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Java语言规范 第十七章 线程和锁(一)



While most of the discussion in the preceding chapters is concerned only with the behavior of code as executed a single statement or expression at a time, that is, by a single thread, the Java Virtual Machine can support many threads of execution at once. These threads independently execute code that operates on values and objects residing in a shared main memory. Threads may be supported by having many hardware processors, by time-slicing a single hardware processor, or by time-slicing many hardware processors. 
Threads are represented by the Thread class. The only way for a user to create a thread is to create an object of this class; each thread is associated with such an object. A thread will start when the start() method is invoked on the corresponding Thread object.
线程是通过Thread类来表示。对用户来说,创建一个线程的唯一方式就是创建一个Thread的对象;每一个线程与一个Thread对象关联。当调用相应线程对象的start() 方法时,该线程将被启动。
The behavior of threads, particularly when not correctly synchronized, can be confusing and counterintuitive. This chapter describes the semantics of multithreaded programs; it includes rules for which values may be seen by a read of shared memory that is updated by multiple threads. As the specification is similar to the memory models for different hardware architectures, these semantics are known as the Java programming language memory model. When no confusion can arise, we will simply refer to these rules as "the memory model". 
These semantics do not prescribe how a multithreaded program should be executed. Rather, they describe the behaviors that multithreaded programs are allowed to exhibit. Any execution strategy that generates only allowed behaviors is an acceptable execution strategy. 

17.1. Synchronization 同步

The Java programming language provides multiple mechanisms for communicating between threads. The most basic of these methods is synchronization, which is implemented using monitors. Each object in Java is associated with a monitor, which a thread can lock or unlock. Only one thread at a time may hold a lock on a monitor. Any other threads attempting to lock that monitor are blocked until they can obtain a lock on that monitor. A thread t may lock a particular monitor multiple times; each unlock reverses the effect of one lock operation.
Java 编程语言为线程间通信提供了多种机制。这些方法最基本的同步,它是通过监视器来实现的。Java 中的任何一个对象与一个监视器关联,线程可以对该监视器进行加锁和解锁操作。同一时间在同一个监视器上只有一个线程可以持有一个锁。任何其他想获得该监视器锁的线程将一直被阻塞,直到它们获得了该监视器的一个锁。一个线程t可能锁定一个特殊的监视器多次,每一次解锁反转一个锁定操作的效果。
The synchronized statement (§14.19) computes a reference to an object; it then attempts to perform a lock action on that object's monitor and does not proceed further until the lock action has successfully completed. After the lock action has been performed, the body of the synchronized statement is executed. If execution of the body is ever completed, either normally or abruptly, an unlock action is automatically performed on that same monitor. 
该 synchronized语句在一个对象上计算一次引用;然后在该对象的监视器上尝试执行一个加锁操作,这时线程不会继续执行,直到锁操作成功完成。锁操作执行后,同步语句块将被执行。如果执行块完成,不管正常地或是意外地,在该监视器上一个解锁操作都会自动执行。
A synchronized method (§ automatically performs a lock action when it is invoked; its body is not executed until the lock action has successfully completed. If the method is an instance method, it locks the monitor associated with the instance for which it was invoked (that is, the object that will be known as this during execution of the body of the method). If the method is static, it locks the monitor associated with the Class object that represents the class in which the method is defined. If execution of the method's body is ever completed, either normally or abruptly, an unlock action is automatically performed on that same monitor. 
The Java programming language neither prevents nor requires detection of deadlock conditions. Programs where threads hold (directly or indirectly) locks on multiple objects should use conventional techniques for deadlock avoidance, creating higher-level locking primitives that do not deadlock, if necessary. 
Java 编程语言既不防止也不要求对死锁条件进行检测。有多个线程在多个对象上持有(直接或间接)锁的程序应该使用惯用的技术避免死锁,如果有必要,创建高级的不会死锁的锁原语。
Other mechanisms, such as reads and writes of volatile variables and the use of classes in the java.util.concurrent package, provide alternative ways of synchronization. 





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