用途:Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings。
语法:version_compare ( string $version1 , string $version2 [, string $operator ] )
具体描述:version_compare() compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings. This is useful if you would like to write programs working only on some versions of PHP.
The function first replaces _, - and + with a dot . in the version strings and also inserts dots . before and after any non number so that for example '4.3.2RC1' becomes '4.3.2.RC.1'. Then it splits the results like if you were using explode('.', $ver). Then it compares the parts starting from left to right. If a part contains special version strings these are handled in the following order: any string not found in this list < dev < alpha = a < beta = b < RC = rc < # < pl = p. This way not only versions with different levels like '4.1' and '4.1.2' can be compared but also any PHP specific version containing development state.
If you specify the third optional operator argument, you can test for a particular relationship. The possible operators are: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne respectively.
This parameter is case-sensitive, so values should be lowercase.
By default, version_compare() returns -1 if the first version is lower than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second is lower.
When using the optional operator argument, the function will return TRUE if the relationship is the one specified by the operator, FALSE otherwise.
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0.0') >= 0) {
echo 'I am at least PHP version 6.0.0, my version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n";
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) {
echo 'I am at least PHP version 5.3.0, my version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n";
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')) {
echo 'I am using PHP 5, my version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n";
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
echo 'I am using PHP 4, my version: ' . PHP_VERSION . "\n";
最近在nagios的图表监控插件pnp安装中遇到一个错误提示:Kohana requires PHP 5.2 or newer.查看页面源码,发现如下语句:
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2', '<') and exit('Kohana requires PHP 5.2 or newer.');
strcmp(“4.1.10″, “4.1.2″); 会返回-1 错误
version_compare(“4.1.10″. “4.1.2″); 就会返回1 正确
- `version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.6') === -1` 这行代码用于检查当前 PHP 版本是否低于 5.2.6。如果是,则使用 ReflectionClass;如果不是,则使用 `get_class_methods` 函数。 2. **创建 ReflectionClass ...
Nucleus CMS是一个用于管理一个或多个blog的工具,它采用PHP开发并需要MySQL数据库支持,可以安装一个单一的博客,或整个网络的博客。Nucleus CMS 3.71 更新日志:2017-05-30 ...ADD:nucleus_version_compare函数。
PHP5.4才支持JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE这个参数,此参数是让中文字符在json_encode的时候不用转义,减少数据传输量。但在PHP5.3中,就得自己写个函数来实现,以下就是解决方法: ... if (version_compare
Nucleus是一个用于管理一个或多个blog的工具。它采用PHP4开发并需要MySQL数据库支持。Nucleus具有支持多个写作者,支持先预览 ...ADD:nucleus_version_compare函数。 Nucleus截图 相关阅读 同类推荐:站长常用源码
version_compare函数用于比较两个PHP版本号,常用于版本控制相关的条件判断。 以上内容涵盖了PHP中输出控制和信息获取相关的函数集,这些函数在开发中起到重要作用,帮助开发者更好地控制输出内容以及获取运行时...
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if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.7', '>=')) { return false; } // 如果$type不是一个接口,也不会有bug,所以直接返回false if (!interface_exists($type)) { return false; } // 使用...
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', ')) { return false; // 不允许安装 } // 检查其他环境因素 // ... return true; // 允许安装 } ?> ``` #### 插件授权协议与介绍 为了提高插件的透明度和用户...
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if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', ')) { die('require PHP > 5.3.0!'); } // 开启调试模式(建议开发阶段开启,部署阶段注释掉或设为false) define('APP_DEBUG', true); // 定义应用目录 ...
<?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '>=')) { ?> <?php // 这段代码只在PHP 7及以上版本运行 ?> echo "Using PHP 7 or newer"; <?php } else { ?> <?php // 在PHP 7以下版本运行的代码 ?> echo ...
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