saltstack 学习之pillar
Pillar is an interface for Salt designed to offer global values that can be distributed to all minions. Pillar data is managed in a similar way as the Salt State Tree.
##### Pillar settings #####
# Salt Pillars allow for the building of global data that can be made selectively
# available to different minions based on minion grain filtering. The Salt
# Pillar is laid out in the same fashion as the file server, with environments,
# a top file and sls files. However, pillar data does not need to be in the
# highstate format, and is generally just key/value pairs.
- /srv/salt/pillar
# - hiera: /etc/hiera.yaml
# - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/yaml
# The pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate
# errors when contacting the pillar gitfs backend. You might want to set this to
# false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but
# keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True
# is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
#pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify: True
# The pillar_opts option adds the master configuration file data to a dict in
# the pillar called "master". This is used to set simple configurations in the
# master config file that can then be used on minions.
#pillar_opts: True
pillar namespace
1.merge content from multiple pillar files,so long as conflicts are avoided(整合变量忽略冲突的)
salt '*' pillar.items 还回所有的pillar
使用方法:{{ pillar['foo'] }}
{{ salt['pillar.get']('foo', 'qux') }}
[root@vpn pillar]# cat top.sls
- packages
[root@vpn pillar]# cat packages.sls
hn: hostname
[root@vpn pillar]# cat /srv/salt/sls_config/test.sls
This is test:
- name: {{ pillar['hn']}}
[root@vpn pillar]#
BlackBerry provides a 7-Pillar recommendation to harden automobile electronics from attack. The solution is intended to make it significantly harder for an attacker to create mischief. This paper ...
- **3.2 将静态数据存储在Pillar中**(_Storing Static Data in the Pillar_): 说明了如何使用Pillar来存储配置数据。 - **3.3 目标子节点**(_Targeting Minions_): 讲解了如何选择特定的子节点执行任务。 - *...
sbt-pillar-plugin-从sbt管理Cassandra迁移 这个sbt插件允许从sbt运行Cassandra模式/数据迁移(使用)。 有关迁移文件的详细信息,请查看。 cassandra连接配置不是基于Struts的,而是我们使用自己的格式(请参阅 )...
盐栈配置文件前者:用 salt 配置一个 ubuntu 12.10... ./salt/roots/pillar - Struts数据./salt/roots/dot-configs - dot-config sls 状态./salt/roots/salt - 包 sls 状态设置递归克隆数据(包括子模块): git clone ...
在给定的压缩包文件“salt-2018.3.0.tar.gz”中,我们找到了盐栈的源码,这使得我们可以深入了解其内部工作原理,并根据需要自定义或扩展功能。 盐栈的核心组件包括: 1. **Master**: 盐主(Master)是盐栈系统中...
ipmb/salt-minion 一个简单的 Dockerfile,用于设置 salt-minion 以对 Salt 状态进行干运行测试。 这对于推送到实时服务器之前的完整性检查格式非常有用。 您可以通过docker pull ipmb/salt-minion下载映像,也可以...
例如 ln -s /srv/salt/extra/pillar/salt_hierarchy_pillar/ /srv/salt/extra/pillar/在主配置中激活Struts: ext_pillar: - hierarchy_pillar:或更改默认值: ext_pillar: - hie
盐码头工人-centos6使用 Docker ... docker run -d --name=master -h master \ -v `pwd`/srv/salt:/srv/salt:rw \ -v `pwd`/srv/pillar:/srv/pillar:rw \ -v `pwd`/srv/reactor:/srv/reactor:rw ming/salt-masterdocke
The focus of this paper is the operational excellence pillar of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework. It provides guidance to help you apply best practices in the design, delivery,...
### Salt 手册知识点概述 #### 一、安装与配置 **1.1 快速安装** 快速安装章节为用户提供了一种最简单的安装方法,帮助用户迅速上手 Salt。此部分通常包括安装脚本或最小依赖项的安装指导,旨在减少用户在安装...
salt-lvs 基于SaltStack进行LVS(Linux Virtual Server)的配置管理 salt/ --> file_roots pillar/ --> pillar_roots
《Oracle存储Pillar培训资料详解》 Oracle存储系统在业界享有盛誉,其技术深度与广度都堪称一流。Pillar作为Oracle存储产品线中的一个重要组成部分,为用户提供高效、可靠的存储解决方案。本培训资料将深入探讨...
pillar, Pillar管理你的Cassandra数据存储的迁移 柱用于你的数据存储的支柱管理迁移。Pillar希望自动管理Cassandra模式的愿望。 作为代码管理模式能够实现自动化构建和部署,这是组织努力实现持续交付过程的基本实践...