


about: URLs that are listed in about:about page.

  • about: — The same page as "Help -> About" (except that, on some applications, Help → About is a much smaller popup).
  • about:about — Lists all these about: URLs (Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey or Firefox 4 and newer only).
  • about:accounts — Firefox Sync account. New on Firefox 29. [1][2]
  • about:addons — The "new" addons manager, in trunk builds dated 2010-05-11 or later.
  • about:app-manager — new on Firefox 26. App Manager, a tool to help users build and install web apps on compatible devices (i.e. Firefox OS).
  • about:buildconfig — Reveals details about your Mozilla build options.
  • about:cache — Displays cache statistics and disk cache directory location.
    • about:cache?device=memory — Lists memory cache entries.
    • about:cache?device=disk — Lists disk cache entries.
  • about:cache-entry — Shows information about a cache entry. Used in about:cache links. Requires parameters.
  • about:compartments shows a list of live JavaScript compartments [3]. Implemented starting with Firefox 13 (bug 702300)
  • about:config — GUI for modifying user preferences. (Also accessible in Thunderbird by means of the "Config Editor" button in the "Advanced" Preferences).
  • about:crashes — List of Breakpad crash reports, with links and datestamps. Only in products based on Gecko 1.9 or later (Firefox 3, Thunderbird 3, SeaMonkey 2).
  • about:customizing — Only available on Australis.
  • about:credits — The list of contributors to the Mozilla projects.
  • about:data — opens the Data Manager which shows per-site data and permissions. This is part of SeaMonkey 2.x and available as a Firefox extension.
  • about:downloads — new on Firefox 20. (Also in recent versions of SeaMonkey. Jökulsárlón Download Manager may be required.)
  • about:home — Firefox Start Page
  • about:healthreport — new on Firefox 21 (bug 718066, bug 719484). Also accessible via "Help -> Firefox Health Report".
  • about:licence and about:license — both show the Mozilla Public License and the Netscape Public License for the piece of software. ( Only in products based on Gecko 1.8 or later)
  • about:logo — Displays the application logo (Mozilla Suite, SeaMonkey, and Firefox 3).
  • about:memory shows the memory usage of Firefox starting in Firefox 3.6 (Windows) and Firefox 4 (Linux). Implemented in bug 515354
  • about:mozilla — The famous Book of Mozilla
  • about:networking — new on Firefox 26.
  • about:newtab — the default new tab page since Firefox 13.
  • about:permissions shows and manages the permissions as also shown in Tools → Page Info → Permissions. Implemented starting with Firefox 6 (bug 573176)
  • about:plugins — Lists all your plugins as well as other useful information.
  • about:preferences — Firefox only. Open preferences.
  • about:privatebrowsing
  • about:rights
  • about:robots — Easter egg, see bug 417302. Beginning with March 8th, 2008 trunk builds, it's now available on Firefox 3.0b5.
  • about:sessionrestore
  • about:support — Starting in Firefox 3.6 (bug 367596) and SeaMonkey 2.1a trunk builds based on Gecko 1.9.3a (bug 518607). Displays information such as Application Basics (version, link to open the profile folder, link to about:plugins and about:buildconfig), Extensions, Modified Preferences and, starting in Firefox 4, Graphics information (bug 587102). Also accessible via "Help -> Troubleshooting information".
  • about:sync-log
  • about:sync-progress
  • about:sync-tab
  • about:telemetry — new on Firefox/Thunderbird 19 and SeaMonkey 2.16 (bug 661881)
  • about:webrtc — TBA
  • about:welcomeback — new on Firefox 25.

Unlisted about: URLs

about: URLs that are not listed in about:about page but exist.

  • about:blank — A blank page. Useful for setting as your homepage.
  • about:blocked — Used by Safe Browsing tool to display bad web page.
  • about:bloat — Displays BloatView output (disabled in release builds).
    • about:bloat?new
    • about:bloat?clear
  • about:certerror — Displays This Connection is Untrusted if a web page has invalid certificate.
  • about:kitchensink — Was never included in Mozilla for the reasons listed in bug 122411 ("Mozilla does not have a kitchen sink"). You can install a Firefox extension that adds it though :) (In SeaMonkey, you would have to bookmark the above-mentioned XML page, copy it, or add SeaMonkey to the extension's install.rdf. In SeaMonkey or Thunderbird, you could also change the Mail Start Page.)
  • about:feeds — Feed viewer template.
  • about:newaddon — Dialog shown when one or more add-ons have been added without using the normal Add-on Manager procedures, by dropping it in one of the "special" add-on directories. It asks which ones you want to keep enabled.
    • Typing about:newaddon in the URL bar won't display anything. (It may briefly flash an empty error dialog, then you get the empty about:blank page.)
  • about:neterror — Displays error page.
  • about:socialerror — TBA
  • about:tabcrashed — TBA. Firefox 25 and newer. 


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    第二步:删除浏览器安装包中的update.exe更新程序 第三步:浏览器在地址栏中输入about:config,搜索xpinstall.signatures.required并双击禁用(值...第四步:将jsprintsetup-文件拖至火狐浏览器页面进行安装即可


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    2. 打开火狐浏览器,进入“about:addons”页面,或通过菜单栏找到“附加组件”。 3. 选择右上角的“设置”按钮,然后在弹出的窗口中找到“从文件安装附加组件”选项。 4. 浏览到解压后的restClient扩展文件位置,...


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    7. **自定义配置**:火狐浏览器允许用户通过about:config页面调整大量隐藏配置选项,这为高级用户和开发者提供了高度的定制性,可以根据自己的需求调整浏览器的行为。 8. **多语言支持**:火狐浏览器支持多种语言...


    - 火狐浏览器允许用户通过"about:config"页面进行深入的配置,调整浏览器的行为以适应个人偏好。 总的来说,"Firefox火狐浏览器官方75.0b2-win32版本msi安装包"是一个为32位Windows用户提供的测试版浏览器,它提供...


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