Java Regex Pattern Syntax Exception
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unmatched closing ')'
I don't immediately see what's wrong with your regex code although I suspect the problem would be apparent if we knew the values for toCensor and word. I've rewritten your code as follows:
String toCensor = "some sentence that uses frack word";
String word = "frack";
String replaceWith = "f#@!ck";
String regex = new StringBuilder("(?i)").append(word).toString();
toCensor = toCensor.replaceAll(regex, replaceWith);
So you are trying to run a regular expression across toCentor and do a case-insensitive match (that's the (?i) flag) looking for word. One problem is that if word has any special regex characters, they will be treated as part of the pattern. I think that's you bug. For example if you try this:
String word = ")ick";
You'd get the error:
Unmatched closing ')' near index 4 (?i))ick
This is similar but not exactly what you are seeing. You can turn off regex pattern compilation by wrapping the word in `"\Qword\E". For example:
String regex = new StringBuilder("(?i)\\Q").append(word).append("\\E").toString();
toCensor = toCensor.replaceAll(regex, replace);
'\Q' in the pattern turns on "quoting" and \E is the end of it. See also Pattern.quote(). You can also fix this by doing better sanity checking of the input to make sure that they are whole words. I suspect that ) is not a proper character to be censored.
在Java中,正则表达式(Regex)是通过Pattern类和Matcher类来实现的,这两个类位于java.util.regex包中。下面我们将深入探讨Java正则表达式的基本概念、语法、常见使用方法以及如何在实际开发中应用。 1. **基本...
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import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternCompiler; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher; import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler; import org....
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Java中的正则表达式功能主要通过`java.util.regex`包来实现,该包提供了两个核心类:`Pattern`和`Matcher`。 #### 二、Pattern类 `Pattern`类代表预编译的正则表达式。它提供了静态方法`compile()`用于创建`...
探索 Java 正则表达式语法的更多细节,并了解Pattern类中的引擎如何实际解释正则表达式。 不是通过文档(通过合同)推断正则表达式的含义,这允许我们直接验证引擎如何解释正则表达式。 自该项目开始(2014 年 2 ...