希望贡献一个rubygems的项目吗? 那么你来对地方了! There are many development efforts going on right now, and they could use your help. 查看下面的链接开始贡献吧或者联系项目的主要人员。
一、core projects
这些项目由核心 RubyGems team.团队创建。
Ruby’s premier packaging system. Bundled with Ruby 1.9+ and available for Ruby 1.8. Any time you run gem
at the command line, you’re using this project.
Code Guidelines + New features should be coupled with tests. + Ensure that your code blends well with ours (eg, no trailing whitespace, match indentation and coding style). + Don’t modify the history file or version number. + If you have any questions, just ask us on IRC in #rubygems or filean issue.
The Ruby community’s gem hosting service. Provides a better API for accessing, deploying, and managing gems along with clear and accessible project pages.
site - issues - mailing list
RubyGems AWS
Chef cookbooks and bootstrap scripts to configure and manage Rubygems.org on AWS. Includes Vagrant configuration for local testing.
RubyGems Status
A simple Rails app to show the status of the rubygems.org infrastructure.
RubyGems Guides
The central home for RubyGems documentation, including tutorials and reference material. User-contributed guides are more than welcome and encouraged!
RubyGems Testers
A community effort to document the test results for various gems, on various machine architectures.
Gem Whisperer
An example of how to use RubyGems.org’s webhooks to listen to every gem being pushed. Currently powers m.rubygems.organd @rubygems.
RubyGems.org API Library
A Ruby implementation of the various API endpoints available on RubyGems.org. If you’re writing a service in Ruby to interact with gems available to the community, check this out!
RubyGems Search
A souped-up implementation of search on RubyGems.org, using Solr. Still not 100% done yet, but hopefully will replace the search box on RubyGems.org soon!
RubyGems Mirror
The current state of mirroring RubyGems is frankly embarrassing. We need RubyGems to be highly available all over the world, no more excuses! Discussion is going on in the rubygems-mirror wiki on how to improve it.
RubyGems Verification
A collection of tools and data used for verifying the integrity of gems on rubygems.org based on checksums collected by third parties.
二、ecosystem projects
这些项目在rubygems core意外,但是和rubygems的工作紧密相关,用来改善gem的体验。
Bundler manages an application’s dependencies through its entire life across many machines systematically and repeatably.
site - issues - mailing list
A simple gem sandbox that makes sure your application has the exact gem versions you require. It does not perform dependency resolution like Bundler.
A fantastic provider of YARD documentation for every RubyGem available. Push a gem, and you get docs created instantly! RubyGems.org links to this site and it uses RubyGems.org’s webhooks as well.
site - issues - mailing list
Stickler is a great way to run and organize an internal gem server in your organization. It helps with mirroring gems and providing a gem source to add internal or proprietary code to.
Need simple RubyGems hosting? Geminabox can do that! This project provides an easy to setup way to host RubyGems internally and allow uploading of gems without much hassle.
三、your idea?
我们很高兴你的idea能出现在上面的list中。 If you’re working on a RubyGems related project, just fork this repoand add the link!
gemstash, 一个 RubyGems.org 缓存和 private gem 服务器 什么是 Gemstash?Gemstash是远程服务器( 如 https://rubygems.org ) 和 private gem 源的缓存。在你的控制范围内,如果你使用的是多个可以访问服务器的...
A package (also known as a library) contains a set of functionality that can be invoked by a Ruby program, such as reading and parsing an XML ... See our guide on publishing a Gem at guides.rubygems.org
目前帮助通过 SSH 连接到 RubyGems.org 基础设施和运行命令。 安装 $ cd $ git clone git://github.com/rubygems/meg.git .meg 对于 bash 用户: $ echo 'eval "$($HOME/.meg/bin/meg init -)"' >> ~/.bash_...
option.rubygems.org 项目导师的姓名: Nick Quaranto,Benjamin Fleischer 项目团队的名称:丽娜·托雷斯(Lina Torres)的安吉拉(Angela Guette) 项目名称: RubyGems.org采用中心 网址: : 关于该项目: ...
在Rubygems.org上查看Ruby Toolbox数据 此Chrome扩展程序从Ruby工具箱(https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/)中提取信息,以显示在rubygems.org上。 例如,如果您正在https://rubygems.org/gems/simplecov上查看诸如...
标题“2.4-3.0.rubygems.rar”暗示了这个压缩包可能包含了Ruby Gems从版本2.4到3.0之间的升级或集合,这对于Ruby开发者来说是一个重要的资源,因为版本升级通常会带来性能优化、新功能以及对旧问题的修复。...
RubyGems.org(姓氏 Gemcutter) Ruby 社区的 Gem 托管。目的提供更好的 API 来处理 gems 创建更透明和可访问的项目页面使社区能够改进和增强站点链接 :#rubygems 在 Freenode 上: : :贡献请遵循我们的。 要进行...
RubyGems.org(néeGemcutter) Ruby社区的gem主机。 目的 提供更好的API处理宝石 创建更透明,更易于访问的项目页面 使社区能够改善和增强网站 支持 由管理, 是一个社区资助的组织,通过门票和赞助为和的会议...
解压并安装"rubygems-3.2.27.zip"后,用户可以通过运行`gem update --system`来升级他们的RubyGems到最新版本。这将替换当前的RubyGems实现,确保用户拥有最新的功能和安全性补丁。 总的来说,RubyGems是Ruby生态...
在实际开发中,RubyGems还涉及到Gemfile和Gemfile.lock,它们是Bundler工具的一部分,用于管理项目依赖。Gemfile定义了项目需要哪些Gem和版本,而Gemfile.lock则记录了确切的依赖版本,确保在不同环境中的一致性。 ...
宝石所有者的宝石验证如果您是 Gem 所有者,请仅执行这些步骤。... 此过程是可选的,但它有助于我们重建对 Rubygems.org 的信任,因此我们感谢您做出的任何贡献。 在开始之前,请注意有两种方法可以完成此操作
Download from: rubygems.org/pages/download Unpack into a directory and cd there Install with: ruby setup.rb # you may need admin/root privilege For more details and other options, see: ruby setup....
RubyGems是Ruby编程语言的标准包管理器,它使得安装、分发和管理Ruby库和程序变得简单。在RubyGems 3.2.12版本中,我们聚焦于几个关键知识点,这些知识点对于理解如何有效地利用这个工具至关重要。 1. **RubyGems的...
★导航至ruby gem的GitHub或Rubygems.org页面。 在GitHub上打开'Gemfile'或'.gemspec'文件,然后单击任何gem名称。 您将被重定向到gem项目页面。 ★从上下文菜单中打开RubyGems.org中的ruby gem页面。 用鼠标突出...
在给定的资源中,我们涉及到了三个主要的IT组件:Ruby编程语言、RubyGems包管理器以及Redis键值存储系统。以下是关于这些技术的详细知识点: 1. **Ruby 2.2.4**: Ruby是一种面向对象的、动态类型的编程语言,以其...