


public class DateUtils {
	public static final long ONE_DAY_LONG = 86400000;
	private static DateUtils classInstance = new DateUtils();

	public static DateUtils getInstance() {
		return classInstance;

	 * Timestamp时间类型转换String
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * <p>Discription:[]</p>
	 * @author:[]
	 * @update:[日期YYYY-MM-DD] [更改人姓名]
	 * @param time
	 * @param pattern
	 * @return String
	public static String timestamp2string(Timestamp time, String pattern) {
		Date d = new Date(time.getTime());

		if (pattern == null) {
			pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
		return DateFormatUtils.format(d, pattern);

	 * Date时间类型转换String
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 *  时间格式yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
	 * @param date
	 * @param pattern
	 * @return String
	public static String formatDate(Date date, String pattern) {
		if (date == null) {
			date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

		if (pattern == null) {
			pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
		return DateFormatUtils.format(date, pattern);
	 * date传null获取当前时间
	 * 时间格式yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param date
	 * @return String
	public static String defaultFormat(Date date) {
		return formatDate(date, null);

	 * 获取当前时间Date类型
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @return Date
	public static Date parseDateFormat() {
		SimpleDateFormat fo = new SimpleDateFormat();
		Date date = new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

		try {
			date = fo.parse(DateFormatUtils.format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd"));
		} catch (Exception e) {

		return date;

	 * 根据Timestamp类型返回2014-06-06格式String
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param time
	 * @return String
	public static String parseTimestampFormat(Timestamp time) {

		if (time != null && !time.equals("")) {

			return parseDateFormat(new Date(time.getTime()));

		} else {

			return "";


	 * 根据Date转换String格式yyyy-MM-dd
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param date
	 * @return String
	public static String parseDateFormat(Date date) {
		SimpleDateFormat fo = new SimpleDateFormat();
		String retVal = "0000-00-00";
		try {
			retVal = DateFormatUtils.format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd");
		} catch (Exception e) {

		return retVal;

	 * 根据String返回Timestamp
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param value
	 * @return Timestamp
	public static Timestamp formatFromYYYYMMDD(String value) {
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
		Date date = null;
		try {
			date = sdf.parse(value);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			return null;
		return new Timestamp(date.getTime());
	public static Timestamp formatFromYYYYMMDDhhmmss(String value) {
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
		Date date = null;
		try {
			date = sdf.parse(value);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			return null;
		return new Timestamp(date.getTime());

	public static Date string2Date(String str) {
		if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str))
			return new Date();
		return java.sql.Date.valueOf(str);

	public static boolean between(Date srcDate, Date startDate, Date endDate) {
		if (startDate.after(srcDate))
			return false;
		if (endDate.before(srcDate))
			return false;
		return true;

	public static Date getDayStart(Date date) {
		return string2Date(divideDateForDay(date, "yyyy-MM-dd", 0));
		// return Timestamp.valueOf(formatDate(date, "yyyy-MM-dd")+" 00:00:00");
	 * 根据传入时间在追加一天
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param date
	 * @return
	public static Date getDayEnd(Date date) {
		return string2Date(divideDateForDay(date, "yyyy-MM-dd", 1));
		// return Timestamp.valueOf(formatDate(date, "yyyy-MM-dd")+" 23:59:59");

	 * 给指定时间 追加天数
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param date  
	 * @param pattern   显示格式
	 * @param num       需要加的天数
	 * @return
	public static String divideDateForDay(Date date, String pattern, int num) {
		if (date == null)
			date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
		if (pattern == null)
			pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
		Calendar cal = null;
		SimpleDateFormat fo = new SimpleDateFormat();
		try {
			cal = fo.getCalendar();
			cal.add(Calendar.DATE, num);
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return fo.format(cal.getTime());

	 * 算出两个时间的相差天数
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param dateBegin
	 * @param dateEnd
	 * @return
	public static int subtrationDate(Date dateBegin, Date dateEnd) {

		GregorianCalendar gc1 = new GregorianCalendar(dateBegin.getYear(),
				dateBegin.getMonth(), dateBegin.getDate());
		GregorianCalendar gc2 = new GregorianCalendar(dateEnd.getYear(),
				dateEnd.getMonth(), dateEnd.getDate());
		// the above two dates are one second apart
		Date d1 = gc1.getTime();
		Date d2 = gc2.getTime();
		long l1 = d1.getTime();
		long l2 = d2.getTime();
		long difference = l2 - l1;
		int date = (int) (difference / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000);
		return date;


	// 当前日期前几天或者后几天的日期
	public static Date afterNDay(int n) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.setTime(new Date());
		c.add(Calendar.DATE, n);
		Date d2 = c.getTime();
		return d2;

	// 当前日期前几天或者后几天的日期
	public static Date afterNDays(Timestamp time, int n) {
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.add(Calendar.DATE, n);
		Date d2 = c.getTime();
		return d2;

	public static Timestamp transDate(Date date) {
		if (date != null) {
			long time = date.getTime();
			return new Timestamp(time);
		return null;

	public static Date transTimestamp(Timestamp time) {
		if (time != null) {
			long t = time.getTime();
			return new Date(t);
		return null;

	// 时间段的第一个时间
	public static java.sql.Timestamp stringToTime1(String d) {
		java.sql.Timestamp t = null;
		SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

		Date d1;
		try {
			if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(d)) {
				d1 = df.parse(d);
				t = new Timestamp(d1.getTime());
		} catch (ParseException e) {
		return t;

	// 时间段的第二个时间
	public static java.sql.Timestamp stringToTime2(String d) {
		java.sql.Timestamp t = null;
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(d)) {
			t = Timestamp.valueOf(d + " 23:59:59");
		return t;

	public static Calendar getYesterDayBegin() {
		Calendar before = Calendar.getInstance();

						before.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1);
		before.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
		before.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
		before.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
		before.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

		return before;

	 * 查看昨天的日期  还需要调用transCalendarToTimestamp方法
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @return
	public static Calendar getYesterDayEnd() {
		Calendar after = Calendar.getInstance();
		after.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, after.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1);
		after.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
		after.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
		after.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
		after.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);
		return after;
	 * Calendar和Timestamp转换
	 * @param cal
	 * @return
	public static Timestamp transCalendarToTimestamp(Calendar cal)
		Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis());
		return ts;

	 * 根据Timestamp类型参数  返回年后两位月日(例如:140606)
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param time
	 * @return String
	public static String transTimestamptostr(Timestamp time) {
		if (time != null) {

			java.util.Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
			String year = String.valueOf(c.get(c.YEAR));
			String month = String.valueOf(c.get(c.MONTH) + 1);
			String day = String.valueOf(c.get(c.DATE));

			if (month.length() < 2)
				month = "0" + month;
			if (day.length() < 2)
				day = "0" + day;
			return year.substring(2, 4) + month + day;

		return null;
	 * 根据Calendar日历返回String
	 *  Created on 2014-6-6 
	 * @param cal
	 * @return
	public static String getDataString(Calendar cal)
		Calendar now=cal;
		String time=now.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+(now.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)+" "+now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)+":"+now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)+":"+now.get(Calendar.SECOND);
		return time;
	public static Calendar parseCalendarDate(String date) {
		Calendar d11 = new GregorianCalendar();
		Date d1 = null;
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");// 时间格式自己设置
		try { // 一定要放到try里面,不然会报错的
			d1 = sdf.parse(date);
		} catch (Exception e) {

		d11.setTime(d1); // OK了,d11就是结果了
		return d11;
	public static Timestamp calendar2Timestamp(Calendar cal){
		return new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis());
	public static String getDatePath(){
		return DateHelper.CalendarToStrByMark(Calendar.getInstance(), "yyyyMMdd");
	public static String getDatePath(Calendar cal,String pattern){
			pattern="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
		SimpleDateFormat sf=new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
		return sf.format(cal.getTime());
	public static String getDateTimePath(){
		return DateHelper.CalendarToStrByMark(Calendar.getInstance(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss");
	public static Calendar date2Calendar(Date d){	
		Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
		return cal;
	 * 日期比较是否相等
	 * @param d1
	 * @param d2
	 * @param type 比较方式,complete,date,
	 * @return boolean
	 * @author zhou jun
	public static boolean compere(Date d1, Date d2, String type)
			String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";
			String date1 = formatDate(d1, pattern);
			String date2 = formatDate(d2, pattern);
				return true;
			return false;
			return d1.equals(d2);
     * 功能: 将日期对象按照某种格式进行转换,返回转换后的字符串 
     * @param date 日期对象 
     * @param pattern 转换格式 例:yyyy-MM-dd
     * @author yanhechao 
    public static String DateToString(Date date, String pattern) {  
        String strDateTime = null;  
        SimpleDateFormat formater = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);  
        strDateTime = date == null ? null : formater.format(date);  
        return strDateTime;  


public class StringUtils {

	public static String sqlnull(String source) {
		if (source == null) {
			return "";
		} else {
			return source;

	private static StringUtils classInstance = new StringUtils();

	public static final String EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY[] = new String[0];

	public static StringUtils getInstance() {
		return classInstance;

	private StringUtils() {

	public static String[] getStrAddress(String str) {
		String[] strAddress = str.split("<br>");
		return strAddress;


	public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {
		if (str == null)
			return false;
		int sz = str.length();
		if (sz == 0)
			return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
			if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i)))
				return false;

		return true;

	public static String filterText(String content) {
		content = content.replaceAll("\\[img\\]", "<img src=");

		content = content.replaceAll("\\[\\/img\\]", " />");

		content = content.replaceAll("\\[code\\]",
				"<table width=100% border=1 bgcolor=#99FFFF><tr><td><p>");
		content = content.replaceAll("\\[\\/code\\]", "</p></td></tr></table>");

		return content;

	// 验证字符是否日期
	public static boolean isDate(String str, String format) {
		Date dp1;
		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
		sdf.setLenient(false);// 这个的功能是不把1996-13-3 转换�?1997-1-3
		try {
			dp1 = sdf.parse(str);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			return false;
		return true;

	public static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
		return str == null || str.length() == 0;

	public static boolean isNotEmpty(String str) {
		return str != null && str.length() > 0;

	public static String substring(String str, int start, int end) {
		if (str.length() <= end)
			end = str.length();
		String temp = str.substring(start, end);
		if (str.length() > temp.length())
			temp += "...";
		return temp;

	public static int lastIndexOf(String str, char searchChar) {
		if (str == null || str.length() == 0)
			return -1;
			return str.lastIndexOf(searchChar);

	public static int lastIndexOf(String str, char searchChar, int startPos) {
		if (str == null || str.length() == 0)
			return -1;
			return str.lastIndexOf(searchChar, startPos);

	public static int lastIndexOf(String str, String searchStr) {
		if (str == null || searchStr == null)
			return -1;
			return str.lastIndexOf(searchStr);

	public static int lastIndexOf(String str, String searchStr, int startPos) {
		if (str == null || searchStr == null)
			return -1;
			return str.lastIndexOf(searchStr, startPos);

	public static String substring(String str, int start) {
		if (str == null)
			return null;
		if (start < 0)
			start = str.length() + start;
		if (start < 0)
			start = 0;
		if (start > str.length())
			return "";
			return str.substring(start);

	public static String[] split(String str) {
		return split(str, null, -1);

	public static String[] split(String str, char separatorChar) {
		if (str == null)
			return null;
		int len = str.length();
		if (len == 0)
		List list = new ArrayList();
		int i = 0;
		int start = 0;
		boolean match = false;
		while (i < len)
			if (str.charAt(i) == separatorChar) {
				if (match) {
					list.add(str.substring(start, i));
					match = false;
				start = ++i;
			} else {
				match = true;
		if (match)
			list.add(str.substring(start, i));
		return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

	public static String[] split(String str, String separatorChars) {
		return split(str, separatorChars, -1);

	public static String[] split(String str, String separatorChars, int max) {
		if (str == null)
			return null;
		int len = str.length();
		if (len == 0)
		List list = new ArrayList();
		int sizePlus1 = 1;
		int i = 0;
		int start = 0;
		boolean match = false;
		if (separatorChars == null)
			while (i < len)
				if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
					if (match) {
						if (sizePlus1++ == max)
							i = len;
						list.add(str.substring(start, i));
						match = false;
					start = ++i;
				} else {
					match = true;
		else if (separatorChars.length() == 1) {
			char sep = separatorChars.charAt(0);
			while (i < len)
				if (str.charAt(i) == sep) {
					if (match) {
						if (sizePlus1++ == max)
							i = len;
						list.add(str.substring(start, i));
						match = false;
					start = ++i;
				} else {
					match = true;
		} else {
			while (i < len)
				if (separatorChars.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
					if (match) {
						if (sizePlus1++ == max)
							i = len;
						list.add(str.substring(start, i));
						match = false;
					start = ++i;
				} else {
					match = true;
		if (match)
			list.add(str.substring(start, i));
		return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

	public static boolean arrayContains(String[] arr, String str) {
		if (str == null)
			return false;
		for (String s : arr) {
			if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(str))
				return true;
		return false;

	public static void sort(int[] data) {
		for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			for (int j = data.length - 1; j > i; j--) {
				if (data[j] < data[j - 1]) {
					swap(data, j, j - 1);

	public static void sortList(List data) {
		for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
			for (int j = data.size() - 1; j > i; j--) {
				String sdfsd = ((Object[]) data.get(j))[1] + "";
				if (Double.parseDouble(((Object[]) data.get(j))[1] + "") < Double
						.parseDouble(((Object[]) data.get(j - 1))[1] + "")) {
					swapList(data, j, j - 1);
				sdfsd = null;

	public static void sortDescList(List data) {
		for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
			for (int j = data.size() - 1; j > i; j--) {
				String sdfsd = ((Object[]) data.get(j))[1] + "";
				if (Double.parseDouble(((Object[]) data.get(j))[1] + "") > Double
						.parseDouble(((Object[]) data.get(j - 1))[1] + "")) {
					swapList(data, j, j - 1);

				sdfsd = null;


	private static void swapList(List data, int i, int j) {
		Object temp = data.get(i);
		data.set(i, data.get(j));
		data.set(j, temp);
		temp = null;

	private static void swap(int[] data, int i, int j) {
		int temp = data[i];
		data[i] = data[j];
		data[j] = temp;

	public static String formatIntToStr(int num, String pattern) {
		DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(pattern);

		return df.format(num);

	public static Long[] string2Long(String[] strs) {
		if (strs == null) {
			return new Long[0];

		Long[] ls = new Long[strs.length];

		for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {
			ls[i] = Long.valueOf(strs[i]);

		return ls;

	public static String toChi(String input) {
		try {
			byte[] bytes = input.getBytes("ISO8859-1");

			return isValidUtf8(bytes, bytes.length) ? new String(bytes, "utf-8")
					: new String(bytes);
		} catch (Exception ex) {

		return null;

	public static boolean isValidUtf8(byte[] b, int aMaxCount) {
		int lLen = b.length;
		int lCharCount = 0;

		for (int i = 0; (i < lLen) && (lCharCount < aMaxCount); ++lCharCount) {
			byte lByte = b[i++]; // to fast operation, ++ now, ready for the
			// following for(;;)

			if (lByte >= 0) {
				continue; // >=0 is normal ascii

			if ((lByte < (byte) 0xc0) || (lByte > (byte) 0xfd)) {
				return false;

			int lCount = (lByte > (byte) 0xfc) ? 5 : ((lByte > (byte) 0xf8) ? 4
					: ((lByte > (byte) 0xf0) ? 3 : ((lByte > (byte) 0xe0) ? 2
							: 1)));

			if ((i + lCount) > lLen) {
				return false;

			for (int j = 0; j < lCount; ++j, ++i)
				if (b[i] >= (byte) 0xc0) {
					return false;

		return true;

	public static Date afterDate(String date, String pattern) {
		SimpleDateFormat fo = new SimpleDateFormat();

		if (pattern == null) {
			pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
		Date tempdate = null;
		try {
			tempdate = fo.parse(date);
		} catch (ParseException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
		return tempdate;

	public static boolean between(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
		if (startDate.after(endDate))
			return false;

		return true;

	public static Integer getStateNow() {
		Date d = new Date();
		SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
		Integer i = Integer.parseInt(s.format(d));
		return i;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println(isDate("2009-07-27", "yyyy-MM-dd"));

	public static Integer getStateBeforeNow() {
		Date d = new Date();

		int day = d.getDate();
		if (day == 1) {
		} else {
			d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1);
		SimpleDateFormat s = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
		Integer i = Integer.parseInt(s.format(d));
		return i;

	public static String convertToBr(String content) {
		if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(content)) {
			content = content.replaceAll("\r\n", "<br />");

		return content;

	public static String fillString(String originalStr, String fillChar,
			int fillStrLen) {
		if (isEmpty(originalStr)) {
			originalStr = "";
		if (originalStr.length() > fillStrLen) {
			return originalStr;
		StringBuffer fillStr = new StringBuffer();
		for (int i = 0; i < fillStrLen - originalStr.length(); i++) {
		return fillStr.toString() + originalStr;

	public static boolean checkBigDecimal(String targetString) {
		BigDecimal tmp = null;
		try {
			tmp = new BigDecimal(targetString);
		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
		if (tmp != null) {
			return true;
		return false;

	public static Object sqlnullLimit(String source, int limit) {
		String result = "";

		if (source == null) {
			result = "";
		} else {
			result = source;

		if (result.length() > limit) {
			result = result.substring(0, limit);

		return result;

	public static boolean checkEmail(String mail) {
		String regex = "\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*";
		Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
		Matcher m = p.matcher(mail);
		return m.find();
	public static void getRandomString(StringBuffer str,int length) {		
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			int n = new Double(Math.random() * 26 + 65).intValue();
			str.append((char) n);
	public static void getRandomNumString(StringBuffer str,int length) {		
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			int n = new Double(Math.random() * 10).intValue();

	private void createRandomAllString(StringBuffer str,int length){
		  String[] code = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K"
		  Random rd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
		  for (int i=1;i<=length;i++){			 

    public static String addTowStr(String str1, String str2)
        if(isNumeric(str1) && isNumeric(str2))
            return new BigDecimal(str1).add(new BigDecimal(str2)).toString();
        return null;
	 * <p>Discription:[时间戳转字符 ]</p>
	 * @param timestamp 需要转换的时间戳
	 * @param formatStr 需要转换的格式[yyyy-MM-dd]
	 * @return string
	public static String TimestampToString(Timestamp timestamp,String formatStr)
		String strTimestamp=null;
		SimpleDateFormat df=new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr);
		try {
			strTimestamp = df.format(timestamp);	
		} catch (Exception e) {
		return strTimestamp;




    DateUtils.java 日期处理相关工具类

    * 文件名:DateUtils.java 日期处理相关工具类 * 版本信息:V1.0 * 日期:2013-03-11 * Copyright BDVCD Corporation 2013 * 版权所有 http://www.bdvcd.com */ public class DateUtils { /**定义常量**/ ...

    时间工具类 DateUtils

    `Lunar` 类可能提供了将公历日期转换为农历日期的方法,如`toLunar(Date solarDate)`,同时也可能支持农历到公历的转换。此外,它还可能包含获取农历节日或节气的方法。 需要注意的是,如果项目中不需要处理农历...




    例如,`DateUtils`提供的方法可以用于报表生成、日志记录、事件触发等方面,使得日期和时间的处理变得简单易行。 在`DateUtils.java`源文件中,你可以看到这些方法的具体实现,包括对Java内置`Date`类、`Calendar`...


    在Java编程中,DateUtils工具类是一个非常实用的辅助类,它封装了各种日期和时间处理的方法,大大简化了开发者在处理日期时的工作。这里我们深入探讨一下自定义的DateUtils工具类及其重要功能。 首先,`DateUtils`...


    - `TimeZone` 类用于处理不同时区的日期和时间,`DateUtils` 可能包含处理时区转换的方法。 9. **线程安全**: - 如果`DateUtils` 设计为线程安全,那么其所有方法都应考虑多线程环境下的并发访问。 10. **异常...


    * 把字符串转换为日期 * * @param dateStr * 日期字符串 * @param format * 日期格式 * @return Date */ public static Date strToDate(String dateStr, String format) { Date date = null; ...

    flex 学习项目中总结的时间处理工具类DateUtils

    1. **日期格式化**:在许多情况下,我们需要将日期转换为易于阅读的字符串格式。`formatDate`函数可能接受一个日期对象和一个格式字符串,如"yyyy-MM-dd",并返回对应的格式化日期。例如,`DateUtils.formatDate(new...




    Java 中的 DateUtils 工具类是 Java 语言中的一种常用工具类,用于处理日期和时间的转换。该工具类提供了多种日期和时间的转换方法,包括 String 转 Timestamp、String 转 Date、Date 转 String、Date 转 Timestamp ...



    PyPI 官网下载 | dateutils-0.6.11.tar.gz

    `dateutils` 是一个 Python 库,专门用于增强 Python 的日期和时间处理能力,它提供了许多实用的功能,使得开发者能够更高效地处理日期和时间数据。`dateutils-0.6.11.tar.gz` 是这个库的源码压缩包,可以在 PyPI...


    本文主要介绍了 Java 日期工具类 DateUtils 实例的实现和使用,涵盖了日期工具类的常用方法和变量,包括日期格式化、字符串转换、日期比较等。 日期工具类 DateUtils DateUtils 是一个 Java 日期工具类,提供了...


    根据压缩包内的文件名“DateUtils AIP.doc”,我们可以推断出这是一个关于日期工具类(DateUtils)的文档,可能详细介绍了如何使用这个工具进行日期和时间的处理,比如比较、格式化、转换等。AIP可能代表“日期智能...


    这个类提供了多种日期处理的方法,比如`parseDate(String dateStr, String pattern)`用于将字符串转换为日期,`formatDate(Date date, String pattern)`用于将日期转换为字符串,这两个方法都允许我们指定日期格式,...

    delphi、 sql 日期时间函数

    MSSQL提供了多种日期转换和操作函数: 1. `DATEADD()`: 此函数用于增加或减少日期的指定部分,如天、月、年等。例如,`DATEADD(day, 5, @myDate)`将`@myDate`增加5天。 2. `DATEDIFF()`: 计算两个日期之间的差值,...


    在这个"时间日期工具类(包含java8新特性).zip"压缩包中,我们有两个文件:DateUtil.java和DateUtils.java,它们很可能是自定义的工具类,用来扩展Java的标准日期处理功能。 首先,我们来看Java 8引入的新特性。在...


    有时我们需要将日期转换为时间戳(Unix时间戳)或反之,`DateUtils`可能包含`toTimestamp(Date date)`和`fromTimestamp(long timestamp)`这样的方法。 在实际开发中,`DateUtils`类通常作为工具类,以静态方法的...



    dateutils:漂亮的命令行日期和时间实用程序; Shell中的快速日期计算和转换

    这个工具对于系统管理员、程序员以及任何需要在命令行界面中处理时间数据的人来说都非常有用。让我们深入探讨 `dateutils` 的核心功能和应用场景。 1. **日期和时间操作**:`dateutils` 提供了一系列命令,如 `...

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