Changes were made to Office Open XML between Ecma International's approval of the file format as a standard a year and a half ago and the ISO standards body's ratification of it this spring. Microsoft Corp. won't support the ISO version of its own format until Office 14 arrives around the end of 2009. Is this a big deal, as Microsoft critics such as attorney and blogger Andy Updegrove claim?
Burton Group analyst Guy Creese, who as some of you might recall co-authored a controversial white paper earlier this year predicting that OOXML would win the file format battle with ODF, agrees with Microsoft's critics.
"I think Microsoft is taking too long," he said. "I can't imagine that they wouldn't support it sooner if they could, so there must be some significant work required."
On the other hand, Creese says that the differences between the various versions of OOXML are, in the grand scheme of things, pretty small. They're much smaller than the differences between OOXML and an older binary format, such as Office 2003 or Office 2000. And most users don't worry much about losing data when resaving between those formats (though document archivists and power users working with complex forms or macros might have problems).
Creese also points out that since OOXML is, obviously, based on human-readable XML rather than on binary characters, the "chances of information ever becoming unrecoverable are a lot less."
These developments naturally trigger other questions:
Well, can Microsoft at least provide support sooner for the version of OOXML that Ecma submitted to ISO back in January? That earlier version is most notable for better graphics rendering and backward compatibility. But according to a spokeswoman, Microsoft has no plans to support it sooner.
Why did Microsoft belatedly support ODF and PDF? Not to woo consumers, for whom ODF and PDF support are nice-to-have but not essential features, but to ensure that Microsoft Office remains acceptable to governments, which exercise their power as huge buyers of technology as well as policymakers.
For instance, Belgium, the Netherlands and South Africa have all said they favor using ODF today, especially because Microsoft Office doesn't yet support the ISO-approved version of OOXML.
In the U.S., both Minnesota and the state of New York recently came out in favor of open document formats, though neither spoke explicitly of supporting ODF or OOXML.
With its move, "if a government says ODF is our standard, then Microsoft can say, 'It's our standard, too,' " Creese said.
But why isn't Microsoft committing to ODF 1.2? It's supposed to have better accessibility and spreadsheet features than ODF 1.1. It is already in the OpenOffice 3.0 beta, is expected to be finalized by OASIS this fall and is on target to be ratified by ISO next summer.
Microsoft says it hasn't determined if and when it will support ODF 1.2, and, through a spokeswoman, declined to elaborate why. Marino Marcich, executive director of the ODF Alliance, thinks that's silly. "There's no reason why you couldn't implement ODF 1.2 right now," he said.
I'm a WordPerfect user. Will Microsoft let users set other formats beside ODF and PDF for default save? Yes, Office 2007 SP2 will let users set any format that they can "Save As" today as their default, too. That includes WordPerfect, Microsoft Works, older Word formats, Rich Text Format, plain text and so on.
Hmm... Microsoft seems to be making the playing field awfully level. But there must be some remaining friction if I try to avoid OOXML. There will be some. Users saving documents in non-Office formats such as ODF or PDF will see a pop-up message warning that they may lose certain features or formatting if they go ahead, said a spokeswoman. That's similar to the messages that users see today when they save into older Office or non-Office formats.
Also, when opening non-OOXML documents, Office 2007's interface won't automatically remove features that aren't supported in those formats. "For example, when a user opens an .ODS ( spreadsheet file, they are free to use Excel's conditional formatting to analyze the data and identify trends, even though conditional formatting is not supported by the ODF format," wrote the spokeswoman.
While Creese thinks Microsoft "truly wants to" support ODF as best as it can, it will also subtly remind users that "if you want full fidelity and best interoperability, you'll want OOXML."
Does Office 2007's support for ODF help or hurt It's obviously early to say, and the answer is likely to have ramifications. For the tens of millions of users, this tears down the slight but still annoying compatibility wall separating them and the much larger population of Microsoft Office users.
That is likely to attract some more people to try or free siblings such as StarOffice from Sun Microsystems or Lotus Symphony from IBM.
"If you're not working in an enterprise that has standardized on Microsoft Office, you should think twice before paying full freight for Office, and give serious consideration to this free alternative," wrote Computerworld's Preston Gralla in a review of the upcoming OpenOffice 3.0.
But Microsoft is counting on its new ODF support as well as the gravitational pull from all of the existing Office documents to prevent large enterprises and governmental organizations from leaving the Microsoft Office orbit. And to keep consumers and small businesses, Microsoft is continuing to offer heavy, tactically timed discounts.
Judging by Office 2007's strong sales in the past year since its release, the foundation shows no signs of cracking.
ODF(OpenDocumentFormant)开放文档标准,摆脱对微软office的依赖,并可以获得自己文档的真正的拥有权 PDF版本的,方便用户查看。
ODF-UOF Converter是一款开源工具,专为在不同的办公文档格式之间进行转换而设计。它支持两种主要格式:Open Document Format(ODF)和中国的统一办公格式(UOF)。这两种格式都是XML基础的,但各自有其特定的应用...
ODF(Open Document Format)标准,也称为OpenDocument,是一个开放的、国际化的文档存储格式标准,主要用于办公应用,如文字处理、电子表格、演示文稿等。它由国际标准化组织(ISO)采纳并成为ISO/IEC 26300标准。...
由于它是一个公开的、无版权的XML规范,任何开发者都可以自由地实现对ODF的支持,这意味着用户不再局限于特定的软件来打开或编辑这些文件,比如可以使用LibreOffice、Apache OpenOffice、Microsoft Office等办公软件...
UOF(统一Office文档格式)是中国制定的一种开放文档格式,旨在与国际标准ODF(Open Document Format)相媲美,而OOXML是Microsoft Office广泛采用的文档格式,包括.docx、.xlsx和.pptx等。 标签“UOF2.0”、...
4. 在“选项--载入/保存--一般”对话框里选择“默认文件格式和 ODF 设置”下的“文档文件”选项。 5. 在“文档文件”选项下,选择“MicroSoft word 97/2000/XP/2021”(此格式为 .doc),或选择“MicroSoft word ...
办公软件文档格式 - 第1部分:规范》(Information Technology - Office Open XML File Formats - Part 1: Specification),是国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)联合制定的一项标准,旨在定义一套开放...
在 pc 上,包装器将简单地调用 xlsread / xlswrite,但在 mac 或 unix 平台上将读取开放文档格式 (ODF) 电子表格,例如由 Open Office 保存的电子表格。 包装器使用来自 ODFDOM 项目的 java 命令,该项目提供用于...
此外,它还支持ODF(Open Document Format)开放标准,促进文档的长期保存和互操作性。 **4. 安装过程** 压缩包中的“Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_zh-CN.exe”文件是64位版本的安装程序。用户需双击...
新版本可能增加了对更多文件格式的支持,包括但不限于Microsoft Office的旧版本文件,以及开放文档格式(ODF)等。 8. **报告和分析工具**:为了帮助管理层更好地监控和分析工作效率,此版本可能引入了更强大的报告...
- **ODF (OpenDocument Format)**:开放文档格式,旨在实现文档的开放性和可移植性。 - **DOCX/DOC**:Microsoft Word文档格式,广泛应用于办公环境中。 - **PDF (Portable Document Format)**:便携式文档格式,...
这个项目的核心在于一组精心设计的XSLT(eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)文件,这些文件能够有效地将OASIS开放文档格式(Open Document Format, ODF)转化为XSL-FO(XSL Formatting Objects)格式...
Word 2007能够打开和保存为多种格式,包括旧版的DOC格式和开放文档格式(ODF)。通过使用Microsoft Office的Save As功能或者第三方工具,可以实现不同格式之间的转换。 总结,Word 2007的XML格式是迈向更开放、更...
OpenOffice有多种语言版本,适用于所有常见的计算机,以ODF(国际开放标准格式)存储数据,并且能够读取和写入其他格式的文件,包括最常见的办公套件包使用的格式。OpenOffice 还能够以 PDF 格式导出文件。...
它不仅能够处理常见的Microsoft Office文档格式(如DOCX、XLSX、PPTX),还兼容ODF(OpenDocument Format)等开放格式。ONLYOFFICE的在线编辑功能使得用户无需安装本地软件,只需通过浏览器即可进行文档编辑,大大...
•旧版Microsoft文档格式支持(.DOC,.XLS,.PPT)以及.ODF格式 OfficeSuite已授予权限-http :// 扩展了Sony SmartBand,SmartWatch 2和...
UOF,全称为“统一 Office 文档格式”(Unified Office Format),是中国自主研发的一种开放文档格式,旨在提供一个标准化的数据交换平台,促进不同办公软件之间的兼容性。这一格式是针对电子文档存储、交换和长期...
- 默认采用开放文档格式(ODF)保存文件,兼容多种开源软件。 - 支持将文件直接保存为PDF格式,无需额外软件支持。 - 可以打开和保存Microsoft Excel等格式的文件,方便与其他用户的文件交换。 3. **用户友好性*...