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struts 文件上传 乱码
Note: Please feel free to modify, improve, circulate, and repost these notes at will. – Dave Allen
Collections Framework (only Maps, Iterators do not extend java.io.Collection Interface)
Collection interface |
add(E) addAll (Collection<e>) remove(Object) removeAll ( Collection<?>) contains(Object) size() iterator () isEmpty () Object[] toArray () – returns Object array, must cast – e.g. String[] str = (String[]) myCollection.toArray (); T[] toArry (T[] a) – returns typecast array – syntax: String[] str = myCollection.toArray (new String[0]); |
Map interface, SortedMap interface extends Map |
put(keyObject , valueObject ) – inserts key/value pair, will overwrite duplicate keyObject values keySet () – returns set of keys values() – returns collection of values get(Object), remove(Object), size(), clear() entrySet () – returns set of Map.Entry type (key/value pair) Map.Entry – a key/value pair, has getKey () and getValue () methods
Maps care about unique identifiers There is no add() method; Don’t have to override equals(Object) method to compile, but necessary to find objects |
HashMap |
Hashtable |
synchronized version of HashMap |
TreeMap |
Can have null values, but NO null keys |
LinkedHashMap (extends Hashmap ) |
maintains insertion order, slower updates, faster iteration than HashMap , order remains same if replacing duplicate key, can have null keys or values |
Set interface, SortedSet interface extends Set |
boolean add() – if element already exists, returns false and element not added Sets care about uniqueness |
HashSet |
LinkedHashSet (extends HashSet ) |
fastest iteration through items without duplicates (a Set) that maintains insertion order |
TreeSet <T> |
new TreeSet (), new TreeSet (Collection<E>), new TreeSet <T>(Comparator<? super E>) |
List interface |
Lists care about the index |
ArrayList |
fastest iteration through items with duplicates |
Vector |
synchronized version of ArrayList ; slower |
LinkedList |
addFirst (), getFirst ()
doubly linked, ideal for implementing a stack or maintaining an ordered sequence of objects when they are frequently inserted and removed from the middle of the sequence |
Queu interface |
peek() – returns highest priority entry without removing it poll() – returns highest priority entry and removes it offer() – adds entry |
PriorityQue |
Collections |
Collections.sort (Collection) Collections.sort (Collection, Comparator) Collections.binarySearch (collectionName , pattern) – must be sorted first Collections.binarySearch (collectionName , pattern, Comparator) – must be sorted first Collections.reverse () – reverses order of elements in List, doesn’t have to be sorted first Collections.reverserOrder () – returns Comparator that sorts in reverse, must b sorted first |
Arrays |
Arrays.sort (arrayToSort ) Arrays.binarySearch (arrayName , pattern), Arrays.binarySearch (collectionName , pattern, Comparator) – returns int index Arrays.asList (arrayName ) – returns List, changes to either returned list or original array will be reflected in the other |
Comparable interface |
int compareT o (SpecificObject Type ) returns negative int if this < Obj2 0 if Objects are equal positive int if this > Obj2 |
Comparator class |
int compare(SpecificObject Type1, SpecificObject Type2) – returns int with same meaning as above – substitute “SpecificObjectType1” for “this” |
Iterator |
boolean hasNext () next() – returns type Object which must be cast if no generic type is specified for iterator , even if Collection that called iterator () method has generics, like List<Integer>
Can use generics syntax to avoid explicit casting, e.g. Iterator <Dog> = dogs.iterator (); |
java.util.Date |
new Date() – date Object with current date new Date(long millis ) – millis since Jan 1, 1970
getTime () – returns long setTime (long millis )
internally stored as primitive long which is milliseconds between date and Jan 1, 1970 |
Calendar |
Calendar.getInstance () – gets default Calendar (almost always GregorianCalendar ) with current time Calendar.getInstance (Locale)
add( intField , intAmount ) – adds or decrements field. intAmount can be negative roll(intField , intAmount ) – larger parts of date will not be incremented/decremented, only the field specified set(intField , intValue ) get(intField ) – e.g. calendarInstance.get (Calendar.MONTH ); set() – various other set methods setTime (Date) getTime () – returns Date object, useful for passing to DateFormat setTimeInMillis (long millis ) getTimeInMillis () – returns long compareTo (Calendar)
NO new Calendar(), only instantiated using getInstance (), months are 0-based (January is 0) |
java.text . NumberFormat |
NumberFormat.getInstance (), NumberFormat.getInstance (Locale) – e.g. NumberFormat.getInstance (Locale.US ); NumberFormat.getNumberInstace ( ), NumberFormat.getNumberInstanceLocale () – same as getInstance ()? NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance (), NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance (Locale)
format(long), format(double) – takes various numbers to be formatted, returns String parse(String) – takes a String (must be formatted correctly to locale), returns a Number – e.g. parse(“$5,075”); setParseIntegerOnly ( boolean ) – whether to format and display digits after decimal. getMaximumFractionDigits (), getMinimumFractionDigits – get number of decimal places setMaximumFractionDigits (int), setMinimumFractionDigits – set number of decimal places get/setMinimum/MaximumIntegerDigits ()
Should only instantiated using getInstance () |
java.text . DateFormat |
getInstance () – returns DateFormat with default Locale, sometimes SHORT style getDateInstance () (has defaults, sometimes MEDIUM style),getDateInstance (styleConstant ), getDateInstance (styleConstant , Locale) parse(String) – converts String to a Date format(Date) – returns String with formatted Date
String format for each style possible default format – 0/8/01 7:46 PM DateFormat.SHORT – 9/8/01 DateFormat.MEDIUM – Sep 8, 2001 DateFormat.LONG – September 8, 2001 DateFormat.FULL – Saturday, September 8, 2001
There is no format( Calendar) method. Calendar must convert to Date first(using yourCalendar.getTime ()), then use format(Date) DateFormat’s Locale can only be set at instantiation using getInstance () – NO new DateFormat () |
java.util.Locale |
Locale.getDefault () – returns default Locale new Locale(stringLanguage ) new Locale(stringLanguage , stringCountry ) – e.g. new Locale(“it”, “IT”)
setDefault (Locale) getDisplayLanguage () – returns String of Language getDisplayLanguage (Locale) – displays language using language of Locale passed in getDisplayCountry () – returns String code getDisplayCountry (Locale) – displays language using language of Locale passed in) Locale.getAvailableLocales () – returns an array of Locales installed
used in Scanner, DateFormat , NumberFormat |
String Stuff
String |
new String(), new String(StringBuilder /Buffer) new String(“StringLiteral ”) new String(ExistingStringObject ) will create a new String object different than ExistingStringObject
length() charAt (int) concat (String) equalsIgnoreCase (String) substring(intIndex ) substring(startIntIndex , endIntIndexExclusive ) replace(char/stringRegex , char/stringReplacement ) replaceAll (char/stringRegex , char/stringReplacement ) replaceFirst (stringRegex , stringReplacement ) split(regex ) – returns String array of tokens, good for just small amount of data split(regex , IntLengthOfArrayReturned ) toLowerCase () toUpperCase () trim() – remove whitespace off ends toString () – returns a new String object
indexOf (char/String) indexOf (char/String, startingIntIndex ) lastIndex (char/String, startingIntIndex ) lastIndex (char/String, startingIntIndex ) contains(charSequence ) matches(regex ) – returns boolean indicating if regex matches string boolean startsWith (String) boolean startsWith (String, offsetIndex ) String format(“formattingString ”, args ) – returns String formatted to specs String format(Locale, “formattingString ”, args )
All methods return a String, do no alter original String NO insert() method (this is in StringBuilder/StringBuffer ) NO length member variable (this is for array) |
StringBuilder / StringBuffer |
append(xxx) – can append almost any char related type delete(intStartIndex , intEndIndexExclusive ) deleteCharAt () insert(intOffset , String) reverse() toString () length() substring(startIndexInclusive ) substring(startIndex , endIndexProbablyExclusive )
lastIndexOf (String) lastIndexOf (String, startSearchIndex ) replace(intStart , intEnd , String) setCharAt ()
StringBuffer is synchronized and slower. StringBuilder is not synchronized and faster equals() method is not overridden, so it compares references, not meaningful values – same as == |
java.util . Scanner |
new Scanner(File), new Scanner(stringToSearchOrTokenize )
useDelimiter (String) – can be regex useLocal (Locale) hasNext (), hasNextInt (), hasNextFloat (), hasNextXxx () – for all primitives EXCEPT char next(), nextInt (), nextFloat (), nextXxx – for all primitives EXCEPT char Scanner.close () – static method that should be used after done with file findInLine (regexString ) – returns String found
match() – returns MatchResult matchResult.groupCount () – method in MatchResult (not Scanner) matchResult.group (groupCountIndexInt ) – method in MatchResult (not Scanner)
Mostly used for tokenizing, but can also find regexes using findInLine () Default delimiter is whitespace |
java.util.regex . Pattern |
Pattern.compile (regex ) – returns new Pattern matcher(CharSequence ) – returns new Matcher split(regex ) – returns String array of matching patterns found in the CharSequence Pattern.matches (regex , stringtoSearch ) – returns Boolean indicating if string matches regex
/d digits /s whitespace /w word character (letters, digits, or underscores) [af ] a or f [a-f] a, b, c, d, e, f [a-dA -D] A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d . any character + greedy one or more (e.g. /d+ means one or more digits) * greedy zero or more (e.g. filename/d*) ? greedy zero or more occurrences(e.g. /d?) ^ not (e.g. [^abc ] excludes abc )
String pattern = “\\d” creates string regex with \d. String pattern = “\\.” creates string regex with . |
java.util.regex . Matcher |
find() – returns boolean indicating a match’s existence, advances to next index that matches, left to right start() – returns starting index group() – returns string that matches
Probably Not on Exam replaceAll (stringReplacement ) replaceFirst (stringReplacement ) appendReplacement (StringBuffer , stringReplacement ) -- appendTail (StringBuffer ) – to be used after appendReplacement |
java.util . Formatter |
new Formatter(), new Formatter(Appendable , Locale) – Appendable can be StringBuilder/StringBuffer , BufferedWriter , FileWriter , but NOT String
format(“formattingString ”, args ) – returns formatted String |
Serialization (package java.io , classes must implement Serializable to be serialized)
FileOutputStream |
new FileOutputStream (stringFileName ) new FileOutputStream (File) |
ObjectOutputStream |
defaultWriteObject () writeObject (Object) writeInt (int), writeFloat (float), writeXxx (xxx) |
FileInputStream |
new FileInputStream (stringFileName ) new FileInputStream (File) |
ObjectInputStream |
defaultReadObject () readObject () – returns Object, must be cast before use readInt (), readFloat (), readXxx () |
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ant 正则表达式 换行符
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SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Java编程领域的一个重要认证,由Sun Microsystems(后被Oracle收购)推出,旨在验证开发者对Java SE 5.0平台的基础知识和编程...
SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Oracle公司推出的针对Java SE 5.0平台的程序员认证考试。这个题库是为准备SCJP 5.0考试的考生提供的资源,包含了大量实战题目,...
【SCJP5.0(310-055)LatesDump.rar_scjp】这个压缩包文件主要包含的是关于Sun Certified Java Programmer(SCJP)5.0考试的最新模拟试题和复习资料。SCJP,也被称为Java SE Certified Programmer,是Oracle认证的一项...
最经典的scjp5.0考试模拟器(免安装,实用,经典) 绝对值得收藏!
1. SCJP50.exe:这很可能是Whizlabs SCJP 5.0学习软件的安装程序。用户可以运行这个.exe文件来在本地计算机上安装课程内容,包括模拟测试、学习材料等。 2. SCJP50-patch.exe:这个文件可能是针对SCJP50.exe的更新或...
SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Java编程领域的一个重要认证,旨在验证开发者对于Java SE 5.0平台的基础知识和编程能力。这个认证对于那些希望深入理解Java语言...
SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Oracle公司为Java程序员提供的一项专业认证,旨在验证考生对Java SE 5.0编程语言的掌握程度。310-055是这个认证的考试代码,对应...
SCJP(Sun Certified Java Programmer)5.0是Java编程领域的一个重要认证,它验证了开发者对Java SE 5.0平台的基本理解与编程能力。这个认证对于那些希望深入理解Java语言特性和准备进入IT行业的专业人士来说,是...
### SCJP 5.0 英文版试题集合 #### 考试概述 - **考试编号**:310-055 - **考试名称**:Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 - **版本**:07.05.07 - **网站资源**:...
SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Oracle公司(原Sun Microsystems)为Java开发者设立的一项认证考试,旨在验证考生对于Java SE 5.0编程语言的理解和应用能力。...
Java SCJP(Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0)是Java开发者认证的一个重要里程碑,由Sun Microsystems(后被Oracle收购)推出,旨在验证程序员对Java SE 5.0(也称为Java ...
《SCJP5 Study Guide》是Java程序员为了通过Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 (SCJP5)认证考试的重要参考资料。SCJP是Java开发人员基础技能的一种官方认可,它验证了开发者对Java语言核心概念的理解和应用能力。...
这个认证曾经基于Java SE 5.0(即SCJP 5.0),而现在已被更新的OCPJP(Oracle Certified Professional, Java Programmer)所替代,尽管如此,SCJP 5.0仍然是学习Java基础知识的重要参考。 提供的资源包括"SCJP5.0....
1. **类型注解**:JDK 5.0引入了类型注解,使得编译器和工具能够理解代码中的元数据,这为泛型、枚举、自动装箱/拆箱等提供了支持。 2. **泛型**:泛型允许在类、接口和方法中使用类型参数,提高了代码的类型安全性...
文件"310-055_Certkiller.pdf"和"310-055-Q&A-Troytec.pdf"很可能包含了针对SCJP 5.0考试的模拟试题和答案解析。310-055是SCJP 5.0考试的代码,Certkiller和Troytec可能是提供这些资源的培训机构或个人。 SCJP 5.0...
在提供的压缩包文件中,"scjp 5.0(310-055)认证指南.chm"很可能是一个包含SCJP 5.0考试复习资料的离线帮助文档。这类文档通常会详细介绍考试大纲,提供练习题,并解释各种Java编程概念。考生可以通过阅读此文档来...
- **考试内容**:SCJP 5.0认证考试代码为CX-310-055,考试形式为多选题和拖放题,旨在测试考生对Java语言核心概念的理解以及J2SE 5.0的应用能力。 - **考试准备**: - 参加有教员指导的培训课程(如SL-275:Java...
### SCJP (JDK 5.0) 认证知识点解析 #### 题目一:接口中的变量声明 **题目描述**: 考虑以下代码片段: ```java public interface Status { /* insert code here */ int MY_VALUE = 10; } ``` 在第12行插入哪些...