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Monash University, Faculty of Information Technology
FIT1004 (Data Management) Assignment 2
2nd Semester 2014
Cities Data Model
We will now proceed to develop a database model to maintain city data. The database model
must satisfy the requirements stated in the following description. Where the data type of an
attribute is not specified, you may make assumptions about the type and size.
For each city, you might have recorded the city’s name, latitude, longitude, elevation in metres,
GMT standard time zone, land area in square kms (km2), population count and a number of
cultural features. We wish to include the source and census date for your population figure
You should also have recorded the country in which the city is located and the region of that
Countries are identified by the ISO3166-1 2-character country codes. We wish to record this
code and the name of the country, its land area in square kms, the currency used by the country
and the capital city of the country. Currency codes (ISO4217 Currency Char 3 code) are
generally based on the ISO3166-1 country codes with an extra character added - e.g., for South
Africa the ISO3166-1 code is ZA, the currency code for the rand is ZAR. Some codes are
based on larger zones, which share a currency. As an example of this, the currency in France
(FR) - a member of the Euro zone - is the Euro (EUR). For this model, we need only the
currency code of the country - the actual currency name is not required.
Regions, for our purposes, will be taken to describe primary sub-divisions of a country (state,
province, county, etc). Worldwide regions are coded using ISO3166-2 - and these codes
consist of the ISO3166-1 2-character country codes, a hyphen separator, followed by up to 3
characters. For example, Victoria (the Australian state of Victoria) has an ISO3166-2 code of
AU-VIC. For each region, we also wish to record the ISO3166-2 region name.
Each country might have several spoken languages. We will code languages using the
ISO639-1 language codes - for example, in Malaysia the spoken languages include Malay
(MS), English (EN) and Chinese (ZH). For each country we wish to record the principal
languages spoken in the country and which language/s is the official language/s of the country.
Finer language specification is available via ISO639-2 - however, for this task, ISO639-1 will
suffice. For any given language code, we need to be able to output both the code and its full
language name.
There are a number of internet locations where you can lookup ISO codes.
For each city, you might have recorded several cultural features, or tourist attractions. For each
attraction, you might have recorded the name, address, phone (if one was available) and a 200 (max) character description. You also recorded a type using the coding: MU=Museum,
BG=Botanical Gardens, HS=Historical Site. For the database model, we wish to extend this so
that "extra" categories can be added.
As well as recording the above data, your model must also record details of airline flights,
which fly between cities. Airlines are identified by a 2 character IATA code
( and have an airline name. Each
airline arranges a series of routes, which fly between cities. Routes are identified, within the
airline, by using the airline IATA code and assigning a route number. For example, Qantas
has an IATA code of QF, a typical Qantas route could be QF431. A route may have several
legs in which a flight lands and departs in the passage between its route origin and route
destination. For this design task we are not interested in, and will not record, leg details. Your
model is required to record the route origin (departure) city and route destination (arrival) city.
Each route is flown multiple times, sometimes on the same day, as a flight.
A display reporting the status of flights has the general form:
Qantas (QF) Flight Status Report
Report Date/Time: 19:00 21/08/2011
Flight No From To Scheduled Status Actual Status
QF431 Sydney, Melbourne, Departure: 12:00 14/08/2014 Departure: 12:34 14/08/2014
Australia Australia Arrival: 13:35 14/08/2014 Arrival: 14:03 14/08/2014
QF2809 Singapore, Jakarta, Departure: 18:50 21/08/2014 Departure: 18:55 21/08/2014
Singapore Indonesia Arrival: 19:30 21/08/2014 Arrival:
QF431 Sydney, Melbourne, Departure: 12:00 22/09/2014 Departure:
Australia Australia Arrival: 13:35 22/09/2014 Arrival:
QF10 London, Melbourne, Departure: 21:30 22/09/2014 Departure:
UK Australia Arrival: 06:00 24/09/2014 Arrival:
The flight data represented in this report (scheduled vs actual) should be included in your
database model.
In preparing your database model, you should keep in mind that we will be implementing this
model in Oracle, where the DATE data type includes both date and time.
The Tasks
This assignment is an individual task.
1. From the data in this case study prepare a preliminary conceptual model
(Entity-Relationship Diagram, ERD). This ERD must show all entities, primary keys (non
primary key attributes are not required) and all relationships. The full connectivity and
cardinality must be shown for each relationship. This diagram is better to be drawn with any
suitable computer software. [ 2A : hurdle; 2B : 25 marks]
2. To help inform your design, based on your conceptual model from task 1, normalise the
data shown in Flight Status Report above. Your submitted normalisation must show all stages -
i.e., UNF (0NF) to 1NF to 2NF to 3NF. As part of this normalisation, at each stage, you are
required to show all functional dependencies (see Fig 6.3 - 6.5 Coronel and Morris 11th
Edition or Fig 6.3 - 6.5 Coronel, Morris and Rob 9th Edition or Fig 5.3 - 5.5 Rob and Coronel 8th Edition, or the relevant lecture OHS). [15 marks]
3. From your task 1 and 2 answers prepare a logical model - this diagram must include all
attributes, with primary and foreign keys noted. All entities must be in at least 3NF – you
should check that your entities are in at least 3NF, however this check, is not required to be
submitted as part of your assignment submission. All relationships must be shown including
update and delete rules being correctly assigned for each relationship. In preparing your logical
model you are required to use Power*Architect (or Visio). [50 marks]
4. From your task 3 logical model, create an Oracle schema file named ass2-schema.sql
which implements your full design including any check constraints. You must run this schema
file against your Oracle database account to ensure it runs correctly and creates the required
database structure. The script output from this run of your schema file must be included as part
of your submission in a file called <authcatename_studentId>_ass2-schema-run.txt (where the
authcatename is your name and studentId is your student Id.). To obtain full script output add the
set echo on
before your first SQL command in your schema file. Run your script using the Run Script (F5)
button in SQL Developer. [10 marks]
You are free to make any assumptions necessary, however, any assumptions you make must be
specified and justified in your documentation. You do not need to provide a written justification
for attribute data type/size assumptions (if necessary your marker may require you to justify
these data type/size assumptions during your week 10 lab/tute discussion/presentation).
The assessment will consist of:
• 100 marks based on the criteria above, PLUS
• be available during lab/tute time for an informal interview with your tutor - both for
assignment 2A (hurdle) [during your week 10 lab/tute] and assignment 2B. You must make sure
that your tutor approves on your assignment-2A (during lab/consultation session by ticking your
name) after you submit it.
FIT1004 Assignment 2 - Submission Guidelines
Please READ these instructions carefully, there are potentially several items which you
will need to submit.
Due Date:
Late Penalty:
Assignment 2 is worth 20%.
More specifically, assignment 2A is a hurdle to assignment 2B, and assignment 2B is worth
Deadline for assignment 2A (hurdle) : Mon 6/Oct/2014 1pm before the discussion in your
lab/tute session that week (week 10). You can submit earlier (e.g., in week 9) to get feedback in
your lab/tute. For students not in Australia, confirm the deadline at your local campus.
Deadline for assignment 2B: Mon 20/Oct/2014 11:55p.m. Melbourne time (see or (if not in Australia) as agreed at your
local campus.
Any submission after the due date will receive a deduction of between 2.5 and 5 marks per
day, this includes weekends.
An extension will only be considered with supporting documentation from a health
professional or police statement, etc. If an extension is granted the extension will then equal
the number of days specified on the doctor's certificate, with a maximum limit of one week.
Submission mode:
This assignment requires an electronic submission. Each student must submit the following:
A softcopy (electronic) submission
This submission must be contained in a single zip archive (zip file) with the filename
"<authcatename_studentId>" (e.g.,, where the authcate
name is your name and studentId is your student Id. The archive must have the following
Assignment 2A - (due no later than start of week 10, submit through Moodle)
1. A MS-Word or pdf document representing your full submission requirements from Task1
(your preliminary conceptual ERD ) and
Assignment 2B (due at start of week 12, submit through Moodle and (point #3) Turnitin)
1. Your MS-Word or pdf document representing your full submission requirements from
Task1 (your final conceptual ERD) followed by all your normalisation steps/work from task2.
2. Your final source Power*Architect ERD file (the .architect file) from task 3, and
3. A script file (filename: "<authcatename_studentId>_ass2-schema.sql) containing the DROP
TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements and all constraints needed to create your tables in
Oracle. Note that the <authcatename_studentId>_ass2-schema.sql script must ALSO be
uploaded to turnitin in text format .txt
4. The script output (filename: "<authcatename_studentId>_ass2-schema-run.txt) from a run of
this ("<authcatename_studentId>_ass2-schema.sql) file against Oracle. The script file must be
able to be executed in SQLDeveloper.
The submissions must be made by the above mentioned deadlines. Make sure to click on
“Send for marking” to post your assignment submission. Once done, no more changes can
be applied.
Failure to submit all versions will result in at least a 10 mark grade penalty.
South Africa and Malaysia based students should confirm these requirements
with the local campus lecturer.
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