag -> teg
146、tale -> tele
147、tall -> tell
148、tally -> telly
149、tan -> ten
150、tasted -> tested
151、tea -> tee
152、than -> then
153、tram -> trem
154、tuna -> tune
155、vain -> vein
156、van -> ven
157、vary -> very
158、vast -> vest
159、vat -> vet
160、wall -> well
161、walls -> wells
162、want -> went
163、weak -> week
164、weakly -> weekly
165、withdraw -> withdrew
166、woman -> women
167、ya -> ye
a - i rule total number: 230
1、ace -> ice
2、ad -> id
3、all -> ill
4、allusion -> illusion
5、amat -> imit
6、an -> in
7、are -> ire
8、arid -> irid
9、as -> is
10、at -> it
11、bad -> bid
12、bag -> big
13、bake -> bike
14、ball -> bill
15、balls -> bills
16、ban -> bin
17、band -> bind
18、bands -> binds
19、bat -> bit
20、batch -> bitch
21、bats -> bits
22、began -> begin
23、bland -> blind
24、bra -> bri
25、cad -> cid
26、cadere -> cidere
27、cane -> cine
28、cap -> cip
29、cas -> cis
30、cat -> cit
31、chap -> chip
32、chaps -> chips
33、clan -> clin
34、clap -> clip
35、coal -> coil
36、crat -> crit
37、dad -> did
38、dam -> dim
39、dare -> dire
40、dart -> dirt
41、dash -> dish
42、decade -> decide
43、decades -> decides
44、deprave -> deprive
45、distract -> district
46、draft -> drift
47、drafted -> drifted
48、drafting -> drifting
49、drank -> drink
50、fac -> fic
51、fact -> fict
52、faction -> fiction
53、factum -> fictum
54、fall -> fill
55、falling -> filling
56、falls -> fills
57、faltered -> filtered
58、fan -> fin
59、fans -> fins
60、fare -> fire
61、fares -> fires
62、farm -> firm
63、farmer -> firmer
64、farms -> firms
65、fast -> fist
66、fat -> fit
67、fats -> fits
68、fax -> fix
69、fraction -> friction
70、gave -> give
71、grad -> grid
72、gram -> grim
73、gran -> grin
74、grat -> grit
75、groan -> groin
76、ha -> hi
77、had -> hid
78、hall -> hill
79、halls -> hills
80、ham -> him
81、hand -> hind
82、hare -> hire
83、has -> his
84、hat -> hit
85、hats -> hits
86、hear -> heir
87、hears -> heirs
88、hema -> hemi
89、inhabit -> inhibit
90、inhabited -> inhibited
91、label -> libel
92、lacked -> licked
93、lad -> lid
94、lads -> lids
95、lake -> like
96、lakes -> likes
97、lamb -> limb
98、lambs -> limbs
99、lame -> lime
100、lane -> line
101、lanes -> lines
102、lap -> lip
103、laps -> lips
104、last -> list
105、lasted -> listed
106、lasting -> listing
107、lasts -> lists
108、latter -> litter
109、lavere -> livere
110、mace -> mice
111、macro -> micro
112、macrocosm -> microcosm
113、macros -> micros
114、macroscopic -> microscopic
115、mad -> mid
116、male -> mile
117、males -> miles
118、mall -> mill
119、mam -> mim
120、man -> min
121、mani -> mini
122、manor -> minor
123、mans -> mins
124、manure -> minure
125、manus -> minus
126、mass -> miss
127、masses -> misses
128、massive -> missive
129、mast -> mist
130、mat -> mit
131、max -> mix
132、pack -> pick
133、packed -> picked
134、packing -> picking
135、packs -> picks
136、pact -> pict
137、pale -> pile
138、pall -> pill
139、pan -> pin
140、pans -> pins
141、pant -> pint
142、pants -> pints
143、pat -> pit
144、patch -> pitch
145、patches -> pitches
146、plac -> plic
147、race -> rice
148、raft -> rift
149、rag -> rig
150、ram -> rim
151、rang -> ring
152、ranging -> ringing
153、rape -> ripe
154、rate -> rite
155、rates -> rites
156、remand -> remind
157、remanded -> reminded
158、sack -> sick
159、sad -> sid
160、sal -> sil
161、sally -> silly
162、sample -> simple
163、sang -> sing
164、sank -> sink
165、sanus -> sinus
166、sat -> sit
167、sated -> sited
168、scare -> scire
169、shaft -> shift
170、shafts -> shifts
171、share -> shire
172、shrank -> shrink
173、slam -> slim
174、slap -> slip
175、slapped -> slipped
176、space -> spice
177、spaces -> spices
178、span -> spin
179、spanning -> spinning
180、spat -> spit
181、spirat -> spirit
182、sprang -> spring
183、square -> squire
184、stack -> stick
185、stacks -> sticks
186、staff -> stiff
187、stall -> still
188、star -> stir
189、starring -> stirring
190、strap -> strip
191、strapped -> stripped
192、straps -> strips
193、swam -> swim
194、tac -> tic
195、tale -> tile
196、tales -> tiles
197、tall -> till
198、taller -> tiller
199、tame -> time
200、tan -> tin
201、tang -> ting
202、tangere -> tingere
203、tap -> tip
204、tapped -> tipped
205、taps -> tips
206、than -> thin
207、thank -> think
208、thanking -> thinking
209、thanks -> thinks
210、track -> trick
211、tracks -> tricks
212、tram -> trim
213、trap -> trip
214、traps -> trips
215、vad -> vid
216、vadere -> videre
217、vale -> vile
218、vasum -> visum
219、vena -> veni
220、wall -> will
221、walls -> wills
222、wan -> win
223、wares -> wires
224、wash -> wish
225、washed -> wished
226、washing -> wishing
227、watch -> witch
228、watches -> witches
229、waves -> wives
230、whale -> while
a - o rule total number: 195
1、ad -> od
2、add -> odd
3、adds -> odds
4、ah -> oh
5、alive -> olive
6、an -> on
7、apt -> opt
8、arbit -> orbit
9、are -> ore
10、as -> os
11、ass -> oss
12、aver -> over
13、avert -> overt
14、awe -> owe
15、bag -> bog
16、bail -> boil
17、bald -> bold
18、ban -> bon
19、band -> bond
20、bands -> bonds
21、bare -> bore
22、barn -> born
23、bass -> boss
24、bath -> both
25、battle -> bottle
26、battles -> bottles
27、bay -> boy
28、bays -> boys
29、became -> become
30、bias -> bios
31、black -> block
32、blacks -> blocks
33、bland -> blond
34、boast -> boost
35、boasted -> boosted
36、boat -> boot
37、boats -> boots
38、brake -> broke
39、cad -> cod
40、cake -> coke
41、came -> come
42、can -> con
43、candere -> condere
44、cane -> cone
45、cans -> cons
46、cap -> cop
47、cape -> cope
48、caps -> cops
49、car -> cor
50、card -> cord
51、care -> core
52、carn -> corn
53、carp -> corp
54、cas -> cos
55、cast -> cost
56、casting -> costing
57、cat -> cot
58、cave -> cove
59、chair -> choir
60、chap -> chop
61、chase -> chose
62、coal -> cool
63、crap -> crop
64、dale -> dole
65、dame -> dome
66、dawn -> down
67、draught -> drought
68、drawn -> drown
69、fail -> foil
70、far -> for
71、farce -> force
72、fare -> fore
73、farm -> form
74、farmer -> former
75、farming -> forming
76、farms -> forms
77、faster -> foster
78、fax -> fox
79、flaw -> flow
80、flawed -> flowed
81、flaws -> flows
82、frag -> frog
83、ghastly -> ghostly
84、glass -> gloss
85、grain -> groin
86、grass -> gross
87、grave -> grove
88、hat -> hot
89、hema -> hemo
90、idea -> ideo
91、lack -> lock
92、lacked -> locked
93、lacking -> locking
94、lacks -> locks
95、lag -> log
96、lane -> lone
97、laser -> loser
98、lass -> loss
99、last -> lost
100、latus -> lotus
101、law -> low
102、mad -> mod
103、made -> mode
104、male -> mole
105、males -> moles
106、mam -> mom
107、man -> mon
108、manere -> monere
109、mans -> mons
110、mare -> more
111、mass -> moss
112、mast -> most
113、mat -> mot
114、nat -> not
115、nation -> notion
116、nations -> notions
117、nau -> nou
118、overcame -> overcome
119、pa -> po
120、packet -> pocket
121、packets -> pockets
122、pad -> pod
123、paint -> point
124、painted -> pointed
125、painter -> pointer
126、painting -> pointing
127、paints -> points
128、pale -> pole
129、pall -> poll
130、pan -> pon
131、parch -> porch
132、park -> pork
133、part -> port
134、parts -> ports
135、pas -> pos
136、past -> post
137、pasture -> posture
138、pat -> pot
139、patent -> potent
140、phan -> phon
141、play -> ploy
142、rack -> rock
143、racket -> rocket
144、rag -> rog
145、rape -> rope
146、rat -> rot
147、raw -> row
148、sacks -> socks
149、sail -> soil
150、sails -> soils
151、sal -> sol
152、sale -> sole
153、salus -> solus
154、same -> some
155、sang -> song
156、sanus -> sonus
157、sapor -> sopor
158、scare -> score
159、scared -> scored
160、share -> shore
161、shares -> shores
162、spat -> spot
163、stack -> stock
164、stacked -> stocked
165、stacks -> stocks
166、stale -> stole
167、stare -> store
168、stared -> stored
169、staring -> storing
170、stranger -> stronger
171、taken -> token
172、tall -> toll
173、tame -> tome
174、tan -> ton
175、tap -> top
176、tapped -> topped
177、taps -> tops
178、tax -> tox
179、trap -> trop
180、turba -> turbo
181、unda -> undo
182、vague -> vogue
183、val -> vol
184、vat -> vot
185、wake -> woke
186、wan -> won
187、wander -> wonder
188、wandered -> wondered
189、wandering -> wondering
190、ward -> word
191、wards -> words
192、warm -> worm
193、warn -> worn
194、whale -> whole
195、ya -> yo
a - u rule total number: 123
1、Jane -> June
2、am -> um
3、and -> und
4、as -> us
5、back -> buck
6、bad -> bud
7、bag -> bug
8、bags -> bugs
9、ball -> bull
10、ballet -> bullet
11、ballets -> bullets
12、balls -> bulls
13、bank -> bunk
14、banker -> bunker
15、barn -> burn
16、barns -> burns
17、bases -> buses
18、bat -> but
19、bay -> buy
20、bays -> buys
21、began -> begun
22、boat -> bout
23、cab -> cub
24、cap -> cup
25、caps -> cups
26、car -> cur
27、care -> cure
28、cared -> cured
29、carry -> curry
30、cars -> curs
31、carved -> curved
32、carving -> curving
33、cat -> cut
34、cats -> cuts
35、coach -> couch
36、coarse -> course
37、crash -> crush
38、crashed -> crushed
39、damp -> dump
40、daring -> during
41、dilate -> dilute
42、dilation -> dilution
43、drag -> drug
44、drank -> drunk
45、fall -> full
46、fan -> fun
47、fanus -> funus
48、far -> fur
49、farther -> further
50、figare -> figure
51、flame -> flume
52、flash -> flush
53、flashed -> flushed
54、frag -> frug
55、gam -> gum
56、gay -> guy
57、granted -> grunted
58、hab -> hub
59、hall -> hull
60、ham -> hum
61、hang -> hung
62、hat -> hut
63、hats -> huts
64、jar -> jur
65、lack -> luck
66、lad -> lud
67、lag -> lug
68、lamp -> lump
69、lamps -> lumps
70、last -> lust
71、load -> loud
72、mad -> mud
73、mam -> mum
74、marine -> murine
75、mast -> must
76、master -> muster
77、mat -> mut
78、mattered -> muttered
79、nan -> nun
80、nat -> nut
81、pa -> pu
82、pall -> pull
83、pals -> puls
84、pan -> pun
85、par -> pur
86、parity -> purity
87、pat -> put
88、pressare -> pressure
89、quotas -> quotus
90、rabble -> rubble
91、raffle -> ruffle
92、rag -> rug
93、ragged -> rugged
94、rags -> rugs
95、rain -> ruin
96、rains -> ruins
97、ram -> rum
98、ramp -> rump
99、ran -> run
100、rang -> rung
101、rapt -> rupt
102、raptum -> ruptum
103、rapture -> rupture
104、rash -> rush
105、sacked -> sucked
106、salt -> sult
107、sang -> sung
108、sank -> sunk
109、secare -> secure
110、slam -> slum
111、soap -> soup
112、span -> spun
113、sprang -> sprung
114、stack -> stuck
115、staff -> stuff
116、staffed -> stuffed
117、tab -> tub
118、tag -> tug
119、trace -> truce
120、track -> truck
121、tracks -> trucks
122、tradere -> trudere
123、vena -> venu
e - i rule total number: 97
1、aegis -> aigis
2、aer -> air
3、analyses -> analysis
4、axes -> axis
5、bases -> basis
6、bed -> bid
7、bedding -> bidding
8、beds -> bids
9、beg -> big
10、bell -> bill
11、bells -> bills
12、ben -> bin
13、bend -> bind
14、bending -> binding
15、bet -> bit
16、bets -> bits
17、blend -> blind
18、bless -> bliss
19、ced -> cid
20、checks -> chicks
21、cret -> crit
22、crimen -> crimin
23、crises -> crisis
24、deal -> dial
25、deck -> dick
26、dem -> dim
27、deminish -> diminish
28、desk -> disk
29、desks -> disks
30、despatch -> dispatch
31、doses -> dosis
32、enquiry -> inquiry
33、equ -> iqu
34、fare -> fari
35、fed -> fid
36、fell -> fill
37、fend -> find
38、fines -> finis
39、flect -> flict
40、gen -> gin
41、grade -> gradi
42、graves -> gravis
43、he -> hi
44、hell -> hill
45、hem -> him
46、hes -> his
47、lect -> lict
48、lectum -> lictum
49、led -> lid
50、left -> lift
51、lest -> list
52、let -> lit
53、lived -> livid
54、men -> min
55、mens -> mins
56、menus -> minus
57、mess -> miss
58、met -> mit
59、mine -> mini
60、neck -> nick
61、ore -> ori
62、peg -> pig
63、pegs -> pigs
64、pell -> pill
65、pen -> pin
66、pens -> pins
67、pet -> pit
68、pets -> pits
69、placed -> placid
70、poles -> polis
71、que -> qui
72、raped -> rapid
73、red -> rid
74、reg -> rig
75、sed -> sid
76、sen -> sin
77、sens -> sins
78、set -> sit
79、sets -> sits
80、setting -> sitting
81、sex -> six
82、skep -> skip
83、spec -> spic
84、spelling -> spilling
85、tell -> till
86、ten -> tin
87、tens -> tins
88、then -> thin
89、timed -> timid
90、trem -> trim
91、vector -> victor
92、venous -> vinous
93、ver -> vir
94、verus -> virus
95、well -> will
96、wells -> wills
97、wet -> wit
e - o rule total number: 151
1、Jean -> Joan
2、acre -> acro
3、adept -> adopt
4、age -> ago
5、alley -> alloy
6、arches -> archos
7、ballet -> ballot
8、bare -> baro
9、beard -> board
10、beast -> boast
11、beasts -> boasts
12、beat -> boat
13、beats -> boats
14、been -> boon
15、beg -> bog
16、belt -> bolt
17、belts -> bolts
18、ben -> bon
19、bend -> bond
20、bending -> bonding
21、blend -> blond
22、blew -> blow
23、bread -> broad
24、breeding -> brooding
25、brew -> brow
26、care -> caro
27、ced -> cod
28、cellar -> collar
29、cens -> cons
30、cern -> corn
31、convey -> convoy
32、cycles -> cyclos
33、deck -> dock
34、decks -> docks
35、deer -> door
36、den -> don
37、derm -> dorm
38、due -> duo
39、eats -> oats
40、eh -> oh
41、emission -> omission
42、emissions -> omissions
43、ept -> opt
44、er -> or
45、feed -> food
46、feeds -> foods
47、feel -> fool
48、feels -> fools
49、feet -> foot
50、fellow -> follow
51、fellows -> follows
52、fend -> fond
53、fer -> for
54、flew -> flow
55、forget -> forgot
56、games -> gamos
57、ge -> go
58、gen -> gon
59、genes -> gonos
60、get -> got
61、gress -> gross
62、grew -> grow
63、held -> hold
64、hemo -> homo
65、home -> homo
66、homes -> homos
67、irenic -> ironic
68、jelly -> jolly
69、knew -> know
70、lead -> load
71、leading -> loading
72、leads -> loads
73、leaf -> loaf
74、lean -> loan
75、left -> loft
76、leg -> log
77、legs -> logs
78、less -> loss
79、lest -> lost
80、let -> lot
81、lets -> lots
82、meaning -> moaning
83、medal -> modal
84、men -> mon
85、mens -> mons
86、mess -> moss
87、met -> mot
88、meter -> motor
89、miner -> minor
90、nec -> noc
91、net -> not
92、new -> now
93、ore -> oro
94、ped -> pod
95、peel -> pool
96、peer -> poor
97、pell -> poll
98、pen -> pon
99、pend -> pond
100、pes -> pos
101、pest -> post
102、pests -> posts
103、pet -> pot
104、pets -> pots
105、plet -> plot
106、pole -> polo
107、preposition -> proposition
108、prime -> primo
109、read -> road
110、reads -> roads
111、rear -> roar
112、rearing -> roaring
113、red -> rod
114、reds -> rods
115、reef -> roof
116、reefs -> roofs
117、reg -> rog
118、seen -> soon
119、sen -> son
120、sens -> sons
121、sewn -> sown
122、sheet -> shoot
123、sheets -> shoots
124、sole -> solo
125、steel -> stool
126、step -> stop
127、stepping -> stopping
128、steps -> stops
129、studies -> studios
130、tee -> too
131、teeth -> tooth
132、tell -> toll
133、ten -> ton
134、tens -> tons
135、tensum -> tonsum
136、terr -> torr
137、threat -> throat
138、threats -> throats
139、threw -> throw
140、toe -> too
141、tones -> tonos
142、types -> typos
143、upheld -> uphold
144、uter -> utor
145、vet -> vot
146、vex -> vox
147、vine -> vino
148、weed -> wood
149、weeds -> woods
150、withheld -> withhold
151、ye -> yo
e - u rule total number: 75
1、antiques -> antiquus
2、bed -> bud
3、bedding -> budding
4、beds -> buds
5、beg -> bug
6、bell -> bull
7、bells -> bulls
8、bench -> bunch
9、best -> bust
10、bet -> but
11、bones -> bonus
12、caves -> cavus
13、certain -> curtain
14、chores -> chorus
15、competing -> computing
16、crest -> crust
17、deal -> dual
18、deb -> dub
19、deck -> duck
20、decks -> ducks
21、desk -> dusk
22、end -> und
23、ep -> up
24、fell -> full
25、fend -> fund
26、fer -> fur
27、flesh -> flush
28、flex -> flux
29、flexum -> fluxum
30、fumes -> fumus
31、gem -> gum
32、gen -> gun
33、get -> gut
34、gets -> guts
35、hell -> hull
36、hem -> hum
37、item -> itum
38、jest -> just
39、led -> lud
40、leg -> lug
41、lest -> lust
42、let -> lut
43、males -> malus
44、met -> mut
45、mines -> minus
46、modes -> modus
47、natives -> nativus
48、nec -> nuc
49、net -> nut
50、nets -> nuts
51、ones -> onus
52、passes -> passus
53、peg -> pug
54、pell -> pull
55、pen -> pun
56、per -> pur
57、pet -> put
58、pets -> puts
59、pies -> pius
60、planes -> planus
61、ple -> plu
62、plet -> plut
63、quotes -> quotus
64、rates -> ratus
65、reg -> rug
66、reins -> ruins
67、rest -> rust
68、sales -> salus
69、sea -> sua
70、sen -> sun
71、states -> status
72、step -> stup
73、teg -> tug
74、tribes -> tribus
75、varies -> varius
i - o rule total number: 134
1、Tim -> Tom
2、agri -> agro
3、arise -> arose
4、big -> bog
5、bin -> bon
6、bind -> bond
7、binds -> bonds
8、blind -> blond
9、chip -> chop
10、cid -> cod
11、cide -> code
12、cine -> cone
13、cip -> cop
14、cis -> cos
15、cit -> cot
16、click -> clock
17、coil -> cool
18、confirm -> conform
19、dic -> doc
20、dicere -> docere
21、dick -> dock
22、dict -> doct
23、dictum -> doctum
24、dies -> does
25、dig -> dog
26、drive -> drove
27、ephemeris -> ephemeros
28、find -> fond
29、fire -> fore
30、firm -> form
31、firmer -> former
32、firms -> forms
33、fix -> fox
34、foil -> fool
35、gin -> gon
36、hemi -> hemo
37、hip -> hop
38、hips -> hops
39、hit -> hot
40、id -> od
41、if -> of
42、in -> on
43、inset -> onset
44、into -> onto
45、inwards -> onwards
46、irate -> orate
47、ire -> ore
48、is -> os
49、knit -> knot
50、licked -> locked
51、lift -> loft
52、line -> lone
53、liqu -> loqu
54、list -> lost
55、lit -> lot
56、live -> love
57、lived -> loved
58、lively -> lovely
59、liver -> lover
60、lives -> loves
61、mid -> mod
62、mild -> mold
63、mile -> mole
64、miles -> moles
65、mim -> mom
66、min -> mon
67、mink -> monk
68、mins -> mons
69、mint -> mont
70、mis -> mos
71、miss -> moss
72、mist -> most
73、mit -> mot
74、nine -> none
75、ori -> oro
76、pile -> pole
77、piles -> poles
78、pill -> poll
79、pills -> polls
80、pin -> pon
81、pipe -> pope
82、pit -> pot
83、pits -> pots
84、prise -> prose
85、quite -> quote
86、rib -> rob
87、rid -> rod
88、ride -> rode
89、rig -> rog
90、riot -> root
91、riots -> roots
92、ripe -> rope
93、rise -> rose
94、rises -> roses
95、rivers -> rovers
96、scire -> score
97、shine -> shone
98、ship -> shop
99、ships -> shops
100、shire -> shore
101、shirt -> short
102、shirts -> shorts
103、shit -> shot
104、sil -> sol
105、sin -> son
106、sing -> song
107、sings -> songs
108、sins -> sons
109、sinus -> sonus
110、slit -> slot
111、spike -> spoke
112、spit -> spot
113、stick -> stock
114、sticks -> stocks
115、stride -> strode
116、strike -> stroke
117、strikes -> strokes
118、string -> strong
119、tie -> toe
120、ties -> toes
121、till -> toll
122、tim -> tom
123、time -> tome
124、tin -> ton
125、tins -> tons
126、tip -> top
127、tipped -> topped
128、tips -> tops
129、trip -> trop
130、vic -> voc
131、while -> whole
132、win -> won
133、wire -> wore
134、write -> wrote
i - u rule total number: 101
1、aid -> aud
2、begin -> begun
3、bid -> bud
4、bids -> buds
5、big -> bug
6、bigger -> bugger
7、bill -> bull
8、bills -> bulls
9、bit -> but
10、bitter -> butter
11、capit -> caput
12、cip -> cup
13、cit -> cut
14、cite -> cute
15、cli -> clu
16、cling -> clung
17、debit -> debut
18、dial -> dual
19、dic -> duc
20、dicere -> ducere
21、dick -> duck
22、dict -> duct
23、dictum -> ductum
24、die -> due
25、dies -> dues
26、diet -> duet
27、dig -> dug
28、disk -> dusk
29、drink -> drunk
30、excise -> excuse
31、fill -> full
32、fin -> fun
33、find -> fund
34、finds -> funds
35、finer -> funer
36、finis -> funus
37、fiss -> fuss
38、foil -> foul
39、gin -> gun
40、hailed -> hauled
41、hill -> hull
42、him -> hum
43、hint -> hunt
44、hinted -> hunted
45、hit -> hut
46、hits -> huts
47、indie -> undue
48、insure -> unsure
49、into -> unto
50、is -> us
51、iter -> uter
52、licere -> lucere
53、lid -> lud
54、list -> lust
55、lit -> lut
56、mid -> mud
57、mim -> mum
58、mis -> mus
59、mist -> must
60、mit -> mut
61、nai -> nau
62、nil -> nul
63、pig -> pug
64、pill -> pull
65、pills -> pulls
66、pin -> pun
67、pinch -> punch
68、pink -> punk
69、pit -> put
70、pits -> puts
71、rib -> rub
72、ride -> rude
73、rig -> rug
74、rim -> rum
75、ring -> rung
76、ris -> rus
77、scrib -> scrub
78、shit -> shut
79、sin -> sun
80、sing -> sung
81、sink -> sunk
82、skill -> skull
83、slim -> slum
84、soil -> soul
85、soils -> souls
86、spin -> spun
87、spir -> spur
88、spring -> sprung
89、stick -> stuck
90、stiff -> stuff
91、strict -> struct
92、strictum -> structum
93、strictures -> structures
94、string -> strung
95、swing -> swung
96、this -> thus
97、tim -> tum
98、timere -> tumere
99、trick -> truck
100、tricks -> trucks
101、veni -> venu
o - u rule total number: 80
1、bog -> bug
2、bonny -> bunny
3、born -> burn
4、boy -> buy
5、boys -> buys
6、comb -> cumb
7、cop -> cup
8、cops -> cups
9、cor -> cur
10、core -> cure
11、cot -> cut
12、doc -> duc
13、docere -> ducere
14、dock -> duck
15、docks -> ducks
16、doct -> duct
17、doctum -> ductum
18、does -> dues
19、dog -> dug
20、doll -> dull
21、drom -> drum
22、fog -> fug
23、folly -> fully
24、fond -> fund
25、for -> fur
26、frog -> frug
27、golf -> gulf
28、gon -> gun
29、got -> gut
30、hot -> hut
31、lock -> luck
32、log -> lug
33、long -> lung
34、lost -> lust
35、lot -> lut
36、mock -> muck
37、mod -> mud
38、mom -> mum
39、mor -> mur
40、moral -> mural
41、mos -> mus
42、most -> must
43、mot -> mut
44、noc -> nuc
45、node -> nude
46、not -> nut
47、nox -> nux
48、onus -> unus
49、os -> us
50、plot -> plut
51、po -> pu
52、poll -> pull
53、polling -> pulling
54、polls -> pulls
55、pomp -> pump
56、pon -> pun
57、pore -> pure
58、posh -> push
59、pot -> put
60、pots -> puts
61、prone -> prune
62、radios -> radius
63、rob -> rub
64、robbed -> rubbed
65、rode -> rude
66、rog -> rug
67、role -> rule
68、roles -> rules
69、shot -> shut
70、son -> sun
71、song -> sung
72、sore -> sure
73、stock -> stuck
74、stop -> stup
75、strong -> strung
76、tom -> tum
77、tone -> tune
78、tones -> tunes
79、tonic -> tunic
80、torn -> turn
ph - f rule total number: 1
v - u rule total number: 1
v - w rule total number: 15
1、brev -> brew
2、fever -> fewer
3、lav -> law
4、lover -> lower
5、never -> newer
6、nov -> now
7、shoved -> showed
8、van -> wan
9、vary -> wary
10、vent -> went
11、vest -> west
12、vet -> wet
13、vig -> wig
14、vine -> wine
15、vines -> wines
u - w rule total number: 1
i - l rule total number: 11
1、bail -> ball
2、fail -> fall
3、fails -> falls
4、helio -> hello
5、mail -> mall
6、pais -> pals
7、pie -> ple
8、pius -> plus
9、polis -> polls
10、suit -> sult
11、tail -> tall
i - j rule total number: 0
f - t rule total number: 75
1、buffer -> butter
2、clarify -> clarity
3、defect -> detect
4、defective -> detective
5、defer -> deter
6、deify -> deity
7、dignify -> dignity
8、fab -> tab
9、fable -> table
10、fabula -> tabula
11、fac -> tac
12、facere -> tacere
13、fact -> tact
14、factual -> tactual
15、factum -> tactum
16、fail -> tail
17、fails -> tails
18、fake -> take
19、fall -> tall
20、fame -> tame
21、fan -> tan
22、fax -> tax
23、fear -> tear
24、fearing -> tearing
25、fears -> tears
26、fee -> tee
27、fell -> tell
28、fend -> tend
29、fender -> tender
30、fendere -> tendere
31、fer -> ter
32、fic -> tic
33、fides -> tides
34、fight -> tight
35、fighter -> tighter
36、fights -> tights
37、file -> tile
38、filed -> tiled
39、files -> tiles
40、fill -> till
41、fin -> tin
42、fingere -> tingere
43、fins -> tins
44、fired -> tired
45、firing -> tiring
46、foe -> toe
47、fold -> told
48、fool -> tool
49、fools -> tools
50、fore -> tore
51、fort -> tort
52、four -> tour
53、fours -> tours
54、fox -> tox
55、fract -> tract
56、frail -> trail
57、free -> tree
58、fried -> tried
59、fry -> try
60、frying -> trying
61、fug -> tug
62、half -> halt
63、identifies -> identities
64、identify -> identity
65、if -> it
66、inferior -> interior
67、intensify -> intensity
68、nullify -> nullity
69、puff -> putt
70、qualify -> quality
71、quantify -> quantity
72、raffle -> rattle
73、rife -> rite
74、roof -> root
75、roofs -> roots
###superword是一个Java实现的英文单词分析软件,主要研究英语单词音近形似转化规律、前缀后缀规律、词之间的相似性规律等等。Clean code、Fluent style、Java8 feature: Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style ...
###superword是一个Java实现的英文单词分析软件,主要研究英语单词音近形似转化规律、前缀后缀规律、词之间的相似性规律等等。Clean code、Fluent style、Java8 feature: Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style ...
级联H桥SVG无功补偿系统在不平衡电网中的三层控制策略:电压电流双闭环PI控制、相间与相内电压均衡管理,级联H桥SVG无功补偿系统在不平衡电网中的三层控制策略:电压电流双闭环PI控制、相间与相内电压均衡管理,不平衡电网下的svg无功补偿,级联H桥svg无功补偿statcom,采用三层控制策略。 (1)第一层采用电压电流双闭环pi控制,电压电流正负序分离,电压外环通过产生基波正序有功电流三相所有H桥模块直流侧平均电压恒定,电流内环采用前馈解耦控制; (2)第二层相间电压均衡控制,注入零序电压,控制通过注入零序电压维持相间电压平衡; (3)第三层相内电压均衡控制,使其所有子模块吸收的有功功率与其损耗补,从而保证所有H桥子模块直流侧电压值等于给定值。 有参考资料。 639,核心关键词: 1. 不平衡电网下的SVG无功补偿 2. 级联H桥SVG无功补偿STATCOM 3. 三层控制策略 4. 电压电流双闭环PI控制 5. 电压电流正负序分离 6. 直流侧平均电压恒定 7. 前馈解耦控制 8. 相间电压均衡控制 9. 零序电压注入 10. 相内电压均衡控制 以上十个关键词用分号分隔的格式为:不
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内容概要:本文档详细介绍了利用 DeepSeek 进行文本润色和问答交互时提高效果的方法和技巧,涵盖了从明确需求、提供适当上下文到尝试开放式问题以及多轮对话的十个要点。每一部分内容都提供了具体的示范案例,如指定回答格式、分步骤提问等具体实例,旨在指导用户更好地理解和运用 DeepSeek 提升工作效率和交流质量。同时文中还强调了根据不同应用场景调整提示词语气和风格的重要性和方法。 适用人群:适用于希望通过优化提问技巧以获得高质量反馈的企业员工、科研人员以及一般公众。 使用场景及目标:本文针对所有期望提高 DeepSeek 使用效率的人群,帮助他们在日常工作中快速获取精准的答案或信息,特别是在撰写报告、研究材料准备和技术咨询等方面。此外还鼓励用户通过不断尝试不同形式的问题表述来进行有效沟通。 其他说明:该文档不仅关注实际操作指引,同样重视用户思维模式转变——由简单索取答案向引导 AI 辅助创造性解决问题的方向发展。
基于FPGA与W5500实现的TCP网络通信测试平台开发——Zynq扩展口Verilog编程实践,基于FPGA与W5500芯片的TCP网络通信测试及多路Socket实现基于zynq开发平台和Vivado 2019软件的扩展开发,基于FPGA和W5500的TCP网络通信 测试平台 zynq扩展口开发 软件平台 vivado2019.2,纯Verilog可移植 测试环境 压力测试 cmd命令下ping电脑ip,同时采用上位机进行10ms发包回环测试,不丢包(内部数据回环,需要时间处理) 目前实现单socket功能,多路可支持 ,基于FPGA; W5500; TCP网络通信; Zynq扩展口开发; 纯Verilog可移植; 测试平台; 压力测试; 10ms发包回环测试; 单socket功能; 多路支持。,基于FPGA与W5500的Zynq扩展口TCP通信测试:可移植Verilog实现的高效网络通信
Labview液压比例阀伺服阀试验台多功能程序:PLC通讯、液压动画模拟、手动控制与调试、传感器标定、报警及记录、自动实验、数据处理与查询存储,报表生成与打印一体化解决方案。,Labview液压比例阀伺服阀试验台多功能程序:PLC通讯、液压动画模拟、手动控制与调试、传感器标定、报警管理及实验自动化,labview液压比例阀伺服阀试验台程序:功能包括,同PLC通讯程序,液压动画,手动控制及调试,传感器标定,报警设置及报警记录,自动实验,数据处理曲线处理,数据库存储及查询,报表自动生成及打印,扫码枪扫码及信号录入等~ ,核心关键词:PLC通讯; 液压动画; 手动控制及调试; 传感器标定; 报警设置及记录; 自动实验; 数据处理及曲线处理; 数据库存储及查询; 报表生成及打印; 扫码枪扫码。,Labview驱动的智能液压阀测试系统:多功能控制与数据处理
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
电网不对称故障下VSG峰值电流限制的柔性控制策略:实现电流平衡与功率容量的优化利用,电网不对称故障下VSG峰值电流限制的柔性控制策略:兼顾平衡电流与功率控制切换的动态管理,电网不对称故障下VSG峰值电流限制的柔性不平衡控制(文章完全复现)。 提出一种在不平衡运行条件下具有峰值电流限制的可变不平衡电流控制方法,可灵活地满足不同操作需求,包括电流平衡、有功或无功恒定运行(即电流控制、有功控制或无功控制之间的相互切),注入电流保持在安全值内,以更好的利用VSG功率容量。 关键词:VSG、平衡电流控制、有功功率控制、无功功率控制。 ,VSG; 峰值电流限制; 柔性不平衡控制; 电流平衡控制; 有功功率控制; 无功功率控制。,VSG柔性控制:在电网不对称故障下的峰值电流限制与平衡管理
1、文件内容:libpinyin-tools-0.9.93-4.el7.rpm以及相关依赖 2、文件形式:tar.gz压缩包 3、安装指令: #Step1、解压 tar -zxvf /mnt/data/output/libpinyin-tools-0.9.93-4.el7.tar.gz #Step2、进入解压后的目录,执行安装 sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm 4、更多资源/技术支持:公众号禅静编程坊
数据集是一个以经典动漫《龙珠》为主题的多维度数据集,广泛应用于数据分析、机器学习和图像识别等领域。该数据集由多个来源整合而成,涵盖了角色信息、战斗力、剧情片段、台词以及角色图像等多个方面。数据集的核心内容包括: 角色信息:包含《龙珠》系列中的主要角色及其属性,如名称、种族、所属系列(如《龙珠》《龙珠Z》《龙珠超》等)、战斗力等级等。 图像数据:提供角色的图像资源,可用于图像分类和角色识别任务。这些图像来自动画剧集、漫画和相关衍生作品。 剧情与台词:部分数据集还包含角色在不同故事中的台词和剧情片段,可用于文本分析和自然语言处理任务。 战斗数据:记录角色在不同剧情中的战斗力变化和战斗历史,为研究角色成长和剧情发展提供支持。 数据集特点 多样性:数据集整合了角色、图像、文本等多种类型的数据,适用于多种研究场景。 深度:不仅包含角色的基本信息,还涵盖了角色的成长历程、技能描述和与其他角色的互动关系。 实用性:支持多种编程语言(如Python、R)的数据处理和分析,提供了详细的文档和示例代码。
基于protues仿真的多功公交站播报系统设计(仿真图、源代码) 该设计为基于protues仿真的多功公交站播报系统,实现温度显示、时间显示、和系统公交站播报功能; 具体功能如下: 1、系统使用51单片机为核心设计; 2、时钟芯片进行时间和日期显示; 3、温度传感器进行温度读取; 4、LCD12864液晶屏进行相关显示; 5、按键设置调节时间; 6、按键设置报站; 7、仿真图、源代码; 操作说明: 1、下行控制报站:首先按下(下行设置按键),(下行指示灯)亮,然后按下(手动播报)按键控制播报下一站; 2、上行控制报站:首先按上(上行设置按键),(上行指示灯)亮,然后按下(手动播报)按键控制播报下一站; 3、按下关闭播报按键,则关闭播报功能和清除显示
采用Java后台技术和MySQL数据库,在前台界面为提升用户体验,使用Jquery、Ajax、CSS等技术进行布局。 系统包括两类用户:学生、管理员。 学生用户 学生用户只要实现了前台信息的查看,打开首页,查看网站介绍、琴房信息、在线留言、轮播图信息公告等,通过点击首页的菜单跳转到对应的功能页面菜单,包括网站首页、琴房信息、注册登录、个人中心、后台登录。 学生用户通过账户账号登录,登录后具有所有的操作权限,如果没有登录,不能在线预约。学生用户退出系统将注销个人的登录信息。 管理员通过后台的登录页面,选择管理员权限后进行登录,管理员的权限包括轮播公告管理、老师学生信息管理和信息审核管理,管理员管理后点击退出,注销登录信息。 管理员用户具有在线交流的管理,琴房信息管理、琴房预约管理。 在线交流是对前台用户留言内容进行管理,删除留言信息,查看留言信息。
MATLAB可以用于开发人脸识别考勤系统。下面是一个简单的示例流程: 1. 数据采集:首先收集员工的人脸图像作为训练数据集。可以要求员工提供多张照片以获得更好的训练效果。 2. 图像预处理:使用MATLAB的图像处理工具对采集到的人脸图像进行预处理,例如灰度化、裁剪、缩放等操作。 3. 特征提取:利用MATLAB的人脸识别工具包,如Face Recognition Toolbox,对处理后的图像提取人脸特征,常用的方法包括主成分分析(PCA)和线性判别分析(LDA)等。 4. 训练模型:使用已提取的人脸特征数据集训练人脸识别模型,可以选择支持向量机(SVM)、卷积神经网络(CNN)等算法。 5. 考勤系统:在员工打卡时,将摄像头捕获的人脸图像输入到训练好的模型中进行识别,匹配员工信息并记录考勤数据。 6. 结果反馈:根据识别结果,可以自动生成考勤报表或者实时显示员工打卡情况。 以上只是一个简单的步骤,实际开发过程中需根据具体需求和系统规模进行定制和优化。MATLAB提供了丰富的图像处理和机器学习工具,是开发人脸识别考勤系统的一个很好选择。
绿豆BOX UI8版:反编译版六个全新UI+最新后台直播管理源码 最新绿豆BOX反编译版六个UI全新绿豆盒子UI8版本 最新后台支持直播管理 作为UI6的升级版,UI8不仅修复了前一版本中存在的一些BUG,还提供了6套不同的UI界面供用户选择,该版本有以下特色功能: 在线管理TVBOX解析 在线自定义TVBOX 首页布局批量添加会员信息 并支持导出批量生成卡密 并支持导出直播列表管理功能
西门子大型Fanuc机器人汽车焊装自动生产线程序经典解析:PLC博图编程与MES系统通讯实战指南,西门子PLC博图汽车焊装自动生产线FANUC机器人程序经典结构解析与MES系统通讯,西门子1500 大型程序fanuc 机器人汽车焊装自动生产线程序 MES 系统通讯 大型程序fanuc机器人汽车焊装自动生产线程序程序经典结构清晰,SCL算法堆栈,梯形图和 SCL混编使用博图 V14以上版本打开 包括: 1、 PLC 博图程序 2 触摸屏程序 ,西门子1500; 大型程序; fanuc机器人; 汽车焊装自动生产线; MES系统通讯; SCL算法; 梯形图; SCL混编; 博图V14以上版本。,西门子博图大型程序:汽车焊装自动生产线MES系统通讯与机器人控制