  • 浏览: 1627944 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海





Java代码 复制代码 收藏代码
  1. public class GetProcessor implements RequestProcessor<GetCommand> { 
  2.     public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetProcessor.class); 
  4.     private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor; 
  6.     private final CommandProcessor processor; 
  8.     public GetProcessor(final CommandProcessor processor, final ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { 
  9.         this.processor = processor; 
  10.         this.executor = executor; 
  11.     } 
  13.     @Override 
  14.     public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() { 
  15.         return this.executor; 
  16.     } 
  18.     @Override 
  19.     public void handleRequest(final GetCommand request, final Connection conn) { 
  20.         // Processor并没有处理具体的业务逻辑,而是将业务逻辑交给CommandProcessor的processGetCommand()进行处理,Processor只是将处理结果简单的返回给客户端 
  21. final ResponseCommand response = this.processor.processGetCommand(request, SessionContextHolder.getOrCreateSessionContext(conn, null)); 
  22.         if (response != null) { 
  23.             RemotingUtils.response(conn, response); 
  24.         } 
  25.     } 
public class GetProcessor implements RequestProcessor<GetCommand> {	public static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetProcessor.class);	private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor;	private final CommandProcessor processor;	public GetProcessor(final CommandProcessor processor, final ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {		this.processor = processor;		this.executor = executor;	}	@Override	public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {		return this.executor;	}	@Override	public void handleRequest(final GetCommand request, final Connection conn) {		// Processor并没有处理具体的业务逻辑,而是将业务逻辑交给CommandProcessor的processGetCommand()进行处理,Processor只是将处理结果简单的返回给客户端final ResponseCommand response = this.processor.processGetCommand(request, SessionContextHolder.getOrCreateSessionContext(conn, null));		if (response != null) {			RemotingUtils.response(conn, response);		}	}}



Java代码 复制代码 收藏代码
  1. public interface CommandProcessor extends Service { 
  2.     //处理Put命令,结果通过PutCallback的回调返回 
  3.     public void processPutCommand(final PutCommand request, final SessionContext sessionContext, final PutCallback cb) throws Exception; 
  4.      //处理Get命令 
  5.     public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx); 
  7.     /**
  8.      * Under conditions that cannot use notify-remoting directly.
  9.      */ 
  10.      //处理Get命令,并根据条件zeroCopy是否使用zeroCopy 
  11.     public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx, final boolean zeroCopy); 
  12.     //处理查询最近可用offset位置请求 
  13.     public ResponseCommand processOffsetCommand(OffsetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx); 
  14.     //处理退出请求 
  15.     public void processQuitCommand(QuitCommand request, final SessionContext ctx); 
  17.     public ResponseCommand processVesionCommand(VersionCommand request, final SessionContext ctx); 
  18.     //处理统计请求 
  19.     public ResponseCommand processStatCommand(StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx); 
  20.     //下面主要定义与事务相关的方法,暂时先不介绍 
  21.     public void removeTransaction(final XATransactionId xid); 
  23.     public Transaction getTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws MetamorphosisException, XAException; 
  25.     public void forgetTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception; 
  27.     public void rollbackTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception; 
  29.     public void commitTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid, final boolean onePhase) throws Exception; 
  31.     public int prepareTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception; 
  33.     public void beginTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid, final int seconds) throws Exception; 
  35.     public TransactionId[] getPreparedTransactions(final SessionContext context, String uniqueQualifier) throws Exception; 
public interface CommandProcessor extends Service {    //处理Put命令,结果通过PutCallback的回调返回	public void processPutCommand(final PutCommand request, final SessionContext sessionContext, final PutCallback cb) throws Exception;     //处理Get命令	public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx);	/**	 * Under conditions that cannot use notify-remoting directly.	 */     //处理Get命令,并根据条件zeroCopy是否使用zeroCopy	public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx, final boolean zeroCopy);    //处理查询最近可用offset位置请求	public ResponseCommand processOffsetCommand(OffsetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx);    //处理退出请求	public void processQuitCommand(QuitCommand request, final SessionContext ctx);   	public ResponseCommand processVesionCommand(VersionCommand request, final SessionContext ctx);    //处理统计请求	public ResponseCommand processStatCommand(StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx);    //下面主要定义与事务相关的方法,暂时先不介绍	public void removeTransaction(final XATransactionId xid);	public Transaction getTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws MetamorphosisException, XAException;	public void forgetTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception;	public void rollbackTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception;	public void commitTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid, final boolean onePhase) throws Exception;	public int prepareTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid) throws Exception;	public void beginTransaction(final SessionContext context, final TransactionId xid, final int seconds) throws Exception;	public TransactionId[] getPreparedTransactions(final SessionContext context, String uniqueQualifier) throws Exception;}




Java代码 复制代码 收藏代码
  1. //Put请求的业务逻辑处理 
  2. @Override 
  3. public void processPutCommand(final PutCommand request, final SessionContext sessionContext, final PutCallback cb) { 
  4.         final String partitionString = this.metaConfig.getBrokerId() + "-" + request.getPartition(); 
  5. //统计计算 
  6.         this.statsManager.statsPut(request.getTopic(), partitionString, 1); 
  7.         this.statsManager.statsMessageSize(request.getTopic(), request.getData().length); 
  8.         int partition = -1; 
  9.         try { 
  10. //如果对应存储的分区已经关闭,则拒绝该消息 
  11.             if (this.metaConfig.isClosedPartition(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition())) { 
  12.                 log.warn("Can not put message to partition " + request.getPartition() + " for topic=" + request.getTopic() + ",it was closed"); 
  13.                 if (cb != null) { 
  14.                     cb.putComplete(new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Forbidden, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition()) + "Detail:partition[" + partitionString + "] has been closed", request.getOpaque())); 
  15.                 } 
  16.                 return; 
  17.             } 
  19.             partition = this.getPartition(request); 
  20. //获取对应Topic分区的MessageStore实例 
  21.             final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getOrCreateMessageStore(request.getTopic(), partition); 
  22.             // 如果是动态添加的topic,需要注册到zk 
  23. //就到目前为止,我着实没想明白下面这句代码的用途是什么?  
  24. //如果topic没有在该Broker的配置中配置,在MessageStoreManager中的isLegalTopic()方法中检查就通不过而抛出异常,那么下面这句代码怎么样都不会被执行,而Client要向Broker发送消息,一定要先发布topic,保证topic在zk发布;  
  25.             this.brokerZooKeeper.registerTopicInZk(request.getTopic(), false); 
  26.             // 设置唯一id 
  27.             final long messageId = this.idWorker.nextId(); 
  28.             //存储消息,之前的文章介绍过Broker的存储使用回调的方式,易于异步的实现,代码简单不分析 
  29. store.append(messageId, request, new StoreAppendCallback(partition, partitionString, request, messageId, cb)); 
  30.         } catch (final Exception e) { 
  31. //发生异常,统计计算回滚 
  32.             this.statsManager.statsPutFailed(request.getTopic(), partitionString, 1); 
  33.             log.error("Put message failed", e); 
  34.             if (cb != null) { 
  35. //返回结果 
  36.                 cb.putComplete(new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), partition) + "Detail:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque())); 
  37.             } 
  38.         } 
  39.     } 
  41. @Override 
  42. // GET请求的业务逻辑处理 
  43. public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(final GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  44. //默认为zeroCopy 
  45.         return this.processGetCommand(request, ctx, true); 
  46.     } 
  48.     @Override 
  49.     public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(final GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx, final boolean zeroCopy) { 
  50. //获取查询信息 
  51.         final String group = request.getGroup(); 
  52.         final String topic = request.getTopic(); 
  53. //统计计数(请求数统计) 
  54.         this.statsManager.statsGet(topic, group, 1); 
  56.         // 如果分区被关闭,禁止读数据 --wuhua 
  57.         if (this.metaConfig.isClosedPartition(topic, request.getPartition())) { 
  58.             log.warn("can not get message for topic=" + topic + " from partition " + request.getPartition() + ",it closed,"); 
  59.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Forbidden, "Partition[" + this.metaConfig.getBrokerId() + "-" + request.getPartition() + "] has been closed", request.getOpaque()); 
  60.         } 
  61. //获取topic对应分区的MessageStore实例,如果实例不存在,则返回NotFound 
  62.         final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getMessageStore(topic, request.getPartition()); 
  63.         if (store == null) { 
  64. //统计计数 
  65.             this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1); 
  66.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "The topic `" + topic + "` in partition `" + request.getPartition() + "` is not exists", request.getOpaque()); 
  67.         } 
  68. //如果请求的起始位置<0,判定该请求无效 
  69.         if (request.getMaxSize() <= 0) { 
  70.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.BadRequest, "Bad request,invalid max size:" + request.getMaxSize(), request.getOpaque()); 
  71.         } 
  72.         try { 
  73. //读取由request.getOffset()开始的消息集合 
  74.             final MessageSet set = store.slice(request.getOffset(), Math.min(this.metaConfig.getMaxTransferSize(), request.getMaxSize())); 
  75. //如果当前消息集不为空 
  76.             if (set != null) { 
  77. //判断是否zeroCopy,如果是zeroCopy,则直接写;如果不是,则将消息集包装成DataCommand,这也就是前面为什么说DataCommand要实现encode()方法的缘故 
  78.                 if (zeroCopy) { 
  79.                     set.write(request, ctx); 
  80.                     return null; 
  81.                 } else { 
  82.                     // refer to the code of line 440 in MessageStore 
  83.                     // create two copies of byte array including the byteBuffer 
  84.                     // and new bytes 
  85.                     // this may not a good use case of Buffer 
  86.                     final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.min(this.metaConfig.getMaxTransferSize(), request.getMaxSize())); 
  87.                     set.read(byteBuffer); 
  88.                     byteBuffer.flip(); 
  89.                     final byte[] bytes = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()]; 
  90.                     byteBuffer.get(bytes); 
  91.                     return new DataCommand(bytes, request.getOpaque()); 
  92.                 } 
  93.             } else { 
  94. //如果为空消息集,则认为请求无效 
  95. //统计计数 
  96.                 this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1); 
  97.                 this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1); 
  99.                 // 当请求的偏移量大于实际最大值时,返回给客户端实际最大的偏移量. 
  100.                 final long maxOffset = store.getMaxOffset(); 
  101.                 final long requestOffset = request.getOffset(); 
  102.                 if (requestOffset > maxOffset && (this.metaConfig.isUpdateConsumerOffsets() || requestOffset == Long.MAX_VALUE)) { 
  103.                     log.info("offset[" + requestOffset + "] is exceeded,tell the client real max offset: " + maxOffset + ",topic=" + topic + ",group=" + group); 
  104.                     this.statsManager.statsOffset(topic, group, 1); 
  105.                     return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Moved, String.valueOf(maxOffset), request.getOpaque()); 
  106.                 } else { 
  107.                     return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "Could not find message at position " + requestOffset, request.getOpaque()); 
  108.                 } 
  109.             } 
  110.         } catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { 
  111.             log.error("Could not get message from position " + request.getOffset() + ",it is out of bounds,topic=" + topic); 
  112.             // 告知最近可用的offset 
  113.             this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1); 
  114.             this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1); 
  115.             final long validOffset = store.getNearestOffset(request.getOffset()); 
  116.             this.statsManager.statsOffset(topic, group, 1); 
  117.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Moved, String.valueOf(validOffset), request.getOpaque()); 
  118.         } catch (final Throwable e) { 
  119.             log.error("Could not get message from position " + request.getOffset(), e); 
  120.             this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1); 
  121.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition()) + "Detail:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque()); 
  122.         } 
  123.     } 
  125. //查询最近可用offset请求的业务逻辑处理 
  126. @Override 
  127.     public ResponseCommand processOffsetCommand(final OffsetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  128. //统计计数 
  129.         this.statsManager.statsOffset(request.getTopic(), request.getGroup(), 1); 
  130. //获取topic对应分区的MessageStore实例 
  131.         final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getMessageStore(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition()); 
  132. //如果为空,则返回未找到 
  133.         if (store == null) { 
  134.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "The topic `" + request.getTopic() + "` in partition `" + request.getPartition() + "` is not exists", request.getOpaque()); 
  135.         } 
  136.         //获取topic对应分区最近可用的offset 
  137. final long offset = store.getNearestOffset(request.getOffset()); 
  138.         return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, String.valueOf(offset), request.getOpaque()); 
  139.     } 
  141. //退出请求业务逻辑处理 
  142.     @Override 
  143.     public void processQuitCommand(final QuitCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  144.         try { 
  145.             if (ctx.getConnection() != null) { 
  146.                 //关闭与客户端的连接 
  147.                 ctx.getConnection().close(false); 
  148.             } 
  149.         } catch (final NotifyRemotingException e) { 
  150.             // ignore 
  151.         } 
  152.     } 
  154. //版本查询请求业务逻辑处理 
  155. @Override 
  156.     public ResponseCommand processVesionCommand(final VersionCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  157. //返回当前Broker版本 
  158.         return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, BuildProperties.VERSION, request.getOpaque()); 
  159.     } 
  161. //统计请求查询业务逻辑处理 
  162.     @Override 
  163.     public ResponseCommand processStatCommand(final StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  164. //判断类型,如果类型以config 开头,则传输整个配置文件 
  165.         final String item = request.getItem(); 
  166.         if ("config".equals(item)) { 
  167.             return this.processStatsConfig(request, ctx); 
  168.         } else { 
  169. //如果是获取统计结果,则从统计模块获取响应结果并返回给客户端 
  170.             final String statsInfo = this.statsManager.getStatsInfo(item); 
  171.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, statsInfo, request.getOpaque()); 
  172.         } 
  173.     } 
  175.     //获取配置文件内容,使用zeroCopy将文件内容发送到客户端,构造的响应用BooleanCommand 
  176. @SuppressWarnings("resource") 
  177.     private ResponseCommand processStatsConfig(final StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) { 
  178.         try { 
  179.             final FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream(this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath()).getChannel(); 
  180.             // result code length opaque\r\n 
  181.             IoBuffer buf = IoBuffer.allocate(11 + 3 + ByteUtils.stringSize(fc.size()) + ByteUtils.stringSize(request.getOpaque())); 
  182.             ByteUtils.setArguments(buf, MetaEncodeCommand.RESULT_CMD, HttpStatus.Success, fc.size(), request.getOpaque()); 
  183.             buf.flip(); 
  184.             ctx.getConnection().transferFrom(buf, null, fc, 0, fc.size(), request.getOpaque(), 
  185.                     new SingleRequestCallBackListener() { 
  186.                         @Override 
  187.                         public void onResponse(ResponseCommand responseCommand, Connection conn) { 
  188.                             this.closeChannel(); 
  189.                         } 
  191.                         @Override 
  192.                         public void onException(Exception e) { 
  193.                             this.closeChannel(); 
  194.                         } 
  196.                         private void closeChannel() { 
  197.                             try { 
  198.                                 fc.close(); 
  199.                             } catch (IOException e) { 
  200.                                 log.error("IOException while stats config", e); 
  201.                             } 
  202.                         } 
  204.                         @Override 
  205.                         public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() { 
  206.                             return null; 
  207.                         } 
  208.                     }, 5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 
  209.         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
  210.             log.error("Config file not found:" + this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath(), e); 
  211.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, "Config file not found:" + this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath(), request.getOpaque()); 
  212.         } catch (IOException e) { 
  213.             log.error("IOException while stats config", e); 
  214.             return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, "Read config file error:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque()); 
  215.         } catch (NotifyRemotingException e) { 
  216.             log.error("NotifyRemotingException while stats config", e); 
  217.         } 
  218.         return null; 
  219.     } 
//Put请求的业务逻辑处理@Overridepublic void processPutCommand(final PutCommand request, final SessionContext sessionContext, final PutCallback cb) {		final String partitionString = this.metaConfig.getBrokerId() + "-" + request.getPartition();//统计计算		this.statsManager.statsPut(request.getTopic(), partitionString, 1);		this.statsManager.statsMessageSize(request.getTopic(), request.getData().length);		int partition = -1;		try {//如果对应存储的分区已经关闭,则拒绝该消息			if (this.metaConfig.isClosedPartition(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition())) {				log.warn("Can not put message to partition " + request.getPartition() + " for topic=" + request.getTopic() + ",it was closed");				if (cb != null) {					cb.putComplete(new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Forbidden, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition()) + "Detail:partition[" + partitionString + "] has been closed", request.getOpaque()));				}				return;			}			partition = this.getPartition(request);//获取对应Topic分区的MessageStore实例			final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getOrCreateMessageStore(request.getTopic(), partition);			// 如果是动态添加的topic,需要注册到zk//就到目前为止,我着实没想明白下面这句代码的用途是什么? //如果topic没有在该Broker的配置中配置,在MessageStoreManager中的isLegalTopic()方法中检查就通不过而抛出异常,那么下面这句代码怎么样都不会被执行,而Client要向Broker发送消息,一定要先发布topic,保证topic在zk发布; 			this.brokerZooKeeper.registerTopicInZk(request.getTopic(), false);			// 设置唯一id			final long messageId = this.idWorker.nextId();			//存储消息,之前的文章介绍过Broker的存储使用回调的方式,易于异步的实现,代码简单不分析store.append(messageId, request, new StoreAppendCallback(partition, partitionString, request, messageId, cb));		} catch (final Exception e) {//发生异常,统计计算回滚			this.statsManager.statsPutFailed(request.getTopic(), partitionString, 1);			log.error("Put message failed", e);			if (cb != null) {//返回结果				cb.putComplete(new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), partition) + "Detail:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque()));			}		}	}@Override// GET请求的业务逻辑处理public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(final GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {//默认为zeroCopy		return this.processGetCommand(request, ctx, true);	}	@Override	public ResponseCommand processGetCommand(final GetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx, final boolean zeroCopy) {//获取查询信息		final String group = request.getGroup();		final String topic = request.getTopic();//统计计数(请求数统计)		this.statsManager.statsGet(topic, group, 1);		// 如果分区被关闭,禁止读数据 --wuhua		if (this.metaConfig.isClosedPartition(topic, request.getPartition())) {			log.warn("can not get message for topic=" + topic + " from partition " + request.getPartition() + ",it closed,");			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Forbidden, "Partition[" + this.metaConfig.getBrokerId() + "-" + request.getPartition() + "] has been closed", request.getOpaque());		}//获取topic对应分区的MessageStore实例,如果实例不存在,则返回NotFound		final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getMessageStore(topic, request.getPartition());		if (store == null) {//统计计数			this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "The topic `" + topic + "` in partition `" + request.getPartition() + "` is not exists", request.getOpaque());		}//如果请求的起始位置<0,判定该请求无效		if (request.getMaxSize() <= 0) {			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.BadRequest, "Bad request,invalid max size:" + request.getMaxSize(), request.getOpaque());		}		try {//读取由request.getOffset()开始的消息集合			final MessageSet set = store.slice(request.getOffset(), Math.min(this.metaConfig.getMaxTransferSize(), request.getMaxSize()));//如果当前消息集不为空			if (set != null) {//判断是否zeroCopy,如果是zeroCopy,则直接写;如果不是,则将消息集包装成DataCommand,这也就是前面为什么说DataCommand要实现encode()方法的缘故				if (zeroCopy) {					set.write(request, ctx);					return null;				} else {					// refer to the code of line 440 in MessageStore					// create two copies of byte array including the byteBuffer					// and new bytes					// this may not a good use case of Buffer					final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.min(this.metaConfig.getMaxTransferSize(), request.getMaxSize()));					set.read(byteBuffer);					byteBuffer.flip();					final byte[] bytes = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];					byteBuffer.get(bytes);					return new DataCommand(bytes, request.getOpaque());				}			} else {//如果为空消息集,则认为请求无效//统计计数				this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1);				this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1);				// 当请求的偏移量大于实际最大值时,返回给客户端实际最大的偏移量.				final long maxOffset = store.getMaxOffset();				final long requestOffset = request.getOffset();				if (requestOffset > maxOffset && (this.metaConfig.isUpdateConsumerOffsets() || requestOffset == Long.MAX_VALUE)) {					log.info("offset[" + requestOffset + "] is exceeded,tell the client real max offset: " + maxOffset + ",topic=" + topic + ",group=" + group);					this.statsManager.statsOffset(topic, group, 1);					return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Moved, String.valueOf(maxOffset), request.getOpaque());				} else {					return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "Could not find message at position " + requestOffset, request.getOpaque());				}			}		} catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {			log.error("Could not get message from position " + request.getOffset() + ",it is out of bounds,topic=" + topic);			// 告知最近可用的offset			this.statsManager.statsGetMiss(topic, group, 1);			this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1);			final long validOffset = store.getNearestOffset(request.getOffset());			this.statsManager.statsOffset(topic, group, 1);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Moved, String.valueOf(validOffset), request.getOpaque());		} catch (final Throwable e) {			log.error("Could not get message from position " + request.getOffset(), e);			this.statsManager.statsGetFailed(topic, group, 1);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, this.genErrorMessage(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition()) + "Detail:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque());		}	}//查询最近可用offset请求的业务逻辑处理@Override	public ResponseCommand processOffsetCommand(final OffsetCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {//统计计数		this.statsManager.statsOffset(request.getTopic(), request.getGroup(), 1);//获取topic对应分区的MessageStore实例		final MessageStore store = this.storeManager.getMessageStore(request.getTopic(), request.getPartition());//如果为空,则返回未找到		if (store == null) {			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.NotFound, "The topic `" + request.getTopic() + "` in partition `" + request.getPartition() + "` is not exists", request.getOpaque());		}		//获取topic对应分区最近可用的offsetfinal long offset = store.getNearestOffset(request.getOffset());		return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, String.valueOf(offset), request.getOpaque());	}//退出请求业务逻辑处理	@Override	public void processQuitCommand(final QuitCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {		try {			if (ctx.getConnection() != null) {				//关闭与客户端的连接				ctx.getConnection().close(false);			}		} catch (final NotifyRemotingException e) {			// ignore		}	}//版本查询请求业务逻辑处理@Override	public ResponseCommand processVesionCommand(final VersionCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {//返回当前Broker版本		return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, BuildProperties.VERSION, request.getOpaque());	}//统计请求查询业务逻辑处理	@Override	public ResponseCommand processStatCommand(final StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {//判断类型,如果类型以config 开头,则传输整个配置文件		final String item = request.getItem();		if ("config".equals(item)) {			return this.processStatsConfig(request, ctx);		} else {//如果是获取统计结果,则从统计模块获取响应结果并返回给客户端			final String statsInfo = this.statsManager.getStatsInfo(item);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.Success, statsInfo, request.getOpaque());		}	}	//获取配置文件内容,使用zeroCopy将文件内容发送到客户端,构造的响应用BooleanCommand@SuppressWarnings("resource")	private ResponseCommand processStatsConfig(final StatsCommand request, final SessionContext ctx) {		try {			final FileChannel fc = new FileInputStream(this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath()).getChannel();			// result code length opaque\r\n			IoBuffer buf = IoBuffer.allocate(11 + 3 + ByteUtils.stringSize(fc.size()) + ByteUtils.stringSize(request.getOpaque()));			ByteUtils.setArguments(buf, MetaEncodeCommand.RESULT_CMD, HttpStatus.Success, fc.size(), request.getOpaque());			buf.flip();			ctx.getConnection().transferFrom(buf, null, fc, 0, fc.size(), request.getOpaque(),					new SingleRequestCallBackListener() {						@Override						public void onResponse(ResponseCommand responseCommand, Connection conn) {							this.closeChannel();						}						@Override						public void onException(Exception e) {							this.closeChannel();						}						private void closeChannel() {							try {								fc.close();							} catch (IOException e) {								log.error("IOException while stats config", e);							}						}						@Override						public ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor() {							return null;						}					}, 5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {			log.error("Config file not found:" + this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath(), e);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, "Config file not found:" + this.metaConfig.getConfigFilePath(), request.getOpaque());		} catch (IOException e) {			log.error("IOException while stats config", e);			return new BooleanCommand(HttpStatus.InternalServerError, "Read config file error:" + e.getMessage(), request.getOpaque());		} catch (NotifyRemotingException e) {			log.error("NotifyRemotingException while stats config", e);		}		return null;	}





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