Essential SQLAlchemy introduces a high-level open-source code library that makes it easier for python programmers to access relational databases such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. SQLAlchemy has become increasingly popular since its release, but it still lacks good offline documentation. This practical book fills the gap, and because a developer wrote it, you get an objective look at SQLAlchemy's tools rather than an advocate's description of all the "cool" features. SQLAlchemy includes both a database server-independent SQL expression language and an object-relational mapper (ORM) that lets you map "plain old python objects" (POPOs) to database tables without substantially changing your existing python code. Essential SQLAlchemy demonstrates how to use the library to create a simple database application, walks you through simple queries, and explains how to use SQLAlchemy to connect to multiple databases simultaneously with the same Metadata. You also learn how to:
Create custom types to be used in your schema, and when it's useful to use custom rather than built-in types
Run queries, updates, and deletes with SQLAlchemy's SQL expression language
Build an object mapper with SQLAlchemy, and understand the differences between this and active record patterns used in other ORMs
Create objects, save them to a session, and flush them to the database
Use SQLAlchemy to model object oriented inheritance
Provide a declarative, active record pattern for use with SQLAlchemy using the Elixir extension
Use the SQLSoup extension to provide an automatic metadata and object model based on database reflection
In addition, you'll learn how and when to use other extensions to SQLAlchemy, including AssociationProxy, OrderingList, and more. Essential SQLAlchemy is the much-needed guide for every python developer using this code library. Instead of a feature-by-feature documentation, this book takes an "essentials" approach that gives you exactly what you need to become productive with SQLAlchemy right away.
《Essential SQLAlchemy 2nd Edition》这本书深入浅出地介绍了SQLAlchemy的核心概念和实践技巧,适用于对Python有基础,希望通过ORM简化数据库操作的开发者。以下是对书中关键知识点的详细说明: 1. **对象关系映射...
本资料"Essential SQLAlchemy - Rick"是一部关于`SQLAlchemy`的详尽指南,由Rick Copeland撰写,共计三百多页,全面介绍了这个强大的库。通过阅读这本书,你将能够: 1. **理解基本概念**:学习`...
Essential SQL Alchemy
- SQLAlchemy实战书籍:如《SQLAlchemy Essential Reference》等,深入理解ORM的原理和技巧。 - 社区和论坛:如Stack Overflow上的SQLAlchemy标签,GitHub上的开源项目,以及Python相关的社区讨论。 通过这个`...
Essential ORM Modeler允许您使用UML类模型的扩展来为应用程序建模,为不同的ORM框架(JPA,SQLAlchemy或Ruby的ActiveRecord)生成代码。 基于持久性模式的表示法与平台无关。 该工具是eclipse的插件。
- **Databases:** Flask supports various database systems through extensions like Flask-SQLAlchemy. Developers learn how to interact with databases to store and retrieve data. - **Web Forms:** Handling...
烧瓶模块: 烧瓶登录烧瓶-WTF 烧瓶迁移Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-SocketIO 系统要求: sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev 发展(用诗歌): 克隆项目, 输入项目文件夹, 用诗歌...
新系统下, 安装必要的软件包 # apt-get upgrade & apt-get update # apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip virtualenv # apt-get install nginx uwsgi=2.0.152. 用户组等配置 # groupadd ...