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HQGlossary 术语(资源分类)

HQGlossary 术语(资源分类)





Ø         • Application – A collection of platforms, servers and services organized to

fulfill a single business purpose. Applications typically have many servers and

services, and can also run on more then one platform. A typical J2EE

application modeled in HQ can contain Apache Virtual Hosts, Tomcat

Webapps, JBoss Connection pools, and Oracle Instances.

Ø         • Platform – A machine/operating system combination or any network or

storage device. Platforms are the lowest level of management, and include

components such as CPU's, Network Interfaces, and File Systems.

Ø         • Server – Any software that is installed on a platform under management.

Databases, middleware, virtualization, application and web servers are all

examples of servers. Servers run on platforms. Platforms host multiple

Servers. Examples of servers include any installations of JBoss, Tomcat, or

MySQL on a given platform.

Ø         • Service – A component of a server dedicated to a specific purpose. Typically

services are represented by the units of work of a given server. Different

types of servers each define a list of one or more types of services they

provide. Examples of services include Webapps deployed in Tomcat, or Virtual

Hosts configured in Apache. Services can also be attached directly to a

platform in the case of CPU, Network Interfaces and Filesystems.

Ø         • Resource Type – A categorical description of a type of resource that can be

managed. Upon installation, Hyperic HQ describes hundreds of resource types

which include specifications for Name, Version, Available Metrics, and

Available Control Actions. Resource types span Platforms, Servers, and


Ø         • Managed Resource – A specific instance of a resource type within the

managed environment.


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