Have encountered an issues with oacore crashing in R12 Oracle Applications frequently:
Error Message in error_log:
mod_oc4j: Failed to find a failover oc4j process for session request for destination: application://oacore (no island or jgroup).
The error ‘mod_oc4j Failed to find a failover oc4j process for session request for destination’ indicates that a session request was received by the Process Manger (PM). The PM was unable to find a java process to route the session to which would be defined as a “island” or “jgroup” and it failed.
The error indicates for some reason the OC4J process has become non responsive to the point where the PM has determined it failed or is no longer available. This error usually occurs when OHS (mod_oc4j) is not able to communicate ( over AJP ) with OC4J.
There are multiple reasons why this error may have happened: Some common reasons are
1. Load: e.g. Too many clients connecting to the application :
- The number of requests are high enough that the process cannot respond to new requests prior to reaching the timeout period.
2. Performance: Heavily loaded JVM or Lack of enough memory for JVM
- The OC4J oacore JVM processes in the middle tier are heavily loaded
- High number of jdbc connections with database there by increasing the number of threads on the java process.
3. Code:
* Internal to Application Server, one of the components are not operating
correctly or efficiently.
* External to ApplicationServer, E-Business code (seeded or custom code) causing
memory leakages.
4. Lack of free ports for AJP communication
Increae the OACore Heap Configuration to 512/1024 in opmn.xml
Change the below entry in opmn.xml(also modify the entry in xml file) and Bounce the opmn services.
<data id=”java-options” value=”-server -verbose:gc -Xmx512M -Xms512M -XX:MaxPermSize=160M -XX:NewRatio=2
<data id=”java-options” value=”-server -verbose:gc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:NewRatio=2
注意:mod_oc4j: Failed to find a failover oc4j process for session request for destination: application://form (no cluster or jgroup).
If the error ends with "//form (no island or jgroup)" then oc4j forms process
has issue or if the error ends with "//oacore (no island or jgroup)" then oc4j
oacore process has issue.
In 11i, those changes are made in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf file, while in R12 in the $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
The heap is configured by s_oacore_jvm_start_option, s_forms_jvm_start_options in R12. For 12.1 and higher start with the following and increase as per the user load:
-Xmx1024M -Xms512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
-XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
Also, Add the following parameter to the DBC file:
For More Information Please Ref:Guidelines to setup the JVM in Apps Ebusiness Suite 11i and R12 [ID 362851.1]
pg_auto_failover pg_auto_failover是PostgreSQL扩展和服务,用于监视和管理Postgres集群的自动故障转移。 它针对简单性和正确性进行了优化,并支持Postgres 10和更高版本。 pg_auto_failover支持几种Postgres架构...
然而,在实际应用中,Nacos的集群安装配置却是一个难题,需要考虑到多个节点之间的通信、数据一致性、failover机制等问题。本文将详细介绍如何使用Docker容器来安装Nacos集群,并进行详细的配置说明。 Nacos集群...
- **OC4J**: Oracle Container for Java,是Oracle Application Server的一个组成部分,用于支持Java应用程序的部署。 - **ESB**: Enterprise Service Bus,企业服务总线,用于实现不同系统之间的集成和服务交互。 -...
- **fal_server=test11 fal_client=test12:** 设置Failover Application Logging(FAL)服务器和客户端名称。 - **standby_file_management=auto:** 允许自动管理Standby数据库的数据文件。 - **db_file_name_convert ...
"Failover for Linux"是一个专为Linux操作系统设计的双机热备软件,旨在提高系统的稳定性和可用性。 **Failover的基本原理:** Failover系统通常由两台或更多的服务器组成,一台为主服务器(Primary Node),另一台...
* _Application-ID_:4 个八位组,用来识别信息可使用到的应用程序。 * _Hop-by-Hop Identifier_:32 位无符号整数段,用来匹配请求和回复。 * _End-to-End Identifier_:32 位无符号整数段,用来探测重复信息。 * _...
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Failover LAN Interface: N/A - Serial-based failover enabled Unit Poll frequency 15 seconds, holdtime 45 seconds Interface Poll frequency 5 seconds, holdtime 25 seconds Interface Policy 1 Monitored ...
除了上述参数外,还有其他几个重要的Oracle DG参数,如`FAILOVER_TYPE`(定义故障转移类型)、`FAILOVER_METHOD`(定义故障切换方法)和`RECEIVE_TIMEOUT`(定义接收归档日志的超时时间)。理解并正确配置这些参数...
- **容错集群(Failover Clustering)**: - 定义:一组服务器共同工作,提供不间断的服务。如果其中一台服务器发生故障,另一台服务器可以接管其工作负载。 - 应用:适用于关键任务的应用程序和服务,如数据库...
### ActiveMQ Failover模式下连接切换与线程断开问题详解 #### 一、问题背景及现象描述 在使用ActiveMQ消息中间件时,我们常常需要考虑如何在多个实例之间实现高可用性(HA)。其中一种常用的方式是采用**Failover...
- 对于每个节点,定义了四个网络接口: - LAN1: 数据传输与心跳检测; - LAN2、LAN3: 心跳检测; - LAN4: 备份使用。 - 例如,ZB-DM-DB01 的 LAN1 接口地址为,用于数据和心跳;LAN2 和 LAN3 ...
本文将深入探讨“master_ip_failover”和“master_ip_online_change”这两个主题,以及它们在MHA环境中的作用。 首先,让我们理解一下MHA。MHA全称为MySQL High Availability,它是一个开源的解决方案,用于监控...
master_ip_failover 通常用于在故障转移过程中更新 IP 地址,以便客户端能够无缝地连接到新的主服务器。它可以通过修改 DNS 记录、更新配置文件或使用 IP 地址管理工具来实现 IP 的切换。 使用 master_ip_failover ...
分别有如下文档: 1)Availability_Guide ...10)Setup_for_Failover_Clustering_and_Microsoft_Cluster_Services 11)Upgrade_Guide 12)vSphere_Documentation_Roadmap_ESX 13)vSphere_Web_Access_Administration