注:写了一系列分析Media Player Classic - HC 源代码的文章,在此列一个列表:
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 1:整体结构
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 2:核心类 (CMainFrame)(1)
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 3:核心类 (CMainFrame)(2)
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 4:核心类 (CMainFrame)(3)
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 5:关于对话框 (CAboutDlg)
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 6:MediaInfo选项卡 (CPPageFileMediaInfo)
Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 7:详细信息选项卡(CPPageFileInfoDetails)
上一篇文章分析了Media Player Classic - HC(mpc-hc)的源代码中的核心类 CMainFrame:Media Player Classic - HC 源代码分析 2:核心类 (CMainFrame)(1)
//打开一个媒体(private) bool CMainFrame::OpenMediaPrivate(CAutoPtr<OpenMediaData> pOMD) { //获得设置信息 CAppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); if (m_iMediaLoadState != MLS_CLOSED) { ASSERT(0); return false; } //OpenFileData //OpenDVDData //OpenDeviceData //里面包含了文件或者DVD信息(名称等) OpenFileData* pFileData = dynamic_cast<OpenFileData*>(pOMD.m_p); OpenDVDData* pDVDData = dynamic_cast<OpenDVDData*>(pOMD.m_p); OpenDeviceData* pDeviceData = dynamic_cast<OpenDeviceData*>(pOMD.m_p); if (!pFileData && !pDVDData && !pDeviceData) { ASSERT(0); return false; } // Clear DXVA state ... ClearDXVAState(); #ifdef _DEBUG // Debug trace code - Begin // Check for bad / buggy auto loading file code if (pFileData) { POSITION pos = pFileData->fns.GetHeadPosition(); UINT index = 0; while (pos != nullptr) { CString path = pFileData->fns.GetNext(pos); TRACE(_T("--> CMainFrame::OpenMediaPrivate - pFileData->fns[%d]:\n"), index); TRACE(_T("\t%ws\n"), path.GetString()); // %ws - wide character string always index++; } } // Debug trace code - End #endif CString mi_fn = _T(""); if (pFileData) { if (pFileData->fns.IsEmpty()) { return false; } CString fn = pFileData->fns.GetHead(); int i = fn.Find(_T(":\\")); if (i > 0) { CString drive = fn.Left(i + 2); UINT type = GetDriveType(drive); CAtlList<CString> sl; if (type == DRIVE_REMOVABLE || type == DRIVE_CDROM && GetCDROMType(drive[0], sl) != CDROM_Audio) { int ret = IDRETRY; while (ret == IDRETRY) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findFileData; HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(fn, &findFileData); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(h); ret = IDOK; } else { CString msg; msg.Format(IDS_MAINFRM_114, fn); ret = AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_RETRYCANCEL); } } if (ret != IDOK) { return false; } } mi_fn = fn; } } SetLoadState(MLS_LOADING); // FIXME: Don't show "Closed" initially PostMessage(WM_KICKIDLE); CString err; m_fUpdateInfoBar = false; BeginWaitCursor(); try { CComPtr<IVMRMixerBitmap9> pVMB; CComPtr<IMFVideoMixerBitmap> pMFVMB; CComPtr<IMadVRTextOsd> pMVTO; if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } OpenCreateGraphObject(pOMD); if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } SetupIViAudReg(); if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } //按类型的不同打开不同的文件 if (pFileData) { //文件 OpenFile(pFileData); } else if (pDVDData) { //DVD OpenDVD(pDVDData); } else if (pDeviceData) { if (s.iDefaultCaptureDevice == 1) { HRESULT hr = OpenBDAGraph(); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw (UINT)IDS_CAPTURE_ERROR_DEVICE; } } else { OpenCapture(pDeviceData); } } else { throw (UINT)IDS_INVALID_PARAMS_ERROR; } m_pCAP2 = nullptr; m_pCAP = nullptr; //查找接口 m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(ISubPicAllocatorPresenter), (void**)&m_pCAP, TRUE); m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(ISubPicAllocatorPresenter2), (void**)&m_pCAP2, TRUE); m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IVMRWindowlessControl9), (void**)&m_pVMRWC, FALSE); // might have IVMRMixerBitmap9, but not IVMRWindowlessControl9 m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IVMRMixerControl9), (void**)&m_pVMRMC, TRUE); m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IVMRMixerBitmap9), (void**)&pVMB, TRUE); m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IMFVideoMixerBitmap), (void**)&pMFVMB, TRUE); pMVTO = m_pCAP; if (s.fShowOSD || s.fShowDebugInfo) { // Force OSD on when the debug switch is used if (pVMB) { m_OSD.Start(m_pVideoWnd, pVMB, IsD3DFullScreenMode()); } else if (pMFVMB) { m_OSD.Start(m_pVideoWnd, pMFVMB, IsD3DFullScreenMode()); } else if (pMVTO) { m_OSD.Start(m_pVideoWnd, pMVTO); } } //VMR9 SetupVMR9ColorControl(); // === EVR ! m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IMFVideoDisplayControl), (void**)&m_pMFVDC, TRUE); m_pGB->FindInterface(__uuidof(IMFVideoProcessor), (void**)&m_pMFVP, TRUE); if (m_pMFVDC) { m_pMFVDC->SetVideoWindow(m_pVideoWnd->m_hWnd); } //SetupEVRColorControl(); //does not work at this location //need to choose the correct mode (IMFVideoProcessor::SetVideoProcessorMode) BeginEnumFilters(m_pGB, pEF, pBF) { if (m_pLN21 = pBF) { m_pLN21->SetServiceState(s.fClosedCaptions ? AM_L21_CCSTATE_On : AM_L21_CCSTATE_Off); break; } } EndEnumFilters; if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } //打开自定义的Graph OpenCustomizeGraph(); if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } //设置视频窗口 OpenSetupVideo(); if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } //设置音量 OpenSetupAudio(); if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } if (m_pCAP && (!m_fAudioOnly || m_fRealMediaGraph)) { if (s.fDisableInternalSubtitles) { m_pSubStreams.RemoveAll(); // Needs to be replaced with code that checks for forced subtitles. } m_posFirstExtSub = nullptr; POSITION pos = pOMD->subs.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { LoadSubtitle(pOMD->subs.GetNext(pos), nullptr, true); } } if (m_fOpeningAborted) { throw (UINT)IDS_AG_ABORTED; } //设置视频窗口标题 OpenSetupWindowTitle(pOMD->title); if (s.fEnableEDLEditor) { m_wndEditListEditor.OpenFile(pOMD->title); } if (::GetCurrentThreadId() == AfxGetApp()->m_nThreadID) { OnFilePostOpenmedia(); } else { PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_FILE_POST_OPENMEDIA); } while (m_iMediaLoadState != MLS_LOADED && m_iMediaLoadState != MLS_CLOSING // FIXME ) { Sleep(50); } //设置音频流 DWORD audstm = SetupAudioStreams(); //设置字幕流 DWORD substm = SetupSubtitleStreams(); if (audstm) { OnPlayAudio(ID_AUDIO_SUBITEM_START + audstm); } if (substm) { SetSubtitle(substm - 1); } // PostMessage instead of SendMessage because the user might call CloseMedia and then we would deadlock PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_PLAY_PAUSE); m_bFirstPlay = true; if (!(s.nCLSwitches & CLSW_OPEN) && (s.nLoops > 0)) { PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_PLAY_PLAY); } else { // If we don't start playing immediately, we need to initialize // the seekbar and the time counter. OnTimer(TIMER_STREAMPOSPOLLER); OnTimer(TIMER_STREAMPOSPOLLER2); } s.nCLSwitches &= ~CLSW_OPEN; if (pFileData) { if (pFileData->rtStart > 0) { PostMessage(WM_RESUMEFROMSTATE, (WPARAM)PM_FILE, (LPARAM)(pFileData->rtStart / 10000)); // REFERENCE_TIME doesn't fit in LPARAM under a 32bit env. } } else if (pDVDData) { if (pDVDData->pDvdState) { PostMessage(WM_RESUMEFROMSTATE, (WPARAM)PM_DVD, (LPARAM)(CComPtr<IDvdState>(pDVDData->pDvdState).Detach())); // must be released by the called message handler } } else if (pDeviceData) { m_wndCaptureBar.m_capdlg.SetVideoInput(pDeviceData->vinput); m_wndCaptureBar.m_capdlg.SetVideoChannel(pDeviceData->vchannel); m_wndCaptureBar.m_capdlg.SetAudioInput(pDeviceData->ainput); } } catch (LPCTSTR msg) { err = msg; } catch (CString& msg) { err = msg; } catch (UINT msg) { err.LoadString(msg); } EndWaitCursor(); if (!err.IsEmpty()) { //关闭 CloseMediaPrivate(); m_closingmsg = err; if (err != ResStr(IDS_AG_ABORTED)) { if (pFileData) { m_wndPlaylistBar.SetCurValid(false); if (m_wndPlaylistBar.IsAtEnd()) { m_nLoops++; } if (s.fLoopForever || m_nLoops < s.nLoops) { bool hasValidFile = false; if (m_nLastSkipDirection == ID_NAVIGATE_SKIPBACK) { hasValidFile = m_wndPlaylistBar.SetPrev(); } else { hasValidFile = m_wndPlaylistBar.SetNext(); } if (hasValidFile) { OpenCurPlaylistItem(); } } else if (m_wndPlaylistBar.GetCount() > 1) { DoAfterPlaybackEvent(); } } else { OnNavigateSkip(ID_NAVIGATE_SKIPFORWARD); } } } else { m_wndPlaylistBar.SetCurValid(true); // Apply command line audio shift if (s.rtShift != 0) { SetAudioDelay(s.rtShift); s.rtShift = 0; } } m_nLastSkipDirection = 0; if (s.AutoChangeFullscrRes.bEnabled && (m_fFullScreen || IsD3DFullScreenMode())) { AutoChangeMonitorMode(); } if (m_fFullScreen && s.fRememberZoomLevel) { m_fFirstFSAfterLaunchOnFS = true; } m_LastOpenFile = pOMD->title; PostMessage(WM_KICKIDLE); // calls main thread to update things if (!m_bIsBDPlay) { m_MPLSPlaylist.RemoveAll(); m_LastOpenBDPath = _T(""); } m_bIsBDPlay = false; return err.IsEmpty(); }
CAppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings();
//应用程序中的各种参数 class CAppSettings { bool fInitialized; class CRecentFileAndURLList : public CRecentFileList { public: CRecentFileAndURLList(UINT nStart, LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntryFormat, int nSize, int nMaxDispLen = AFX_ABBREV_FILENAME_LEN); virtual void Add(LPCTSTR lpszPathName); // we have to override CRecentFileList::Add because the original version can't handle URLs }; public: bool fShaderEditorWasOpened; // cmdline params UINT nCLSwitches; CAtlList<CString> slFiles, slDubs, slSubs, slFilters; // Initial position (used by command line flags) REFERENCE_TIME rtShift; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart; ULONG lDVDTitle; ULONG lDVDChapter; DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE DVDPosition; CSize sizeFixedWindow; bool HasFixedWindowSize() const { return sizeFixedWindow.cx > 0 || sizeFixedWindow.cy > 0; } //int iFixedWidth, iFixedHeight; int iMonitor; CString ParseFileName(CString const& param); void ParseCommandLine(CAtlList<CString>& cmdln); // Added a Debug display to the screen (/debug option) bool fShowDebugInfo; int iAdminOption; //播放器 Player bool fAllowMultipleInst; bool fTrayIcon; bool fShowOSD; bool fLimitWindowProportions; bool fSnapToDesktopEdges; bool fHideCDROMsSubMenu; DWORD dwPriority; int iTitleBarTextStyle; bool fTitleBarTextTitle; bool fKeepHistory; CRecentFileAndURLList MRU; CRecentFileAndURLList MRUDub; CFilePositionList filePositions; CDVDPositionList dvdPositions; bool fRememberDVDPos; bool fRememberFilePos; bool bRememberPlaylistItems; bool fRememberWindowPos; CRect rcLastWindowPos; bool fRememberWindowSize; bool fSavePnSZoom; double dZoomX; double dZoomY; // Formats CMediaFormats m_Formats; bool fAssociatedWithIcons; // Keys CList<wmcmd> wmcmds; HACCEL hAccel; bool fWinLirc; CString strWinLircAddr; CWinLircClient WinLircClient; bool fUIce; CString strUIceAddr; CUIceClient UIceClient; bool fGlobalMedia; //图标 Logo UINT nLogoId; bool fLogoExternal; CString strLogoFileName; //web界面? Web Inteface BOOL fEnableWebServer; int nWebServerPort; int nCmdlnWebServerPort; bool fWebServerUseCompression; bool fWebServerLocalhostOnly; bool fWebServerPrintDebugInfo; CString strWebRoot, strWebDefIndex; CString strWebServerCGI; //播放时候 Playback int nVolume; bool fMute; int nBalance; int nLoops; bool fLoopForever; bool fRewind; bool fRememberZoomLevel; int nAutoFitFactor; int iZoomLevel; CStringW strAudiosLanguageOrder; CStringW strSubtitlesLanguageOrder; bool fEnableWorkerThreadForOpening; bool fReportFailedPins; bool fAutoloadAudio; bool fAutoloadSubtitles; bool fBlockVSFilter; UINT nVolumeStep; UINT nSpeedStep; // DVD/OGM bool fUseDVDPath; CString strDVDPath; LCID idMenuLang, idAudioLang, idSubtitlesLang; bool fAutoSpeakerConf; bool fClosedCaptions; //输出 Output CRenderersSettings m_RenderersSettings; int iDSVideoRendererType; int iRMVideoRendererType; int iQTVideoRendererType; CStringW strAudioRendererDisplayName; bool fD3DFullscreen; //全屏 Fullscreen bool fLaunchfullscreen; bool fShowBarsWhenFullScreen; int nShowBarsWhenFullScreenTimeOut; bool fExitFullScreenAtTheEnd; CStringW strFullScreenMonitor; AChFR AutoChangeFullscrRes; bool fRestoreResAfterExit; // Sync Renderer Settings // Capture (BDA configuration) int iDefaultCaptureDevice; // Default capture device (analog=0, 1=digital) CString strAnalogVideo; CString strAnalogAudio; int iAnalogCountry; CString strBDANetworkProvider; CString strBDATuner; CString strBDAReceiver; //CString strBDAStandard; int iBDAScanFreqStart; int iBDAScanFreqEnd; int iBDABandwidth; bool fBDAUseOffset; int iBDAOffset; bool fBDAIgnoreEncryptedChannels; UINT nDVBLastChannel; CAtlList<CDVBChannel> m_DVBChannels; DVB_RebuildFilterGraph nDVBRebuildFilterGraph; DVB_StopFilterGraph nDVBStopFilterGraph; // Internal Filters bool SrcFilters[SRC_LAST + !SRC_LAST]; bool TraFilters[TRA_LAST + !TRA_LAST]; //音频 Audio Switcher bool fEnableAudioSwitcher; bool fAudioNormalize; UINT nAudioMaxNormFactor; bool fAudioNormalizeRecover; UINT nAudioBoost; bool fDownSampleTo441; bool fAudioTimeShift; int iAudioTimeShift; bool fCustomChannelMapping; int nSpeakerChannels; DWORD pSpeakerToChannelMap[AS_MAX_CHANNELS][AS_MAX_CHANNELS]; // External Filters CAutoPtrList<FilterOverride> m_filters; //字幕 Subtitles bool fOverridePlacement; int nHorPos, nVerPos; int nSubDelayInterval; // Default Style STSStyle subdefstyle; // Misc bool bPreferDefaultForcedSubtitles; bool fPrioritizeExternalSubtitles; bool fDisableInternalSubtitles; bool bAllowOverridingExternalSplitterChoice; CString strSubtitlePaths; CString strISDb; // Tweaks int nJumpDistS; int nJumpDistM; int nJumpDistL; bool fFastSeek; bool fShowChapters; bool bNotifySkype; bool fPreventMinimize; bool fUseWin7TaskBar; bool fLCDSupport; bool fUseSearchInFolder; bool fUseTimeTooltip; int nTimeTooltipPosition; CString strOSDFont; int nOSDSize; //亮度色度饱和度 Miscellaneous int iBrightness; int iContrast; int iHue; int iSaturation; int nUpdaterAutoCheck; int nUpdaterDelay; // MENUS // View int iCaptionMenuMode; // normal -> hidemenu -> frameonly -> borderless bool fHideNavigation; UINT nCS; // Control state for toolbars // Language LANGID language; // Subtitles menu bool fEnableSubtitles; bool fUseDefaultSubtitlesStyle; // Video Frame int iDefaultVideoSize; bool fKeepAspectRatio; CSize sizeAspectRatio; bool fCompMonDeskARDiff; // Pan&Scan CString strPnSPreset; CStringArray m_pnspresets; // On top menu int iOnTop; // After Playback bool fExitAfterPlayback; bool fNextInDirAfterPlayback; // WINDOWS // Add Favorite bool bFavRememberPos; bool bFavRelativeDrive; // Save Image... CString strSnapShotPath, strSnapShotExt; // Save Thumbnails... int iThumbRows, iThumbCols, iThumbWidth; // Shader Editor struct Shader { CString label; CString target; CString srcdata; }; CAtlList<Shader> m_shaders; // Shader Combiner bool fToggleShader; bool fToggleShaderScreenSpace; CString strShaderList; CString strShaderListScreenSpace; // Playlist (contex menu) bool bShufflePlaylistItems; bool bHidePlaylistFullScreen; // OTHER STATES CStringW strLastOpenDir; UINT nLastWindowType; UINT nLastUsedPage; bool fRemainingTime; bool fLastFullScreen; bool fIntRealMedia; //bool fRealMediaRenderless; //float dRealMediaQuickTimeFPS; //int iVideoRendererType; //int iQuickTimeRenderer; //bool fMonitorAutoRefreshRate; bool fEnableEDLEditor; HWND hMasterWnd; bool IsD3DFullscreen() const; CString SelectedAudioRenderer() const; bool IsISREnabled() const; private: CString SrcFiltersKeys[SRC_LAST + !SRC_LAST]; CString TraFiltersKeys[TRA_LAST + !TRA_LAST]; __int64 ConvertTimeToMSec(const CString& time) const; void ExtractDVDStartPos(CString& strParam); void CreateCommands(); void SaveExternalFilters(CAutoPtrList<FilterOverride>& filters, LPCTSTR baseKey = IDS_R_EXTERNAL_FILTERS); void LoadExternalFilters(CAutoPtrList<FilterOverride>& filters, LPCTSTR baseKey = IDS_R_EXTERNAL_FILTERS); void ConvertOldExternalFiltersList(); void UpdateRenderersData(bool fSave); friend void CRenderersSettings::UpdateData(bool bSave); public: CAppSettings(); virtual ~CAppSettings(); void SaveSettings(); void LoadSettings(); void SaveExternalFilters() { if (fInitialized) { SaveExternalFilters(m_filters); } }; void GetFav(favtype ft, CAtlList<CString>& sl) const; void SetFav(favtype ft, CAtlList<CString>& sl); void AddFav(favtype ft, CString s); CDVBChannel* FindChannelByPref(int nPrefNumber); bool GetAllowMultiInst() const; static bool IsVSFilterInstalled(); static bool HasEVR(); };
//设置视频窗口 void CMainFrame::OpenSetupVideo() { //大部分都在确定:m_fAudioOnly是否为True m_fAudioOnly = true; //获得视频的宽和高,然后调整窗口大小 if (m_pMFVDC) { // EVR m_fAudioOnly = false; } else if (m_pCAP) { CSize vs = m_pCAP->GetVideoSize(); m_fAudioOnly = (vs.cx <= 0 || vs.cy <= 0); } else { { long w = 0, h = 0; if (CComQIPtr<IBasicVideo> pBV = m_pGB) { pBV->GetVideoSize(&w, &h); } if (w > 0 && h > 0) { m_fAudioOnly = false; } } //如果 m_fAudioOnly=true;再检查 if (m_fAudioOnly) { BeginEnumFilters(m_pGB, pEF, pBF) { long w = 0, h = 0; if (CComQIPtr<IVideoWindow> pVW = pBF) { long lVisible; if (FAILED(pVW->get_Visible(&lVisible))) { continue; } pVW->get_Width(&w); pVW->get_Height(&h); } if (w > 0 && h > 0) { m_fAudioOnly = false; break; } } EndEnumFilters; } } if (m_fShockwaveGraph) { m_fAudioOnly = false; } if (m_pCAP) { SetShaders(); } // else { // TESTME //设置所有者。。。 m_pVW->put_Owner((OAHWND)m_pVideoWnd->m_hWnd); m_pVW->put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN); m_pVW->put_MessageDrain((OAHWND)m_hWnd); for (CWnd* pWnd = m_wndView.GetWindow(GW_CHILD); pWnd; pWnd = pWnd->GetNextWindow()) { pWnd->EnableWindow(FALSE); // little trick to let WM_SETCURSOR thru } } //如果只有音频,则消灭视频窗口! if (m_fAudioOnly && IsD3DFullScreenMode()) { m_pFullscreenWnd->DestroyWindow(); } }
//设置音量 void CMainFrame::OpenSetupAudio() { //设置音量 m_pBA->put_Volume(m_wndToolBar.Volume); // FIXME int balance = AfxGetAppSettings().nBalance; int sign = balance > 0 ? -1 : 1; // -1: invert sign for more right channel if (balance > -100 && balance < 100) { balance = sign * (int)(100 * 20 * log10(1 - abs(balance) / 100.0f)); } else { balance = sign * (-10000); // -10000: only left, 10000: only right } //设置均衡 m_pBA->put_Balance(balance); }
//关闭 void CMainFrame::CloseMediaPrivate() { SetLoadState(MLS_CLOSING); // why it before OnPlayStop()? // TODO: remake or add detailed comments OnPlayStop(); // SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, ID_PLAY_STOP); if (m_pMC) { m_pMC->Stop(); // needed for StreamBufferSource, because m_iMediaLoadState is always MLS_CLOSED // TODO: fix the opening for such media } SetPlaybackMode(PM_NONE); m_fLiveWM = false; m_fEndOfStream = false; m_rtDurationOverride = -1; m_kfs.RemoveAll(); m_pCB.Release(); { CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csSubLock); m_pSubStreams.RemoveAll(); } m_pSubClock.Release(); //if (m_pVW) m_pVW->put_Visible(OAFALSE); //if (m_pVW) m_pVW->put_MessageDrain((OAHWND)NULL), m_pVW->put_Owner((OAHWND)NULL); // IMPORTANT: IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify/IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify9 has to be released before the VMR/VMR9, otherwise it will crash in Release() //各种清空 m_OSD.Stop(); m_pCAP2.Release(); m_pCAP.Release(); m_pVMRWC.Release(); m_pVMRMC.Release(); m_pMFVP.Release(); m_pMFVDC.Release(); m_pLN21.Release(); m_pSyncClock.Release(); m_pAMXBar.Release(); m_pAMDF.Release(); m_pAMVCCap.Release(); m_pAMVCPrev.Release(); m_pAMVSCCap.Release(); m_pAMVSCPrev.Release(); m_pAMASC.Release(); m_pVidCap.Release(); m_pAudCap.Release(); m_pAMTuner.Release(); m_pCGB.Release(); m_pDVDC.Release(); m_pDVDI.Release(); m_pAMOP.Release(); m_pBI.Release(); m_pQP.Release(); m_pFS.Release(); m_pMS.Release(); m_pBA.Release(); m_pBV.Release(); m_pVW.Release(); m_pME.Release(); m_pMC.Release(); if (m_pGB) { m_pGB->RemoveFromROT(); m_pGB.Release(); } m_pProv.Release(); m_fRealMediaGraph = m_fShockwaveGraph = m_fQuicktimeGraph = false; m_VidDispName.Empty(); m_AudDispName.Empty(); m_closingmsg.LoadString(IDS_CONTROLS_CLOSED); AfxGetAppSettings().nCLSwitches &= CLSW_OPEN | CLSW_PLAY | CLSW_AFTERPLAYBACK_MASK | CLSW_NOFOCUS; //设置状态 SetLoadState(MLS_CLOSED); }