Q. The loaders status says “Unsupported partition table”, why is this?
A. You’re either using GPT on a UEFI motherboard or you’ve got a locked OEM partition. Both problems can be fixed by fully formatting your entire hard drive.
The loader doesn’t work when the systems using GPT via UEFI. The workaround is to pre-format your hard drive so that it uses MBR instead.
From your BIOS select to boot the Windows DVD without UEFI, go to the repair options, select command prompt and then enter this:
list disk
select disk 0
convert mbr
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntsf quick
Boot the Windows DVD the same way you did the first time and then continue with the installation of Windows. Once complete you can install the loader.
boot the Windows DVD without UEFI意思就是引导项选legacy only
在create partition primary时记得加size指定大小,单位M。
Q. I installed the loader and my system hangs during the boot process, can I fix it?
A. Go to the advanced options and select to disable type 4 memory, install the loader again and see if that cures it. If you’re not cured try to disable type 3 memory instead. If it still fails try selecting the legacy setting.
要Go to the advanced options先修复引导才行:
bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd
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