import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class 替换字符串参数_S4_Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String str="select rownum, bb.* from (select :a, :b + 4, 4 + :c, 5 + :b, to_char(:c, 'yyy-mm-dd'), to_date(:v, 'yyyy-mm-dd') from a where a.order_id = :b and b in (:b) and c in (:b, :l) and d in (:l, 0) and e in (0, :l) and extract(month from b.done_date) = to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and b.prod_spec_id = :MODEL_ID and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')) and to_date(b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = extract(month from :done_date) and a.order_type = 80 and extract(month from b.done_date) = to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm')) and to_date(b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = extract(month from :done_date) and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')) union select extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')), to_char(:v, 'yyy-m-dd'), to_char(to_date(:b, 'yyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') from b group by a having extract(month from b.done_date) = :b and b = :b union all select extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')), to_char(:v, 'yyy-m-dd'), to_char(to_date(:b, 'yyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') from b group by a having(extract(month from b.done_date) = :b and b = :b) and b = :k) bb group by aa, bb desc having(aa = :k and bb > :b + 5) "; str = addSqlBlank(str); List<String> sqlList = splitSqlByUnion(str); str=replaceSqlNullValue(sqlList); System.out.println("替换结果为="+str); } public static String replaceSqlNullValue(List<String> sqlList)throws Exception { if(sqlList==null||sqlList.size()==0){ return ""; } StringBuffer sb2=new StringBuffer(); for (String sql : sqlList) { // 取真实的from 是否带where 是否带having int existsIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" exists("); int havingIndex = sql.indexOf(" having"); int fromIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" from "); int whereIndex = sql.indexOf(" where "); int extractIndex = sql.lastIndexOf(" extract("); String selectSqlStr = null; if (havingIndex != -1 && fromIndex > havingIndex) { fromIndex = sql.substring(0, havingIndex).lastIndexOf(" from "); } if (whereIndex != -1 && extractIndex != -1) { fromIndex = sql.substring(0, whereIndex).lastIndexOf(" from "); } if (whereIndex != -1 && fromIndex > existsIndex) { while (existsIndex != -1 && fromIndex > existsIndex) { String tmpStr = sql.substring(0, existsIndex); fromIndex = tmpStr.lastIndexOf(" from "); existsIndex = tmpStr.lastIndexOf(" exists("); } } selectSqlStr = sql.substring(0, fromIndex + 6); sql = sql.substring(fromIndex + 6); sb2.append(replaceNullValueAfterSelect(selectSqlStr)); sb2.append(removeAllErrorConnect(replaceValueAfterFrom(sql))); } return sb2.toString(); } public static String replaceNullValueAfterSelect(String sql) { if (sql.indexOf(":") == -1) { return sql; } int position = sql.indexOf(":"); StringBuffer before = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer after = new StringBuffer(); int beforeBracket = 0;// 匹配括号数量 boolean isConnect = false; char bracketBeforeChar = '\0', bracketAfterChar = '\0'; //直接拿到字符串 while (position != -1) { // 向←直到空格或者开始 for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket++; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket--; } if (sql.charAt(i) == ',' || sql.charAt(i) == ' ') { break; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == '+' || sql.charAt(i) == '-') { isConnect = true; before.append(sql.charAt(i)); bracketBeforeChar = sql.charAt(i); break; } else { before.append(sql.charAt(i)); } } // 向→直到空格或者最后 for (int i = position; i < sql.length(); i++) { if (beforeBracket != 0) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket++; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket--; } after.append(sql.charAt(i)); continue; } if (sql.charAt(i) == '+' || sql.charAt(i) == '-') { bracketAfterChar = sql.charAt(i); after.append(sql.charAt(i)); isConnect = true; break; } if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ' && sql.charAt(i) != ',') { after.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } after.insert(0, before.reverse()); if (isConnect) { sql = sql.replace( after.toString(), String.valueOf( bracketBeforeChar + "'0'" + bracketAfterChar) .replace('\0', ' ')); } else { sql = sql.replace(after.toString(), "' '"); } position = sql.indexOf(":"); before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); beforeBracket = 0; isConnect = false; bracketAfterChar = '\0'; bracketBeforeChar = '\0'; } after = null; before = null; sql = sql.replaceAll("(extract\\s*\\()([^)]*'\\s+')(\\s*\\))", "' '");; return new String(sql); } public static String replaceValueAfterFrom(String sql) throws Exception { if (sql.indexOf(":") == -1) { return sql; } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); //含连接符 String[] tmpStrArr = splitByStrNormal(sql, "(?<=\\s+)(and|or)(?=\\s+|\\s*\\()"); for (String subStr : tmpStrArr) { if (subStr.indexOf(":") == -1) { if (subStr.replaceAll("(?<=\\s+|^)(and|or)(?=\\s+|\\)|$)", "").trim().length() == 0) { result.append(' '); } else { result.append(subStr); } } else if (subStr.indexOf(" in ") != -1) { result.append(replaceNullParaWithIn(subStr)); } else { result.append(replaceParaNormalWithBlank(subStr)); } } return result.toString(); } public static String replaceParaNormalWithBlank(String sql) throws Exception { int position = sql.indexOf(":"); if (position == -1) { return sql; } // 忽略extract if (sql.indexOf("extract") != -1) { return removeExtract(sql); } if (sql.indexOf("to_date") == -1 && sql.indexOf("to_char") == -1) { if (sql.indexOf("+") != -1 || sql.indexOf("-") != -1) { return replaceParaWithConnect(sql); } } StringBuffer before = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer after = new StringBuffer(); int leftBracket =0, rightBracket =0; // 括号匹配 int beforeBracket = 0;// 匹配括号数量 int leftIndex=0,rightIndex=sql.length(); while (position != -1) { leftBracket =Math.abs(sql.substring(0, position).replaceAll("\\(", "").length()-sql.substring(0, position).replaceAll("\\)", "").length()); rightBracket =Math.abs(sql.substring(position).replaceAll("\\(", "").length()-sql.substring(position).replaceAll("\\)", "").length()); if(leftBracket>rightBracket){ for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket++; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket--; } if(beforeBracket==leftBracket-rightBracket){ leftIndex=i+1; break; } } }else if(leftBracket<rightBracket){ for(int i=sql.length()-1;i>position;i--){ if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket--; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket++; } if(beforeBracket==rightBracket-leftBracket){ rightIndex=i; break; } } } // 向←直到空格或者开始 for (int i = position - 1; i >=leftIndex; i--) { if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ') { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket++; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket--; } before.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } // 向→直到空格或者最后 for (int i = position; i <rightIndex; i++) { if (beforeBracket != 0) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { beforeBracket++; } else if (sql.charAt(i) == ')') { beforeBracket--; } after.append(sql.charAt(i)); continue; } if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ' && sql.charAt(i) != ')') { after.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } after.insert(0, before.reverse()); sql = sql.replace(after.toString(), ""); position = sql.indexOf(":"); before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); beforeBracket = 0; leftIndex=0; rightIndex=sql.length(); } before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); after = null; before = null; if(sql.indexOf("(")==-1&&sql.indexOf(")")==-1){ return sql.replaceAll("(?<=\\s+|^)(and|or)(?=\\s+|\\)|$)", ""); } return sql; } public static String removeExtract(String sql) throws Exception { int beforeBracket=0; int position=sql.indexOf(":"); String subStr=sql.substring(0,position); int whereIndex=subStr.lastIndexOf(" where "); int havingIndex=subStr.lastIndexOf(" having "); int havingIndex2=subStr.lastIndexOf(" having( "); StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer(); //删除extract if(whereIndex!=-1){ result.append(sql.substring(0, whereIndex+" where ".length())); sql=sql.substring(whereIndex+" where ".length()); }else if(havingIndex!=-1){ result.append(sql.substring(0, havingIndex+" having ".length())); sql=sql.substring(havingIndex+" having ".length()); }else if(havingIndex2!=-1){ result.append(sql.substring(0, havingIndex2+" having(".length())); sql=sql.substring(havingIndex2+" having(".length()); } boolean paramFlag=false,bracketEnd=false; for(int i=Math.max(0,havingIndex2),len=sql.length();i<len;i++){ if(sql.charAt(i)=='('){ beforeBracket++; bracketEnd=true; continue; }else if(sql.charAt(i)==')'){ beforeBracket--; continue; } if(sql.charAt(i)==':'){ paramFlag=true; } if(bracketEnd&¶mFlag&&beforeBracket==0){ if(sql.charAt(i)==' '||sql.charAt(i)==')'){ result.append(sql.substring(i)); break; } } } return replaceNullParaWithIn(result.toString()); } // 含<>的连接符的变量替换为0 public static String replaceParaWithConnect(String sql) { int position = sql.indexOf(":"); StringBuffer before = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer after = new StringBuffer(); while (position != -1) { if (sql.substring(0, position).indexOf(">") == -1 &&sql.substring(0, position).indexOf("<") == -1 &&sql.substring(0, position).indexOf("!=") == -1) { // 向←直到连接符 for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sql.charAt(i) != '(') { before.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } // 向→直到连接符或者最后 for (int i = position; i < sql.length(); i++) { if (sql.charAt(i) == ' ' || sql.charAt(i) == ')') { break; } else { after.append(sql.charAt(i)); } } after.insert(0, before.reverse()); sql = sql.replace(after.toString(), ""); } else { // 向←直到连接符 for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sql.charAt(i) != '=' && sql.charAt(i) != '<' && sql.charAt(i) != '>' && sql.charAt(i) != '+' && sql.charAt(i) != '-') { before.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } // 向→直到连接符或者最后 for (int i = position; i < sql.length(); i++) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '+' || sql.charAt(i) == '-' || sql.charAt(i) == ')') { break; } else { after.append(sql.charAt(i)); } } after.insert(0, before.reverse()); sql = sql.replace(after.toString(), "'0'"); } position = sql.indexOf(":"); before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); } before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); after = null; before = null; sql=sql.replaceAll("(\\(\\s*)(and|or)(\\s+)", "( "); sql=sql.replaceAll("(\\s*)(and|or)(\\s*\\(\\s*\\))", " "); return new String(sql); } // 替换in括号内的参数 public static String replaceNullParaWithIn(String sql) throws Exception { int position = sql.indexOf(":"); if (position == -1 || sql.indexOf("in") == -1) { return removeInErrorSem(sql); } StringBuffer before = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer after = new StringBuffer(); while (position != -1) { // 向←直到空格或者开始 for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ' && sql.charAt(i) != ',') { before.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } // 向→直到空格或者最后 for (int i = position; i < sql.length(); i++) { if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ' && sql.charAt(i) != ',' && sql.charAt(i) != ')') { after.append(sql.charAt(i)); } else { break; } } after.insert(0, before.reverse()); sql = sql.replace(after.toString(), ""); position = sql.indexOf(":"); before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); } before.setLength(0); after.setLength(0); after = null; before = null; sql = removeInErrorSem(sql); sql = sql.replaceAll(",\\s*\\)", ")"); sql = sql.replaceAll("in\\s*\\(\\s*\\)", "in()"); sql = removeInBlankBracket(sql); return new String(sql); } // 清除in括号内多余的逗号 public static String removeInErrorSem(String str) throws Exception { int position = str.indexOf(" in"); if (position == -1) { return str; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean isStart = false; int endIndex = str.length(); while (position != -1) { sb.append(str.substring(0, position + 3)); for (int i = position + 3; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == '(') { sb.append(str.charAt(i)); continue; } if (str.charAt(i) == ')') { sb.append(str.charAt(i)); endIndex = i; break; } if (str.charAt(i) != ',') { sb.append(str.charAt(i)); if (str.charAt(i) != ' ') { isStart = true; } } else if (isStart && str.charAt(i) == ',') { sb.append(str.charAt(i)); isStart = false; } } str = str.substring(endIndex + 1); endIndex = str.length(); position = str.indexOf(" in"); } if (str != null) { sb.append(str); } str = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); sb = null; return new String(str); } // 清除in空括号 public static String removeInBlankBracket(String sql) { if (sql.indexOf("in()") == -1) { return sql; } int position = sql.indexOf("in()"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int startIndex = 0; boolean isParam = false, isChange = false; ; while (position != -1) { for (int i = position - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isParam) { if (sql.charAt(i) != ' ') { isParam = true; continue; } } if (isParam) { if (sql.charAt(i) == '(') { isParam = false; startIndex = i + 1; isChange = true; break; } else if (i >= 2 && sql.charAt(i) == 'd' && sql.charAt(i - 1) == 'n' && sql.charAt(i - 2) == 'a') { isParam = false; isChange = true; startIndex = i - 2; break; } else if (i >= 1 && sql.charAt(i) == 'r' && sql.charAt(i - 1) == 'o') { isParam = false; isChange = true; startIndex = i - 1; break; } } } if (isChange) { sb.append(sql.substring(0, startIndex)); } else { sb.append(sql.substring(0, position + 4)); } startIndex = 0; isParam = false; isChange = false; sql = sql.substring(position + 4); position = sql.indexOf("in()"); } if (sql != null) { sb.append(sql); } sql = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); sb = null; sql = sql.replaceAll("(\\(\\s*)(and|or)(\\s+)", "( "); sql = sql.replaceAll("(\\s*|^)(and|or)(\\s*\\(\\s*\\))", " "); return new String(sql); } public static String removeAllErrorConnect(String sql) throws Exception { sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql,"(\\(\\s*)(and|or)(\\s*\\)?)", new int[]{1,3}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql,"(\\s+)(and|or)(\\s*\\))", new int[]{1,3}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql,"(\\s+and|or)(\\(\\s*,?\\s*\\))(\\s*,?$?)", new int[]{3});// 清空空括号 sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(\\s*)(\\(\\s*,?\\s*\\))(\\s*,?$?)", new int[]{3});// 清空空括号 sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(where\\s+)(and|or|in)(\\s+|$)", new int[]{1}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql,"(\\s+)(where|having|order\\s+by|group\\s+by)(\\s*$|\\s*\\)|\\s+union)",new int[]{3}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "where\\s+(group|order|$)", new int[]{1}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "having\\s+(order|$)", new int[]{1}); sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "group\\s+by\\s+(order|$)", new int[]{1}); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " ");// 删除多余空格 return new String(sql); } // sql添加空格 public static String addSqlBlank(String sql) throws Exception { sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(\\s+)(=|<|>|!|-|\\+|\\*|/|\\()(\\s+)",new int[]{2});// 去除运算符附近空格 sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(\\s+)(=|<|>|!|-|\\+|\\*|/)(\\s*)", new int[]{2});// 去除运算符附近空格 sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(\\s*)(=|<|>|!|-|\\+|\\*|/)(\\s+)", new int[]{2});// 去除运算符附近空格 sql = replaceSqlWithRegex(sql, "(where\\s+)(,|and|or|in)(\\s+|$)", new int[]{1});// 清空where后面直接带连接符 sql = cleanSqlComment(sql); sql = lowerCaseOracleKeyWord(sql); sql = sql.replaceAll("\\s*:\\s*", ":");// 去除:附近空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("\\*from", "* from ");// from前面添加空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("select", "select ");// from前面添加空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("\\)", " )");// )前面添加空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("(?<!and|or)\\s*\\(\\s*", "(");// 去除(附近空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("\\s+in\\s*\\(", " in ( ");// in(添加空格 sql = sql.replaceAll("\\s+having\\s*\\(", " having( ");// having(添加空格 sql = sql.replaceAll(",", " , ");// ,后面添加空格 // 删除不匹配的注释 sql = sql.replace("/*", " "); sql = sql.replace("*/", " "); return new String(sql); } public static String replaceSqlWithRegex(String sql, String regex, int[] indexs) throws Exception { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(sql); Arrays.sort(indexs); // 添加循环匹配失败检测 int isFail = 0; while (true) { while (m.find()) { isFail++; if (isFail > Byte.MAX_VALUE) { throw new Exception("检测到匹配次数过多,请优化匹配表达式"); } String tmp = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < indexs.length; i++) { tmp += m.group(indexs[i]); } sql = sql.replace(m.group(), tmp); } m = p.matcher(sql); if (!m.find()) { break; } m.reset(); } return new String(sql); } // 数据库关键字小写 public static String lowerCaseOracleKeyWord(String sql) throws Exception { String regexStr = "(?<=\\s+|\\(|\\)|^)(select|as|from|where|and|or|in|exists|extract|to_date|to_char|not|trunc|group|by|having|order)(?=\\s+|\\(|\\)|$)"; sql = replaceStrByAppend(regexStr, sql, true); return sql; } // 大小写字符串 public static String replaceStrByAppend(String regEx, String sql, boolean isLower) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regEx, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sql); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int lastEnd = 0;// 上一次匹配结束位置 while (matcher.find()) { sb.append(sql.substring(lastEnd, matcher.start())); if (isLower) { sb.append(sql.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()) .toLowerCase()); } else { sb.append(sql.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end())); } lastEnd = matcher.end(); } if (lastEnd < sql.length()) { sb.append(sql.substring(lastEnd)); } return sb.toString(); } public static List<String> splitSqlByUnion(String sql){ List<String> resultList=new ArrayList<String>(); if(sql.indexOf(" union ")==-1){ resultList.add(sql); }else{ int position=sql.indexOf(" union "); while(position!=-1){ String tmpStr=sql.substring(0,sql.indexOf(" union ")+7); resultList.add(tmpStr); sql=sql.substring(sql.indexOf(" union ")+7); position=sql.indexOf(" union "); } if(sql!=null){ resultList.add(sql); } } return resultList; } // 字符串分割保留分隔符 public static String[] splitByStrNormal(String str, String split) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(split); Matcher m = p.matcher(str); String[] words = p.split(str); String[] strResult = new String[words.length]; strResult[0] = words[0]; if (words.length > 0) { int count = 1; while (count < words.length) { if (m.find()) { strResult[count] = new String(m.group() + words[count]); } count++; } } return strResult; } // 清除sql内的注释 public static String cleanSqlComment(String sql) { if (sql.indexOf("/*") == -1) { return sql; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((int) (sql.length() * 1.5)); int cursor = 0, start = -1, end = -1; for (; (start = sql.indexOf("/*", cursor)) != -1 && (end = sql.indexOf("*/", start)) != -1;) { sb.append(' ').append(sql.substring(cursor, start)); cursor = end + 2; } sb.append(sql.substring(cursor, sql.length())); return sb.toString(); } // 初步检查sql是否正确 规则1)select前面有其他字符,2)sql括号数量不匹配 3)sql中注释不匹配 public static String checkSql(String sql) { StringBuffer errorInfo = new StringBuffer(); sql = sql.trim().toLowerCase(); if (!sql.startsWith("select")) { errorInfo.append(" select开始前有其他字符"); } int leftBracket = sql.length() - sql.replaceAll("\\(", "").length(), rightBracket = sql .length() - sql.replaceAll("\\)", "").length(); if (leftBracket != rightBracket) { errorInfo.append(" 括号不匹配"); } sql = cleanSqlComment(sql); if (sql.indexOf("/*") != -1 || sql.indexOf("*/") != -1) { errorInfo.append(" sql中存在多余的注释"); } return errorInfo.toString(); } public static StringBuffer map2StringBuffer(Map<String, String> map) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { result.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()) .append(","); } if (result.length() > 0) { result.deleteCharAt(result.length() - 1); } return result; } }
select rownum, bb.* from (select :a, :b + 4, 4 + :c, 5 + :b, to_char(:c, 'yyy-mm-dd'), to_date(:v, 'yyyy-mm-dd') from a where a.order_id = :b and b in (:b) and c in (:b, :l) and d in (:l, 0) and e in (0, :l) and extract(month from b.done_date) = to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and b.prod_spec_id = :MODEL_ID and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')) and to_date(b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = extract(month from :done_date) and a.order_type = 80 and extract(month from b.done_date) = to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, 'yyyy-mm')) and to_date(b, 'yyyy-mm-dd') = extract(month from :done_date) and extract(month from b.done_date) = extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')) union select extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')), to_char(:v, 'yyy-m-dd'), to_char(to_date(:b, 'yyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') from b group by a having extract(month from b.done_date) = :b and b = :b union all select extract(month from to_date(:b, ' yyyy - mm ')), to_char(:v, 'yyy-m-dd'), to_char(to_date(:b, 'yyy-mm-dd'), 'yyyy-mm-dd') from b group by a having(extract(month from b.done_date) = :b and b = :b) and b = :k) bb group by aa, bb desc having(aa = :k and bb > :b + 5)
替换结果为=select rownum , bb.* from(select ' ' , '0'+4 , 4+'0' , 5+'0' , ' ' , ' ' from a where d in ( 0 ) and e in ( 0 ) and a.order_type=80 union select ' ' , ' ' , ' ' from b group by a union all select ' ' , ' ' , ' ' from b group by a ) bb group by aa , bb desc having( bb>'0'+5 )
select rownum, bb.* from (select ' ', '0' + 4, 4 + '0', 5 + '0', ' ', ' ' from a where d in (0) and e in (0) and a.order_type = 80 union select ' ', ' ', ' ' from b group by a union all select ' ', ' ', ' ' from b group by a) bb group by aa, bb desc having(bb > '0' + 5)
- **应用场景**:此类函数可以广泛应用于文本处理、数据清洗等场景,尤其在需要批量替换字符串的情况下非常有用。 - **注意事项**: - 在使用过程中需要注意输入参数的有效性,避免出现空字符串或非法字符等情况。 ...
在这个案例中,我们要关注的是如何替换字符串中的反斜杠字符`\`。 ### 1. `replaceAll`函数介绍 `replaceAll`函数的基本语法是: ```java public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) ``` 参数...
Java字符串中${}或者{}等占位符替换工具类 Java字符串中${}或者{}等占位符替换工具类是一个功能强大且实用的工具类,它可以将Java字符串中的占位符依次替换为指定的值。该工具类的主要功能是实现占位符的替换,即将...
下面是一个简单的Python脚本示例,展示如何实现批量替换字符串的功能: ```python import os def replace_string_in_files(directory, file_extension, old_string, new_string): for root, dirs, files in os....
// 替换字符串 writer.write(replacedLine); writer.newLine(); // 添加换行符 } writer.close(); reader.close(); } else if (source.isDirectory()) { // 如果是目录 File[] files = source.listFiles(); ...
替换字符串通常涉及到`str.replace()`方法,它会将字符串中的某个子串替换为另一个字符串。在Python中,`str.replace(old, new[, count])`接受三个参数,old是要被替换的子串,new是替换后的字符串,count是可选的,...
本文主要探讨如何使用数组依次替换字符串中的匹配项,这在处理多个相似替换需求时非常有用。 首先,我们看一个例子,假设有一个SQL查询,其中包含需要替换的日期占位符: ```sql select * from table where ctime ...
一个简单的实现可能是遍历字符串,检查每个字符是否与目标字符匹配,如果匹配则替换并继续查找。 3. **字符串比较(strcmp or custom function)**: `strcmp`函数用于比较两个字符串,返回值告诉我们它们是否相等...
`Replace()` 函数则用于替换字符串中的特定子串,它接受四个参数:原始字符串、要查找的子串、替换的新字符串以及可选的替换范围。 一个简单的查找和替换功能的代码可能如下: ```vb Private Sub Command1_Click()...
- `SubstringCount` 函数接收两个字符串参数 `str` 和 `substring`。 - 如果任一参数为空或为 `null`,则返回 0。 - 使用 `Contains` 方法检查 `substring` 是否存在于 `str` 中。 2. **计算子字符串出现次数**...
如果需要在文本输入中实时替换字符串,可以考虑读取标准输入,使用`fgets()`函数获取用户输入,然后调用`str_replace()`处理。 总结来说,C语言实现的字符串替换函数在Linux环境下提供了对文本字符串的便捷操作。...
本篇文章将深入探讨如何使用正则表达式来替换字符串中的内容。 首先,我们来看一个基本的替换示例。在JavaScript中,我们可以使用`String.prototype.replace()`方法来替换字符串中的特定部分。这个方法接受两个参数...