These gooey, layered bars topped with a little bit of everything are a nostalgic favorite for me. I’m sure we’ve all baked or at pola white shot least eaten a version of these at some time. The traditional version goes by many names – Magic Bars, Hello Dollys, Double Delicious Cookie Bars. 7-Layer Bars.
I like the name Build-a-Bars because that’s exactly what you do. You build these bars from a variety of ingredients. The premise is simple. There’s a cookie crust, a whole slew of toppings,pola white shot and usually a filling that consists solely of condensed milk. I’ve made many, many versions of those. They’re a wonderful go-to recipe when you need a quick dessert.
This version is a bit different, in that it foregoes the condensed milk for a cream-cheese based filling. And, we all know how I love cream cheese. This filling is decidedly less sweet than the condensed milk route. At Quinn’s urging, I decided to add a bit of peanut butter to the filling for a little extra flavor. That is completely optional, but I really liked that added hint of peanut butter.
Build-a-Bars | Bake or Break
I fished around in my baking pantry for a winning combination of ingredients for the filling. I used chocolate chips, peanuts, pretzels, Rice Krispies, and peanut butter chips. I also raided our Halloween candy stash and added some M&Ms. After all, October pola white shot is the one month I feel totally justified in baking with candy.
While these bars are similar to the traditional version, the difference in the filling really comes through. It’s less sweet and a little tart. With so much going on in the filling and that topping, these little bars are very gooey and messy. And completely delicious.
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- 来自: 深圳
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### Microsoft C++ Build Tools #### 知识点详解 ##### 1. Microsoft C++ Build Tools 概述 Microsoft C++ Build Tools 是一套免费且独立的工具集,它为开发人员提供了构建原生 C++ 项目的功能。这些工具基于 ...