初速度为1. 每一步可以选择以当前速度移动,或者当前速度加1再移动。只能停留在石
Solution 1:
int FlogCrossRiver(string river) { if (river.empty()) { return 0; } vector<vector<pair<size_t, int>>> vp(river.size()); vp[0].emplace_back(1, 1); int res = INT_MAX; for (size_t i = 0; i < vp.size(); ++i) { if (river[i] == '0') { continue; } for (auto pr : vp[i]) { if (i + pr.first >= vp.size()) { res = min(pr.second, res); } else if (river[i + pr.first] == '1') { vp[i + pr.first].emplace_back(pr.first, pr.second + 1); } if (i + pr.first + 1 >= vp.size()) { res = min(pr.second, res); } else if (river[i + pr.first + 1] == '1') { vp[i + pr.first + 1].emplace_back(pr.first + 1, pr.second + 1); } } } return res; } void FlogCrossRiverTest() { cout << "11101100t" << FlogCrossRiver("11101100") << endl; cout << "11111111t" << FlogCrossRiver("11111111") << endl; cout << "11101000t" << FlogCrossRiver("11101000") << endl; cout << "11010101t" << FlogCrossRiver("11010101") << endl; }
DP状态方程:f(i,j) = min( f(i-j, j), f(i-j, j-1) ) + 1
i: 当前石头在数组中所处的index (0 based)
j: 到达i时的可能最大步数, <= sqrt(i*2) 假设处处有石子,那么青蛙可以随意跳跃,每次跳跃步伐比前一次跳跃大1,就有1+2+..+j = j(j+1)/2 = i, j^2+j = i*2, 所以 j <= sqrt(i*2)
f(i, j): 以步数j到达i时所需的最少跳跃次数,其中f(0,1)=0
public int minFrogJumps(int[] a) { int len = a.length; int[][] f = new int[len][(int)Math.sqrt(len * 2) + 1]; int ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { Arrays.fill(f[i], -1); if (a[i] == 0) { continue; } for (int j = 1; j <= (int)Math.sqrt(i * 2); j++) { if (a[i - j] == 0) { f[i][j] = -1; continue; } if (f[i - j][j] == -1 && f[i - j][j - 1] == -1) { continue; } if (f[i - j][j] != -1) f[i][j] = f[i - j][j] + 1; if (j > 1 && f[i - j][j - 1] != -1) { if (f[i][j] == -1) f[i][j] = f[i - j][j - 1] + 1; else f[i][j] = Math.min(f[i - j][j - 1] + 1, f[i][j]); } if (i + j + 1 >= len) { ans = Math.min(f[i][j] + 1, ans); } } } return ans; }
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