
ALTER INDEX COALESCE: 10g Improvements


I thought it might be worth mentioning some interesting changes in the manner in which the ALTER INDEX … COALESCE command works since Oracle 10g.

Basically the purpose of the COALESCE option is to reduce free space within the Leaf Blocks of an index. This is achieved by effectively performing a Full Index Scan of the leaf blocks, comparing the free space available in neighbouring blocks. In 9i, the basic method was to logically start with the left most leaf block and see if it could be coalesced or merged with the 2nd left most block. This required the sum of used space within these 2 blocks to be less than 100% of a block less the PCTFREE value. If so, the contents were merged with the contents of one block placed in the other and with the now empty leaf block removed from the index structure and placed on the index freelist.

It then looked at the 2nd leaf block  (which might now be the first block if previously coalesced) and 3rd leaf blocks to see if these could be coalesced. If so they were merged and the empty block placed on the freelist.

And so on and so on until all leaf blocks had been traversed and all possible leaf blocks coalesced.

Note branch blocks are not directly merged during this process, except to be updated with modified pointer information if a leaf block coalesce had taken place. However, if enough leaf blocks are removed such that the branch block contains no more pointers to leaf blocks (or other intermediate branch blocks), it’s also removed from the index structure. However, there must always be at least one branch block from each level remaining hence the height of an index always remains the same during a coalesce operation.

Note if no leaf block had 50% or more free space, nothing would be coalesced as no two consecutive leaf blocks would have sufficient free space in which to be coalesced.

In 10g, the Coalesce operation has been modified somewhat.

An index no longer requires the sum of used space plus PCTFREE in adjacent blocks to be less than 100% of a block be effectively coalesced. For example, the free space in a block can be 25% in one leaf block and just 25% in the adjacent block (hence the combined used space alone being 150% of a block) and 10g can effectively coalesce these leaf blocks together.

This demo show how Coalesce differs between a 9i ( and a 10g ( database.

10g introduced the concept of being able to SHRINK an index and the Coalesce option can be viewed as now being very similar to an index Shrink command. Similar but not quite the same.

I’ll cover the similarities and differences between a Coalesce and a Shrink in the next day or two …








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    - `ALTER ANY INDEX`: 允许修改任何索引,包括重建或重定义索引。 - `ALTER ANY ROLE`: 可以修改任何已存在的角色,包括添加或删除权限。 - `ALTER ANY SEQUENCE`: 允许更改任何序列的属性,如增量、最大值等。 ...


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    10. **存储过程(Procedure)**: - `CREATE`:允许用户创建存储过程。 - `ALTER`:允许用户修改存储过程。 - `DROP`:允许用户删除存储过程。 11. **会话(Session)**: - `CREATE`:允许用户创建会话。 - `...

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