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.NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5

.NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5

An easy-to-follow guide for .NET Architects
building applications with Design Patterns

What do I get with the .NET Pattern FrameworkTM?
The .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5 is actually 10 products in one -- each filled with .NET code and information you will not find anywhere else -- and each working together, ready to give your apps, your projects, and your career a boost. They are:

69 Comprehensive .NET 4.5 GoF Design Pattern Projects
23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format
3-Tier / N-Tier Pattern and Practices based Architectures
Reference Application:  ASP.NET MVC Patterns
Reference Application:  ASP.NET Web Forms Patterns
Reference Application:  Windows Forms Patterns
Reference Application:  WPF Patterns
NEW  Art Shop -- A fully functional, real-world e-commerce Web App
NEW  SparkTM -- A rapid application development (RAD) platform & more...
Printable PDF documents for all Projects & Patterns

Our most recent release, Design Pattern Framework 4.5, has been enhanced with the latest insights into building apps using modern architectures, patterns, and best practices. These include MVC 4, SimpleMembership, OAuth with Facebook, REST, Active Record Pattern, CQRS Pattern, Repository and Unit-of-Work Patterns, and more.

We're particularly excited about the addition of our new SparkTM technology. Spark is a RAD (rapid application development) platform that helps you deliver .NET applications faster and better than ever before. Continue reading to learn more.

Let's review each of the 10 products in more detail.


    .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5[C# Edition].zip

    The .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5 is actually 10 products in one -- each filled with .NET code and information you will not find anywhere else -- and each working together, ready to give your apps...


    "Design*Pattern*Framework*4.5" 可能指的是一个基于 .NET Framework 4.5 的设计模式实现或教程集合。 设计模式是经验丰富的软件开发者的智慧结晶,它们被分为三类:创建型、结构型和行为型。创建型模式涉及对象的...

    .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5.zip

    69 Comprehensive .NET 4.5 GoF Design Pattern Projects 23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format 3-Tier / N-Tier Pattern and Practices based Architectures Reference Application: ASP.NET MVC Patterns ...

    Professional ASP.NET Design Pattern 源代码

    《Professional ASP.NET Design Pattern》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET开发中设计模式的专业书籍,源代码的提供使得读者能够更直观地理解和应用这些设计模式。源代码的分章节组织(如c07到c14)表明内容可能按照书中的章节...

    [ASP.NET] ASP.NET 4.5 入门经典 (C# & VB 语言实现) (英文版)

    Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB uses Spaanjaars's distinct writing style to put you at ease with learning ASP.NET 4.5. ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Imar Spaanjaars [出版机构] Wrox [出版日期] 2012...

    ASP.NET 4.5入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第7版) 源码

    这是第六版的介绍《ASP.NET 4入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第6版)》内容简介:ASP.NET是.NET Framework的一部分,用于构建内容丰富的动态Web站点。其最新的版本ASP.NET 4对上一版进行了许多改进,包括增强了Web窗体,并...

    Design Pattern Framework 4.0(C#)

    《Design Pattern Framework 4.0(C#)》是一个针对.NET程序员深度学习设计模式的宝贵资源,特别适合希望提升自己编程技能的开发者。这个框架涵盖了多种设计模式,并且提供了4.0版本的源码和详细解释的PDF文档,使得...

    Design Pattern Framework 4.0 CS

    Design Pattern Framework 4.0 CS

    .NET Design Patterns [Kindle Edition]

    Dive into the powerful fundamentals of .NET framework for software development The code is explained piece by piece and the application of the pattern is also showcased. This fast-paced guide shows ...

    ASP.NET设计模式 [Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns]

    ☆ 说明如下:☆ [Wrox] ASP.NET设计模式 [Wrox] Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns [Wrox] Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns Source Code

    Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns

    Read about each design pattern in detail, including how to interpret the UML design, how to implement it in ASP.NET, its importance for ASP.NET development, and how it’s integrated into the final ...

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    Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns .pdf

    《Professional ASP.NET Design Patterns》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET开发中设计模式的专业书籍。设计模式是软件工程中的宝贵经验总结,是解决常见问题的有效模板。在ASP.NET开发中,理解并运用设计模式能提升代码质量、...

    .NET Framework Design Guidelines

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