code | Cause |
-1 | Reading the setting file "vfreport.properties.ja" was failed. |
-3 | Initializing priter driver class was failed. |
-21 | Undefined filed name on XML layout file is used. Output data is ignored. |
-22 | The number of rows exceed the maximum on repeat item of layout file. |
-23 | Data was output on fields, though layout file hasn't been read. |
-30 | The layout file is not found. |
-31 | The image file defined on the layout file cannot be opened. |
-32 | Reading the printer setting file was failed. |
-33 | Making a temporary file was failed. |
-34 | Writing setting values on layout file was failed. |
-35 | No printed. Data for printing is not found. |
-37 | The layout file is incompatible. |
-40 | Parameters of called functions have errors. |
-62 | Both attribute expressions and attribute modifications are detected. |
-63 | Compiling errors of output conditions. |
-64 | Executing errors of output conditions. |
-65 | Internal error has occured on controling attribute expressions. |
-66 | Compiling errors of attribute expressions. |
-67 | Executing errors of attribute expressions. |
-81 | Making stack files was failed. |
-102 | Writing spooler was failed. |
-120 | The column name is not found on layout file. |
-122 | Modifing attribute was failed. |
-131 | The layout file has some records, though subform is not defined. |
-132 | The record does not exist. |
-133 | The subform is too small to output all records. |
-150 | Generating document data was failed on spooling RDE. |
-153 | Could not connect RDE by "RDSpool" printer. |
-155 | An error has ocurred on spooling RDE. |
-501 | The number of rows exceed the maximum on repeat item of layout file. |
-505 | The filed name is not found. |
-530 |
Creating sort objects was failed, because temporary file cannot be created, or the layout file has no fields. |
-531 | Creating sort objects was failed, because temporary file cannot be created. |
-532 | Creating sort records was failed, because temporary directory does not have enough disc space. |
-550 | DB connection error was occured on executing query file. |
-551 | The layout file is not found on executing query file. |
-552 | The query file is not found. |
-554 | The query file returns no data. (no data found on the query.) |
-555 | Fields on query file and fields on layout file don't match at all. |
-4971 | An expected error has occured on JavaVM. |
-7474 | Unsupported functions are called. |
-554 根据查询条件,查询无数据或者根本数据库断开连接了,检查一下数据有无和连接问题。
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