<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.umapp.common.entity.RawResInfo"> <!-- WARNING - @mbggenerated This element is automatically generated by MyBatis Generator, do not modify. This element was generated on Tue May 20 09:35:37 CST 2014. --> <selectKey keyProperty="resourceId" order="AFTER" resultType="java.lang.Long"> SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS resourceId </selectKey> <![CDATA[ insert into `raw_res_info` (service_id, resource_name, resource_status, file_path, creator_id, create_time, other_flag, md5, sha1 ) values (#{serviceId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{resourceName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{resourceStatus,jdbcType=TINYINT}, #{filePath,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{creatorId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{otherFlag,jdbcType=BIGINT}, #{md5,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{sha1,jdbcType=VARCHAR} ) ]]> </insert>
MyBatis 目录(?)[-] mybatis实战教程mybatis in action之一开发环境搭建 mybatis实战教程mybatis in action之二以接口的方式编程 mybatis实战教程mybatis in action之三实现数据的增删改查 mybatis实战教程mybatis ...
throw new RuntimeException("Delete operation failed", e); } finally { sqlSession.close(); } ``` 通过以上步骤,我们就可以在MyBatis中实现删除单条数据的功能。需要注意的是,为了避免数据误删,通常在生产...
无侵入:Mybatis-Plus 在 Mybatis 的基础上进行扩展,只做增强不做改变,引入 Mybatis-Plus 不会对您现有的 Mybatis 构架产生任何影响,而且 MP 支持所有 Mybatis 原生的特性 依赖少:仅仅依赖 Mybatis 以及 Mybatis...
Any exception thrown during a database operation will be translated into a Spring DataAccessException, which provides a consistent error handling mechanism across different data access technologies. ...
开发者可能使用Spring Boot框架构建服务,利用MyBatis或JPA进行数据访问,使用RabbitMQ或Kafka实现消息队列,进行异步处理和解耦,以及可能使用Hystrix进行服务降级和熔断,以提高系统的容错能力。 对于文件名"irs-...
MySQL中的中文乱码问题往往源于字符集设置不一致或不恰当,这会导致"Illegal mix of collations for operation"的错误。为了解决这个问题,我们需要理解MySQL中的几个关键字符集概念,并采取相应的配置措施。 1. **...
6. **清理后处理**:测试结束后,通常使用`DatabaseOperation.CLEAR_TABLES`或`DatabaseOperation.FLUSH`操作清理数据库,恢复到初始状态。 7. **异常处理**:在测试过程中,如果数据导入或导出出现错误,DBUnit会...
前言 项目中有需求要垂直分表,即按照时间区间将数据拆分到n个表中,PostgreSQL提供了分区表...首先看一下需求,现在有一张日志表,现在需要按表中的操作时间字段(operation_time)分区,如下图: 这个需求就是一
在这个系统中,开发人员使用了SpringMVC、Mybatis和LigerUI这三个技术栈,构建了一个高效、稳定的后端架构。 SpringMVC是Spring框架的一部分,是一个基于模型-视图-控制器(MVC)设计模式的Web应用框架。它简化了...
The main function module design interface and operation interface of the system are also displayed in this paper, with necessary explanations provided to facilitate user operation and system usage, ...
The system features a clear interface, simple operation, and comprehensive functions, making the management of the postgraduate entrance examination forum design systematized and standardized....
In terms of performance, the system is designed to be stable and efficient, ensuring smooth operation even during peak traffic periods. The use of optimized frameworks and a well-designed database ...
解决 many traditional manual operation difficulties, such as long data query time, cumbersome data management procedures, etc. In general, the car rental management system has stable performance, ...
模块设计 interface and operation interface of the system in this paper, and explains them as necessary, facilitating users' operation and use of the system, as well as later updates and maintenance by...
该软件是PORTAL协议的服务端程序,Java编写,开源。 支持Huawei H3C 锐捷 等设备...整个项目 采用SpringMVC + Spring + Mybatis + Shiro + Ehcache + druid + jersey + quartz + freemarker + jxl + ajax + Json 构架。
PORTAL协议的服务端程序,Java编写,开源。 支持华为 H3C 锐捷 爱快 等设备,支持标准Portal...框架: SpringMVC + Spring + Mybatis + Shiro + Ehcache + druid + jersey + quartz + freemarker + jxl + ajax + Json
this project aims to integrate the frontend and backend well to achieve the completeness of overall functions, ultimately enabling independent development and ensuring the normal operation of the ...