
Mahout: Fuzzy k-means clustering


As the name says, the fuzzy k-means clustering algorithm does a fuzzy form of k-means clustering. Instead of the exclusive clustering in k-means, fuzzy k-means tries to generate overlapping clusters from the data set. In the academic community, it’s also known as the fuzzy c-means algorithm. You can think of it as an extension of k-means.


K-means tries to find the hard clusters (where each point belongs to one cluster) whereas fuzzy k-means discovers the soft clusters. In a soft cluster, any point can belong to more than one cluster with a certain affinity value towards each. This affinity is proportional to the distance from the point to the centroid of the cluster. Like k-means, fuzzy k-means works on those objects that can be represented in n-dimensional vector space and it has a distance measure defined.




mahout fkmeans 
-i mahout/reuters-vectors/tfidf-vectors/ 
-c mahout/reuters-fkmeans-centroids 
-o mahout/reuters-fkmeans-clusters 
-cd 1.0 -k 21 -m 2 -ow -x 10 
-dm org.apache.mahout.common.distance.SquaredEuclideanDistanceMeasure



Fuzzy k-means has a parameter, m, called the fuzziness factor. Like k-means, fuzzy k-means loops over the data set but instead of assigning vectors to the nearest centroids,it calculates the degree of association of the point to each of the clusters.


Suppose for a vector, V, that d1, d2, ... dk are the distances to each of the k cluster centroids. The degree of association (u1) of vector (V) to the first cluster (C1) is calculated as

If m increases, the fuzziness of the algorithm increases, and you’ll begin to see more and
more overlap.The fuzzy k-means algorithm also converges better and faster than the standard k-
means algorithm.











  • 大小: 5 KB



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    3. **聚类**:包括K-means、Fuzzy K-means、Canopy Clustering等,用于将数据集分成多个具有相似特征的组。这些算法广泛应用于市场细分、用户分群和数据降维。 4. **矩阵分解**:如SVD(奇异值分解)和PMI(潜在...


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    2. **聚类**:包括K-Means、Fuzzy K-Means和Canopy Clustering等算法,可以对数据集进行无监督学习,将相似的数据点分组到一起,形成不同的簇。 3. **分类**:支持如Naive Bayes和Random Forest等监督学习算法,...


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    1. **聚类**:Mahout提供了多种聚类算法,如K-means,Fuzzy K-means,和Canopy Clustering等。这些算法用于将数据集中的对象分成不同的组或簇,使得同一簇内的对象相似度较高,而不同簇之间的对象相似度较低。这对于...


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