rz, SZ is a command line tool Linux/Unix ZModem file transfer with Windows
Windows is the need to support ZModem telnet/ssh client (such as SecureCRT)
Run the command RZ, is receiving the file, SecureCRT will pop up the file selection dialog box, select the file dialog box is closed, the file will be uploaded to the current directory
Note: RZ alone will have two problems: upload interruption, upload files change (MD5), The solution is to upload is RZ -be, and remove the tick the pop-up dialog box "Upload files as ASCII" before.
-a, –ascii
-b, –Binary binary upload download, do not explain the characters for the ASCII
-e, –Escape forced escape all control characters, such as Ctrl+x, DEL etc.
rar,GIF file using -b with binary way to upload.
The files are large upload error words, using the parameter -e
If you use the RZ command to upload large files without parameters, often upload half broken, may be RZ think upload stream contains some special control characters, cause RZ to exit.
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项目经过测试均可完美运行! 环境说明: 开发语言:java jdk:jdk1.8 数据库:mysql 5.7+ 数据库工具:Navicat11+ 管理工具:maven 开发工具:idea/eclipse