Fork and Exec Using on JAVA
Recently I am reading the codes which write by my others. I think it will cause us problem in the future. It is like a small bomb on our server.
The system is using scala codes as follow to execute shell script
Logger.debug(String.format("Executing script: %s %s %s", "/bin/sh", shellScript, date))
val process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(Array("/bin/sh", shellScript, date))
Logger.debug("Script execution finished, process output.")
val buf = new StringBuffer
val infos = Source.fromInputStream(process.getInputStream())(Codec.UTF8).getLines
val errors = Source.fromInputStream(process.getErrorStream())(Codec.UTF8).getLines
if (!infos.isEmpty) {
infos.foreach(buf.append(" ").append(_).append("<br/>"))
if (!errors.isEmpty) {
errors.foreach(buf.append(" ").append(_).append("<br/>"))
Then it will call, I am reading the codes from oracle jdk1.7 from my understanding.
public Process exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)
throws IOException {
return new ProcessBuilder(cmdarray)
It will call the method
return ProcessImpl.start(cmdarray,
Open the file
return new UNIXProcess
argBlock, args.length,
envBlock, envc[0],
Then Open the file is, it is the native codes.
private native int forkAndExec(int mode, byte[] helperpath,
byte[] prog,
byte[] argBlock, int argc,
byte[] envBlock, int envc,
byte[] dir,
int[] fds,
boolean redirectErrorStream)
throws IOException;
Then I check the man book on linux system from here
From the document, it is saying that
Under Linux, fork() is implemented using copy-on-write pages, so the only penalty that it incurs is the time and memory required to duplicate the parent's page tables, and to create a unique task structure for the child.
That means if the parent application is running in 4G memory, this sub process will use 4G too.
Actually our situation is worse
-Xmx6144m -Xmn2048m -XX:PermSize=192m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
How to check the free memory on my machine
free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 8008 7327 680 0 153 690 -/+ buffers/cache: 6483 1524 Swap: 0 0 0
The actually free memory will be Free(680 MB) + Buffers ( 153 MB) + cached (690 MB) = 1523 MB
On that shell script, we are using shell script only doing the curl(actually it is wget), zip (compress file), ftp related operations. So we have 2 options.
1. Do not use Shell Script
Using Open Source FTP Client
I read the source codes, it is using socket to deal with ftp protocol, there is no shell script there.
Using Open Source API to compress the file
2. Using a small operation provide restAPI to execute shell command
A standalone app with little memory.
ftp client
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### Linux下Fork与Exec使用的相关知识点 #### 一、引言 - **Fork的概念**: `fork()` 是 Unix/Linux 操作系统中最杰出的功能之一,它允许一个正在运行的进程创建一个新进程,这个新进程被称为子进程。子进程几乎是...
Unix课程作业。 使用fork(), exec(), dup2(), pipe() ,open()系统调用完成与下列shell命令等价的功能。 grep –v usr < /etc/passwd | wc –l > result.txt
本文将简要回顾Java中的并发编程基础知识,介绍java.util.concurrent包提供的高级并发原语,并深入探讨Fork/Join框架及其在Java SE 7中的应用。 首先,让我们回顾一下Java中基本的并发机制。自Java早期版本起,线程...
Fork/Join框架是Java并发库中的一部分,自Java 7开始引入,它为开发者提供了一种高效的处理大规模计算任务的方法。这个框架基于分治策略,将大任务分解成若干小任务,然后并行执行这些小任务,最后再将结果合并。...
《OnJava8-Examples-3.0_soucecode_java_》是基于Java 8的一份源代码库,它对应于《Thinking in Java 5th Edition》这本书中的示例代码。这个压缩包包含了丰富的编程示例,旨在帮助读者深入理解Java 8的新特性以及...
本文将深入探讨两个重要的函数,`fork()`和`exec()`系列函数,它们在启动新进程时起着至关重要的作用。 **一、复制进程映像:fork()函数** `fork()`函数是Unix和类Unix系统(如Linux)中用于创建新进程的关键系统...
操作系统中的进程API主要涉及到三个关键系统调用:`fork`、`wait`和`exec`。这些调用在UNIX系统中被广泛使用,是构建多进程应用程序的基础。 **过程创建在UNIX系统中(通过系统调用)** 在UNIX系统中,创建新进程...
使用fork(),exec(),dup2(), pipe(),open()系统调用完成与下列shell命令等价的功能:grep -v usr | wc -l > result.txt
在操作系统领域,Linux环境下,`fork`、`exec`和`wait`是三个非常重要的系统调用,它们在进程管理中扮演着核心角色。本文将深入解析这些函数的工作原理及其在实际应用中的重要性。 首先,`fork()`函数是创建新进程...
给 Fork me on GitHub 换个风格.zip,A fresher "Fork me on GitHub" callout.
This concise book empowers all Java developers to master the complexity of the Java thread APIs and concurrency utilities. This knowledge aids the Java developer in writing correct and complex ...
`fork()`创建的子进程通常不会立即执行新的程序,而是通过`exec()`系列函数(如`execl()`, `execv()`, `execle()`, `execvp()`等)替换其当前的进程映像来运行新的程序。 七、示例代码 下面是一个简单的`fork()`...
使用linux来fork程序 "Fork",除了它是一個當你不停地敲入后看起來非常奇怪的單詞以外,通常是指 Unix 產生新進程的方式。由于系統調用的用法將會在其他 IPC 的文檔中出現,本文只是一個快速的,不太精确的 fork() ...
在这个"Java8集合 CompletableFuture lambda表达式 新的TimeAPI 和ForkJoin Demo包"中,我们可以深入探讨以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Lambda表达式**: Lambda表达式是Java 8的一大亮点,它简化了对匿名函数的处理...
Oracle has two products that implement Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) 7: Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 7 and Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 7. JDK 7 is a superset of JRE 7, and contains ...