Gitblit是一个开源,纯Java堆栈用于管理,查看和部署Git服务。 以下它的详细特性:
Standard Features (GO/WAR)
- JGit SmartHTTP servlet
- Browser and git client authentication
- Four per-repository access restriction configurations with a Read-Only control flag
Anonymous View, Clone & Push
Authenticated Push
Authenticated Clone & Push
Authenticated View, Clone & Push
Freeze repository (i.e. deny push, make read-only)
- Six per-user/team repository access permissions
- V (view in web ui, RSS feeds, download zip)
- R (clone)
- RW (clone and push)
- RWC (clone and push with ref creation)
- RWD (clone and push with ref creation, deletion)
- RW+ (clone and push with ref creation, deletion, rewind)
- Optional feature to allow users to create personal repositories
- Optional feature to fork a repository to a personal repository
- Optional feature to create a repository on push
- Experimental built-in Garbage Collection
- Ability to federate with one or more other Gitblit instances
- RSS/JSON RPC interface
- Java/Swing Gitblit Manager tool
- Gitweb inspired web UI
- Responsive web UI that subtracts elements to be usable on phones, tablets, and desktop browsers
- Groovy pre- and post- push hook scripts, per-repository or globally for all repositories
- Email push notifications (via sendmail.groovy push script)
- Lucene indexing of specified repository branches
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete repositories through the web UI or RPC interface
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete users through the web UI or RPC interface
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete teams through the web UI or RPC interface
- Repository Owners may edit repositories through the web UI
- Administrators and Repository Owners may set the default branch through the web UI or RPC interface
- LDAP authentication and optional LDAP-controlled Team memberships
- Redmine authentication
- Gravatar integration
- Git-notes display support
- Submodule support
- Push log based on a hidden, orphan branch refs/gitblit/pushes
- Fanout PubSub notifications service for self-hosted Sparkleshare use
- gh-pages display support (Jekyll is not supported)
- Branch metrics (uses Google Charts)
- HEAD and Branch RSS feeds
- Blame annotations view
- Dates can optionally be displayed using the browser's reported timezone
- Display of Author and Committer email addresses can be disabled
- Case-insensitive searching of commit messages, authors, or committers
- Dynamic zip downloads feature
- Markdown file view support
- Syntax highlighting for popular source code types
- Customizable regular expression substitution for commit messages (i.e. bug or code review link integration)
- Single text file for users configuration
- Optional utility pages
Docs page which enumerates all Markdown files within a repository
readonly Ticgit ticket pages (based on last MIT release bf57b032 2009-01-27)
- Translations
- English
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Polish
- Korean
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Dutch
Gitblit GO Features
- Out-of-the-box integrated stack requiring minimal configuration
- Automatic generation of ssl certificate for https communications
- Integrated GUI tool to facilitate x509 PKI including ssl and client certificate generation, client certificate revocation, and client certificate distribution
- Single text file for configuring server and gitblit
- A Windows service installation script and configuration tool
- Built-in AJP connector for Apache httpd
- HTTP/HTTPS are the only supported Git protocols
- Built-in access controls are not path-based, they are repository-based.
**Gitblit**: Gitblit是基于Java的Git服务器,它提供Web界面,支持多种身份验证方式(如:简单的用户名/密码、LDAP、Active Directory等),并且可以配置访问权限,监控仓库活动,甚至集成Jenkins等持续集成工具。...
3. **运行Gitblit**:找到解压后的`gitblit.jar`文件,通过命令行执行`java -jar gitblit.jar`启动服务。 配置Gitblit的核心在于``文件。这个文件包含了Gitblit的所有默认设置,可以通过编辑这...
Gitblit 1.9.0 是一个轻量级、基于Java开发的代码管理工具,类似于广受欢迎的GitLab。Gitblit以其低内存占用和高效能的特点,为开发者提供了一个方便的Git仓库管理和Web界面。本文将深入探讨Gitblit的核心特性、安装...
Git 是目前最流行的一种分布式版本控制系统,而 Gitblit 是一个基于 Java 的开源 Git 仓库管理器,它可以方便地部署在任何支持 Java 的平台上,为开发者提供了一个轻量级的 Git 仓库托管服务。 本文将详细介绍如何...
1. **系统需求**:确保你的服务器运行的是Java运行环境(JRE)或Java开发工具包(JDK),因为Gitblit是基于Java的。通常,JRE 7或更高版本就能满足需求。 2. **下载Gitblit**:从Gitblit官方网站获取最新版本的Git...
Gitblit是用Java编写的一个开源项目,设计简洁,易于配置和部署。它支持SSL加密,可以设置权限控制,支持多种身份验证方式,如基于文件的用户名/密码、LDAP或Active Directory集成。此外,Gitblit还提供邮件通知功能...
9. **REST API**:Gitblit 提供 RESTful API,允许开发者构建与 Gitblit 交互的应用程序,实现自动化操作和集成其他工具。 10. **版本控制**:作为 Git 服务器,Gitblit 充分利用了 Git 的版本控制能力,提供强大的...
GitBlit是一款用纯Java编写的轻量级、开源的Git服务器,它提供了一个Web界面来管理和浏览Git仓库。在“pure java git”压缩包中,包含的“gitblit-master”文件夹很可能是GitBlit项目的源代码主分支。...
Gitblit是一款开源的、专为Git设计的轻量级Web服务器和管理界面,它使得在团队中管理和托管Git仓库变得更加便捷。Git是一种分布式版本控制系统,由Linus Torvalds为Linux内核开发,用于高效地处理软件源代码。Git...
1. **安装Java运行环境**:Gitblit需要Java运行环境支持,所以首先要确保你的Windows系统已经安装了JRE或JDK。 2. **下载Gitblit**:从Gitblit的官方网站获取最新版本的Gitblit二进制包,并解压到一个合适的目录。 ...
- Gitblit是一款基于Java的应用程序,用于搭建本地Git服务器。 - 访问Gitblit官网 []( 下载最新版本的Gitblit。 - 解压缩下载的文件到指定目录。 #### 三、Git...
同时,Gitblit是一个基于Java的Git服务器,可以管理和托管Git仓库,提供Web界面进行交互。如果您打算在麒麟Linux上部署Gitblit,需要确保Java运行环境(JRE)已经安装,并遵循Gitblit官方文档进行配置。 总结来说,...
对于Java开发者来说,Git 的使用是必不可少的工具技能,无论是在个人项目还是大型企业级开发中,Git 都能提供稳定、高效和灵活的代码版本管理方案。在实际开发中,了解并熟练掌握Git的基本操作和高级特性,将有助于...
6. GitBlit:Gitblit-1.8.0.tar.gz是一个轻量级、纯Java的Git服务器,用于托管、浏览和管理Git仓库。它提供了Web界面,便于用户进行版本控制操作,是团队协作开发的理想选择。 7. ReadMe.txt:这个文件通常包含了...