Cloud Foundry V2 的文章目录在 Cloud Foundry V2 相关文章目录
本博客的所有yml stemcell 和 release 都能在百度云上下载
1、将stemcell上传至 micro bosh
登录到 micro bosh 上 默认密码为 admin
bosh target Target set to `micro' Your username: admin Enter password: ***** Logged in as `admin'
上传 stemcell
bosh upload stemcell ~/stemcells/bosh-stemcell-2427-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu.tgz
Verifying stemcell... File exists and readable OK Verifying tarball... Read tarball OK Manifest exists OK Stemcell image file OK Stemcell properties OK Stemcell info ------------- Name: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu Version: 2427 Checking if stemcell already exists... No Uploading stemcell... bosh-stemcell: 100% |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| 385.9MB 18.2MB/s Time: 00:00:21 Director task 1 Started update stemcell Started update stemcell > Extracting stemcell archive. Done (00:00:04) Started update stemcell > Verifying stemcell manifest. Done (00:00:01) Started update stemcell > Checking if this stemcell already exists. Done (00:00:00) Started update stemcell > Uploading stemcell bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu/2427 to the cloud. Done (00:02:25) Started update stemcell > Save stemcell bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu/2427 (sc-f487c612-1863-46a8-8cf5-ab0447f4f4f9). Done (00:00:00) Done update stemcell (00:02:30) Task 1 done Started 2014-10-15 06:43:52 UTC Finished 2014-10-15 06:46:22 UTC Duration 00:02:30 Stemcell uploaded and created.
2、上传bosh的release至micro bosh
git clone bosh upload release ~/bosh/release/releases/bosh-109.yml
Copying packages ---------------- nginx (3) SKIP genisoimage (3) SKIP powerdns (3) SKIP blobstore (33) SKIP ruby (7) SKIP mysql (1) SKIP nats (3) SKIP common (2) SKIP director (40) SKIP redis (3) SKIP registry (29) SKIP libpq (2) SKIP postgres (2) SKIP health_monitor (34) SKIP Copying jobs ------------ powerdns (4) FOUND LOCAL blobstore (4) FOUND LOCAL nats (5) FOUND LOCAL director (15) FOUND LOCAL redis (3) FOUND LOCAL registry (2) FOUND LOCAL postgres (6) FOUND LOCAL health_monitor (6) FOUND LOCAL Building tarball ---------------- Generated /tmp/d20141016-21679-l2zk07/d20141016-21679-11esjot/release.tgz Release size: 23.9K Verifying release... File exists and readable OK 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Monit file for 'health_monitor' OK Release info ------------ Name: bosh Version: 42 Packages - nginx (3) - genisoimage (3) - powerdns (3) - blobstore (33) - ruby (7) - mysql (1) - nats (3) - common (2) - director (40) - redis (3) - registry (29) - libpq (2) - postgres (2) - health_monitor (34) Jobs - powerdns (4) - blobstore (4) - nats (5) - director (15) - redis (3) - registry (2) - postgres (6) - health_monitor (6)
bosh deployment ~/deployments/bosh.yml Deployment set to `/home/base/deployments/bosh.yml'
while true do bosh upload release ~/bosh/release/releases/bosh-109.yml if [ $? -eq 0 ] then break fi done
3、编写 bosh 配置文件
bosh stemcells +--------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------+ | Name | Version | CID | +--------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------+ | bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu | 2427 | sc-f487c612-1863-46a8-8cf5-ab0447f4f4f9 | +--------------------------+---------+-----------------------------------------+ (*) Currently in-use Stemcells total: 1
bosh releases +------+----------+-------------+ | Name | Versions | Commit Hash | +------+----------+-------------+ | bosh | 109* | 01851c1c+ | +------+----------+-------------+ (*) Currently deployed (+) Uncommitted changes Releases total: 1
bosh status Config /home/chance/.bosh_config Director Name micro URL Version 1.2427.0 (release:921db96c bosh:921db96c) User admin UUID f8a07fe6-d4a7-4dfc-815f-26b1633a76d7 CPI vsphere dns enabled (domain_name: microbosh) compiled_package_cache disabled snapshots disabled Deployment Manifest /home/chance/deployments/bosh.yml
touch bosh.yml vi bosh yml
--- name: bosh # 此处uuid就是bosh status里的UUID director_uuid: 43f500b6-c68f-46c9-b390-711b4cb9dcec release: name: bosh version: 109 compilation: workers: 3 network: default reuse_compilation_vms: true cloud_properties: ram: 2024 disk: 4048 cpu: 4 update: canaries: 1 canary_watch_time: 3000-120000 update_watch_time: 3000-120000 max_in_flight: 4 networks: - name: default subnets: - reserved: - - static: - - range: gateway: dns: - - cloud_properties: name: VM Network resource_pools: - name: small stemcell: name: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu version: 2427 network: default size: 7 cloud_properties: ram: 1024 disk: 20480 cpu: 1 - name: director stemcell: name: bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu version: 2427 network: default size: 1 cloud_properties: ram: 1024 disk: 20480 cpu: 2 jobs: - name: nats template: nats instances: 1 resource_pool: small networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: postgres template: postgres instances: 1 resource_pool: small persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: redis template: redis instances: 1 resource_pool: small networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: powerdns template: powerdns instances: 1 resource_pool: small networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: director template: director instances: 1 resource_pool: director persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: blobstore template: blobstore instances: 1 resource_pool: small persistent_disk: 20480 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: registry template: registry instances: 1 resource_pool: small networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: health_monitor template: health_monitor instances: 1 resource_pool: small networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: env: nats: user: NaTs password: nAtS address: port: 4222 redis: address: port: 25255 password: rEdIs postgres: user: PoStGrEs password: pOsTgReS address: port: 5432 database: bosh dns: address: user: PoWeRdNs password: pOwErDnS db: host: user: PoStGrEs password: pOsTgReS databases: name: pOwErDnS webserver: password: pOwErDnS recursor: blobstore: address: port: 25251 backend_port: 25552 agent: user: AgEnT password: aGeNt director: user: DiReCtOr password: dIrEcToR director: name: bosh_director address: port: 25555 db: host: user: PoStGrEs password: pOsTgReS registry: address: http: user: ReGiStRy password: rEgIsTrY db: host: user: PoStGrEs password: pOsTgReS hm: http: port: 25923 user: AdMiN password: pAsSwOrD director_account: user: AdMiN password: pAsSwOrD event_nats_enabled: false email_notifications: false tsdb_enabled: false pagerduty_enabled: false varz_enabled: true vcenter: address: user: administrator password: ****** datacenters: - name: vDataCenter vm_folder: zhangqiaoqi_CF/vm_folder_bosh template_folder: zhangqiaoqi_CF/template_folder_bosh disk_path: boshdeployer_bosh datastore_pattern: NFSDataStore persistent_datastore_pattern: NFSDataStore allow_mixed_datastores: true clusters: - vCluster
3、部署 bosh
bosh deployment ~/deployments/bosh.yml Deployment set to `/home/base/deployments/bosh.yml'
bosh 部署
bosh deploy Processing deployment manifest ------------------------------ Getting deployment properties from director... Unable to get properties list from director, trying without it... Compiling deployment manifest... Cannot get current deployment information from director, possibly a new deployment Please review all changes carefully Deploying --------- Deployment name: `bosh.yml' Director name: `micro01' Are you sure you want to deploy? (type 'yes' to continue): yes Director task 7 Started preparing deployment Started preparing deployment > Binding deployment. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding releases. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding existing deployment. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding resource pools. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding stemcells. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding templates. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding properties. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding unallocated VMs. Done (00:00:00) Started preparing deployment > Binding instance networks. Done (00:00:00) Done preparing deployment (00:00:00) Started preparing package compilation Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Done (00:00:00) Done preparing package compilation (00:00:00) Started compiling packages Started compiling packages > genisoimage/3. Done (00:05:20) Started compiling packages > nginx/3. Done (00:02:02) Started compiling packages > mysql/1. Done (00:01:19) Started compiling packages > libpq/2. Done (00:01:32) Started compiling packages > redis/3. Done (00:01:36) Started compiling packages > postgres/2. Done (00:01:14) Started compiling packages > ruby/7. Done (00:03:31) Started compiling packages > health_monitor/34. Done (00:02:13) Started compiling packages > director/40. Done (00:07:52) Started compiling packages > nats/3. Done (00:01:18) Done compiling packages (00:27:57) Started preparing dns > Binding DNS. Done (00:00:01) Started creating bound missing vms Started creating bound missing vms > small/0 Started creating bound missing vms > small/1 Started creating bound missing vms > small/3 Started creating bound missing vms > small/2 Started creating bound missing vms > small/4 Started creating bound missing vms > director/0 Done creating bound missing vms > small/3 (00:02:12) Done creating bound missing vms > small/2 (00:02:12) Done creating bound missing vms > small/4 (00:02:12) Done creating bound missing vms > director/0 (00:02:12) Done creating bound missing vms > small/1 (00:02:12) Done creating bound missing vms > small/0 (00:02:13) Done creating bound missing vms (00:02:13) Started binding instance vms Started binding instance vms > nats/0 Started binding instance vms > postgres/0 Started binding instance vms > redis/0 Started binding instance vms > director/0 Started binding instance vms > blobstore/0 Started binding instance vms > health_monitor/0 Done binding instance vms > director/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms > nats/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms > postgres/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms > health_monitor/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms > redis/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms > blobstore/0 (00:00:01) Done binding instance vms (00:00:01) Started preparing configuration > Binding configuration. Done (00:00:00) Started updating job nats > nats/0 (canary). Done (00:01:10) Started updating job postgres > postgres/0 (canary). Done (00:01:30) Started updating job redis > redis/0 (canary). Done (00:01:08) Started updating job director > director/0 (canary). Done (00:01:33) Started updating job blobstore > blobstore/0 (canary). Done (00:01:30) Started updating job health_monitor > health_monitor/0 (canary). Done (00:01:09) Task 7 done Started 2014-10-20 01:16:08 UTC Finished 2014-10-20 01:54:20 UTC Duration 00:38:12 Deployed `bosh.yml' to `micro'
bosh vms Deployment `bosh' Director task 14 Task 14 done +------------------+---------+---------------+--------------+ | Job/index | State | Resource Pool | IPs | +------------------+---------+---------------+--------------+ | blobstore/0 | running | small | | | director/0 | running | director | | | health_monitor/0 | running | small | | | nats/0 | running | small | | | postgres/0 | running | small | | | powerdns/0 | running | small | | | redis/0 | running | small | | +------------------+---------+---------------+--------------+ VMs total: 7
- **安装 Cloud Foundry**: 使用 BOSH CLI 和相应的 Deployment Manifest 文件来部署 Cloud Foundry。 ##### 2. **在 OpenStack 上部署** - **环境准备**: 准备好 OpenStack 环境,并安装 BOSH CLI。 - **安装 BOSH...
:适用于Cloud Foundry开发人员和用户的cf CLI指南:针对开发人员将应用程序推送到Cloud Foundry的逐步说明和参考资料 :有关使用BOSH的操作员在AWS,vSphere,vCloud,OpenStack等上部署Cloud Foundry的说明。...
BOSH是Cloud Foundry的主要部署工具,由包括Google、Pivotal和VMware在内的多个核心成员共同开发。其核心目标是简化复杂系统的部署过程,使之可重复且易于管理。 **BOSH概述** BOSH的设计理念是通过创建一系列的...
在使用bucc时,你需要准备对应的环境,例如Docker、AWS、VirtualBox、Azure、vSphere、OpenStack或Google Cloud Platform。bucc-master这个文件很可能是bucc项目的源代码仓库,包含了所有必要的配置和脚本,用于构建...
同时,它可以与现有的CI/CD管道集成,并可以选择与Pivotal Cloud Foundry配合使用,增强整体开发流程。 VMware Cloud PKS的主要优势在于其灵活性和成本效益。用户可以根据需求自动调整资源,减少管理负担,同时能够...