P4 Command-line client is more formidable than GUI.
Filespec is the syntax which is to refer to workspace and depot contents.
A filespec uses "//" to indicate the root of the hierarchy, and "/" as a directory path and file name separator. //depot/projectA/doc/index.html
there can be multiple depots in a Perforce repository. The filespec root identifies the name of the depot. The filespec //depot/projectA/doc/index.html refers to a depot named "depot"
Either you can use absolute path, or relative path(depends on your current directory)
a filespec like projectA/d*/*.html, for example, can define a collection of files like:
projectA/... refers to the files in the projectA directory
A filespec is a kind of view. A lot of views are stored in Perforce.
A important example!!---show change history.
The view notion in P4 is very important! Especially the notion of interaction of views elaborated in this example
the P4 command that shows the history of changes to HTML files in the //depot path:
p4 changes //depot/.../*.html
Change 1386 on 2005/06/10 ... 'New page for promo...'
Change 1375 on 2005/06/05 ... 'Fix links on sign-up...'
Change 1369 on 2005/05/29 ... 'Add press releases...'
This command is affected by two views. The first is the filespec you see on the command line. The second is a view you don't see: the set of depot files you have permission to access. If, for instance, the access permission view is:
the net effect is that you will see the history of the files in the intersection of the two views. In other words, you will see the history of the set of files defined by this view:
A important example!!---get a specific version(by version number) of some file---using #VersionNumber
A important example!!---get a specific version(by date) of some file---using @changeDate
A important example!!---get a specific version(by date) of a bunch of files---using @changeDate
A important example!!---the latest files in doc directory
A important example!!---the files changed on 2004/01/04 in doc directory
the date 2004/11/21 is actually shorthand for 2004/11/21:00:00:00.
It refers to the latest revision of the file as of the commencement of November 21, 2004.
A important example!!---the files with the tag Good2Go in doc directory
What’s a changelist. Changelist notion is also very important!!!
Perforce uses changelists to track changes submitted to the depot.
A important example!!---Actually, a little bit confused. The head branch? Or my understanding, it’s just retrieve files using changelist number.
Chagelist seems like tag in CVS, just a time slice of a CVS state.
Changelists represent points in time at which users submitted files. every changelist number is associated with a unique state of the collection.
This diagram is very important!! Changelist means the same of notion time.
chromium的depot_tools,windows版本,如果你被墙挡住了,可能需要它。这是我用国外的云服务器下载回来的,更新日期2016年10月28日。 需要macos版本的请搜索我的另一个资源chromium depot_tools for macos。
depot_tools.zip, depot_tools.zip
1910_HPjmeterAgent_4.6.00.00_HP-UX_B.11.31_IA.depot 客户端,HPjmeter agent内存分析工具
标题 "depot_tools" 指的是一个工具集合,它对于在Windows环境下编译WebRTC项目至关重要。WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication)是谷歌开发的一个开源项目,旨在提供浏览器和其他应用程序之间的实时通信功能,包括...
1. **gclient**:这是depot_tools中最核心的工具之一,用于管理和同步项目依赖。通过编写`.gclient`配置文件,你可以指定项目依赖的版本以及如何获取它们。gclient会自动处理Git、SVN等版本控制系统之间的差异,帮助...
:package: depot.js描述depot.js是带有简单API的命名空间包装器。 还有,但是没有一个符合我的需求。设置您可以通过npm安装depot.js: npm install depotjs -- save 或直接通过[removed][removed]加载它。 dist...
1. **gclient**: gclient 是一个Python脚本,用于管理Git、SVN等版本控制系统中的依赖关系。在Chromium项目中,gclient用于同步和管理所有依赖的源代码库,确保每个开发者的本地环境与远程仓库保持一致。 2. **gcl*...
depot_tools工具包 https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chrome-infra-docs/flat/depot_tools/docs/html/depot_tools_tutorial.html#_setting_up
1. 首先,需要解压下载的depot.gz文件。用户可以使用gunzip命令来解压这个文件。需要注意的是,有的时候,下载的文件已经是解压后可以直接使用的格式,此时就不需要这一步骤。例如,在本例中,如果系统提示不是gzip...
1. `fetch.py`: 这是一个脚本,用于从源代码仓库获取和更新项目代码。`fetch`命令可以自动处理依赖关系,并确保你拥有所有必要的子模块和库,这对于大型项目如Chrome来说非常重要。 2. `yapf`: 这是Google的一个...
Note: When downloading a .depot, .tar, or .sh file, some browsers don't recognize the .depot, .tar, or .sh format and treat the file as a text or application-specific file. If this happens, right-...
1. 下载并解压VMware-ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-depot.zip。 2. 找到并提取e1000e驱动相关的文件,这些文件通常位于特定的驱动目录下。 3. 使用VMware的vSphere CLI工具或者图形界面,如vSphere Update Manager (VUM),将...
《depot_tools.git-master.tar.gz:Chromium与CEF编译工具详解》 在软件开发领域,尤其是开源项目中,高效且便捷的工具是至关重要的。Chromium和CEF(Chromium Embedded Framework)作为广受欢迎的开源浏览器引擎,...
1910_HPjmeterConsole_4.6.00.00_HP-UX_B.11.31_IA.depot 控制台,HPjmeter Console内存分析工具
1. **解压depot_tools**:首先,将"depot_tools.rar"解压到你的电脑上,然后将其路径添加到系统环境变量PATH中。 2. **配置环境**:在命令行中运行`fetch webrtc`,这将使用Gclient下载WebRTC的最新源代码及其依赖...
1. 安装Python:depot_tools依赖于Python,通常需要2.7或3.x版本。 2. 添加depot_tools到PATH环境变量:这样可以在命令行中直接使用这些工具。 3. 获取CEF源代码:使用`fetch cef`命令,这会自动克隆必要的仓库并...
1. Customer Remote Logon Depot的价值 Customer Remote Logon Depot是一个为用户提供的平台,旨在安全地存储登录数据,用户仅需为每个系统创建一次登录数据,之后这些数据即可被用于各种目的,比如处理事件...