
How to change SYSMAN password in 12C Cloud Control



I was on leave for the past few weeks. After digging through tons of e-mails I finally found time to look into EM 12 Cloud Control. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten my SYSMAN password and the EM 12c test installation is no longer running. As you say: “Holidays where one forgets everything, must be good holidays.”


So far so good, but what about my problems. Lets start with EM 12c which is not running. I started the VM from scratch. After login in over ssh I’ve realized that the EM 12c infrastructure is running. To my surprise the installer configured the start / stop script gcstartup in /etc/init.d and the corresponding rc directories. The script exists already since EM 10g but I’ve never used it. Unfortunately nobody created the start / stop script for the database and the listener. As soon as starting them manually I’ve just have to bounce the EM 12c to be up and ready again. It is not enough to just start the database. Restarting or starting the OMS is also necessary due to the fact that the OMS is not started when the database is not available during the startup of EM 12c. Oracle described this in a MOS Note EM Cloud Control 12c OMS not able to start after server reboot [1367876.1]


My second problem is quite a common issue. You’ll find some notes on how to change the SYSMAN password for EM 10/11g, DB Console and new as well for EM 12c. Basically it is done in a similar way as in EM 11g. It is just a little easier because it is not necessary to do the change in two steps. You may use use emctl to change the SYSMAN password for the OMS infrastructure and well the database account. That’s also what you can specify the SYS password when using emctl.


  1. Stop all OMS: emctl stop oms
  2. Change the password: emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd sys user password -new_pwd new sysman password
  3. Stop the Admin server and restart all OMS: emctl stop oms -all; emctl start oms


An example output:


emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd manager -new_pwd tiger
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release
Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. ALL rights reserved.
Changing passwords IN backend ...
Passwords changed IN backend successfully.
Updating repository password IN Credential Store...
Successfully updated Repository password IN Credential Store.
Restart ALL the OMSs USING 'emctl stop oms -all' AND 'emctl start oms'.
Successfully changed repository password.


More information on these topic’s can be found in the following MOS notes:


  • 12C Cloud Control: Steps to Modify the SYSMAN Password at OMS and Repository [1365930.1]
  • How to Change the Password of SYSMAN User in 10g and 11g Grid Control? [270516.1]
  • EM Cloud Control 12c OMS not able to start after server reboot [1367876.1]






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