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grails +zkoss -
grails +zkoss -
用的csc365kl 写道请问你的控制层是怎么处理的 是用的g ...
grails +zkoss -
请问你的控制层是怎么处理的 是用的grails的 还是 zk的 ...
grails +zkoss
domain.groovy 模板
import java.lang.reflect.Method import com.pansoft.extjs.DbunitDatabaseTemplateGenerator import java.sql.Connection import java.sql.DriverManager /* * Copyright 2004-2005 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Gant script that handles the creation of domain classes from an existing database * * @author dellsoft * * @since 1.0 */ grailsAppName = "" Ant.property(environment: "env") grailsHome = Ant.antProject.properties."env.GRAILS_HOME" includeTargets << new File("${grailsHome}/scripts/Compile.groovy") //pluginHome = new File("./plugins").listFiles().find { // it.name.startsWith('dbmapper-') //} target('default': "Generates code for all the domain classes in the database") { depends(promptForTableName,generateDomainClasses) } target(promptForTableName: "指定表名----") { if (!args) { Ant.input(addProperty: "artifact.name", message: "请输入表名:\nALL --代表所有") args = Ant.antProject.properties."artifact.name" } } target('generateDomainClasses': "Generate for all all the domain classes in the database") { profile("compiling config") { compile() } profile("creating config object") { ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() classLoader = new URLClassLoader([classesDir.toURL()] as URL[], contextLoader) def configSlurper = new ConfigSlurper(grailsEnv) def configFile = new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy") if (configFile.exists()) { try { config = configSlurper.parse(classLoader.loadClass("Config")) config.setConfigFile(configFile.toURL()) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() event("StatusFinal", ["Failed to compile configuration file ${configFile}: ${e.message}"]) exit(1) } } def dataSourceFile = new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy") if (dataSourceFile.exists()) { try { def dataSourceConfig = configSlurper.parse(classLoader.loadClass("DataSource")) config.merge(dataSourceConfig) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() event("StatusFinal", ["Failed to compile data source file $dataSourceFile: ${e.message}"]) exit(1) } } classLoader = contextLoader; } profile("generate the classes") { def username = config.dataSource.username def password = config.dataSource.password def databaseUrl = config.dataSource.url def driver = config.dataSource.driverClassName def sqlType def tableName = args if (driver.indexOf("sybase", 1) > 0) { sqlType = "sybase" } else if (driver.indexOf("mysql", 1) > 0) { sqlType = "mysql" } else if (driver.indexOf("oracle", 1) > 0) { sqlType = "oracle" } else if (driver.indexOf("hsql", 1) > 0) { sqlType = "hsql" } try { Class.forName(driver) Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl, username, password) connection.setAutoCommit true def generator = new DbunitDatabaseTemplateGenerator() println("tableName="+Arrays.asList(tableName).toString()) println("tableName="+tableName) generator.generateDomainClasses(connection,sqlType,'','.',Arrays.asList(tableName)) println("sqlType="+sqlType) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() event("StatusFinal", ["Failed to generate domain classes: ${e.message}"]) exit(1) } println("Successfully generated domain classes") } }
package com.pansoft.extjs import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsDomainClass import groovy.text.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.springframework.core.io.* import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsDomainClass; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.GrailsTemplateGenerator; import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsClassUtils as GCU import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder import java.sql.Connection import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection import org.dbunit.ext.mssql.MsSqlConnection import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet import org.dbunit.ext.mysql.MySqlConnection import org.dbunit.ext.oracle.OracleConnection import org.dbunit.ext.hsqldb.HsqldbConnection import org.dbunit.dataset.ITableMetaData import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.dataset.datatype.* import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData import java.sql.ResultSet; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: dellsoft * Date: 2008-5-21 * Time: 10:18:13 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ class DbunitDatabaseTemplateGenerator extends DefaultGrailsTemplateGenerator { static final Log Dbunitlog = LogFactory.getLog(DbunitDatabaseTemplateGenerator.class); public IDatabaseConnection conn public IDataSet dataSet // public String[] tables def tables = [] public DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData def indexColumns = [] public ResultSet resultSet // 定义对应的数据类型 def dataType = {column -> // def column = property // def cp = domainClass.constrainedProperties[property.name] if (!renderEditorTemplate) { // create template once for performance def templateText = getTemplateText("dataType.template") renderEditorTemplate = engine.createTemplate(templateText) Dbunitlog.info("templateText=" + templateText) } def binding = [column: column] Dbunitlog.info("binding=" + binding) return renderEditorTemplate.make(binding).toString() } // public DbunitDatabaseTemplateGenerator(Connection con,String sqlType) { // // // // } // get the tables from the dataset public void generateDomainClasses(Connection conn, String sqlType, String pkg, String destDir, List tableName) { switch (sqlType) { case 'sybase': this.conn = new MsSqlConnection(conn, null) break case 'mysql': this.conn = new MySqlConnection(conn, null) break case 'oracle': this.conn = new OracleConnection(conn, null) break case 'hsql': this.conn = new HsqldbConnection(conn, null) break } dataSet = this.conn.createDataSet() tables = Arrays.asList(dataSet.getTableNames()) def tableTmp = [] if (tableName.size() > 0) { tableName.each { tableTmp << it.toLowerCase() } } if (tableTmp.contains("all")) { } else { def tmp = [] tmp = tables.findAll { tableTmp.contains(it.toLowerCase()) }.asList() tables = tmp } databaseMetaData = this.conn.getConnection().getMetaData() tables.each { indexColumns.clear() resultSet = databaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(null, this.conn.schema, it, true, false) // resultSet = databaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier(null, this.conn.schema, it, DatabaseMetaData.bestRowSession, true) while (resultSet.next()) { // indexColumns['table'] = resultSet.getString(3) // indexColumns['unique'] = resultSet.getString(6) // indexColumns['type'] = resultSet.getString(7) if (resultSet.getString(9) != 'null' && !resultSet.getString(9).is(null)) { indexColumns << resultSet.getString(9) } } generateDomain(dataSet.getTableMetaData(it), pkg, destDir) } this.conn.close() } // generate domains from the tables public void generateDomain(ITableMetaData tableMetaData, String pkg, String destdir) { if (!destdir) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument [destdir] not specified") if (tableMetaData.tableName) { Dbunitlog.info("Domain generated at ${tableMetaData.tableName}") System.out.println("tableName=" + tableMetaData.tableName) // def fullName = domainClass.fullName // def pkg = "" // def pos = fullName.lastIndexOf('.') // if (pos != -1) { // // Package name with trailing '.' // pkg = fullName[0..pos] // } def destFile = new File("${destdir}/grails-app/domain/${tableMetaData.tableName[0] + tableMetaData.tableName[1..-1].toLowerCase()}.groovy") if (canWrite(destFile)) { destFile.parentFile.mkdirs() destFile.withWriter {w -> generateDomain(tableMetaData, w) } Dbunitlog.info("Domain generated at ${destFile}") } } } public void generateDomain(ITableMetaData tableMetaData, Writer out) { def templateText = getTemplateText("Domain.groovy") def binding = [ tableName: tableMetaData.tableName[0] + tableMetaData.tableName[1..-1].toLowerCase(), columns: tableMetaData.columns, primaryKeys: tableMetaData.primaryKeys, indexColumns: indexColumns, dataType: dataType, comparator: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.scaffolding.DomainClassPropertyComparator.class] def t = engine.createTemplate(templateText) t.make(binding).writeTo(out) } private canWrite(testFile) { if (!overwrite && testFile.exists()) { try { ant.input(message: "File ${testFile} already exists. Overwrite?", "y,n,a", addproperty: "overwrite.${testFile.name}") overwrite = (ant.antProject.properties."overwrite.${testFile.name}" == "a") ? true : overwrite return overwrite || ((ant.antProject.properties."overwrite.${testFile.name}" == "y") ? true : false) } catch (Exception e) { // failure to read from standard in means we're probably running from an automation tool like a build server return true } } return true } private getTemplateText(String template) { def application = ApplicationHolder.getApplication() // first check for presence of template in application if (resourceLoader && application?.warDeployed) { return resourceLoader.getResource("/WEB-INF/templates/scaffolding/${template}").inputStream.text } else { def templateFile = "${basedir}/src/templates/scaffolding/${template}" if (!new File(templateFile).exists()) { // template not found in application, use default template def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.property(environment: "env") def grailsHome = ant.antProject.properties."env.GRAILS_HOME" templateFile = "${grailsHome}/src/grails/templates/scaffolding/${template}" } return new File(templateFile).getText() } } }
domain.groovy 模板
<% import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.support.ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor as Events %> <% import org.dbunit.dataset.datatype.* %> class ${tableName} { <% def excludedColumns = ['id', 'version'] //out put the column String omitPrefix = "F_" def outColumns = [] def primaryFields = [] def mappingFields = [:] def constraintsFields = [:] def idColumn = ["F_ID"] def isUseIdColumn = true def isUseVersionColumn = true outColumns = columns.findAll {!excludedColumns.contains(it.columnName)} outColumns.each {p -> def outName outName = getOmitPrefixColumn(p.columnName,omitPrefix) mappingFields[outName] = p.columnName constraintsFields[outName] = p.nullable %> ${dataType(p)} ${outName} <% } primaryKeys.each {p -> primaryFields << getOmitPrefixColumn(p.columnName,omitPrefix) } if (primaryFields.isEmpty()) { primaryFields = indexColumns } public String getOmitPrefixColumn(String orignalColumn,String omitPrefixString) { String omitPrefixColumn if (orignalColumn.contains(omitPrefixString)){ omitPrefixColumn = orignalColumn[omitPrefixString.length()..-1].toLowerCase() }else { omitPrefixColumn = orignalColumn.toLowerCase() } return omitPrefixColumn } if (isUseIdColumn) { primaryFields = idColumn } %> static mapping = { // table '${tableName}' <% if ( !isUseVersionColumn ){ %> version false <% } %> // id composite: ['${primaryFields.join(', ')}'] <% mappingFields.each {key,value -> %> ${key} column: '${value}' <% } %> } static constraints = { <% constraintsFields.each {column -> if ("${column.value}" == "noNulls") { %> ${column.key} (nullable: false) <% } } %> } }
6 楼
你好,看完试了一下,我把Domain.groovy文件放到工程的src/java目录下了,把另两个文件放到%grails_home%\script下,然后在工程的要目录执行grails generate-database,提示输入表名:
Welcome to Grails 1.0.4 - http://grails.org/ Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0 Grails home is set to: D:\grails-1.0.4 Base Directory: E:\workspace\AutoGenerateDomainByDB Note: No plugin scripts found Running script D:\grails-1.0.4\scripts\GenerateDataabase.groovy Environment set to development 请输入表名: ALL --代表所有 account@dl_idmanage [groovyc] Compiling 9 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.grails\1.0.4\projects\AutoGenerateDomainBy DB\classes Compilation error: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed, E:\workspace\AutoGenerat eDomainByDB\src\java\Domain.groovy: 1: unexpected token: < @ line 1, column 1. <% import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.support.ClosureEventTriggeringInterceptor as Events %> ^ 1 error
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3 楼
:lol: Great! Groovy发展最需要这样的创新大师
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1 楼
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grails 1.1 Gorm 部分新特性提前知道
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1. **自动化配置和约定优于配置**:Grails 提供了许多默认配置,例如数据库连接、URL映射等,开发者只需按照约定编写代码即可,减少了配置工作。 2. **GORM(Grails Object Relational Mapping)**: GORM 是Grails...
Grails支持多语言环境,通过`messages.properties` 文件实现国际化,可以根据用户浏览器设置自动选择对应的语言版本。 总结来说,《Grails用户手册》涵盖了从项目创建到部署运行的全过程,包括Grails的基础概念、...
Grails的自动化工具如GORM(Grails Object-Relational Mapping)将帮助快速生成数据库操作的代码。 通过本教程,读者将掌握Grails的基本开发技术,包括Groovy语言基础、MVC模式的理解以及Grails框架的核心组件使用...
- Groovy语言:Grails是基于Groovy语言的,Groovy是一种动态类型的Java平台上的编程语言,它与Java语法兼容,但提供了更简洁的语法和更高的生产力。 - MVC架构:Grails遵循Model-View-Controller(MVC)设计模式,...
此外,还可以配置自动数据库移植功能,它会在应用启动时根据域类(domain class)结构自动创建数据库表。 Grails的命令行工具非常强大,它支持创建Gant脚本来自动化重复的构建任务。用户可以创建可复用的Grails脚本...
此外,了解 Grails 的领域类(Domain Class)是如何映射到数据库的。 3. **GORM 数据库访问**:Grails 的 GORM(Grailed Object Relational Mapping)提供了一个简单易用的 ORM 解决方案,用于与数据库交互。通过...
3. 创建项目:使用`grails create-app`命令创建新项目,Grails会自动生成项目的目录结构和基础文件。 三、Grails开发实践 1. GORM:Grails的ORM框架,支持关系型数据库如MySQL、PostgreSQL,也支持NoSQL数据库如...
Grails的脚手架基于GORM(Grails Object Relational Mapping)和Groovy模板引擎,通过解析Domain Class自动构建出Controller、View以及相应的模板文件。在运行时,这些文件负责处理数据的增删改查操作。了解这一工作...
GORM 是 Grails 的内置 ORM 框架,它允许开发者使用 Domain Class 来定义数据模型,并自动提供数据库操作。GORM 支持 Hibernate 和 ActiveJDBC,使得数据库操作更加简单。 **Controllers** Controllers 在 Grails ...
在Grails框架中,域模型(Domain Classes)是用于表示业务实体的对象,它们通常映射到数据库中的表。通过GORM(Grails Object Relational Mapping),Grails提供了自动的ORM支持,使得开发者无需编写复杂的SQL语句...
”应用,体验Grails的快速开发流程,理解Grails脚手架和自动代码生成。 4. **Grails MVC**:深入理解Model-View-Controller架构,包括Domain Classes(模型)、Controllers(控制器)和Views(视图)的使用。 5. *...
- **Domain Classes**:Grails中的领域类定义了数据库表结构,通过GORM自动创建表和字段。 - **Relationships**:支持一对一、一对多、多对多等关系映射,例如belongsTo、hasMany、hasOne等。 - **Criteria API**...
Grails遵循一套默认的规约,比如数据库连接、目录结构等,这减少了大量手动配置的需求。然而,当需要自定义时,可以通过`Config.groovy`配置文件进行修改。 5. **运行与测试** - **运行Grails应用**:使用`grails...
- **定义Domain Model**:通过`grails create-domain-class`命令快速生成对应的领域模型类。 - **创建Controller**:使用`grails create-controller`生成控制器代码,处理HTTP请求和响应。 - **构建View**:编写GSP...
- **创建应用**:使用`grails create-app Contact`命令可快速生成名为“Contact”的应用框架,该命令自动生成了标准的项目目录结构,包括但不限于`grails-app`下的`conf`、`controller`、`domain`、`i18n`、`...
在 Grails 中,Domain 类代表数据库中的表,是 ORM(对象关系映射)的核心组件。下面通过具体示例来详细了解如何定义 Domain 类: 1. **Race 类**:表示比赛相关信息。 - **属性**: - `String name`:比赛名称。...
GORM支持多种数据库,如MySQL、PostgreSQL等,并且提供了一种简洁的Domain Class API,使得数据库操作如同操作对象一样简单。 4. **Grails Command Line Interface (CLI)**: Grails 3.3.2 包含了强大的命令行工具,...
Scaffolding是Grails为了简化开发流程而提供的特性,它根据数据库中的Domain Class自动创建Controller、View以及相应的GSP页面。这些生成的代码能够帮助开发者快速实现对数据的基本操作,如显示列表、创建新记录、...
Grails 是一个基于 Groovy 语言的开源全栈式Web应用框架,它简化了Java开发流程,提供了丰富的功能集和高效的生产力。Grails 1.3.0.RC2(Release Candidate 2)是该框架的一个重要版本,代表了1.3.0系列的候选发布版...
- Grails的GORM(Grails Object Relational Mapping)框架会自动创建与Domain类对应的数据库表。运行`grails dbm-gorm-diff`命令生成数据库更改脚本,然后用`grails dbm-update`或`dbm-changelog-sync`命令将这些...