Channel 相当于一个管道,source写数据到channel中,sink从channel取数据。Channel有三类,memory,file,jdbc。memory速度最快,但是当机器宕机的时候数据会丢失,file数据不会丢失,jdbc速度最慢,一般选择fileChannel。
Source 中会调用ChannelProcessor的processEvent方法处理Log事件。对于每个channel都会获得一个Transaction, 然后调用tx.begin方法,put event 到channel,然后调用commit.如果有异常,调用transactoin的roll back方法,没有则调用tx.close()关闭transaction
public void processEvent(Event event) { event = interceptorChain.intercept(event); if (event == null) { return; } // Process required channels List<Channel> requiredChannels = selector.getRequiredChannels(event); for (Channel reqChannel : requiredChannels) { Transaction tx = reqChannel.getTransaction(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx, "Transaction object must not be null"); try { tx.begin(); reqChannel.put(event); tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable t) { tx.rollback(); if (t instanceof Error) { LOG.error("Error while writing to required channel: " + reqChannel, t); throw (Error) t; } else { throw new ChannelException("Unable to put event on required " + "channel: " + reqChannel, t); } } finally { if (tx != null) { tx.close(); } } } // Process optional channels List<Channel> optionalChannels = selector.getOptionalChannels(event); for (Channel optChannel : optionalChannels) { Transaction tx = null; try { tx = optChannel.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); optChannel.put(event); tx.commit(); } catch (Throwable t) { tx.rollback(); LOG.error("Unable to put event on optional channel: " + optChannel, t); if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) t; } } finally { if (tx != null) { tx.close(); } } } }
//创建了一个MemoryTransaction @Override protected BasicTransactionSemantics createTransaction() { return new MemoryTransaction(transCapacity, channelCounter); } @Override protected void doPut(Event event) throws InterruptedException { int eventByteSize = (int)Math.ceil(estimateEventSize(event)/byteCapacitySlotSize); if (bytesRemaining.tryAcquire(eventByteSize, keepAlive, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { putList.offer(event) putByteCounter += eventByteSize; } @Override protected Event doTake() throws InterruptedException { Event event; synchronized(queueLock) { event = queue.poll(); } takeList.put(event); return event; } @Override protected void doCommit() throws InterruptedException { int puts = putList.size(); int takes = takeList.size(); synchronized(queueLock) { if(puts > 0 ) { while(!putList.isEmpty()) { queue.offer(putList.removeFirst()) } } putList.clear(); takeList.clear(); } } @Override protected void doRollback() { int takes = takeList.size(); while(!takeList.isEmpty()) { queue.addFirst(takeList.removeLast()); putList.clear(); } }
FileChannel用来将数据存储到临时文件中。在createTransaction方法中创建了一个FileBackedTransaction对象,对于source,会调用doPut方法,doPut方法中会调用log.put方法,log.put方法主要是用来将event和transactionID包装成一个byteBuffer,写入到file中,返回fileID和offset. doTake方法会调用log.take方法,log.take方法主要用来将transactionID,fileID,offSet包装成一个byteBuffer写到log file中。rollback方法将transactionID包装成一个bytebuffer写到log file中。commit方法将transactionID和TransactionEventRecord.Type包装成 一个byteBuffer,写入到file中。log file位于dataDirs下,以“log-”为前缀.综上所述File channel类似于Memorychannel,但file channel把数据存储到文件中,并将每次的操作都记录下来。
@Override protected BasicTransactionSemantics createTransaction() { trans = new FileBackedTransaction(log,, transactionCapacity, keepAlive, queueRemaining, getName(), channelCounter); transactions.set(trans); return trans; } @Override protected void doPut(Event event) throws InterruptedException { boolean success = false; FlumeEventPointer ptr = log.put(transactionID, event); Preconditions.checkState(putList.offer(ptr), "putList offer failed " + channelNameDescriptor); } @Override protected Event doTake() throws InterruptedException { /* * 1. Take an event which is in the queue. * 2. If getting that event does not throw NoopRecordException, * then return it. * 3. Else try to retrieve the next event from the queue * 4. Repeat 2 and 3 until queue is empty or an event is returned. */ try { while (true) { FlumeEventPointer ptr = queue.removeHead(transactionID); if (ptr == null) { return null; } else { try { // first add to takeList so that if write to disk // fails rollback actually does it's work Preconditions.checkState(takeList.offer(ptr), "takeList offer failed " + channelNameDescriptor); log.take(transactionID, ptr); // write take to disk Event event = log.get(ptr); return event; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException("Take failed due to IO error " + channelNameDescriptor, e); } catch (NoopRecordException e) { takeList.remove(ptr); } } } @Override protected void doCommit() throws InterruptedException { int puts = putList.size(); int takes = takeList.size(); if(puts > 0) { log.commitPut(transactionID); synchronized (queue) { while(!putList.isEmpty()) { queue.addTail(putList.removeFirst()) } } else if (takes > 0) { log.commitTake(transactionID); queue.completeTransaction(transactionID); } putList.clear(); takeList.clear(); } @Override protected void doRollback() throws InterruptedException { int puts = putList.size(); int takes = takeList.size(); if(takes > 0) { while (!takeList.isEmpty()) { Preconditions.checkState(queue.addHead(takeList.removeLast()), "Queue add failed, this shouldn't be able to happen " + channelNameDescriptor); } } putList.clear(); takeList.clear(); queue.completeTransaction(transactionID); log.rollback(transactionID); }
每隔一段时间,File Channel都会do checkpoint。
FlumeEventQueue{ synchronized boolean checkpoint(boolean force) { if (!elements.syncRequired() && !force) { LOG.debug("Checkpoint not required"); return false; } // Start checkpoint elementsBuffer.put(INDEX_CHECKPOINT_MARKER, CHECKPOINT_INCOMPLETE); //插入header信息,包括queue的header位置,queue的size updateHeaders(); //将 文件的Id和文件的个数写入buffre中 List<Long> fileIdAndCountEncoded = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Integer fileId : fileIDCounts.keySet()) { Integer count = fileIDCounts.get(fileId).get(); long value = encodeActiveLogCounter(fileId, count); fileIdAndCountEncoded.add(value); } int emptySlots = MAX_ACTIVE_LOGS - fileIdAndCountEncoded.size(); for (int i = 0; i < emptySlots; i++) { fileIdAndCountEncoded.add(0L); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ACTIVE_LOGS; i++) { elementsBuffer.put(i + INDEX_ACTIVE_LOG, fileIdAndCountEncoded.get(i)); } //将elements中的对象sync到elementsBuffer中,elements中存储了fileId以及transcation的offset elements.sync(); // Finish checkpoint elementsBuffer.put(INDEX_CHECKPOINT_MARKER, CHECKPOINT_COMPLETE); //将数据同步到device mappedBuffer.force(); return true; } }
class LogFile { //将当前位置写入到文件中 synchronized void markCheckpoint(long timestamp) throws IOException { long currentPosition = writeFileChannel.position();; writeFileHandle.writeLong(currentPosition); writeFileHandle.writeLong(timestamp); writeFileChannel.position(currentPosition);"Noted checkpoint for file: " + file + ", id: " + fileID + ", checkpoint position: " + currentPosition); } }在flume crash后,flume会replay恢复到crash之前的状态
void replay() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(!open, "Cannot replay after Log has been opened"); checkpointWriterLock.lock(); try { /* * First we are going to look through the data directories * and find all log files. We will store the highest file id * (at the end of the filename) we find and use that when we * create additional log files. * * Also store up the list of files so we can replay them later. */"Replay started"); nextFileID.set(0); List<File> dataFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); for (File logDir : logDirs) { for (File file : LogUtils.getLogs(logDir)) { int id = LogUtils.getIDForFile(file); dataFiles.add(file); nextFileID.set(Math.max(nextFileID.get(), id)); idLogFileMap.put(id, new LogFile.RandomReader(new File(logDir, PREFIX + id))); } }"Found NextFileID " + nextFileID + ", from " + Arrays.toString(logDirs)); /* * sort the data files by file id so we can replay them by file id * which should approximately give us sequential events */ LogUtils.sort(dataFiles); /* * Read the checkpoint (in memory queue) from one of two alternating * locations. We will read the last one written to disk. */ queue = new FlumeEventQueue(queueCapacity, new File(checkpointDir, "checkpoint"), channelName); long ts = queue.getTimestamp();"Last Checkpoint " + new Date(ts) + ", queue depth = " + queue.getSize()); /* * We now have everything we need to actually replay the log files * the queue, the timestamp the queue was written to disk, and * the list of data files. */ ReplayHandler replayHandler = new ReplayHandler(queue); replayHandler.replayLog(dataFiles); for (int index = 0; index < logDirs.length; index++) {"Rolling " + logDirs[index]); roll(index); } /* * Now that we have replayed, write the current queue to disk */ writeCheckpoint(true); open = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to initialize Log on " + channelNameDescriptor, ex); if (ex instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) ex; } Throwables.propagate(ex); } finally { checkpointWriterLock.unlock(); } }
- **可靠性**:通过使用可配置的持久化Channels(如File Channel),Flume可以在网络故障或节点故障后恢复未完成的传输,确保数据完整性。 - **灵活性**:Flume支持多种数据源和目标,可以通过配置轻松地扩展和...
Apache Flume 是一个分布式、可靠且可用的服务,用于有效地收集、聚合和移动大量日志数据。在大数据领域,它常被用于收集来自不...通过其灵活的架构和丰富的功能,Flume使得日志数据的管理和分析变得更加简单和高效。
通过分析这个源码,你不仅可以了解 Flume 的内部工作机制,还可以学习如何扩展 Flume 来支持新的数据源、通道或接收器,或者优化 Flume 的性能和稳定性。同时,对于希望深入了解大数据处理和日志管理的人来说,研究...
在Flume配置文件(如`conf/flume.conf`)中,我们需要定义一个Agent,并指定其Source、Channel和Sink。对于Elasticsearch Sink,配置示例如下: ``` agent.sources = source1 agent.channels = channel1 agent....
Flume NG的核心概念主要包括源(Source)、通道(Channel)和接收器(Sink)。源负责从各种数据源(如网络套接字、日志文件、Web服务器等)收集数据;通道则作为一个临时存储,确保数据在传输过程中的可靠性,它具有...
此外,源码分析对于解决实际部署中遇到的问题、优化性能或实现更高级的集成场景都非常有价值。 总结来说,`apache-flume-1.8.0-src.tar.gz`是一个包含Flume 1.8.0版本完整源代码的压缩包,它为开发者提供了深入了解...
20-Flume副本机制channel选择器-需求分析.avi 21-Flume副本机制channel选择器-配置信息.avi 22-Flume副本机制channel选择器-案例测试.avi 25-Flume负载均衡案例-案例实操.avi 27-Flume聚合案例-案例实操.avi 29-...
##### 源码分析 - Channel - Transaction Channel 在 Flume NG 架构中扮演着数据缓冲的角色,它支持事务处理以确保数据的一致性和完整性。当数据从 Source 发送到 Channel 时,会触发事务处理过程。 ##### 源码...
通过分析 Apache Flume 1.7.0 的源码,开发者可以深入了解其内部工作流程,优化性能,解决实际问题,并为构建自己的数据采集和传输解决方案打下坚实基础。同时,对于大数据领域的研究者,源码也是深入研究数据处理...
"flume-1.9.0.tgz" 是 Flume 的一个版本压缩包,包含了该版本的所有源码、库文件和必要的配置文档。 **Flume 的基本概念和架构** Flume 主要由三个核心组件构成:Sources、Channels 和 Sinks。Sources 负责接收...
Flume是Apache开发的一款用于收集、聚合和移动大量日志数据的工具,而Elasticsearch则是一个分布式、实时的搜索与分析引擎,广泛用于大数据的存储、检索和分析。本篇文章将详细探讨如何将Flume 1.8.0版本与Elastic...
Flume 包括源(Source)、通道(Channel)和接收器(Sink)。源负责从数据源获取数据,通道存储这些数据,而接收器则将数据发送到目的地。在这个场景中,Flume 源将连接到数据库,通道会临时存储从 DB 获取的数据,...
2. **提取关键组件**:从Flume源码包中提取关键的Java类,这些类位于`apache-flume-1.8.0-src/flume-ng-sinks/flume-hdfs-sink/src/main/java/org/apache/flume/sink/hdfs/`目录下,主要包括`BucketWriter`和`...
- 扩展性和可插拔架构:分析 Flume 如何支持自定义 Source、Sink 和 Channel 的开发。 源代码阅读可以提供对 Flume 工作原理的深刻理解,这对于优化 Flume 配置、排查问题或开发自定义组件都非常有价值。如果你想要...
Flume 是 Apache Hadoop 生态系统中的一个分布式、可靠且可用于有效收集、聚合和移动大量日志数据的...这样,你可以轻松地管理和分析大量的日志数据,尤其是在分布式环境中,Flume 提供了一种高效且可扩展的解决方案。
为了编译Flume源码,打开命令行,导航至Flume源码根目录,然后运行`mvn clean install`命令。这个过程会下载所有依赖库,编译源代码,并将编译后的JAR文件放置到`target`目录下。如果编译过程中没有错误,这意味着源...
Apache Flume 是一个高度可配置、可靠且分布式的数据采集系统,常用于收集、聚合和移动大量日志数据。...通过对源码的研究和实践,我们可以深入理解 Flume 的工作原理,以及如何根据具体需求定制和优化数据采集流程。