On-the wire level errors should be eliminated by the Ethernet and TCP checksums. It is possible that corrupted Ethernet frame / IP packet could slip now and then up to the higher levels of the networking stack, but it really isn't very probable and definitely shouldn't lead to a repeatable issue. Therefore I see two main possibilities:
1) There's somebody fooling with your transmission, modifying in-transit data so that the Ethernet/IP checksums match, but encryption layer sees rubbish, or
2) More probably, you have some hardware error, most probably CPU or RAM, that damages data after it has been taken off-the-wire. Again, ECC RAM should reduce probability of this happening, but overheating / dying CPU can play hell with data.
I don't know if TCP Offload Engine with a mis-behaving NIC/driver could produce such errors, but that line of thought could explain (changed driver?) the correlation of problems with the update.
tcp checksum offload:
PageTop[server.users]: <H1>Current Users Sessions MaxBytes[server.users]: 10000 ShortLegend[server.users]: Sessions YLegend[server.users]: Current Users Sessions Legend1[server.users]: Users Sessions ...
Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions Section 6.9. Watching for Changes in Session Attributes Section 6.10. Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders Section 6.11. Identifying Servlet Request ...
Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions Section 6.9. Watching for Changes in Session Attributes Section 6.10. Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders Section 6.11. Identifying Servlet Request ...
PageTop[server.users]: <H1>Current Users Sessions MaxBytes[server.users]: 10000 ShortLegend[server.users]: Sessions YLegend[server.users]: Current Users Sessions Legend1[server.users]: Users Sessions ...
PageTop[server.users]: <H1>Current Users Sessions MaxBytes[server.users]: 10000 ShortLegend[server.users]: Sessions YLegend[server.users]: Current Users Sessions Legend1[server.users]: Users Sessions ...
PageTop[server.users]: <H1>Current Users Sessions MaxBytes[server.users]: 10000 ShortLegend[server.users]: Sessions YLegend[server.users]: Current Users Sessions Legend1[server.users]: Users Sessions ...
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associated with a Media Driver send and receive buffer. The length of a Term must be a factor of two and must be the same length on both ends.Term ID: A unique identifier for a Term within a ...
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SMTP server will relay the message on to the SMTP server of the recipient(s) to eventually be acquired by the user(s) through POP or IMAP. This does not require your SMTP server to be an open relay,...
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资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:p2.ui.sessions-0.5.13-py3-none-any.whl 资源来源:官方 安装方法: